On the Web version of My Colony, the Facebook login button has now been replaced by an Ape Apps Account login button. Logging in gives you something like this:
Keep in mind you may have to do a hard-reload for everything to work correctly.
As of this moment, the only thing it does for you is unlock your premium upgrade if you have already added your .amk file to your Ape Apps Account. So if you have uploaded it, you will no longer need to use your key file when playing on the Web version any more. Soon, if you are logged in on both Web and Android (for instance), it will automatically carry your premium upgrade from one device to the other, so I will no longer have to deal with all of the daily "i need my amk file" emails anymore!
The account integration will be expanded over the coming weeks, leading up to v0.53.0 where it will be coming to all platforms. v0.53.0 will also tie all online colonies to your account, and introduce a revamped my-colony.com website where you can log into your Ape Apps account and do some management of your linked colonies and commonwealths right from within your browser.
Additionally, v0.53.0 is bringing in-game commonwealth chat to the game. Each commonwealth will be getting it's own chat room. It will be powered by the same chat that the website uses and will be coming to all platforms. I am also adding optional email notifications and perhaps push notifications for events like new colonies joining your commonwealth or when you get an in-game message.
There is also a brand new achievements and ranking system coming, also tied to your account. I am also looking into ways to tie the game more closely into the forum here, letting you display achievements or things you got in-game onto your profile.
Anyway, these are just the first things coming along with the new unified account system. There will be more goodies added based on feedback. So stay tuned!