Trading civic price should be based on value instead of amount:
1000 alien artifacts is around 5 000 000 $ and the cost 100 civic for the seller
100000 food is around 5 000 $ and the cost is 10 000 civic for the seller. It is not worth to sell cheap goods
You should consider it :)
once you have the Investment bank and lv 6 capital civ points are no longer a issue .
heck I had over 18 million in one colony
i know
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
colbya said:once you have the Investment bank and lv 6 capital civ points are no longer a issue .
heck I had over 18 million in one colony
You are right, I have just built it. But I still find it a good idea ;)
wate till you build the hall of congress take about civic points lol
end game Nothing and I do mean Nothing no resource coins civic points hold any value any longer .
There is a new building with just 9 of you make 500 k or more of al and artifacts a hour .
selling them on stargate you can have ten billion coins in hours - trillions in a couple days .
frankly being along term player I deleted ever colony i had and started over and in less then a week my new one is complete and just making coins now .