Move resources between region colonies
I have started a region game and have tried to make a whole colony that just makes water. However when ever I go to another colony the water production stops. Do I need a special building to enable transfer? Am I missing something? Thank you
are you using rover bots for the water production?
also moved this to the right area
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No. I am using small water pumps
do you have enough power?
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Yep power isn’t a problem. If I am in the colony with only the water pumps it works fine. It’s only if I got to another colony in the region it stops. I am on iOS if that helps
The water should still be producing but the Sim updates less frequently when you're not in a particular city.
I have waited about 10 mins for water to update. How long should I wait?
Shouldn't be that long. Take a look at the stats>resource screen and click into water. Does the graph show an increase over time ? Are you sure you have capacity to store more water than you currently have?
It does on the water colony but not on the others. I have plenty of capacity for it to fill
Can you send a screenshot of the detail screen for the water resource?