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Voxel Paint v1.3.0 Released

Today I am updating Voxel Paint to v1.3.0 with some minor fixes and new features in store.

Firstly, based on a comment I saw in Discord, I have added the ability to import .vox files created with the MagicaVoxel application.

Voxel Paint now has an x:y:z coordinate readout at the bottom right of the screen.

Finally, the bucket fill tool now has a "fill with noise" option. If you hold down on the Shift key while using the bucket fill tool, the color of the area you are filling will have a random noise filter applied to it as well.

That's it for this Voxel Paint update, which should be hitting all platforms in the coming days. More capabilities and goodies to come!
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Ya hoo! Extra format support and noise fill tool! They are definitely cool!

BTW... Can the shift button related tools be added into android version in the next version?
Extra buttons won't needed to spread on the screen, just a toggle button for the access to functions related to shift button, mentioning in android version it is not possible to press shift in the same way in PC.
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Yes @GeneralWadaling , I do need a way to toggle these different tool features on a touch screen. Maybe long-pressing on the tool will bring a selector for the different modes? Like you press-hold on the fill bucket and it lets you pick normal fill VS noise fill (or whatever kind of other fill I come up with, I was thinking of a pattern fill too that would make bricks perhaps)
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I am also thinking of taking that VPP Loader Test site and creating a new app with it called Voxel Playground that will have a lot more features, let you customize the landscapes, etc, maybe do animations. I'm thinking I can use it to make intro video/cutscenes for MC2.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Just playing around with the Scroll3d engine a bit, lol

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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