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[MOD] The Expanse themed mod - v0.1

I'm sure there are one or 2 Expanseheads who play this game (i am one) so i thought with the expanse universe being very company and resource based that it would fit well as a mod on My Colony, so i have started creating a mod for it.

I will be adding new updates as and when with no specific deadlines and i will change the topic header to the revised version each time i add new stuff.

If you watch or read this universe please feel free to give me some ideas as of what to reskin next and how you think it should look or which faction should own that object and i will try to incorporate your ideas into it.

I will add the .mct file below with its version number written on the filename so you can save them all separately and use them ad hock for either a full or partial remodelling of your colony.

I will also add the mod ready png files too for those who want to use the assets as they please.

I own no copyrights to the Expanse universe and these mods have been made for education and fun purposes only.


Version 0.1 release notes

The Lander is now a UN colonist shuttle
Large water towers are now MCRN Water silos
Large food silos are now MCRN Food silos
Small Vehicle factory is now Tycho vehicles
Hipster bar is now OPA club-0 nightclub
Resi complex blue is now MCRN blue habitat
Resi complex is now MCRN habitat
First aid is now MCR Medic pop up
Ore mine is now Beratnas minerals: Iron
Gold mine is now Beratnas minerals: Gold
Regolith mine is now Beratnas minerals: Rego
Large resi complex is now Sky Habitat
Hoops object is now Gold bridge
Sand2 object is now Wooden bridge
Mailbox object is now Steel bridge


The Expanse mod v0.1


Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
Expanse v0.2
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
Expanse v0.3
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
Looks cool 4 now.
Will wait for some more updates or the game will look weird with only 5 or 6 modded buildings.
Also may i suggest that you first complete all the UE buildings before moving onto LIS, then the Zolargs and Alpha Draconians for last.
Or in whichever sequence you prefer to make them. Just please do them 1 by 1 and not all at once. Trust me it's better to focus on one thing and finish it before you move onto the next one than to do all of them at once.
You lose more time with the latter option since you burn yourself out way quicker.
I intend to just do this one for now (UE) as mainly the MCR martian with touches of opa, tycho, UN, ceres and a few earth companies then the LIS charter will have mainly OPA based buildings, the draconians will be proto molecule and the zolarg will be mainly UN
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
You can add some Alterra buildings for that Subnautica/Natural Selection reference :3
Trust me, it will be awesome!
how to modify the images of buildings

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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