Whatever the lore, I have an idea of how to tell it to players. Instead of just telling them all at one time there would be "telegrams". These would pop up with whatever communication center the player has and would be pinned. These could be given to everyone at the same time as a "live" feature. These could also come in with little options that shape the lore based on a players answer. An example would be "(year) ATTENTION the planet of Drac. 11 is under rebellion, the Zolarg rebellion requests you send X amount of (materials). [Yes] [No]." These would just be messages and wouldn't be very interactive with just clicking YES or No. This could go onto a timeline on Coloniae and depending on how many players click yes it could pass through. These would not have many effects on the player's future besides shaping lore/giving more future lore announcements. These could also be voted on/proposed on the Forums to add that much more player interaction.
If this forum isn't active, then ill make it active!