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Congress Hall

Conference Hall[/u]. (ex Congress Hall)
For Scientific/Economic/Cultural congress with experts from all over the galaxy, attracting public and tourist.
Tile= 3x2
Generate: +50 Money/Round and +30 research/Round
Tourist: 50
Max Guests: 100
Adm.: 5 $


Need to operate:
Power: -250
Workers: 30

Food= -1500
Rum= -1500
Microchip= -2500
Alluminium= -3000
Gold= -10000
Steel= -6000
Ore= -8000
I like this idea, especially that building design. However I feel that it should require independence and be a bit more expensive
Sure for Independence, perhaps more M.chip and alum. ... like 500 and 600
I was thinking more along the lines of 50,000 chips and 60,000 aluminium. As later in the game these resources are fairly plentiful. However with the increased cost to build them there would need to be a slightly increased output by them.
waw ... is a lot of resources, much more than Invest. Bank or other structures with a higly benefit in terms of production of money, civics or research, but I understand your observation, but I think that to add a 0 will be sufisent ... I'll update the post with new costs
My view of why it should probably cost so many resources is due to its purpose based on the name "Congress Hall." I would imagine it would be something that a colony would think about after building its Capitol. And then after the player builds it, new technologies could be unlocked. I know that Bast has mentioned in the past that eventually there will be law enforcement, schools, and some other things along those lines. Maybe this building is where the things such as education and law enforcement are taken care of.
not 60k its totally crazy
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
true I guess, however a level 6 capitol does cost 55k aluminium. Maybe instead of just a "Congress Hall" there could be multiple levels of it sort of like the consulate and capitol.
50money per tick is around 12times the production of a investment bank. and investment banks cost around 100 times of the Congress hall.
Its me Lego.
So what your'e saying, is that the Congress Hall should just cost a lot more (since it is a government building, it will cost a lot more then other buildings of similar functions due to the tendency for governments to be terrible with money and habitual overspending of resources). How does this sound:

"Hall of Congress"

Technology required:
Organized Government( costs 100,000,000 research points, and requires tall construction and galactic imperialism)

Tile= 3x2
Generate: +50 Money/Tck and +30 civic/Tck
Tourist: 1000
Max Guests: 1000
Adm.: free


Need to operate:
Power: -50,000
Workers: 400

Money= -500,000,000
Rum= -100,000
Water= -400,000
Ore= -3,000,000
Steel= -4,000,000
Gold= -8,000,000
Oil= -200,000
Wood= -120,000
Cloth= -250,000
Brick= -175,000
Pottery= -450,000
Plastic= -2,500,000
Aluminium= -1,800,000
Microchip= -750,000
Uranium= -1,500,000
Robots= -500,000
Toy= -100,000
Triantanium= -10,000
Civic= -1,000,000
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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