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Some Ideas

I have a few ideas after playing for a while. I think some of these are pretty good, some not that good. Feel free to give your own ideas or feedback. All ideas are meant to be standalone ideas and not all ideas will work with others as suggested.

1. Fixing Protesting: Too often I see colonists protesting for no reason, or because they won't fix the issue themselves. (Such as the colonist protesting about their low health while there's a medical facility with empty patient spots 5 tiles away.) I'd like to see colonists seeking out a way to fix their problems and only protesting as a last resort.

2. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be able to quit jobs if they feel a new job will give them a better time. This can be for better pay or commute length. This goes with suggestion 1.

3. Personal Transports+Parking Lots: Colonists would be able to buy personal transports and drive them to work. They would drive from their house to a parking lot then walk to work, this walking distance becomes their commute length. This means a colonist who lives 120 tiles from his workplace can drive to a nearby lot and walk 5 tiles to work.

4. Commodity Resource
Commodity Workshop
Commodity Sweatshop
Commodity Shop

Commodities would be made at the production facilities and then used by tourist trap buildings, and commodity shops. This adds another way to make money from colonists and tourists buying commodities.

5. Military

Now this is the hard one since it's been said this isn't a war game. Unfortunately I think in this simulation game with different factions, nations, and empires, not having a war mechanic of any form would be missing out on a huge amount of potential for the game. Especially with these "Federations" that are rising. Having war would add a new level of depth to the game because it wouldn't be solely a war game. So, here goes.

New Buildings:

Arms Factory-Makes Weapon Parts
Ship Factory-Makes Vehicle Parts
Barracks-Produces Militia+Soldiers
War Factory-Produces APC+Light and Heavy Tanks
Shipyard-Produces all the ships.
Transport Pad-Sends ground troops to Transport Ships and vice-versa.

New Resources:

Weapon Parts-Used for Infantry
Vehicle Parts-Used for ground and space vehicles.


Light Tank
Heavy Tank
Patrol Ship
Transport Ship

Now, I'll explain how this works.

If you are a colony:

You can build all the buildings and access all the resources, but you may only build Militia, Soldiers, APC, and Patrol Ships. You have to have unemployed colonists to recruit them. You can't attack anyone at all. Your capitol is able to request units from you, you can only send Soldiers and APC's. Militia and Patrol Ships remain at the colony. Military is not a big focus if you aren't independent. This adds a military aspect without making it a "war game" as most of the players are colonies and not independent nations. Heavy war focus is reserved for a smaller number of players.

If you are independent:

You have access to all units unlike colonies. You can attack other players and the NPC factions. You can have alliances(Federations possibly too) with other commonwealths. You can also have a state of war where you're allowed to attack. Warfare and military is a larger focus here. You can request units from your colonies, they don't have to send them. You have to send Transport Ships to pick up or sent any units to/from your colonies. You can send Militia and Patrol Ships to you colonies and send them back. Units sent from your colonies can be sent to attack.
Your ships are meant for difference purposes.

Some units have special abilities.

Militia: They can be ordered by the local government to police protesters. This can help break up protests and get rid of protesters but can result in people being killed and damage being done.

Frigates: These have an advantage over Patrol Ships when attacking them.

Dreadnaughts: These can bombard the surface during the ground assault.

Stages of Battle:

Space Battle-The defending fleet fights against attacking fleet. If the attackers win we move onto ground assault.

Ground Assault-Defending ground forces fight against the attacking ground forces and any aerial bombardment. If the attackers win the planet is annexed. If the defenders win the attackers can break off or from a blockade.

Blockade-The blockaded planet can not import or export anything. They can not make or accept trade offers. They cannot send units, have units requested from, or be sent units until the blockade is broken or lifted. The blockaded planet can try to break the blockade or if only a colony, a capitol can also try to break the blockade.

NPC Factions:

United Earth, League of Independent States, and Zolarg Empire will always be at war. They will control territory with shifting fronts. Once the front moves past a commonwealth the faction may ask you for an alliance, declare war, or nothing at all. They won't attack players very often, even if you're part of an enemy NPC faction. They're more likely to if you are. They're also more likely to if your commonwealth is at war with them or you're allied to one of the other factions.

Being Annexed:

So let's say you get attacked and you lose, then what?

Colony: You lose population from bombardment and soldiers being killed. Buildings are damaged and you've been forcefully annexed to anther power. The attackers can demand up to a max of 5% of your total money as tribute. (only one time) The attackers can't impose any other tributes on you for 7 days and you can't request annexation by another commonwealth for 2 days.

Capitol: It's the same thing but before you're fully annexed you can also choose a new colony to be the capitol of the commonwealth or choose for the entire commonwealth to be annexed. Penalties and limitations are the same but colonies annexed along with a capitol can't be charged the 5% tribute.

In the grand scheme of things, I think military would add a new layer of depth to the game and not trying to would be refusing to utilize a massive amount of potential to make a good game even better. But, it would only help those who choose to participate in it. I know I don't have everything about it sorted out and there's holes in my idea but this is simply a skeleton of 1 possible system.

I think these ideas are all good in 1 way or another, feel free to leave a comment,

To the military: This is NOT a war game, things like this will never be added.
Its me Lego.
I can honestly see that you read the word "Military" then went and posted the comment. I'm sure you must be ok with never using a huge part of this game's potential, because not adding any kind of military would be wasting it.
I love the idea of a military aspect in this game but... I think your ideas on it will convert it into a war game.
I've given it a lot of thought (obviously so have you.) and think it would be cool to build military units and have the option to attack alien planets in order to expand your empire or to defend from alien. Attacks but in order to prevent this from turning into a war game pvp should not be part of that aspect.
Actually Wardog, the developer has said that he does not want any war/military in the game. This is intended to only be a game for building a civilization along the lines of simcity and the like with the added idea of various factions working together in some ways.
The problem with war games are new payers wouldn't have a chance in the game to grow and prosper due to constant incoming attacks and they would quit.
This game does need some sort of late game objective, eventually you have a colony set up that just keeps producing resources. Just numbers changing on a screen. We need to give those numbers a meaning and a goal.

Instead of having direct pvp war, we could have colony backed "federation faction conflicts". In which these unseen "wars" are funded by resource gifting to "the cause".

Basically, we would need some sort of game provided factions that every colony and federation can join. Their should be at least 3 but we could have many more. Each faction should provide a small in game bounus like +10% production to a certain resource, -?% power consumption, a loyalty increase to decrease protesters, ECT.

Once the factions are established, each individual player would be able to join one. Then they would send as many resources to "the cause" as they want or can afford.

At the end of every day or week, each faction will have a % chance of winning said "war" based on how many resources were collected. Then the game would randomly output a winner based on the % chance to win.

The winning faction would receive some sort of small bounus like (×2 faction bounus) or something like that.

We would have to develop ways to balance this concept. Resources would need individual value (Food would not be able to be worth as much as aluminum or uranium), certain factions would grow much stronger than the rest so we would need an underdog bounus or a decrease in (% chance to win) based on how many more members the faction has , things like this would need to be addressed.

Personally, I would be willing to help with any ideas to make something like this possible but I think we would need a few people working together to develop a game mechanic this complex.

Anyone agree, any thoughts?
You want a war game there are tons of them wile building games are rare .
God i hope he does not give into it .
NO MORE NUKS peace ( love not war )
lol almost a flower child of the 1960s
even had a flower child nick name lol
colbya said:You want a war game there are tons of them wile building games are rare .
God i hope he does not give into it .
NO MORE NUKS peace ( love not war )
lol almost a flower child of the 1960s
even had a flower child nick name lol

This isn't a war game, for the majority of players the entire "war" aspect would have little-to-no impact on them. Most players are not capitals or independent states and are just colonies. For colony owners war and military are optional, actually utilizing them can actually help your colony with unemployment and allow for a larger population without huge unemployment.
dominusprime said:I love the idea of a military aspect in this game but... I think your ideas on it will convert it into a war game.
I've given it a lot of thought (obviously so have you.) and think it would be cool to build military units and have the option to attack alien planets in order to expand your empire or to defend from alien. Attacks but in order to prevent this from turning into a war game pvp should not be part of that aspect.

My ideas wouldn't really convert it into a war game. Since the majority of players are colonies, military would be of little importance to them.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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