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Make mobile app for my Colony chat, and other chats

Well, it would be pretty handy, since I am not always near my laptop, so can't always look at the chat. A mobile app, if it could be made which incorporates all the channels and features, like the detached chat window has, it would be really handy!
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
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I agree
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
@DKMK100 idk, but wanted to send you a message, but i cant send it to you. can you please send me a message?
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
@Invincible that feature appears to be broken, contact @bastecklein about it
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
I really would like to see an app coming for this though. And the messages started working again.
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
@bastecklein saw that you were working on chats. Can you please as well look into making this app. Would really help to. Communicate with my CW members and others especially when am out travelling away from laptop.
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
@Invincible are you thinking like a My Colony specific chat, or one app that has all of the Ape Chat stuff in it, like when you click on the "Detach" chat button on the website on desktop?
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
The detach chat button kinda thing. But the problem in mobile is, I can't navigate through different chats through detach. But I just wanted a different app, which I can just click on, and which will have all the chat channels that I get if I detach in a computer. Don't want the hassle to open browser and find the chats blah blah blah
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
Ape Chat

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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