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Game Mechanics add what you learned here

Game has finely gotten hard lol Figuring out the game Mechanics has been taking up tons of my time .
So here is what I know BUT for all you mega colonys please add what works for you .

One using even normal work load once the colony is over 5 k colonists can start causing rating drops
as the game its self makes all the colonists work sleep cycle the same the colonists all start getting tired at once thus get mad thus rating drops then they get rested and rating goes up but not back to what it was it drops father each time . So as soon as you can switch to light work loads .

Even normal work load will eventually totally mess up rating on a new colony .

Two much over 650 averge savings colonists start retiring and once againg rating take a huge hit as 3 to 6 k colonist in a 180 k colony will up and stop working .
Well now here is ware ratings get weird .
So taxing them down to 75 $ average they go back to work wile at the same time ratings tank And when I say take a BIG fat zero .
But hey so far its working and so far health has only dropped to 96 %mean wile they are all working like beavers .

Normally at this point I let them all die but seeing that 180 k would take all day to refill any way I am letting it run and see if the colony recovers on its own ( alest I am making tons of resources .
rating are now back up to a wopping 7 % lol

anyway how do you people with hug colonys avoid these issues ? sooner or later your colonists get rich and quite working so how do you prevent all this ?
If you tax your colonists to $0 (or anything under $50 really) and then pay them all $300, their approval rating will go to zero when you tax them, but 300 is the magic number to bring it right back up to 100 approval rating.

So if they all have $650, you tax them to 50, pay them all $300, they all have $350, go back to work, are happy, and you pocket the difference!
Human Colony Charter: pTfi0Opt
Insectoid Charter: EXFzp37s
that use to work in the past and maybe for a stable long term mega colony it still does but not this time .
see i tried that as well went to zero and at zero it stayed .
my rating is now hovering between 30 and 50 % up and down lalal
but again they are all working like mad .

what is even funner is i now have them on over time work load lol .
but now switch back to light maybe that will get my rating back up
I always fire all colonists that are protesting and charge them 50 coins. If they are still protesting, they die
Yeah I have pubs entertainment and even hospitals all around the buildings but for some reason I am not able to stop them from protesting. I fire them and go to the next building they are all there protesting and it's a nonstop cycle. I can't get them to stop, I started killing them off and hey less protesters but that only led to more protestors due to my ratings plummeting from hating me from killing them off. I'm stuck in this never ending cycle I spent 2 hours today trying to stop the protests before I protested myself and just closed the game. My next step is to just turn off immigration let them all die off and start over. I only have 1.5k population so it won't take long to regrow but if this is the process every time I make a small expansion what's the point?
Motorola E3 Play
well good news is when you kill them off then let them back in ratings goto 100% UNTILL you start adding more colonists later then once again you get the up down ratings .
the only sure fire way to get and keep a 100 % I found is when you get the colony the full size you want it .then kill them off and let them back it stays at 100 % no matter how long it runs .
it is very anoying having ratings between 38 % and 80 % at the same time education drops like a rock when having a school next to every building .
the games rating system is very very buggy Or maybe bast is copying the real world as now a days ratings for USA hover around 50- 55 % lol
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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