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Earning some extra money as a dependent colony

If you're a slave of an active commonwealth here is a tip for you:

Simply raise the salary a lot (after payroll take the money from the citizens)
As an aside note you can take this too far and ruin things for everyone. I used to have my salary assistance maxed out until someone abused this strategy and drained over $400B from my colony. My colony imploded a little bit because I had left it on idle and now I keep my assistance under 100% to protect myself.

TLDR this is fine in small doses but don't be a greedy jerk.
iq97ca said:As an aside note you can take this too far and ruin things for everyone. I used to have my salary assistance maxed out until someone abused this strategy and drained over $400B from my colony. My colony imploded a little bit because I had left it on idle and now I keep my assistance under 100% to protect myself.

Under 100% does not protect you. I've explained this in my last post on the suggestions wall. Also, this abuse has been fixed now, but I've been robbed about 200 Trillion because of stuff like this. Went from leaderboard to leadernope then back in a couple days. rediculous.
~ Website: & ~
~ Creator of Leaderboard Colony "Bait" A Colony of the [{UNOB}]. ~

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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