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Suggestion: More Sugar Uses for Alpha Draconians

Hello there, everyone! Today, I will be sharing either you my ideas and suggestions for more ways to use more sugar in the Reptilian civilization! The reason why I created this suggestion is because Enslaved Worker Drones can build and harvest from Sugar Canes, and that sugar does not have any broad uses in the Reptilian civilization. I hope you like my suggestions, and please enjoy and take your time reading!

  • ==Food Enrichment Facility==

    This handy building can create a large quantity of food for your reptile colonists in the event of starvation! Requires a steady stream of water and wood to operate.
  • ==Sugar Converter==

    This useful structure functions similarly to the Universal Commodities Exchange and the Research Converter, but it uses Sugar to convert it to other useful resources! Why sugar? Because it's sweet and delicious.
  • ==Sugar 'n' Wheels Ship Pad==

    The Sugar 'n' Wheels Ship Pad is intended to sell the sugar 'ya harvested and the wheels 'ya have (if any) into tons of money! Can also export them by launching 'em out of the colony, of course. Who needs wheels in a reptilian town anyways?
  • ==Temple of the Brethren==

    The Temple of the Brethren is a large and somewhat secret structure that could convert your sugar and research into something mysterious. Who knows what's happening in here? Also generates a bit of civics and money due to your colonists' funding towards this building.
  • ==Large Sugar Cube==

    This large, massive, and timely sugar cube can provide a bit of decoration and privacy to your colonists who can access it. Looks rad and sweet!
  • ==Sugar Charcoal Furnace==

    The Sugar Charcoal Furnace is a high-pressure structure that can be used to produce some charcoal from the wood you have. However, for some unknown reason, this process can sometimes generate Ant Paste due to failure.

Alright, that's all I have for you now! I hope that my suggestions along with others' gets integrated into the game at some point. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or expansions to my suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply in the section below! Thank you, and have an amazing evening!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Potentially Benevolent Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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