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Major Work/Entertainment/Housing/School/Medical Changes for v1.0.0 - Page 3

Conco2 said:@bastecklein Great update this will help the performance I can see it now running my 200K city smoothly!! But I do have to say that Mass Transit show be released alongside this as it will break most cities since most colonists won't want to travel 100 tiles to a Job in a megacity or end-game city. Since this will likely happen Mass Transit is the only fix other than tearing up the whole city (which isn't an option for things like Starship maps). Love that you decided to overhaul the colonist don't get me wrong it just seems like Mass Transit would be an absolute necessity as soon as this comes out.

SIDENOTE: maybe in like 1.1.0 you could add multi-planet colonization make it cost 1Mil-Starships to start. And when you first send the expedition you can send resources with it that you have to use to build and to transfer resources back and forth you have to build a starport(or a new building) on both colonies. But I will cost starships to do so.

Cool idea! I agree!
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
The issue @Conco2 is that I would prefer to get this update done this year, lol. I am going to be gone for about two weeks soon and if I don't get it done before then, it will be a long time before the update arrives. I might even have to hold off on the Leaderboard/Emperor challenge stuff I wanted to add originally.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
@bastecklein oh well dang then I guess do what you then don't want it to release next year just for one feature lol.
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Workforce Rating

How we can work on this value? i have create a new city for other test on the population aging, and all Research Converter (only them, the other building are normal, all value 100% green) have a poor Workforce Rating (red/orange). Even with 16k workforce without a job, all converter have only 10-20 worker.

Both house have all the utility close, the converter aren't to far away (i think):

Land value and production layer:

@Ansom, I am having the exact same problem with Research Converters. Did you find a solution?

Everything seems to be in the right place, none of my other buildings have a low workforce rating, except the converters. I can only get 8-10 people to work in them no matter what I try.
Jazzknight said:@Ansom, I am having the exact same problem with Research Converters. Did you find a solution?

Everything seems to be in the right place, none of my other buildings have a low workforce rating, except the converters. I can only get 8-10 people to work in them no matter what I try.

Yes, MizarAlcor have find the problem, IQ.

University give only 140, and Converter need 155.. Only Transcendent Academy work for converter.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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