Search - dusk fruit

A preview:

Dusk Fruit Lab:

Dusk Palm:

Dusk Palm Sapling:

And last but not least, the Dusk Fruit:

This data file includes 3 new structures, a new resource similar to tree saplings, 2 new terrain objects, 1 new script, and a new technology that is exclusive to Dusk World!

Hello! I have this interesting worldtype that I would like to submit to the base game! I already balanced the content, and it should be easy to implement as its a .c2d file!

What to expect from this worldtype:

Duskshrooms (Better watch out, Spice)
Duskshrooms are quite the bizarre mushroom, which the entire planet is covered in! It might even be that the planet is a Duskshroom hive! Anyways, they are just as profitable as Spice and Diamonds, with further potential uses!

Small Thermal Plant
The Small Thermal Plant is another starting power source, perfect for when there is no sun nor any wood!

Dusk Rover
The Dusk Rover is a new unit with the sole purpose of harvesting duskshrooms!

And plenty more stuff!

Hello! I have this interesting worldtype that I would like to submit to the base game! I already balanced the content, and it should be easy to implement as its a .c2d file!

What to expect from this worldtype:

Duskshrooms (Better watch out, Spice)
Duskshrooms are quite the bizarre mushroom, which the entire planet is covered in! It might even be that the planet is a Duskshroom hive! Anyways, they are just as profitable as Spice and Diamonds, with further potential uses!

Small Thermal Plant
The Small Thermal Plant is another starting power source, perfect for when there is no sun nor any wood!

Dusk Rover
The Dusk Rover is a new unit with the sole purpose of harvesting duskshrooms!

And plenty more stuff!
I originally had ore miners available for Dusk World, but it was because of a miscommunication between me and Bast that resulted in ore miners being unavailable on Dusk World.

So in a nutshell, ore miners were intended by me to be buildable on Dusk World for these underground ore mines.
Here are all of my ideas for a dessert type world, if bast were to make one:

Race: human(for now)
Difficulty: hard
Atmosphere: 2.5 million

Salt flats: Every good dessert has salt flats. Since bast is trying to implement multiple terrain types, this could be one of them. The flats would be generated randomly like rivers. The player would have to build salt mines in order to mine salt, and these mines would only be place-able on the salt flat tiles. Regular units would be able to walk on the salt flat tiles as well, it would just be a good decoration and serve as the designated salt mine area.

Salt: Salt in the dessert has many purposes. Since it almost never rains in the dessert, salt can be used as a building material, and it is actually used in real life to build houses in some dessert villages around the world where it never rains. On all other planets, however, salt would obviously be involved with food production. You could change the food processing plant to require small but constant amounts of salt along with sugar to produce massive amounts of food. Bast could also enable non-dessert colonies to produce small amounts of salt by implementing desalination plants that need to be placed next to a river and would produce clean water and tiny amounts of salt. Salt is also used in cattle fields, since cows don't usually get a good amount of electrolytes from eating grass. So if livestock farms were added, salt could play a role in maintaining them.

Alien fruit Cacti: In the dessert planets, cacti would prove to be a viable source of wood/fiber and food. Cacti isn't really wooden, but lets say that there are alien cacti that are hard enough to be a substitute for wood and it's fibers could be woven into ropes. The problem is that cacti grow incredibly slow, so the player would have to be more frugal with their wood supplies than in forest environments. The player can place individual cacti using a dessert rover, albeit with a very high cost to water, and no trees or tree farms are allowed on this map, since the soil is too arid, no matter how advanced the colony becomes. The player would be able to build farms that cultivate cacti for food and wood, but these farms would be very slow at producing both, which means that the player would have to save a very wide area for these farms in order to support an early stage colony. Later in the game, the player should be given acccess to a mega cactus farm

Oil deposits: lot's of oil can be found under the dessert.

Ore: ore is obtained via charcoal compactors, the same as on the forest world.

gold: gold will be obtainable earlier in the game. gold mines are made from wood and salt and would allow the player to generate and store gold earlier in the game than ore. The gold can be used earlier in the game, in combination with wood and salt, to make basic entertainment, research, economic, and governmental structures used for forming a small community without ore. Once ore production is stabilized, these buildings can be upgraded to their regular forms.

immigration: I would implement a rudimentary landing zone that is basically a symbal marked in the ground for landing. It would produce one colonist for every 2 colonists produced by a regular landing pad, but it wouldn't require any power.

Gameplay: Salt and cactus fibers(wood) would be used to make the most basic structures in the dessert environment, and the need for the cactus fibers would prove to be a big hindrance at the beginning of the game until the player builds enough fruit cactus farms to produce a good amount of wood. The player would have to create tons of wells in order to produce enough water to support their colonists and operate the many cactus farms that will need to be built. Wells, in turn, require wood and salt to build. Salt has a small storage cap at first, and salt storage buildings also require wood, water, and salt to build, so you can see how the bottleneck would work if bast were to implement these ideas. Once the player gains an extra 300 wood, they will be able to built the usual charcoal hut, and then a charcoal burner to provid for more power once they get more wood and charcoal. From there, the gameplay is almost identical to the forest map aside from there being no tree farms or trees available for building. Basically, the player would have a long time to wait before they can produce ore, and by the time that the player gains ore production, they will have built an entire community out of salt blocks, gold, and cactus fibers. Bast might also want to add an entertainment building made out of wood and salt so that citizens can still be satisfied during the long wait for ore.

Advantages to map: The most outstanding advantages of the dessert map would be a local supply of oil and salt, but the biggest is the ability to gain gold, research, and civics earlier in the game. Wood storage will be higher on this map since every cactus fruit farm will add to food and wood storage, and so would the mega cactus farm.

Disadvantages: It will be hard to feed and quench your colonists near the beginning of the game. Wood will be scarce for a long time because it grows slow and you will need it to make ore and build important beginning structures. Water is inherently scarce and will be needed to make certain important structures and to keep colonists alive. Salt will have a small cap, so having a big enough supply to make a bunch of buildings at any given point will be hard to do until you manage to build a bunch of salt depots. All in all a very slow growing map.

I hope you all enjoy this idea and please vote for it to be put in the game if you like the ideas. Hopefully bast does decide to implement a dessert planet for at least one of the races, even if he doesn't implement all of the ideas that I've included here.
6y ago
#NewMap #MegaWorld #Ideas

Hello guys!
The name is Wadaling.

This is the new map idea, with new resources and challenges! 😈

Mega World planets are not dead planets, however one of the most dangerous places to colonize. Toxic and unbreathable (for humans only so far, but not a problem for Insectnoids and the local dwellers Giants) atmosphere. Soil that is not sutible for growth of ordinery crops. Dangerous gigantic beasts. Toxic Pandora plants only the beasts can eat. Despite the dangers, there’s resources that cannot found in anywhere else in the galaxy - Pandora Gas (P-Gas in short), also known as the ‘miricle gas’ that can grow ordinery plants into huge plants and allow them to cultivate them in soils of Mega World; the dangerous beasts are extremly rare in other planets; Pandora fruit from the Pandora plants are ingredients for the extraordinery Pandora Rum (but it is just rum, okay?).

<Exclusive Rovers>

• Hunter rover
When you cannot grow crops in Mega World, hunting the beasts is the only choices. Although not much can be done by a rover, it gets the job done.

• Pandora rover
This rover harvests Pandora fruit and builds basic structures.

<Exclusive Workers>
Various Giant worker units can be hired from the Giants’ Residences located in the map, using food. They are more efficient than common rovers.

<Exclusive Resources>

• Pandora Fruit
Although pandora fruits are not edible for most people you still need them as these are beasts’ diet and can make some fantastic batches of rum. Drying them can also extract some minerals.

• Beasts
Dangerous, huge, terrifying, but also delicious meals for many and valuable pets.

• P-Gas
This miricle gas will grow huge plants (and allow cultivation in Mega World) that will lead to a new agricultural revolution!

Next time new buildings (and something about the terrains too) will be introduced. Stay tuned!

On the other hand, any more additional ideas? Or some improvements? Comments please (•ω•)
5y ago
Here's a mod I have been working on for the past few days! Progress is a little slow, but I regularly update the files as more gets added, so be sure to check back to see what all has changed!

First off, here is the SN11 lander, for those interested in using it. This is the flying bit of it.

And this is the Starbase it becomes once landed.

Here is the object pack, for those interested in just the objects.

And finally, here is the mod itself!

Again, I will regularly update this as I go along, so be sure to keep an eye on this to get the latest bits and bobs! Feedback is also appreciated, so if you find something to be wrong, please let me know!

-Wild foods have been added back to the map as a new resource
-Added Fruit as a new resource
-Added Fruit Truck for harvesting fruit, and to give the pavement a purpose. Built by a distillery.
-Added distillery
-Added Uranium Enrichment Facility
-Added Uranium Harvest Truck
-Added Uranium as a harvestable resource
-UEF now generates Helium in addition to uranium.
-Increased Oil output
-Increased Aluminum output
-Added Sulfur Refinery. Produces sulfur, methane, and propane.
-Added Oil Refinery. Makes oil, propane, and methane.
-Added Atmosphere Separator. Produces Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
-Added Steelworks. Much better at making steel.
-Starbase can now build SN11 landers. Feature still unavailable to use, however.
-Adjusted Silica Production values.
-Updated World icon
-Adjusted Small House to require lumber
-Added Medium House
-Added Salt Hut
-Added Plasticizer building. Produces plastic, toys and tires.

-wild foods have been removed from the map. It was causing some problems with the drones.
-Food resource is now a utility
-water is now a utility
-drones now fly in correct orientation
-SN11 now flies in the correct orientation
-starbase updated to reflect change to SN11
-Power, Air, Trash, and Red tape (government) are now utilities
-aluminum production adjusted. It is now 50 per tick
-Pavement and crosswalks were added.
-Added Municipal Court for Red Tape
-Added Oil Refinery
-Added Steelworks
-Added Solar Farm
-Updated Log yard to Lumber yard. Now produces wood pulp and lumber.
-Added Sulfur refinery. Produces sulfur, methane, and propane.
-Added Salt Hut
-Added Atmospheric Separator. Produces Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.
-Removed cotton as a resource. It was redundant.
-Removed Cars resource. It is unable to be implemented, and seemed like a cool idea at the time. It was not.
-Removed Aircraft resource. Same reason as the cars resource, though it COULD have been implemented.
-Fixed minor grammatical errors in item descriptions and tidied them up.
-Added Lumber as a used resource for a few old buildings.
-Removed net cap as a resource. It is now a utility.
-Recompiled all models to fix latency. Apparently I had missed a few last time, and it was causing performance issues. This should no longer be a problem. Thank you @bastecklein for the help on that.
-Pavement and crosswalks are now passable, meaning they no longer block off your buildings.
-Fixed a bug with the lumber yard preventing it from generating lumber.
I'm adding this in my Dusk World Sandbox!
1mo ago
For my agricultural idea I've put together some herbs and other plants that aid in the rpg/adventure aspect of the game. Some of these plants can create powerful elemental resistance potions or elemental catalysts needed to cast spells. Some are very picky in terms of the biome that they want to grow in, yet others can be grown anywhere.

Flaming Peppers:
grows wild in - deserts
grown in - hot biomes only
use - ice resistance potions, fire arrows, fire catalysts.
growing info - the plant can be harvested without breaking and regrows peppers over time. crops need to have one square of room all around to grow(prevents easy mass production).

Frost Melon:
grows wild in - tiaga, tundra
grown in - cold biomes only
use - fire resistance potions, ice arrows, ice catalysts
growing info - grows just like the flaming peppers and has the same spacial requirements.

Rubber tree:
grows wild in - jungle
grown in - hot and temperate biomes, but not cold biomes.
use - shock resistance potion, potential source of rubber, which could be a crafting material.
growing info - grows like any other tree, drops rubber bark and the normal drops when broken and should drop saplings so that becomes a renewable source of rubber bark.

Zing berry bush:
grows wild in - tiaga, forest, jungle
grown in - tiaga, forest, jungle only. It needs shade to grow
use - static arrows and shock catalysts.
growing info - can be harvested without breaking the plant and will regenerate over some time. They need to be planted adjecent to a tree in order to produce berries. growing next to rubber trees provides a bonus to growth and fruit growing speed.

grows wild in - grasslands
grown in - anywhere.
uses - health potions
growing info - grown on grass or farmland, grows faster on farmland. Spreads fledgling plants to adjacent squares to make it easy to mass produce.

sugar cane:
grows wild in: swamp, jungle
grown in: anywhere
uses: potions and food.
growing info - must be grown next to water.

Char lilly:
grows wild in - must be crafted with various fire related ingredients.
grown in - hot biomes only
use - provides nectar for inferno bees. Inferno bee hives in turn produce fire catalysts instead of honey.
growing info - char lillies are sterile, so they must be crafted in order to make more. they can be placed next to one another and must grow on farmland. The rate at which inferno hives produce fire catalysts is directly related to how many of these lillies are placed in range of the hive. This would make it easy to mass produce fire catalysts, which will be needed more and more as you progress through the game.

Frostbite Orchid:
grows wild in: must be crafted from frost/ice related items.
grown in: cold biomes only
use - provides nectar for blizzard bees. Blizzard bee hives produce ice catalysts from the nectar.
growing info - also sterile and have to be crafted, same hive mechanics, just for a different element.

Static Azalea:
grows wild in - must be crafted from shock/static related items
grows in - all biomes
use - provides nectar to tempest bees. Tempest bee hives produce shoch catalysts from the nectar
growing infor - same as char lillies and frostbite orchides, but for the shock element.

night shade:
grows in: at the lowest depths of caves.
grown in: caves only
use: this plant contains the essence of corruption, an element that causes poisoning and madness. Can be used to make corruption arrows that turn enemies against one another and is also used in black catalysts.
growing info, must be grown on farm land in caves. must have at least one tile of space on all sides.

Glow coral:
grows wild in - the depths of the ocean
grown in - underwater only.
uses - this plant contains the essence of blinding light, this light is an element called holiness and can be used to craft holy arrows which cause massive damage to undead/corrupt enemies and set them ablaze, and is used in white catalysts.
growing info: must be placed on sea floor with one tile of room all around.

aetherial kelp:
grows wild in - underground ether rivers and oceans.
gown in - underground ether sea floor
uses - all cure potions that restore full health and remove all negative status effects, used in ether breathing potions, and used to make ether catalysts for ultima spells
growing info - very rare plant. grown on ether sea floor, must have three tiles of space all around to make mass production difficult. Harvesting the plant doesn't destroy the plant and it'll regrow it's harvestables over time.

Castor Bean plant:
grows in: jungle
grown in: jungle
uses: highly potent ricin poison that can inbue weapons and projectiles with poison damage. Also, there could be a possible poison catalyst if poison is to be an element, but let's assume it's not. Poisons would also be needed to make antidotes to rid yourself from being poisoned. Could also be used to make poison vials that would imbue all arrows and mele weapons with poison for a short time.
growing info: this plant will replicate a phenomenal rates by spawning fledgling plants right next to it or up to 2 tiles away, so all you have to do is plant on dirt and you'll have a ton of these in no time, no water required. Harvesting destroys the plant, but yields a lot of castor beans. Mass production should be easy, but these plants will kill all plants and animals near them, and there is a risk of poisoning yourself as you harvest them unless a protection method is implemented, such as rubber gloves. This makes these plants a pain to control for farming, but it's worthwhile to farm them. These need to be mass-produceable so that you can make lots of antidotes, poison vials, and poison arrows to aid you in your adventures, and poison is a pretty easy to come by thing in most rpg games.

grows in: all levels of the ocean
grown in: all levels of the ocean
uses: water breathing potion and can be consumed as food for hunger and water breathing for a small amount of time.

fire - used as ammo for fire spells. Made from flaming peppers, wax, and charcoal.
ice - used as ammo for ice spells
shock - used as ammo for shock spells
black - used as ammo for dark/poison/necro spells and can be used as ammo for fire, ice, and lightning spells. When used that way, it adds poison damage and boosts the elemental status effects that the particular spell imbues on the enemy.
white - used as ammo for healing/light/holy spells and can be used as ammo for fire, ice, and lightning spells. When used that way, it adds holy damage to the spell and boosts it's overall damage.
ether: can be used for any kind of spell and is mainly used as ammo for ultima spells. Ether catalysts should be very difficult to obtain.

potions and consumable:

potion of fire resistance: reduces fire damage and the likeliness of being set on fire, which does damage over time.
potion of frst resistance: reduces ice damage and the likeliness of being slowed or frozen in place.
potion of lightning resistance: reduces shock damage and the likeliness of being stunned or knocked back.
tea: crafted from water, sugar, and chamomile. Basic health potion.
antidote: this common potion needs to be easy to make because the player could get poisoned quite often.
all cure: made from aetherial kelp and other highly rare ingredients, this potion brings you back to square one so you can keep up the fight without having to retreat.
potion of water breathing: allows the player to breath under water for a time, vital for venturing deep into the ocean to get things like glow coral.
Potion of dark vision: allows you to see invisible enemies and objects and allows you to see night and underground as if it were day. Not completely required as enemies that use invisibility should uncloak for a time to let the player strike them. Would be made from black catalysts and other rare ingredients.
cleansing pack: a semi-common consumable that would cure most common status ailments other than poison, corruption, and blindness. Its made from soap, cotton, and water. Soap is made from animal fat and charcoal. It would need to be easy to mass produce as the player will often find themselves under a negative status effect.
eye drops: made from salt and water, salt comes from salt deposits under the ocean(and possibly in deserts), cures blindness.

wax: harvested from hives and apiaries. Can be used to make candles, fire arrows, and fire catalysts.
Honey: restores health when consumed, can be used in better tiers of potions and consumables.
smoker: pacifies bees for a short time, allowing you to destroy their hive or apiary or harvest wax and honey. made with iron, charcoal, and zing berries, breaks after 64 uses.
Honey collector: made with wood and iron, used to harvest honey and wax from hives and apiaries. The amount of time it takes for a hive or apiary to fill with honey is directly related to how many plants you place in the range of the hives/apiaries. Chamomile flowers have the best affect, but all other plants can be used. Hives and apiaries increase plant growth speed and fruit generation speed of all plants around them by 20%, and if the ranges of hives/apiaries overlap then this effect can stack up to 5 times.

wild honey bee hives: occur naturally all over the world. The hive will attack if the player or other mobs get's too close, regardless of whether they intend to do harm, but the smoker tool can pacify them for a time. the hive will drop wax and 1-2 queens when broken.
apiary: crafted from wood, wax, and 1 wild or domestic queen bee. Bees will attack the player even though they are cultivated, but the damage is much less and apiaries that have been smoked are pacified for much longer than normal. Apiary bees will not attack a player for standing near the apiary, unlike the hive. However, hostile mobs that enter the range of an apiary are automatically attacked, making them good defensive turrets. However, this consumes honey, and they can't attack if out of honey, so it's important to not harvest defensive apiaries, and to put harvesting apiaries in a spot where they won't encounter hostility. The player can manually insert honey or catalysts(depending on the type of apiary) into the apiary to refuel it for battle. It will even drop itself when broken, allowing easy relocation. However, the apiary has a substantially reduced range compared to the hive.

elemental bees:
elemental siphon: used to siphon elemental catalysts from elemental apiaries. Elemental apiaries will attack the player with the elemental damage of their type when attempting to destroy or harvest from the apiary. The same apiary rules apply here regarding attack parameters, range, defensive action against hostile mobs, and smoke effect duration.
Inferno apiary: made from an apiary, a number of fire catalysts, a char lilly, and lots of charcoal. Drops itself when broken, allowing easy transportation. Only operates in hot biomes, produces fire catalysts at a speed directly related to how many char lilies in it's range. The lilies will die after a long time of use, dropping a depleted char lily that can be recharged by cooking in a furnace or with one fire catalyst. The inferno hive will always produce more catalysts than you'll end up using recharging the lilies, but you can get even more catalysts out of it just by cooking the lilies.

Blizzard apiary: made from an apiary, a number of ice catalysts, a frostbite orchid, and lots of ce. All of the rules for the inferno apiary apply here, just for the ice element. frostbite orchids can be recharged using ice catalysts or by crafting them with ice.

tempest Apiary: same rules apply as blizzard apiary but with the lightning element. Made from an apiary, a number of shock catalysts, a static azalea, and lots of rubber. static azaleas can be recharged with lightning catalysts or by crafting them with zing berries.

well, that's all I have for now, it's a big list of ideas, but I think it would make for some interesting gameplay mechanics. Let me know what you think.
5y ago
This thread will discuss Biomes for the game. I'm hoping that we can start out with 1 or 2 basic biomes to add and then add the others in phases. It could be up to the community to discuss what biomes should be on this list and which one's should be added first, second, and so on.

For each biome, I will discuss the basic features of the biome as a theme to go off of, and that theme could be taken in many different directions. Of course, I always provide my ideas in terms of how a theme could be made to work, but feel free to share your ideas as well.

Phase 0: the greening update

Grasslands: A flat biome filled with tall grass and flowers, sparsely populated with trees.

real life features:
- sparse trees
- flat grassy terrain
- areas of tall grass
-flowers are common
-caves aren't common
-common fauna: cattle, sheep, horses, bison, etc.

My ideas: I think that bast can copy this biome off of the original one, just add some tall grass to get seeds from, reduce the tree density, and add some flowers that could be used for basic things like dyes and potions(see my post in the agriculture page). Caves should still occur in this biome, but not too often. mushrooms would have to go for this biome though, but would be implemented in forests.

Forest: This biomes is densely populated with trees. Forests tend to have the most variety of animals and planets. On the forest floor, there are usually wild bushes and other small plants that dot the landscape. This biome should be the easiest to make since trees are already a part of the game, and you can create the forest biome with dense trees, and then go back and add the other features later.

real life features:
-dense trees
-smaller ground plants
-fallen logs
- high variety of animals
-caves are somewhat common
- common fauna: squirrel, deer, bear, fox, chicken, bobcat, etc.

My idea: The easiest way to make this biome is to take the original biome and crank up tree population. everything else is good for now. In a later phase, you might want to come back and add more variety of smaller plants, like maybe some berry bushes for food, briars which damage entities and could be broken and replaced for defensive purposes, and poison ivy, which could be used as a low level poison in limited ways.

Phase 1: The dessert update

dessert: everyone knows what a desert is, should be self explanatory.

real life features:
-sandy ground
-small shrubbery
-caves somewhat common.
-common fauna: poisonous snakes, rabbits, camels, etc.

My idea: This biome needs to be built from scratch, which is why it's in it's own phase.
cacti can be another farm. It should produce fruit once before it has to be re-planted, but the fruit can turn into multiple seeds. the slow growing cacti must be planted in the dessert. The small shrubbery can be harvested for sticks, and the boulders provide stone for building.

Sandstone cave: Self explanatory, the walls can be mined for sandstone, which would be another building material. gravel and sand could be mixed into the sandstone to give sand for glass and gravel for paths.

real life features:
-sandstone walls
-lose sand and gravel debris
-eventually leads to stone caves further down.

My idea: I don't really have much to say about this one. Other than enemy mobs, nothing can survive in these caves, so they are just there for aesthetics and resources, as you can't obtain sand or gravel from the surface.

Phase 2: The water update

surface lakes: small randomly shaped bodies of water that the player can swim through. Slows movement, but should provide a supply of water, and the player should be able to fish in surface lakes. The bigger the lake, the less likely you are to wait a long time to catch fish. The player should have a way to build these as decoration, food supply, and as a defensive mechanism. surface lakes can also occur in caves.

swamp lakes: same function as surface lakes, but the water is stagnate. Has a more potent slow effect yet yeilds more fish than a regular surface lake. The player shouldn't be able to build swamp lakes.

Swamp: this one is self explanatory, swamp lakes surrounded by muddy ground, brownish-green land. large willow trees. Cotton-tails and reeds growing at the edge of the water. Crocodiles swimming in the water, waiting to kill unsuspecting prey.

Real life features:
-large trees
-swamp lakes
-muddy ground surrounds swamp lakes
-dull green-brown ground
-cotton tails and reeds grow in the mud around swamp lakes.
-common fauna: mosquito, crocodile, frog, etc.
-caves are common, but come in the moist variety

my ideas: This one would require surface lakes to be implemented, which is why I've put it off a little. The reeds could be used for paper and the cotton-tails could be used to make cotton.

stagnate caves: caves that are periodically filled with water and silt. Muddy walls yeild mud when broken, which can be cooked to make mud bricks, but there should be some clay veins mixed in with the mud, yielding clay, which can be cooked into clay bricks. Both have the same texture but different colors, and clay bricks are much stronger than mud bricks. There should be a way later in the game to filter clay from mud to get additional clay.

I'll just summarize the phases from now on, since it's not really beneficial to plan that far ahead.

Phase 3: the winter phase

this will be the tiaga and tundra update. This update comes later because it's the least necessary compared to the other 3.

for 0, grasslands provide easy room to build while forests provide lots of building materials, allowing the player to have an easier time building. in 1, desserts provide sand for glass and a new structural material called sandstone, along with cacti that can be farmed. 2 introduces water bodies in the map for a rather important aesthetic and food source, mud and clay for new building materials, and a source of cotton for clothes and armor, and paper for things like maps and books.

3 will only provide a few minute resources, such a snow, ice, ...and not much else. This update is purely for aesthetics and to provide a harder biome to survive in. The cold should make players go hungry faster, and there should be more powerful enemies that come out at night. It's harder to farm or fish because water always freezes, so the player has to resort to hunting to survive.

phase 4: the ocean phase

this phase will feature a beech biome and an ocean biome. The ocean will have multiple underwater "floors" where the player can fight dangerous sea monsters, gather fish for food, and gather up exotic plants from the sea floor. The beech will have no caves, but it itself should be an interesting place to visit with it's own resources. More info to come on this if bast implements anything in the other phases.

phase 5: the elevation phase

The phase would focus on the ability to have upper levels and climbable objects like mountains. I think it would also be cool to enable multi-level building construction and the ability to place stairs that transport you between the upper levels. These updates would allow bast to create other more complicated biomes like the mesa and climbable jungle tree maps.

phase 6: the jungle update

this phase implements jungle biomes with climbable jungle trees. This would allow players to build tree-houses. It may or may not be possible to implement this, but I'm putting it in here just in case.

Anyway, that's what I think the order should be, assuming bast will be adding other biomes. Let me know what your ideas are and which biomes you think should go first or last
5y ago
I knew you would love this idea Dino!
7mo ago
Hello @bastecklein! In case you don't want to use my .c2d file, I have all of the dusk world models here in this handy .zip file if you want to manually add the worldtype in yourself!
Alternatively there is the .c2d file.
Ore spawns as an underground terrain object, yet ore miner or any thing that can mine ore is blocked on dusk world
p.s. I am human civ, idk if this is different for draconian, I've yet to play as them, so maybe this ain't a bug because of them?
4mo ago
Ansom said:Such a shame to have paintings stores in warehouses. Should be placed in museum, so the people can observe and study them. :D

Maybe it's cheap motel style paintings. Fruit in bowls, dogs playing poker, badly done landscapes...
6y ago
Ok, so wanted to update my ideas based on the recent decision to not put my starship on the mc server. Since that happened, the ability to build ships would be meaningless unless they played a role in trading and exploring anomalies for resources.

We also talked about the idea of the space station being a type of map in mc instead of being it's own game. I personally don't care which because the station would be able to carry out the same functions that it was designed for no matter if it was in mc or in it's own game.

The thing is, I think that it would be simpler and faster for bast to just implement the platform feature, since that would only require a few changes to the engine. Developing modules would take ages to finish and it would be tons of work. Yeah it would be cool, but developing modules would require multiple multiple changes to the engine, and I personally think that we shouldn't be reinventing the wheel here when we already have most of the buildings and features that we need to make the game aside from the platforms.

On another subject, consider some of these ideas off the top of my head:
-space stations need o2, which they can get from water. However, water is not a replenishable source on a space station. Therefore, water demand would skyrocket if this game becomes a reality. A byproduct of making o2 from water is hydrogen, which is used in fusion plants. Fusion plants could use lots of hydrogen and produce he3, all while producing tons of power. Hydrogen and oxygen should be producable by planetary colonies and have a place in the gbt as basic resources.
-on a space station, everything needs to be recycled so as not to lose resources, so there should be structures that turn trash into fertilizer. Fertilizer would be needed for food production. Food feeds people, and then people use the restroom, completing the cycle. The reason why fertilizer would be needed is because there is limited soil on a space station, and that soil would need to be re-enriched from time to time to keep crops alive and bearing fruit. This fertilizer resource should be producable by planetary colonies and should have a place on gbt as a basic resource.
- a space station would have more forms of entertainment that planetary colonies don't have, like a viewing deck, spacewalk rig, and zero-G chamber.
- there would also be more ways of making money. A refueling station would constantly consume oil and produce money. An energy cell factory would consume large amounts of energy and either just produce money or produce energy cells, which may have other uses.
-0G makes it difficult to work, so the player would have to build gravity generators to keep their colonists up to snuff. These generators would keep colonists moving at regular pace. Without them, colonists have to wear heavy magboots that make them walk at a fraction of the pace and production is significantly slower in buildings that aren't inside the radius of a gravity generator. It could also be a happiness factor.
-Debris from meteors is everywhere in space, and without adequate shields, buildings would be torn to shreds. Therefore, shields should be implemented to protect colonists. Meteors would be a constant thread and would heavily damage any unshielded structure/colonist/vehicle that they land on and could even destroy roads or platform tiles.

That's all I can think of for now, hopefully these ideas help.
6y ago
love the trees look like fruit trees im still kind of loving colony 1 but this new ones getting really nice now .
my colony 1 on the off chance it would be nice if there was a way we could buy all the older buildings as i missed quite a few when you started doing that . I LOVE the new resident structure 30000 k colonist really nice
1y ago

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11mo ago
please if you wanna test it convert it into a .c2m first, it acts weird without it
An image of this beautiful world in action!

Hello! If you haven't already seen my Dusk World submission, please do look at it in the data file submission area. Anyways, this is the decorative variant of Duskshrooms, as I found them quite visually appealing.

Duskshroom 1:

Duskshroom 2:

Duskshroom 3:

Duskshroom 4:

Today I am happy to announce the release of My Colony 2 v0.45.0! This update continues to clean up some of the fallout related to the conversion to a statistics based simulation model, and adds a couple of new things along the way. Let's take a look!

Let's discuss fixes first. I think that I have finally isolated and corrected the issue where settlement utilities would be completely messed up when loading up a game save, but it may require one load/save/quit/load cycle to fix. Please let me know if you are still having this issue though.

Moving on, buildings now require workers again in order to operate. For the last few updates, worker shortages were no problem at all, but now you will actually have enough people to man your factories and shops.

Also, settlement approval rating was not being properly calculated before this update. It should now be working again like it used to.

Moving right along, there was a bug where disabling player building colors was not having any impact on the game. This should be working again.

Now on to game changes. If you are playing in a larger sized viewport (bigger than 1280x720), the overall game UI has been changed slightly.

Game UI elements have been "detached" from the sides of the viewport and are now floating a bit, with a new black border around everything. I think it looks a bit nicer, but you can let me know if you disagree. I have also increased the padding around all popup windows, which I also think looks a bit nicer than before.

In addition, I have changed most of the icons in the popup windows from ionic icon set based .svg icons to the icon font used by most Ape Apps applications, which should load a bit faster than the old icons did. I am probably going to change all the icons on the title screen soon too.

In the encyclopedia, the Units section has been expanded a bit, and I have also started adding the Research section. Still a lot of work to do on the encyclopedia, but we are making some progress!

The video section in Engine Settings now has a new slider to adjust the game rendering video resolution.

I am hoping this can help performance a bit, especially on the mobile side of things. There are lower end smart phones and laptops out there that barely have a GPU, but include super high resolution displays. With this new slider, you should be able to scale the output resolution down considerably. If it ends up making a big impact, I might have the resolution lowered by default on some mobile devices.

Next up, Ape Chat comes to My Colony 2! The in-game chat in the original My Colony has long been powered by the Ape Chat system, and now My Colony 2 has been migrated over as well. If you are using the stand alone Ape Chat client, you can join the in-game My Colony 2 channel #mc2.

The channel does not have its own custom icon yet, but that will be coming soon (I actually need to do an Ape Chat client update first). One of the benefits of running the in-game chat off of the Ape Chat service, is that you can subscribe to the channel and get notifications when people are talking and playing in the game, allowing you to jump into the game when activity is going on. You can also help people with their questions without even having the game open.

I will be watching the #mc2 channel to make sure things don't get out of hand. There may come a point where moderators are needed for the chat room (I might also need some new mods for mc1 chat), so keep that in mind if you are interested in helping in that regard, and if/when the time comes for moderators, I will reach out to people who have expressed an interest in the position.

Continuing on. If you look in the settlement stats window, you will notice a couple of new things. First, unemployment rate now shows up, so you can keep track of how many of your people do not have work. Unemployment can be caused by not enough jobs, but is also impacted by health, education and other ratings, and will weigh down on your overall approval rating.

Next, there is a new placeholder status bar for Faith. In the building editor, there is also a stat for structure faith rating. This is a new mechanic that will be coming soon, but at the core of it, there will be an opportunity to add faith related structures to the game, statues, temples, shrines, churches, etc. This will be sort of another stat like entertainment, but I also want a mechanic to where players can create a religion. They can then send missionaries to other settlements, or even to other worlds via the star gate system. There will then be global stats on which religions are spreading and to which planets/settlements. I think it can be a cool mechanic, so if you are interested in helping design this new feature, post some ideas!

Let's turn to some new content next. There is a new planet type (pictured in the first screenshot to this post) called Dusk World provided by @therealchromedino and it's awesome! This world provides a new resource called Duskshrooms, as well as a new rover and the Small Thermal Plant and Duskshroom Market structures. If you were looking into starting a new world, now might be a great time!

For Lunar maps, @RekEm1999 has provided a new upgraded Diamond Drilling Operation for advanced diamond extraction.

For expanding out the Alien Tech line a bit, I have added the Alien Power Tower, the Quantum Warehouse, and the new Quantum Housing Pod, a (very) high density housing upgrade to the base Bunkbed Shelter.

There are a few other new structures curtesy of @therealchromedino in this release. The Small and Advanced Blood Banks are new medical structures, the Cartel Prison is a new security structure, and the Transcendent Solar Tower is an epic new solar tower for those with Transcendent tech that can best the output of the Small Nuclear Reactor.

So that is about it for this update. There are still a lot of things that need fixing, and a big one is the combat system, which may be the focus of next update. Until then though, thanks to all contributors, thank you all for playing the game, and stay tuned for more!

7mo ago
Q: How do I get gold and aluminum?

A: You gotta look around and expand to these resources. A good method to do that is called RMD bridging, where you expand your borders by building Raw Materials Deopots to where you need to harvest at.

Q: I can't find any uranium!

A: There are no uranium deposits, you have to make use of the Uranium Synthesis Lab.
Although I made the Alien Uranium Synthesis Lab, I believe that this step in the production upgrade ladder that @therealchromedino made would be a good upgrade to have for something in the middle between the regular and Alien labs. This would help a lot on our Dusk Worlds in the later game, so I am very thankful for this contribution.
6mo ago
Ore moment
3mo ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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