gimpwithacamera's Recent Posts
The only problem I have with my colony 2 Is the lack of the people walking around like they had in the first one. Sadly my streets are always barren there's never anyone in the streets it's that by design or is there something going on that I'm missing?
Every time I try to build the ore drill It never gets built. Sometimes if I've saved the game and come back where I wanted it to be built there's like a ghost of what was supposed to be there but it doesn't do anything. If anyone could help please let me know.
I can't seem to get the ore drill to work. The builder bots won't even build it. Idea of a solution?
I have lost 10 colonies due to corruption of files, some in region and others in single cities. They never work again.
I'm still losing all resources when I log back into my region?
Member Since
November 10th, 2018