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New Earth is Independent - Join today if you are interested!

Hello there, everybody! I am excited to announce that my main colony, New Earth has declared independence! Today, we had to take it to our own. I am excited for this moment. We will also try to establish and maintain diplomacy with other colonies. If you are interested in joining this commonwealth, join today.

Charter Code: FZg5zaPyPi
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

The colony has been unchecked in a month, and I checked it yesterday. Anyways, join now if you are interested!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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