Added a new public API for checking GBT contracts:
For All Resources
For Specific Resource
Returns active GBT contracts in JSON format. Example output:
[{"resource":"Antanium","seller":"Cyberkayu","sellercharter":"T0gtaz50","quantity":"150000","price":"87742500","expires":"2017-11-28 02:09:07","offerflag":"0"}]
Note: When you specify a resource in the API call, you do so using &r=x, where x is the id number of the resource. You can get the resource ID numbers from the previously documented GBT Prices API call which you can read about here:
Output Fields
- resource: the name of the resource
- seller: the colony selling the resource
- sellercharter: the sellers' charter code
- quantity: the size of the trade
- price: total asking price of the trade. divide by 100 to get the lot price.
- expires: server time that the contract will expire and be returned to the seller
- offerflag: if this is 0, it is a resource sell. if it is 1, it is an offer-to-buy contract