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Story campaign for MC2, and factions (idea)

Hello guys.

The following information are not canon information of the game lores. You're advised not to take the plot and information below seriously.

Chronologically MC2 takes place before the establishment of United Earth in My Colony universe, according to the background settings set by @bastecklein.
Things might be less complicated than in the era taking place in My Colony (classic).
Roughly thinking, I guess we can have story campaigns in MC2.
And because it might be before the Earth Unification War, there are still independent nations. This means... A space race might occur. There might be different nations or alliances having their own special technologies.

If you are asking for more detailed items, here they are.

  • <FutureTech Alliance>
    The alliance of of the Western advances, directed by United States and the European Union. Owning the majority of world's capital and state-of-the-art talents, the Alliance pioneered the space colonization era.
  • <Red Satellites Treaty Union>
    RSTU, better known as ‘Red Union’ , the Union was formed under the influence of old Eastern powers Russia and China in order to rival the FutureTech Alliance. Their unmatched mass-production capabilities and highly developed cyber technologies are their strong foundations of space race.
  • <Brotherhood of Polaris>
    The third-world nations had been kept being neglected by the rest of the world. Instead of waiting being saved from unfairness and despair, they decided to fight for themselves. The Brotherhood had the connection to a mythical, religious organization, which the organization assisted them by fostering unification and supplying them resources needed for confronting the powerful rivals of space race, to ultimately discover the promised land they desired. Their strong faith brings them courage and endurance to overcome any difficulties.
  • <Project SEED>
    While other alliances seeks for power and wealth in the space race, only few people still put the importance on continuation of species - Which, the space race further catalysing the irreversible catastrophe of ecosystems. What Project SEED seeks for is a place to save remaining species on Earth from, meaningless competitions that will only bring calamity to everything.

  • New City of Prosperity
    The race between FutureTech Alliance and RSTU. At the late stage both factions found themselves stepping into the ecosystem calamity they had created on Earth, eventually cutting all assistances to the colonies, and abandoning all of them in the loniness... Which the colonies must survive from.
  • The Exodus
    The story of the Brotherhood finding their promised lands. The beginning was smoother than expected, however internal conflicts of the Brotherhood were incubating in the shadows, the colony must made the best choice in this crisis.
  • The Ark of Life
    The attempt of Project SEED creating a new Eden for species on Earth. The terraforming gave them tough times, failures from other SEED colonies had aroused suspicion of colleagues, however all these would lead to the discovery to save Earth from the ecosystem calamity.
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The timeline is generally like this. Events are in chronological order.

Before the MC2:
  • Formation of FutureTech Alliance between United States and European Union
  • FutureTech Alliance successful establishment of first colony on Mars
  • Formation of Red Satellite Treaty Union by China and Russia in respond to FutureTech Alliance's success
  • Global studies defined the era of space race has begun
  • A mass number of third-world nations broke off from United Nations, formation of Brotherhood of Polaris
  • FutureTech Alliance invented continuum engine, capable supporting one way trips to another stellar system
  • FutureTech labs sabotaged, nuclear fusion engine blueprint stolen by multinational hacker organisation suspected to be from RSTU
  • New highest record of pollution and greenhouse emissions has brought up concerns from ecologists and eco-friendly supporters about irreversible ecological calamity on Earth, leading to establishment of Project SEED
  • Alliance, Union and Brotherhood completed their construction of their first colony fleet, the beginning of Colonization Race
  • Project SEED borrowed a total of 25 colonization vessels from FutureTech Alliance, to prepare for Ark of Life program

  • Alliance and Union compete for control of Venet-55, the main theatre of the space race
  • 64% of Venet-55 colonized, 38% belongs to Union
  • Brotherhood launched their so-called ‘Exodus’ plan, colonizing the Nod-73 they discovered recently
  • Project SEED spread their colony ship to various habitable planets of surrounding systems
  • Union established a escorted supply line between Venet-55 and Solar, further pressuring Alliance
  • All Brotherhood colony ships established colony successfully
  • Corruption cases reported in Union colonies weakened their influence in Venet-55 and other systems, setting Union back
  • 23 Project SEED's colony ships arrived destination safely, 2 crashed due to meteor shower incidents
  • Venet-55 fully colonized, 52% owned by Alliance
  • Roundtable Incident revealed ambitions of some governors of Brotherhood colonies, planted the seed of Brotherhood Civil War
  • Union launched system-wide propaganda campaign in Venet-55, successfully achieve 50% influence on Venet-55
  • SEED-03 colony failure due to unexpected terraforming changes
  • Brotherhood Civil War broke out between seperationists and Brotherhood loyalists
  • Earth headquarters of Project SEED warned Alliance and Union about the coming ecological calamity impact on Earth in the space race
  • Conflicts in Venet-55 intensifies, Union and Alliance increase supply operations to conflict regions
  • First Firestorm recorded on Earth, proven caused by extreme climate change, Project SEED broadcasted a worldwide warning about the ecological impact of space race
  • Firestorm intensified, devastating Earth, killed 1.4 million population
  • SEED colonies failed one by one, only 4 still considerably normal, aroused suspicion of some SEED staffs
  • Due to heavy opposition to space race on Earth, Alliance, Union and Brotherhood halted all assistances to their colonies in order to deal with the ecological crisis on Earth
  • Almost half of the colonies in Venet-55 and Nod-73 ghosted due to lacking supplies, colonies signed permanent ceasefire treaty in order to survive
  • Only one SEED colony still under operation
  • Firestorm on Earth turned 60% of lands into scorching deserts, 20% of natural resources lost due to the worldwide disaster
  • The last SEED colony failed, but discovered the Miracle Formula to save Earth from ecological calamity

  • Earth was saved from Firestorm annihilation within 2 years
  • Total collapse of human civilizations
  • Some colonies deserted by Earth survived, becoming city states
  • United Nation dissolved, assets sold to remaining plutocrats
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How would the future tech alliance still exist after the United earth government took over all of the earth (including the US and EU)?
username said:How would the future tech alliance still exist after the United earth government took over all of the earth (including the US and EU)?

The human civilizations collapse after the Firestorm crisis, turning Earth into chaos, United Nations and all organizations dissolved.
And that is where United Earth comes in, reunifying the humanity as one, later.

According to official My Colony lore, United Earth rises from global chaos, launched the Reunification War and finally establishing themselves as a formal single nation.
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Alright, it is here: a more organized ones

The New Era - Space Race
US and EU established a FutureTech Alliance and successfully colonized Mars, in a much faster rate than expected. Such envying success unfavoured the old Eastern powers, China and Russia, they established Red Satellite Treaty Union for a direct rivalry to FutureTech Alliance.
On the other hand, many third-world nations broke off from United Nations with the help of a unknown religious organization, forming the Brotherhood of Polaris. They aimed to bring themselves the ‘Promised Land’ in the space race.
The space race was supported at the cost of ecological destruction, this had brought up the worries by ecologists and eco-friendly supporters. They did not join the space race, but they decided to make use of the space race to save the species on Earth from possible ecological calamity - That's why they established Project SEED.

Venet-55 - Main Theatre of the Space Race
Venet-55 is a large system discovered to have the richest amount of industrial raw resources known to humans, it become the centre of space race between Alliance and Union.
At the beginning Union was on upper hand, their mass production capabilities had brought them a largest colonization fleet among all factions, they quickly gained influence in Venet-55. With the first escorted supply line established by Union, the Union expanded very quickly.
However, corruption cases are revealed among Union colonies, setting them back temporarily. Alliance taken the chance to reduce difference between the Union and themselves.
As the Venet-55 was totally colonized, the competition turns from colonization to influence. Alliance had taken over half of the system. Union launched a massive propaganda campaign, it turned out to be successful that the space race in Venet-55 became a stalemate.

Earth Firestorm Crisis
As the increased resource exploitations on Earth, the ecological destruction was catalysed.
After the stalemete on Venet-55, it had been more serious - The intensified conflicts in Venet-55 had caused both factions sending extra supplies to Venet-55, it means more ecosystems had to be destroyed.
The ecological calamity struck Earth for the first time. Project SEED's headquarters on Earth recorded the first Firestorm in human history. However, distracted by the space race, the powers didn't seen it as a problem, until the Firestorm begun turning the lands into ashes and desert.
The Firestorm killed lots of people on Earth, led to global riot opposing the space race. Alliance and Union halted all assistances to their colonies at the same time in order to deal with the ecological crisis.
Without supplies, over half of the colonies in Venet-55 died. The remaining colonies in Venet-55 agreed on a permanent ceasefire treaty in order to survive.
The Firestorm crisis was not solved until the last SEED colony delivered the Miracle Formula obtained from the terraforming failure. Yes, the Earth was saved, but the powers were all exhausted, with the destruction of most humanity. The civilizations began to collapse uncontrollably.
What about colonies in Venet-55? They were deserted by their home world, forgotten in human history. Their survival was still uncertain.

The Exodus - Path to the Promised Land
The Brotherhood of Polaris, though officially as a space race rival to the other two, however they choose to stay far away from the centre of conflicts - Their aim wad to break away from this unfair world.
Their destination of their so-called ‘Exodus’ destinated on a new system discovered by the Brotherhood - Nod-73, which it was moderately habitable.
The beginning was a great success, all their colony ships arrived Nod-73 with remarkable zero crashes. The construction of promised lands were progressed smoothly, and the colonies were working in harmony.
Indeed, the Brotherhood fights for their collective interest. However, the brith of ambitions and conspiracy cannot be stopped. In Roundtable Incident, some colony governor's ambitions were revealed - These governors, instead of building a new utopia for all, they aimed to control these resourceful colonies for their own good.
The Roundtable Incident planted the seed of the conflicts - the Brotherhood in both Nod-73 and Earth was gradually divided into seperationist camp and loyalist camp.
Eventually the Brotherhood Civil War broke out. The 5-year long war had teared the Brotherhood into fragments, with their previous efforts on the promised land almost ruined, the colonies must rely on supplies from Earth headquarters.
The Firestorm Crisis was unstoppable that Brotherhood must also put all attention on dealing with the ecological disaster, having all supply lines cut.
The Brotherhood did not survive long. Headquarters were stormed by the ecological disasters and civil war, all leaders died.
In the same fate as other deserted colonies, over half of the colonies died from a lack of necessary supplies. Even though the Brotherhood was destroyed by the ecological calamity and internal conflicts, their project of the promised lands won't be stopped. That was the unforgotten ultimate aim. What will their promised land be like? Nobody knows.

The Ark of Life - to the Next Eden?
Project SEED aimed to save species on Earth through building a new Eden where they could survive - the Ark of Life program.
Project SEED obtained limited assistances from FutureTech Alliance by promising the New Eden would also be a second home for humanity. The colony ships were spread to the habitable planets of surrounding systems.
Project SEED developed the state-of-the-art terraforming devices in the era, which theorically, it changes a planet in a controlled way, without harming local ecosystem too much.
Nothing special had taken place until SEED-03 colony's failure, caused by unexpected terraforming changes.
Besides the Ark program, Project SEED also tracked about the climate change on Earth. As expected, but far earilier, the ecological calamity caused by human activities for space race, had begun.
The Firestorm Crisis had put the headquarters in panic. The headquarters ordered to hurry the project to save the remaining species before the Firestorm destroy the planet.
Pushing the limits had led to the terraforming abnormalities more intensive, SEED colonies fallen one by one. With the further development of Firestorm Crisis, the last four colonies, tried to keep their terraformers considerably normal while rushing the project. Sadly they all failed.
Yet, the last SEED colony saved the humanity - Inspired from the terraforming failures, SEED scientists derived a Miracle Formula that can reset the condition of Earth back to as good as 20 years ago.
Heroes of humanity, their irreplaceable work will be remembered, but eventually unable to escape from the fate of destruction - the Terraformers exploded because of overloading, killing all SEED staffs. Even though, they were also dissovled in the global collapse of human civilzation, Project SEED did rescued the ecosystem and humanity in the way they didn't expect, and created a new possibility for a greater human civilzation.
And what is the possibility it referrs to? The rise of United Earth in 2050.
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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