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Addressing the long hiatus

Hello there, everyone. Today, I am announcing that I am back online here on the Ape Apps forum since a long period of time. The reason why I suddenly decided to return to the Ape Apps Forum is because I have been away for a while, and I had the sudden feeling to re-engage in the community. This forum post will be split into four chapters: The reasoning for my long hiatus on the forum, the revival point of my interests in Ape Apps, my return and addressing future reasons in the event of another hiatus, and a conclusion. Please take the time you to read this forum post.

==Chapter 1: Reasoning==

The reasoning why I took a long hiatus off of the Ape Apps forum is because I had lost most of my interests in the forum, and I had many other daily habits I prioritized over Ape Apps. This includes school time, playing other video games such as Minecraft, and watching YouTube. When my first high school (freshman) year started, I was almost never engaged in the Ape Apps forum. I felt like it was time to take a break from Ape Apps and do something else instead. So, I had done what I wished to do, and at the end of last year, I had almost forgotten about Ape Apps. That leads into the next chapter.

==Chapter 2: Revival/Revitalization==

Since about the past few days, I felt very upset about playing Minecraft because while I was playing on a Minecraft server, I had diamond armor and a sword; however, the latter was never utilized. I've decided to take a short break from playing on that server to recover. Yesterday was the last day of my 1st semester in school. Last night, I checked the Ape Apps Discord, and the conversation made me realize I've been inactive for a long time, and so I had the sudden decision to finally return to the forum.

==Chapter 3: Revival/Revitalization==

On yesterday's night, I've realized how long I was away from the Ape Apps community. I've made a sudden decision to return to the Ape Apps forum. I am thinking I have more potential to express my creativity and future suggestions for the Ape Apps community, and to possibly respond to other suggestions as well. To addressing the reasons why there may be another hiatus, there are a few factors that enter play. Firstly, I have school time on the weekdays, which may affect my time to get involved. Secondly, I play other games that may overlap with my activity on the forum such as match-3 and base builder games. Lastly, I'm active on social platforms often such as YouTube and Discord, so this may also affect my activity.

==Chapter 4: Conclusion==

I have concluded that I will be partially active on the Ape Apps forum because of the factors that I mentioned in the last chapter, and I will make sure to make my breaks from the forum shorter than the last one to get more involved in the Ape Apps community. I apologize if the hiatus was long for some of you, and I want to thank all of the users here on the forum for contributing to various aspects of Ape Apps and its different sections; however, there are some special people I would like to thank:

  • The other Premium Members here on the forum for contributing to develop Ape Apps further.
  • The founder and developer of Ape Apps, Brandon Stecklein (a.k.a. @bastecklein), for responding to community suggestions, developing Ape Apps (and its contents) further, and integrating my own suggestion (Basic Family Shelter) to the My Colony 2.

With all of that being said, I hope that everything would work out well for this year, that I'm willing to get more involved in the Ape Apps community, and that I can have my suggestions included into the Ape Apps games. Thank you for reading this post, and I wish you a wonderful day and the rest of the year!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Potentially Benevolent Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

Linkback References

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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