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A new civilization? 🔭 (prototype idea)

Hello guys!

So we have the humans, the insectnoids, and the reptilians, so I think it is also the time for something... Robotic.

Here is the idea - The Ancientbots.

Civilization Story:
The Ancientbots are originally highly-intelligent (with humanlike mind) robotic servants of the Ancients.
Long time ago an incident only known by the few put an end to the Ancients. Their robot servants were rather scraped in the incident or dismantled by Alpha Draconians. However, not all the robots end up in the same fate, some succeeded to manage evacuation to the Far Lands of the galaxy, to protect the little remains of the Ancients from other civilizations.
After millions of years, year 2053 A.D, the first group of the bots arrived the Far Lands. They begin to settle the remainding assets of the Ancients down and build their own settlement - Not just for protecting their masters’ assets, but also protects other robots arrived the Far Lands, in order to survive from Alpha Draconians’ deadly chase.
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Remarks: The Ancientbots are capable to turn water and food into power to support themselves with their biochemical reactor component.
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
Good idea but it is conceivable that machines organize in a society, with jobs, entertainment, diplomacy, government and even happiness (approval rating)? Those are big aspects of the game.
Maybe they could be semi-robots, like have an organic brain inside the robot. They could be enslaved creatures by the ancients and trapped in an immortal, robotic body. This would allow a bit of randomness in their comportment and make a civilization possible.
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
Sobeirannovaocc said:Good idea but it is conceivable that machines organize in a society, with jobs, entertainment, diplomacy, government and even happiness (approval rating)? Those are big aspects of the game.
Maybe they could be semi-robots, like have an organic brain inside the robot. They could be enslaved creatures by the ancients and trapped in an immortal, robotic body. This would allow a bit of randomness in their comportment and make a civilization possible.

Wow, that will make stuff more reasonable. Thanks to your suggestions!
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
Sobeirannovaocc said:
Maybe they could be semi-robots, like have an organic brain inside the robot. They could be enslaved creatures by the ancients and trapped in an immortal, robotic body.

Like... Doctor Who Cyberman.. 😜

I have other idea for robot:

Instead of independents, AI singularity: pretty much robot become like normal colonist.

Instead of food, rum.

Structures: simply, symmetrical cubicles, simply, clean, without decoration, only functionality (easy to drawn)

No building focused on research, but each colonist increase a little bit the production, like a server farms, or borg, or daleks.. ecc ecc.

But essentially, when i prove new civilization here, i search new game style, because the civilizations can't be all the same, with only name buildings different, and the same game style.

Ansom said:

Like... Doctor Who Cyberman.. 😜

I have other idea for robot:

Instead of independents, AI singularity: pretty much robot become like normal colonist.

Instead of food, rum.

Structures: simply, symmetrical cubicles, simply, clean, without decoration, only functionality (easy to drawn)

No building focused on research, but each colonist increase a little bit the production, like a server farms, or borg, or daleks.. ecc ecc.

But essentially, when i prove new civilization here, i search new game style, because the civilizations can't be all the same, with only name buildings different, and the same game style.

Very nice ideas you’ve got here dude 😁 ( @Ansom )
I think now I have a illustration how I should design its colonists.

Speaking of it, I have some building designs for now. Want to have a look?
(It’s another topic in the forum)
And speaking of server farms, bast ( @bastecklein ) has adopted some idea from mine from this post (That’s my FIRST post!!!)
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
I was exactly thinking of Dr Who! Like Cyberman or Daleks.

I didn't quite get the ''AI singularity'' can you develop a bit ?

Also the structure idea is great! They would still have to be differentiable by the player though. Will look at the designs you did, Wadaling.
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
The building designs are still too complex. For example, the insectoid big problem is the building graphic. They require to much time for a correct development.

If you wanna bastecklein to develops an other civilization, we need to do the home work. :D

With singularity, i mean a robot like Bender in Futurama (with the Free Will plug in activated). In order to require education, entertainment, politics, reproduction, death.

Yeah, a new civilization requires more work like designs and technologies and I don't think it is Bast's priority.

Mmh I don't know about Bender but I did found out searching on internet. That could be an option but I still prefer the organic brain idea ;)
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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