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Rovers shouldn't go to waste

Don't go overboard on making rovers unless you have an abundance or resources that make them. ( I.e: rovers in the beginning, only make like twenty because you will need the resources. And for large construction rovers and uranium rovers, don't have more than ten or twenty each unless your world is full of aluminum.

I have 100 ore miners, 100 gold miners, 25 aluminum miners, 25 uranium miners, 50 construction drones, 50 advanced construction drones, 25 mega construction rovers, 20 greenbots, 25 clay bots, and 25 wood bots. There is no need for more than this unless you have a very fast device and many resources.
humm looks like your a slow builder .
5 rovers
100 ore bots
100 gold bots
60 building bots
60 minim advanced builder bots 80 is better
60 mega bots ( or take long times building dig sites lol .
100 alien bots - minim 150 is better .
40 green bots
20 clay bots ( if you plan to mine NOT buy clay ( its cheep )other wise 3 clay bots
10 lumber bots ( i hate harvesting trees and switch to farms asp or just buy starter wood ( only need 400 for trades or 250 oil for galactic freight . Wood is cheep .
50 Turbo bots OR 200 Construction drones .
Or take days to build Hall of congress .
But from start NO gifts I can have a finished ( all teck all buildings built colony in less then a week - 5 to 7 days including a couple billion coins .
Also, you should minimize how many you have, they will quickly lag your game if you have 100s that are mining constantly. Wood, clay, and ore really should be converted to auto production or purchased as early as possible.
Human Colony Charter: pTfi0Opt
Insectoid Charter: EXFzp37s
JaxxSilva said:Also, you should minimize how many you have, they will quickly lag your game if you have 100s that are mining constantly. Wood, clay, and ore really should be converted to auto production or purchased as early as possible.

Yes I am a slow builder because my colony is purely a game of patience. I would much rather have more than enough but take long to build than have just enough. Also, I always start my world's as medium sized to boost performance. Once I'm advanced enough to need less of the Rogers and am running out of space, i sell the unnecessary rovers and expand
Emasterbuilder123 said:

Yes I am a slow builder because my colony is purely a game of patience. I would much rather have more than enough but take long to build than have just enough. Also, I always start my world's as medium sized to boost performance. Once I'm advanced enough to need less of the Rogers and am running out of space, i sell the unnecessary rovers and expand

With the new regions feature, this issue has now partially been resolved. You will need way more bots in order to build up each city, but only the bots in the city that you are currently in will be active and impact performance, while you may have thousands of rovers spread across many cities. most will remain inactive and will not impact performance until you switch to their city. So you only need to consider how many bots each individual city has instead of the total amount that the region has. Another good thing about this is that all cities share all resources, so it's not like each city has to build the same number and types of buildings. You could have a city devoted to storing certain resources, a city containing all of your alum gens, a city for water generation, yet another for food generation, and they would all share with each other and only have rovers specific to their needs.

Jax is still right though, rovers don't continue to gather resources while their city is inactive, so if you rely on rovers for resource production in your cities, none of the inactive cities will contribute to the resource production rates. Because of this, you want to move to auto-producing every resource as soon as possible so that they will contribute to your production rates even while the city is inactive. Besides, no late gamer should have to have hundreds of mining bots laying around, chop those things up and get more resource generators.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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