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New Data File Submission Area

We already have a forum for submitting voxel art for consideration in My Colony 2, but now that the game's built-in tools are further along and users have the ability to create entire units/structures/worlds/resources/biomes/etc., I decided it was time to open up a place for submitting complete user created content items, packaged and ready for inclusion into the game.

You can submit content in the form of either .c2m mod files, or individual .c2d data files. As of right now, it is not as simple for a user to import and test an individual c2d data file, but that will be changing very soon and will be the preferred method of submitting content for testing.

So feel free to fire up the MC2 game editor and seeing what you can make. Test it out, see how it feels in-game, and then submit it to the rest of us for testing and feedback!

Important note: as with .vpp voxel art submissions, you should be signed into My Colony 2 (or Voxel Paint for .vpp files) with your Ape Apps Account before exporting your data for review. The My Colony 2 game engine is going to parse those files to see which accounts created the content, so the authors can be properly credited in-game.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Awesomeeee! Thanks that you added the Ore Fracking Operation I made, you can actually see the virtual signature in action, that's really cool
Have a fantastic day!
~cakedon (formerly itsLiseczeq)
Here's a small snapshot of what I am currently working on. It's not complete, but I'll update as I go along.

For those interested, I made a mini version of the SN11 rocket to use as a lander.

I have also included the lander base, which you are welcome to use as a standalone building, or as the lander deployment, as I have done in the above picture.

If you would like to give my settings a shot, the whole mod is right here. All of the rovers fly, and are at max speed, except for the lander itself. You can spawn extra drones if desired.

If you would like the objects used in the mod, here's the object pack for you! A lot of the buildings are currently just repainted, but it does what was needed, and I think it actually doesn't look too bad.
I love what you are doing @phyrexfirestorm , this is very cool!

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Many thanks!
I am regularly updating my post as I progress through making the mod, so keep an eye on it!

The newest update fixes the lander orientation, adds a few new structures, and has had minor adjustments made to resources and utilities in order to take advantage of the new features. The drones are also fixed. They used to fly sideways, and are now flying correctly. The lander and starbase files have also been updated to reflect the changes. Enjoy!
I'd say you should make your own forum post. This is looking rather cool to be buried on this thread, I think this is just to ask for advice, etc.
Have a fantastic day!
~cakedon (formerly itsLiseczeq)
Sure thing. It's now under the Voxel Art Submissions section of the MC2 forums.

The link is here
@bastecklein will you be adding multi-tile unit support soon? Whenever I try to load a 1x2 boat into the game, it crashes.
Boat enjoyer
How did you make a non-square model, @spamdude ? It should be technically 2x2, although you can draw it to be 1x2 in size
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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