Online Colony Doesn't Work
I have a colony called New Earth that recently was kicked offline for some unknown reason. I officially turned offline, then back online again and saw that I can only receive messages. The website did work again, but showed no stats. This is wierd and I would like for this Colony to be back online again as it is my flagship. Please help. Thank you.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Please Help
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Do you have a new charter code for the colony? When you go offline and then back on it should get a new charter. The current charter ( NamKALo7 ) is no longer in the database. I was going to search for New Earth but there are several hundred colonies in the database called New Earth, so idk which is which.
There is also a New Earth II on your account with charter: Hq4dcHUB but I am guessing that is a different colony.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
The colony no longer appears under my account. The website is now void also. It is now technically [NOZ] New Earth-I. Thanks.
The charter is the new charter.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Should I go offline and back online again?
I have never had luck with this colony being online. Before you had to give it independence and it never gave the right population, last active, or if I was actually independent on the website.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
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