This comes from a place of need, I've been in an utility death spiral for quite a while now. Recovering from this with current solutions is taking a very long time (ex. solar, bunker of last resort), but I had an idea, what if there were temporary, expensive, emergency utility structures that can help you in times of need.
I have like 6 thousand Alien Solar Towers and 50k+ Dark Solar Roads, nowhere near enough to work. 😢
This is basically unrecoverable if I don't want to spend the next month building Alien Solar Towers and Bunkers of Last Resort (I am unsure of the most efficacious way to get utilities online again, like for example, focusing on just power until enough of my prebuilt utility structures get power again, creating a feedback loop until nominal, or doing that via BOLR, or a mix), However my idea of Emergency Utilities would help
Face the fear, build the future.