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Trash and Waste Management


+Generated by colonists
+Can be recycled into plastic
+Start game with 5000 storage
Trash Management

+Needs 500000 Atmosphere

+Holds 1,000 trash
-50 trash
Recycling Plant
+Turns 5 trash into 1 plastic and 1 aluminum
+10 workers
-10K ore
-5K steel
-1K plastic
-1K aluminum
-1K gold
-1K microchips
~Needs Trash Management research

Go Pittsburgh Penguins!!
because we have very big Colonys, we need a advanced method, that makes it way faster. The recycling plant could turn 5trash into one plastic in 100 ticks, the recycling park could turn 1000 trash in 100 plastic in 10 ticks, but would be way bigger(10x10) and would cost very much. (aa, aluminium, uranium, triantanium).
Its me Lego.
This would be a really cool feature, and it would be a new kind of resource that you have limited storage for and have to get rid of. There has to be implemented some kind of consequence for overfilling your trash storage, most likely colonist unhappiness.

You should also be able to ship it to United Earth for a fee
Yeah, the picture (courtesy of Toddy) and info are Stage 1, and like Ottoich said, I'm working on a stage 2. I tried to add a poll, but it wouldnt let me, so we may have to have a manual poll

Go Pittsburgh Penguins!!
I like the idea of Trash, with excess causing unhappiness. I think I will add it to an upcoming update.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I like it. But I also think that it shouldn't cause too much unhappiness.
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
Could also be a "Top Citizen Concern".
P.S. Thank you @Bastecklein for considering this!! I hope its in an update really soon!

Go Pittsburgh Penguins!!
I really like the picture and can really see it being implemented
It could also be a by-product from regular production like (nuclear) waste from nuclear power plants
This makes sense to have this added to the game with it being a Colony Sim and all.

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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