Because I live on an asteroid world,I have to pay alot for my aluminum.So if I make a small recycling center for plastic or a medium for aluminum,soon it stops producing aluminum and plastic.If I deactivate this,and then turn it on again,it still does not produce any aluminum or plastic.
For the aluminum generator,they are super slow,only 5 people work at a time,(Worse than you think)and it takes super long to finish a round.And at the end?FOUR ALUMINUM.I can't survive if i have a Uranium Enrichment Facility,Robotics Facility,And An Artificial Sweetener Facility.
As of now,Aluminum costs are $44,603 per 250(Black Market Bazaar) and $17,842 per 100(Uranium Enrichment).I can't live like this and the only reason I have a good economy is because I have 50+Black Market Bazaars and I sell all alien artifact I see.