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Bad chat community attacking everyone who talks that they don't like. - Page 2

Vas, they dont suck up to the top players. They suck up to the nice(kinda) and respectable ones. Just cause you cant handle not being accepted does not mean you attack me and coco.
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Owner of Komet Labs!
Please dont turn this into a warzone either :<
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
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Let me clarify this thing the guy above said.

I asked if it was possible to pause the game.
Luker said "No vas so shut up unless your gonna rant against libtards"

I then asked if it was possible to DISABLE the chat, entirely, not just hide it.
They kept telling me the instructions to hide the chat.
I kept explaining I don't want to hide it, I want to disable it.
They didn't understand.
My game glitched, the chat got stuck open. I mentioned this.
Coco said "Care to complain about the game any more vas?"

I suggested that the community is bad, because the first comment told me to shut up so they could continue attacking people they refer to as "libtards" and next mocked me for talking about a feature I didn't like and mentioning a glitch that caused the game to be unplayable.

After which, multiple people just kept mocking me, over and over. I decided this type of behavior was unacceptable, and spoke up about it. More mocking. They admitted to flaming me, admitted to mocking.

I mentioned I was typing up this report here.
Coco and Luker said that Bast, the dev, would never remove the two top players, and then bragged about the things they've done that they should have been punished for but didn't. Yes, I have screenshots of this.

Later even, they continued to mock, attack, insult, tell me to fuck off, fuck a duck, calling me cunt, and even wishing they could commit physical violence against me. All the while, I had not cursed them out, or directly attacked anyone.


Finally, Bast joins the chat, far later, and ultimately does nothing. Proving me right, that these guys can do whatever they want and get away with it. He insinuates that I was spamming the chat when trying to show him screenshot proof of their behavior and that it was just as bad as what they had done. This tells me, to stay away from Ape Apps. This tells me that this is a community where you can do whatever you want and the dev just doesn't care to keep things appropriate. So I will take my leave. I will share this information with anyone I come across, with developers I meet and talk to. Anyone i can to spread this information around.
Sorry you had a bad experience with chat @Vas , I don't know what to tell you. It seemed like the only resolution you would accept was for me to start banning people, and I'm not just going to do that after one complaint. I went in and told everybody to keep it PG-13 or else I would add a moderator, and I told everybody how to use the blocking features in the chat. After that everybody was pretty much done and went on with their business, but you kept it going and started posting a bunch of giant screenshots in the chat, after complaining that other people were moving the chat off-topic. You then finished it up by posting this:

Leading me to believe that there is at least a possibility that you had a hand in instigating some of the issues to begin with, if this is your manner of interaction. Which is fine, really. As I said in chat, I am not picking favorites with long-time players or new guys who don't get along with others, everybody is free to use the chat. And if it continues to be an issue, then a moderator can be added. But in all honesty the chat has been there for a long time and there have been no major issues before this. And I'm not just going to start banning people on the first complaint that comes in. If it's an ongoing issue it can be dealt with.

Sorry you think I wronged you somehow, you are certainly free to go tell everybody you know about how bad Ape Apps is. But given what I saw in the chat and the other responses posted to this thread, I think it's possible that you had a hand in this situation that you are not owning up to. I have never once seen the chat community just start trashing somebody out of the blue and for no reason.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Its sad to see you leave but If you feel like hanging out with us, venting out your anger on biden or trump, or just watching some memes, feel free to join. But remember, we are a community that reciprocates.

Original Post (removed since Bast had already posted, Can be used as for reference for next messages)
Click to expand section.
Isnt it funny, how the arrangement and selection of words, with self analysis of watered down situation can lead to an extremely polarized image.

We are a close knit community. we have seen and played the game from when it was crippling with bugs to its heights now. We ensured people didnt misuse the bugs, and helped enforce rules while bast fixed things up.

You believe in judging the book by its cover and then forcing your word into it, the way you perceived through the prejudice coming from the cover. It somewhere blinded you from the very obvious: We reciprocated the feelings we ourselves felt. be polite and we will always welcome with open arms.

Also, if we had to be professional, we would be writing mails to everyone. most of us know each other by names from a long time. and make sure we learn the new people coming in too. people coming back to the game even after 6 month or 2 year breaks are remembered. We are here to have fun, and make new friends, "not hire employees in professional environment".

All that was needed was to be polite in asking for help, and trying out the possible fixes that were suggested. if people did go off topic, its you who needed the help and should have steered the direction to sort it out. sadly, you went ahead with pushing the wrong buttons, and sadly faced the resultant output. sometimes you need to let things go, and give yourself a break.

Its sad to see you leave but If you feel like hanging out with us, venting out your anger on biden or trump, or just watching some memes, feel free to join. But remember, we are a community that reciprocates.
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
You clearly didn't read the chat, in which I shared screenshots of till you said stop. I feel that you are very unprofessional with the game community. Allowing them to be so lax that they troll people for fun, exactly as happened today. They actively harassed me after I refused to bow down and kiss the ass of the all mighty player there who was behaving like a child. Yes, I was annoyed that you refused to do anything, exactly as they said you would. They said they could do anything and you wouldn't bother doing anything.

With no complaints? They admitted to doing bad things in the past, when bragging about how you did nothing about them. So, yes. I feel the chat is full of trollish players, who will attack someone who doesn't come in and say "Hey great game can someone give me stuff please?".

If the chat had let me, I would have logged the entire thing as text, but it didn't copy names because your chat thing turns everyone's names into this sort of image or something that couldn't be copied. Multiple times, they told me to "fuck off", nothing just a "you guys need to behave like adults, but I'm not gonna do anything about the massive amount of times you told this guy to fuck off or the fact you called him a cunt and the fact that you said you wanted to assault him.", nah, you let it slide. And thats what they said you'd do. Thats why they do it, thats why they'll do it again, if anyone ever gets the courage to speak up again that isn't a mindless "great game" zombie. Yea, its an interesting game, but I don't walk in like a 15 year old kid and go "Oh wow this game be epic", I analyze, I test, I evaluate. I know how to give it straight.

You didn't want the screenshots, you didn't want to hear it. I tried. But, you didn't want it. They claimed you'd be able to see the entire chat too. So if thats true, I don't need to restore the deleted screenshots.

Here's some I shared with my community however.

The very first message sent to me;

After I had expressed distaste for the chat not being removable/disablable;

Much later in the conversation, the "wishing of assault";

Trolls talking about the issue and wanting to continue it;

Thats just the stuff I shared though. I didn't upload everything.
Invincible; You don't understand the concept of professionalism. I didn't say turn it into a triple A game. Behave according to a code of conduct. Mute, kick, ban trolls from the chat. Install a system of censors if you want the chat to be safe for children, so you don't have people teaching 15 year old kids to tell people to "fuck off cunt". The exact words spoken to me by someone I believe is 15 there.

How is asking if the game has a pause button impolite? The first response I got was rude as hell.

Having an always networked chat running that I couldn't disable was the reason I mentioned I might not purchase the game. Which you guys took as some horrible attack, and then I stated the chat got stuck and i could no longer play the game in which the second response was also rude. You want to claim that I was the rude one?

You shouldn't be sitting there in a game chat thats always open for all players, shitting on people's views. Calling them libtards. Attacking people who don't view the world the same way you do. The game has nothing to do with real world politics, so don't bring your political bullshit into the game. Take it to a new channel, a politics channel, where people can optionally go if they want to.

EDIT: I see that Invinc edited his message to remove two paragraphs, but I'm not gonna hide my response to it.
Vas said:Invincible; You don't understand the concept of professionalism. I didn't say turn it into a triple A game. Behave according to a code of conduct. Mute, kick, ban trolls from the chat. Install a system of censors if you want the chat to be safe for children, so you don't have people teaching 15 year old kids to tell people to "fuck off cunt". The exact words spoken to me by someone I believe is 15 there.

How is asking if the game has a pause button impolite? The first response I got was rude as hell.

Having an always networked chat running that I couldn't disable was the reason I mentioned I might not purchase the game. Which you guys took as some horrible attack, and then I stated the chat got stuck and i could no longer play the game in which the second response was also rude. You want to claim that I was the rude one?

You shouldn't be sitting there in a game chat thats always open for all players, shitting on people's views. Calling them libtards. Attacking people who don't view the world the same way you do. The game has nothing to do with real world politics, so don't bring your political bullshit into the game. Take it to a new channel, a politics channel, where people can optionally go if they want to.

EDIT: I see that Invinc edited his message to remove two paragraphs, but I'm not gonna hide my response to it.

There were more than 2 paras <_<

anyway, re-edited the pot to include the Original post. didnt see that bast had already replied, and i didnt want to speak after him
Archmage Of Nations Of Oz[NOZ]
Join The NOZ discord server today!!
Vas said:Invincible; You don't understand the concept of professionalism. I didn't say turn it into a triple A game. Behave according to a code of conduct. Mute, kick, ban trolls from the chat. Install a system of censors if you want the chat to be safe for children, so you don't have people teaching 15 year old kids to tell people to "fuck off cunt". The exact words spoken to me by someone I believe is 15 there.

How is asking if the game has a pause button impolite? The first response I got was rude as hell.

Having an always networked chat running that I couldn't disable was the reason I mentioned I might not purchase the game. Which you guys took as some horrible attack, and then I stated the chat got stuck and i could no longer play the game in which the second response was also rude. You want to claim that I was the rude one?

You shouldn't be sitting there in a game chat thats always open for all players, shitting on people's views. Calling them libtards. Attacking people who don't view the world the same way you do. The game has nothing to do with real world politics, so don't bring your political bullshit into the game. Take it to a new channel, a politics channel, where people can optionally go if they want to.

EDIT: I see that Invinc edited his message to remove two paragraphs, but I'm not gonna hide my response to it.

Yeah. I'm 15. Dosent mean I'm stupid or have a worse idea of how to play the game or being a nice human. You rlly need to listen to the dev here. WE DO NOT FLIP OUT ON PEOPLE LIKE WE DID YOU. Meaning: You did something really dumb, and then continued it. I can not believe how dense you have to be to not see when to back down. I let the situation go but clearly you have no idea how to grow tf up. Seriously. Just let it go. We dont care how much you want the game dev to CHANGE HIS OWN GAME. Just stop complaining and talk to me directly.
Man up and realize; Its the internet. We all troll sometimes. S**ts not organized and dont be such an uptight prick about it. And no yeah if you mention that you might not buy the game because of the community I will feel like I'm being attacked. Thus the retort. And dude. It's a game. Just stfu when we tell you too. It was like 4v1. Learn to back down. Go start a petition to get us banned because that would be more useful than ranting on here.
Join my Commonwealth! WAst4IOO : and join the NOZ discord:
Owner of Komet Labs!
So the bullies are always right? You ever seen in school the good guys having the higher numbers? Or was it always "4v1" in schools when kids were getting beat up by bullies?

4v1 doesn't automatically make the 1 wrong. But, you're 15, what could you understand anyway.

And yea, if the community is injected into the game as a permanent part of it that must be "hidden" but not "disabled" in the settings, and the community is hostile or talking about people who view a situation a certain way as "retards", then yes I will probably stay away from such a game.

Define Liberal:
adjective: liberal
open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
"they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"

You're definition: "Libtards" "A liberal is a retard."

You see where that might push people away? What if I happen to be a liberal? I'm not, I could be but, I don't go for those labels. However, it would be the same as you saying "blacks are retards" (I'm not saying that, just an example), but that would suddenly be wrong, because thats a race and racism is wrong~ So why's it ok for you to group an entire group of people you know nothing about into the category "retard"? You aren't even old enough to vote, and see the situation as a whole and you're braisingly calling people retard for being under a specific political stance?

So yes. I took offense to the fact that, you guys were in there calling entire groups of people you don't agree with because mommy and daddy told you so, retards, and when asking about the game features you literally told me to shut up so you could continue ranting about "liberal retards". So if you'll excuse me, I feel justified in the fact that, I stood up to a bunch of bullies who were trolling about things they know nothing about and then attacking someone who wanted them to stop and take it somewhere else.

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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