So, I have a well established online human colony that's independent.
I start a new online colony.
I click custom charter.
I enter the charter code from my other colony.
I only get humans.
I want Draconians.
How do I get something other than humans when starting a new colony under custom charter?
If the only option I get for a new colony is human it might cause me to delete my games and quit playing altogether.
Before anybody says anything about placing any buildings and joining my other colony, go up and re-read the beginning of this post and pay attention to the "New Colony" part in line 2.
You can only become the species of your host colony so since your established colony is humans you can only get humans with that charter
I'm not sure but can't you annex other races.
Use the reptilian equivalent of communication hub send an annaxation request to yourself.
Figured it out. It was quite easy.
Started new online colony.
Chose Draconians.
Once I built the Med Stargate I simply annexed it.
Thank you guys for the responses.