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1.6.0 Traveling between region city's feed back .

Earth based once i realized traveling between city's is in the game for earth as well as any others i decided to try it out .
so using a new region get chips and bus teck then made a city with 3800 colonists and Only 480 jobs and bus stations in 5 places one in middle and 4 on each map edge then made a second city right next to it .
put in a few bus stops then 10 advanced steel plants and all bus stops filled with 2 colonists each and 3 steel plants filled for a total of 24 colonists coming in from the other city and nothing seams to change that number .

when i noticed in one of my high colonys there were 3 or 400 k colonists and quite alot of buildings got filled on that map But strange thing was I did not have extra colonists .
anyway It does work some what but looks like it will take a wile to make it work fully .
Oddly i just built 5 more bus station in a row and they filled wile only 3 steel plants filled I could probly make the whole city of bus stations that have employment but ovesly it would need to work for regular buildings that well
I'm running into the same thing. I have one city in my region with 3 bus stops that is for housing my colonists and right next to it I have another city with 3 bus stops that has 12 advanced steel factories but only 2 of them have people actually working on them. I should have enough people to fill those jobs.(red planet)
i was surprised it is even part of other worlds the update only talks about dracs .
I did notice the HIGHER one citys population is the more and faster jobs fill but still in a odd manor as some typs of buildngs fill right off wile others stay empty and even setting priority high has no effect at times .
Really this post is just fyi as the game works fine it would be cool to have a fully colonists city and have jobs for them all in other citys . maybe in a few updates as the kinks get worked out .
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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