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Blast Furnace World: Revamped

This idea is based off of my other blast furnace idea, but with some tweaks.

Planet terrain: Dark, charcoal gray ground. No atmosphere. 1 day on this world is ten days on earth as the planet spins slowly. Lead deposits would come in as a new terrain type. They would be solid at night, yet would melt into puddles of liquid lead during the day, killing anything caught in it. Once the planet is terraformed, this puddles become water-filled instead of lead-filled. Atmosphere is 0. Solar panels don't work at night time.

As with the last blast furnace idea, solar radiation exposure during the daytime should be a danger here, affecting health of colonists. However, I propose a different way of dealing with it. Those pools of lead would be useful for this, and I feel like it would be possible to add a leaded version of all of the housing buildings and have the player only be able to build those opposed to regular housing structures.

Of course, this introduces a new resource called lead. I was thinking just make it untradeable, but if bast can find more uses for it in other colonies then more power to him. This resource would be required to build housing and could be used for other structures designed to prevent or reduce radiation exposure. I also recommend adding a mid-game path block that covers over rovers and colonists to shield them while they walk to certain places, but at first, colonists will need to walk in open sun. You're probably asking yourself "if lead melts into puddles on this planet, why build with it?" You would be right to ask such a question, but let's assume that those buildings are room temperature inside and the insulation in the walls contains lead. If that's not enough, then just roll with it I guess, it's just a game.

In late-game, when the player's colony begins to develop their plastic industry, another untradeable resource could come into play: RadSheild. This resource acts in a very special way. Colonists would consume any available Radshield as it is created, but would only consume one each for every 24 in-game hours, and only during daytime, which lasts for 120 in-game hours. Since the day cycle is ten times slower on this planet, colonists would consume about 5 of these per day cycle, so that's a lot of lead being flushed down the drain(pardon the pun) each day.

The principle behind this resource is to combine plastic and lead to make nano pellets of encapsulated lead that would travel the bloodstream and provide an internal barrier to radiation. Since plastic desn't digest or degrade quickly, it can move throughout the bloodstream over the course of a day and block radiation without releasing its contents into the bloodstream, which could be lethal. To make sure that a buildup of older pellets that might burst doesn't occur, the pellets are designed to leave the bloodstream within a day after entering it. This resource would allow colonists to free-roam the map without losing health. This is especially necessary once the planet is terraformed. This resource would be a pretty tough one to manage as your colonists are going to eat it up at first, and you'll need to adjust your production based on how many colonists you have. I would make simple radshield factories that only produce a little at a time, so the player would need to built lots of them, and then I would add a much more advanced factory, which would support many more people.

Now, as for the day and night cycle. I feel like this planet needs a thermal factor. I don't think this needs to apply to add planets, but especially for this one. During the day, your colony heat score will rise, while at night, it'll fall. If the score becomes too hot, colonists expend more energy and consume more water. Whereas when in extreme cold, colonists lose energy and consume more food. Of course as we know, if energy depletes, health starts to deplete, so don't let the extreme climate kill off your colonists, build heaters and coolers to manually manage the heat level. There should also be a Goldilocks zone where colonists regenerate energy faster. For each tile taken up by a building, the amount of space between the extremes and perfect zone should increase and the effect of climate on heat level will increase. This allows for a bigger margin of error, but also requires many more coolers and heaters, or more powerful coolers and heaters, to maintain a perfect heat level. This scaling feature should apply to regions as well, and the effects of heaters and coolers in one map should effect the heat level of the entire region, allowing for maps to specialize in managing heat for the entire region.

At early game, building simple coolers and heaters would do the trick, and you would need to manually deactivate and activate coolers and heaters to adjust the heat level. mid game, you can build a thermostat, which would switch any coolers and heaters within it's radius on or off to manage a target temperature. you would probably need multiple clusters of these. At end game, a region-wide temperature control center should be added that would act as a region-wide thermostat that takes account of how many of each type of heater/cooler are in each map and switches them off and on to manage heat throughout the region. This should be fairly expensive.

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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