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Saved cities not appearing in multiplayer region

I've tried loading past saved cities from prior to updating to 1.0 however while the region will load, no cities appear on the region map.

Not my own nor other players. The one save game was part of a pretty active region with at least 10 or 15 other cities created by other players. Now it's just a blank map.

None of my resources from my cities in any of those regions show in the recourse bar.

I've tried loading the saves from the browser based game thru Safari on my iPad as well as the app itself on my iPad.

I'm using an iPad Pro with iPadOS 13.3.

Anyone else having this issue? I find it hard to believe that allllll my saves are corrupted.

This map should have 3 of my cities as well as at least a dozen other players cities. And I should have millions of nearly all resources.
And, even if I create a new city in a multiplayer region, I'm not able to access it again if I exit. Whether I create a city in a region I have had a city at in the past or if I create a brand new region.

However creating a region game as an online game rather than a multiplayer region still seems to work ok.
this happens to me too
Multi-player is known to have bugs unfortunately right now. Its the main reason its labeled as experimental.
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cry8wolf9 said:Multi-player is known to have bugs unfortunately right now. Its the main reason its labeled as experimental.

is there any fix for this issue?
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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