Search - gold refinery


Ore-Refinery makes sense. There is ore and there is steel. The Ore-Refinery converts the ore into steel.

But what are gold-refinery and aluminium-refinery doing? There is not gold ore or aliminium ore resources. or golden steel or aliuminium steel. So nothing to convert.

But what are gold-refinery and aluminium-refinery doing? I didnt understand it yet. But playing the game now only for two days or so.
6y ago
I do have to agree with mizar, 2.5 million gold seems excessive, especially since the only realiable ways for insects to get gold is the two mines, one of which is pretty slow, the other of which produces so many resources that it is slow to get one particular resource. If you wanted to do that, then maybe make a new building equivalent to the gold synthesizer or gold grower from the other civs. That way gold can be obtained more readily, since you need a lot of it. Plus, the most you can gift from a zolarg world is 1 million gold, and, prior to building the unholy pit, the most you can store is 20k...meaning that if you only had the quatnum pits, you would need 125 of them just to build a single unholy pit. Which again, doesn't sound like that much, but getting the artifacts you need is a multistep process which yields not that many artifacts in and of itself. And yes I know that othe buildings store gold too, but they store ten times less gold, so you would need ten antanium smelters for the equivalent of one quantum pit, etc, and most of those buildings use gold too...basically, there either needs to be a better way to get gold for ants, or a significantly reduced gold cost...and they need a new way to get gold's used to antanium, which is used in nearly every building, often alongside gold. I often found that I already didn't make enough gold as insectoids...and now with the IT buildings, and this huge cost increase...I never have enough gold to build new pits without importing it from other colonies.
So, I have an idea: The gold refinery was not really used that much in MC1, so why not give it a use in MC2?

This is basically an early-game Gold Synthesis Lab, wether or not it requires premium is up to you.

Costs would be the same as the MC1 Gold Refinery.

Maybe it refines 1 Gold into 5 Gold every 1000 ticks?

Here is model and picture (I actually made it this time, not a reskin.)

Any feedback would be great!
Hi. I want the developer, @bastecklein to add mines to the MC2 game. This is where your rovers/miners will mine resources in spare, if you don't have any deposits near your territory anymore. Here are the costs for the different types of mines:
Ore Mine:
Ore +500
Gold Mine:
Ore +1200
Steel +120
Technologies required: Advanced gold mining, Advanced small scale construction
Aluminum Mine:
Ore +2500
Requires: Advanced chemistry, Advanced small scale construction, Advanced aluminum mining

Technologies for mines (Gold and Aluminum advanced mining):
Research +200 (Gold)
Research +750 (Aluminum)

I also want to add Gold and Aluminum refineries, which converts 1 Gold to 3 Gold (duplicates it), and 1 aluminum to 3 aluminum. Gold refineries cost:
Research: None
Power +8
Ore +2,400
Steel +80
Aluminum refineries cost:
Power +16
Ore +1200
Gold +850
Water +20
Microchip +200
Steel +4000

That is it for now, more will be shown about this later! Please reply anytime. Thank you.

Hello there, everyone! Here I am presenting the Gold Fracking Operation! This is an suggestion because it serves as a faster way to harvest gold, and also serves as an alternative to the currently existing Gold Synthesis Lab, and is extremely important to worlds which have no gold deposits and/or slower gold production. This will be a premium building. Alright, here is my idea, and I hope you like it!

  • Gold Fracking Operation

    This building is (almost) the same as the Ore Fracking Operation, but the only difference is that it harvests gold.

    Statistics: Same as the Ore Fracking Operation, but harvests gold
    Design: Same as the Ore Fracking Operation, but with gold replacing ore
    Technologies Required: Advanced Gold Mining

Alright, that is it for right now! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to comment below on your thoughts! I will see everyone later! Also, please do not mind the sixth question of the poll above.
I had originally wanted to do away with units/rovers in MC2 for performance reasons (since the world is now infinite in size, and path-finding is expensive), but I think I have settled on a new strategy that will both allow units and keep the server path-finding to a minimum.

In MC2 there will be two types of units, "global" units, and "tethered" units.

A global unit will work pretty much the same way that a unit in MC1 works. The unit is assigned to a player, and a player can move it around the map as he/she pleases. The unit's pathfinding is controlled by the server, and it's state and location is synced between all connected clients. An example of a unit that will be in the global class for MC2 is the Lander, or any other future type of unit that has the ability to "unpack" into a base structure or outpost.

The other class is the tethered unit, which conceptually did not really exist in MC1 (although the transit bus was similar in some ways), but most of the types of units from MC1 will be turning into the tethered type for MC2.

To explain Tethered units, I will give the example of an ore refinery. In MC1, you would build a refinery, and then you would build Ore Miners. Ore Miners would search the map for ore and bring them back to whatever refinery was closest.

This behavior changes for MC2. Now a building will be able to support X number of "child," or "tethered" units, varying based on the individual structure, and these units will operate within a certain radius of the parent structure.

For example, suppose a hypothetical refinery supports 10 tethered units and has a unit radius of 30 tiles. When you build the refinery, it may come with one free unit, and then you can click on the refinery and build more units up to 10. Those 10 units will harvest any Ore deposit they find within the 30 tile radius. Also, the state and location for those 10 units are unique to the client. On the server side, Ore in the area is simply harvested statistically based on how many tethered units a building has, so there is no server-side path-finding required. On the client, it will look like rovers are driving around doing things, but it will be mainly for show, and they can be disabled in engine settings. The client will only need to do path-finding within the 30 tile radius.

This new system should improve unit performance significantly VS MC1, while still keeping Rovers as an integral part of the game.
3y ago
make gold sithis labs non preuim buding and/or add gold ore mines.

okay i had entogh of how big of a slow slog geting gould for free to play is on my colaony two

so hres the deal in this game the main issue i have is that free to play players have a big issue of not geting good enogth realy to mid game gould income the real reradon is unlike my conly one thers no gold mnies or gold sitheis labs besus the former odesnot exest or the later is locked behind preuim aconut

but if this stays the case thers will be a big isuee that free to play players wont be able to play the game wihout geting so angly from how slow just smeingsrvafe gold deposts and nueing chaorcle gold stithing is to the pont its giong to negtivly efect the overlall long tehrm helth of this games lnog terim playblty

ther onlt three soutons to this make the gold sitehm lab a fre to play buidng, add termoby buidlng gold mnires exactly like the ones in my colny one, or just do both for realy and mid games to b efater at the same time.

this is a high piorty issue bescue if this issue does not chage befoe a large infulx of new players to the my colny sers trying play my cilny two as this issue is not fixed its giong to realy realy make this game have a very bad strgle form how bad this issue is, also i have playtested and yes the free to play gould issue is that game braking
2y ago
What storage? Bast, what storage facilities hold gold? I have 20 steel yards, 25 warehouse and 15 gold refineries. I can store a maximum of 75,000 gold. Now, if I deactivate a refinery, my gold storage drops to 70,000. Okay, so a refinery hold 5000 gold. Steel yards and warehouses hold nothing. I need to employ 60 people to hold 75,000 gold? Really?

What holds aluminum? Uranium? Clay?
6y ago
Gold refinery takes crude gold ore and turns into usable gold you need for construction.
Same with the Aluminum refinery.
6y ago
This post is a collection of a lot of ideas and features I think need to be added. Some of these have been requested by other people but I am putting it all in a big collection and explaining how it would work together. I will be working on this post for a few days so expect to see edits adding new ideas. I will make the textures, with help from a friend, if this post becomes popular enough. Considering the amount of ideas here, this will take a while. I understand all this could be an unrealistic amount of additions but I am doing my best to make it reuse all of the existing code to the fullest. Thank you for still reading, a lot of people would have left by now!.

Please tell me what you think of all my ideas!

The first part of my ideas is a new planet type: Geyser World. I already made a post on it but I will go more in depth here:
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-Lunar Rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-Lunar Rover
Non-Buildable Buildings:
Small Water Pump
Small Solar Panel
Starting Atmosphere: 10 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 7)
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Steam Vents(around 10)
Rock Fissures(around 20)

New Resources (items):
-Boiling Water: Looks a lot like water
-Mineral Water: Looks like water but with little spots in it.

New Vehicles:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects boiling water from boiling water deposits.
Cost: ore: 100 steel: 2 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.

-Treated Waterbot:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects mineral water from mineral water deposits.
Cost: ore: 1000 steel: 20 wheel: 6
Tech Required:Basic Mineral Resistance.

New Tech:
-Basic Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 20 steel
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Unlocks: Tiny Mineral Extractor

-Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 25 research
Prerequisites: Basic Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Small Mineral Extractor

Cost: 500 research
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base, Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Thermoelectric Generator, Advanced Water Condenser

New Resource tiles:
-Steam Vent(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground, has a puff of steam coming out. Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.
-Rock Fissure(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground with obsidian inside Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.

New Buildings:
-Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Twice as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel, 1 gold
Built By: Builder Bot
Upgrades to: Advanced Water Condenser

-Tiny Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 2
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost: 200 ore, 200 regolith
Upgrades to: thermoelectric generator

-Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 5
Tech Required: Thermodynamics
Build Cost: 2000 ore, 250 steel, 5 gold

-Advanced Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Six times as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:5000 ore, 200 steel, 100 gold, 50 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as the water produced by a small water pump
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel
Built By: Builder Bot

-Small Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as six small water pumps
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:2500 ore, 50 steel, 10 gold, 2 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

-Small Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

The second part of my ideas is another new planet type: Soaring Cliffs. It is a similar idea to the water world but will play differently. It goes great with the avian race idea below.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-forest rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-forest rover
Buildable Workers at Start(Zolarg):all
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:5 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 5)
Fir Trees(a lot, similar to forest world)
Cliff Face(replaces large drops that are adjacent to land)
Large Drop(generated similar to water on the water world)

New Resources (items):
-Krypton Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Krypton

New Tech:
-Rare Animal Zoology:
Cost: 20000 research
Prerequisites: low atmospheric zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

New Buildings:
-Mountain Goat Pen(2x2):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, Soaring Cliffs Base OR Rare Animal Zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

-Weaver's House(1x1):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore, 10 wool
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot, lumberbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge NS(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge Anchor(1x1):Built on land and cliff faces. Just a decorative road to go along with the rope bridge.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

The third part of my ideas is yet another new planet type: Gas Giant. The Progression would be based around floating helium balloons due to how easy it is to float in a planet with a very dense atmosphere.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Starting Rovers(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Custom Lander(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Lander
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:500 billion
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Gas Deposit(contains infinite xenon, covers most of the world. Generates like water in water world but even more frequent.)

New Vehicles:
-Ballon Rover: Works similar to a lunar rover but can fly over buildings.
Cost: ore: 100 helium:20 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.
Can Build:Tiny helium-3 condenser, helium-3 condenser, helium compactor, regolith compactor, storage tank, suspended storage tank, regolith crusher.

-Ballon Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings
Cost: ore:100 wheel:6 helium:50
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base

-Small Builder Zeppelin: Works like a normal advanced builder bot but can fly on gas deposits.
Cost: ore:1000 wheel:6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base, advanced small scale construction

-Balloon Lander Airborne: Airborne version of balloon lander. Can land on gas deposits or normal land.

New Resources (items):
-Xenon Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Xenon

New Buildings:
-Balloon Lander(1x1): Can be built on Gas Deposits or on normal land.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: Balloon Rover.

-Tiny Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: Regolith 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at a quarter of the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: ore 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium Compactor:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: regolith 20 helium-3 20
Resource Production: Turns helium-3 into a small amount of regolith

-Storage Tank(1x1):
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 500 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 100 Helium-3 25

-Suspended Storage Tank(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 750 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 150 Helium-3 100

-Floating Helium-3 Condenser(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits. Looks like a water condenser but white and with a balloon on top.
Power Used:1
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

The fourth part of my ideas is a new race: Avians. These part people part birds have close ties with united earth, and use many similar technologies. Some of the items here are from the soaring cliffs idea listed above gas giants.

Avian Tech:
Low atmospheric zoology and rare animal zoology they can unlock the same way as humans.

New Resources (items):
-Feather: Used to make some flying vehicles.
-Bird Steel: A lightweight yet strong metal used in more advanced flying vehicles.

New Vehicles:
-Avian Rover: Works like a normal rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 5 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Small solar panel, small vehicle factory, small water pump, greenhouse.

-Avian Forest Rover: Works like a normal forest rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: wood: 40 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Fir Trees, Charcoal Hut, Wood Hut, Goat Pen, Chicken Coop, Water Well

-Avian Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 15 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

-Avian Constructor: Builds some unique avian builds/
Cost: ore: 150 wheel: 8 gold:20 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

Avian Lander Airborne: Airborne version of Avian Lander.

New Buildings:
-Avian Lander(1x1): Similar to the normal UE lander, the lander the Avians start with.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: rover, forest rover, Avian rover, avian forest rover.

-Chicken Coop(2x2):
Description: "Avians like Chickens a lot, so they keep them as pets. Many think that avians evolved from chickens, although the more plausible theory is that they actually evolved from a white variant ravens."
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Wood:200 Ore:20
Built By: Forest Rover, Avian Forest rover
Requirements:Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Enclosed Chicken Coop(2x2): An enclosed version of the chicken coop
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Ore:2000, steel 250, gold 100
Built By: Builder Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base or rare animal zoology, low atmospheric zoology

-Avian Solar Panel(1x1): A version of the normal solar panel that can be placed in the air or on land.
Power Production: 8
Cost: Ore:250, steel 10, feather 10
Built By: Buildr Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

-Wind Generator(1x1): A passive generator that must be built in the air.
Power Production: 12
Cost: Ore:250, steel 20,gold 10, feather 20
Built By: Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

Some WIP textures are below, along with a few pictures of what this would look like in-game:
Soaring Cliffs as Avian Race:

Gas Giant with United Earth:

I'm making a texture pack with the textures if anyone's interested.
Cliff Terrain:

Cliff Face:


Gas Deposit:

4y ago
SPARKY0303 said:May I ask where is the problem for gold is we have a very efficient gold lab why would we need this

Water worlds and non premium users do have a problem with gold. Even with gold labs, it takes a very long time for water world players (Lack of space lol).

I do acknowledge that there is a gold lab, but non premium users and water worlds still have a problem with gold. This could be a water world exclusive, as Oats said, but be more productive than the labs (And require premium at that.)

Alternatively, it could be the poor man's gold lab, be less efficient than the gold lab, but not need premium. Those two problems are things that I hope that I could address.
This upgrade to the gold synthesis lab exists in My Colony 1, so why does it not exist in My Colony 2? Well, lets change that. Seeing as new buildings need more and more gold, we will need a gold synthesis lab that can keep up with the demand. That is where the Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis Lab comes in. As the alien upgrade to the regular lab, this lab is more expensive to make and needs artifacts, but it produces way more gold. Since the ancient alien gold synthesis lab was a reskin of the gold synthesis lab, I thought that this one should follow suit. I have a reskinned gold synthesis lab to follow with the ancient alien theme.

Yes, that's also what the ingame description says.

Problem is: I never saw two different kind of gold resources in the resource list. Could you maybe post the icons for those two resources?

I assumed, that my gold vehicles just transport gold from the gold ores to the raw material deposits, and these gold resources then can be directly used for constructing anything that needs gold. That's at least what I used to watch... But maybe I've been observing something wrong.
6y ago
Hello, folks! Welcome back, today I will be showing an suggestion for a future MC1 update. I will be presenting the Regolith Refinery. The Regolith Refinery is an building that stores additional regolith for later use. These are the descriptions, stats and costs of the new building:
Regolith Refinery
An standard environment-balanced regolith refinery to store your regolith for future use! Requires power and workers to operate.

Regolith -1500
Helium 3 -200

Regolith +2500



Atmosphere +1 per 2000 ticks
With all workers: 400 ticks

I have not played My Colony in a long time, but I will make more future ideas and responses. Thank you for playing MC1! I also hope you played MC2!
Exactly. You need harvesters for the gold ore, or gold mines. When they are full they drive to the refinery and drop it off there for storage.

The gold synthesis lab does produce gold on its own. Maybe you are confusing them up.
5y ago
No, I think you are right, basically aluminum and gold refineries just store them, they don't really convert them. For instance, I've been able to collect and build with aluminim without ever building an Al refinery. The gold refinery is early game tech (for humans, at least) so maybe it has to be built before you can get the mint? Not sure. You raise a good point.
6y ago
I realized recently that you don't need to build a gold refinery to build gold miners. Similarly, you definitely don't need a lumber mill to collect wood.

Then, what is the purpose of these buildings? Are they just useless?

According to Coloniae, these buildings "collect & refine" certain resources. Does this have any beneficial in-game effect, or does it just mean the same thing as "storage"?

i.e. is there ANY reason to build a gold refinery instead of an extra raw materials depot?
3y ago
Ooh, this sounds promising @basteklein. How deep into crafting are you hoping to go? Will you be adding ways to automate some things? Will there be a leveling and class system? If this game becomes popular, do you think you would go as far as giving us the ability to travel to other planets/dimensions?

Speaking of infinite lower levels, you could also have infinite higher levels as well . Would be cool if the first floor of a building can be a part of the world map so you can pass right through the first floor of a building without having to go to another map, while upper and lower levels would have to be in separate maps. Instead of adding a map for every single staircase that a map has, just have each staircase or hole lead to the same level. for example, If you are building multiple two story houses on one map and you climb up to the second floor of one house, you should be able to see the second floor of the other houses, since they are all in the same level. This keeps all of the levels going up uniformely, creating a "column" of maps that exist one on top of the other and with the same amount of space.

I also like the fact that you can move into a new room when you get to the edge of a room, that could make different biome generation easy because you just need to designate the biome for each room and generate different things based on each biome. We could also do with a chunk map that shows all of the rooms/chunks that we've been in and the biome types of each. The map should focus the room that the player is in at the center so that you always know what's around you, but sooner or later we will want to be able to zoom out further and pan around the map, especially if we've done a lot of exploring. If you are planning to add at least a minimal amount of automation, I recommend being able to keep a number of rooms loaded(but not visible) in a radius around you so you have room to move while your automations do their thing, or what if only the column that you are in was loaded, so that automations above and below you can operate.

What are the texture specs so we can contribute to decorations? Would be neat to work on floor and wall types, resource images, plants, and other terrain types. I especially want to work on resources, I have many ideas for them.

I have an idea for a resource chain that you might like below. The chain leads you through the main crafting materials of the game, and some of the main buildings and furnature that could be added.

flooring: plank floor
flooring: cobble floor
wall: plank wall
wall: log wall
wall: cobble wall
furniture: wooden chair - should be able to sit in the chair, food grants bonus hunger points when eaten whilst sitting in a chair and health regeneration should slightly increase while sitting. Food should grant even more bonus hunger points if you sit in a chair that's facing a table while eating it.
furniture: wooden table
furniture: torch - crafted from sticks and coal. obviously spreads light in the darkness. that's if you are planning on adding light.

overworld structure - gravel pile - mined to obtain gravel, and sometimes flint
cave block: gravel - mined to obtain gravel, and drops flint more often.
item: gravel - used mainly for pathing
flooring: gravel path
item: - flint - used in many crafting recipes

furniture: furnace - basic cooking and smelting - requires stone and flint

cave block: coal ore - mined to obtain coal
item: coal: 1 coal can smelt 4(?) items. can be obtained by smelting wood in a furnace or mining coal ore in caves

cave block: copper ore - can be mined to obtain copper ore
item: copper ore - smelt in a furnace to obtain copper
item: copper - used in many crafting recipes.

cave block: iron ore - can be mined to obtain iron ore
item: iron ore - smelt in a furnace to obtain iron
item: iron- used in many crafting recipes.

cave block: gold ore - can be mined to obtain gold ore
item: gold ore - smelt in a furnace to obtain gold
item: gold- used in many crafting recipes .
item: gold coin - the main game currency, one gold ingot crafts into multiple coins.

furniture: forge - tier 2 smelting, only accepts coke for fuel - requires 1 furnace, lots of iron
item: coke - 1 coal refines into 1 coak in a furnace, used for forging steel from iron and iron ore, and 1 coke item smelts 1 item in the forge, this is to make steel a bit harder to obtain at first.
item: steel - used in many crafting recipes

furniture: alloy forge: a more efficient smelter with 2 inputs and 2 output slots. made with a forge and lots of steel. 1 coke smelts 2 items. If the right combination of 2 items are inserted and smelted, a new material is created, but if two items that won't mix are inserted, the alloy forge will act like a double furnace, smelting both items at once into their normal products.

item: antanium - a mixture of steel and gold, a very durable material. used in many crafting recipes

That's as far as I've gotten Obviously, each metal should have it's own set of tools and armor built from it, and each tier of tools are faster and more durable that the others. You can mix this up and complicate the process as much as you want, I was just trying to provide a skeleton plan for you to build off of in case you didn't have one yet.

Anyway, hope you like at least some of these ideas, let us know about the texture specs.
5y ago
When a ship is adrift, it means they have run out of fuel. Right now the AI ships are kind of stupid and do not manage their fuel the best. At some point they will be turning on a distress call which will make the fuel tanker ships move towards their position.

Here are the current factories in the game and what their stats are. This is in raw game data format, but you should be able to tell what is what.

factories: [
name: "Ore Refinery",
icon: "refinery.png",
cost: [
resource: "Ore",
quantity: 20
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 20
resource: "Microchip",
quantity: 20
production: {
output: "Steel",
outputQuantity: 1,
inputs: [
resource: "Ore",
quantity: 2
productionTime: 25
name: "Microchip Factory",
icon: "chipfactory.png",
cost: [
resource: "Ore",
quantity: 20
resource: "Gold",
quantity: 20
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 25
resource: "Microchip",
quantity: 25
production: {
output: "Microchip",
outputQuantity: 1,
inputs: [
resource: "Gold",
quantity: 2
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 1
productionTime: 35
name: "Rum Distillery",
icon: "distillery.png",
cost: [
resource: "Ore",
quantity: 10
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 5
resource: "Microchip",
quantity: 5
production: {
output: "Rum",
outputQuantity: 1,
inputs: [
resource: "Water",
quantity: 1
resource: "Food",
quantity: 1
productionTime: 15
name: "Starship Parts Factory",
icon: "partsfactory.png",
cost: [
resource: "Ore",
quantity: 20
resource: "Gold",
quantity: 20
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 25
resource: "Microchip",
quantity: 25
production: {
output: "Starship Parts",
outputQuantity: 1,
inputs: [
resource: "Gold",
quantity: 1
resource: "Steel",
quantity: 2
resource: "Microchip",
quantity: 1
productionTime: 35
6y ago
so I am trying to figure out the purpose of having a gold refinery which is supposed to create Pure Gold but produces nothing. Is this just because early on your not supposed to have pure gold or is this just a bug
5y ago
Gold refineries do not produce money. Gold refineries are a drop off point for gold miners and they also produce atmosphere.

Gold mints produce money.
6y ago
Here are all of my ideas for a dessert type world, if bast were to make one:

Race: human(for now)
Difficulty: hard
Atmosphere: 2.5 million

Salt flats: Every good dessert has salt flats. Since bast is trying to implement multiple terrain types, this could be one of them. The flats would be generated randomly like rivers. The player would have to build salt mines in order to mine salt, and these mines would only be place-able on the salt flat tiles. Regular units would be able to walk on the salt flat tiles as well, it would just be a good decoration and serve as the designated salt mine area.

Salt: Salt in the dessert has many purposes. Since it almost never rains in the dessert, salt can be used as a building material, and it is actually used in real life to build houses in some dessert villages around the world where it never rains. On all other planets, however, salt would obviously be involved with food production. You could change the food processing plant to require small but constant amounts of salt along with sugar to produce massive amounts of food. Bast could also enable non-dessert colonies to produce small amounts of salt by implementing desalination plants that need to be placed next to a river and would produce clean water and tiny amounts of salt. Salt is also used in cattle fields, since cows don't usually get a good amount of electrolytes from eating grass. So if livestock farms were added, salt could play a role in maintaining them.

Alien fruit Cacti: In the dessert planets, cacti would prove to be a viable source of wood/fiber and food. Cacti isn't really wooden, but lets say that there are alien cacti that are hard enough to be a substitute for wood and it's fibers could be woven into ropes. The problem is that cacti grow incredibly slow, so the player would have to be more frugal with their wood supplies than in forest environments. The player can place individual cacti using a dessert rover, albeit with a very high cost to water, and no trees or tree farms are allowed on this map, since the soil is too arid, no matter how advanced the colony becomes. The player would be able to build farms that cultivate cacti for food and wood, but these farms would be very slow at producing both, which means that the player would have to save a very wide area for these farms in order to support an early stage colony. Later in the game, the player should be given acccess to a mega cactus farm

Oil deposits: lot's of oil can be found under the dessert.

Ore: ore is obtained via charcoal compactors, the same as on the forest world.

gold: gold will be obtainable earlier in the game. gold mines are made from wood and salt and would allow the player to generate and store gold earlier in the game than ore. The gold can be used earlier in the game, in combination with wood and salt, to make basic entertainment, research, economic, and governmental structures used for forming a small community without ore. Once ore production is stabilized, these buildings can be upgraded to their regular forms.

immigration: I would implement a rudimentary landing zone that is basically a symbal marked in the ground for landing. It would produce one colonist for every 2 colonists produced by a regular landing pad, but it wouldn't require any power.

Gameplay: Salt and cactus fibers(wood) would be used to make the most basic structures in the dessert environment, and the need for the cactus fibers would prove to be a big hindrance at the beginning of the game until the player builds enough fruit cactus farms to produce a good amount of wood. The player would have to create tons of wells in order to produce enough water to support their colonists and operate the many cactus farms that will need to be built. Wells, in turn, require wood and salt to build. Salt has a small storage cap at first, and salt storage buildings also require wood, water, and salt to build, so you can see how the bottleneck would work if bast were to implement these ideas. Once the player gains an extra 300 wood, they will be able to built the usual charcoal hut, and then a charcoal burner to provid for more power once they get more wood and charcoal. From there, the gameplay is almost identical to the forest map aside from there being no tree farms or trees available for building. Basically, the player would have a long time to wait before they can produce ore, and by the time that the player gains ore production, they will have built an entire community out of salt blocks, gold, and cactus fibers. Bast might also want to add an entertainment building made out of wood and salt so that citizens can still be satisfied during the long wait for ore.

Advantages to map: The most outstanding advantages of the dessert map would be a local supply of oil and salt, but the biggest is the ability to gain gold, research, and civics earlier in the game. Wood storage will be higher on this map since every cactus fruit farm will add to food and wood storage, and so would the mega cactus farm.

Disadvantages: It will be hard to feed and quench your colonists near the beginning of the game. Wood will be scarce for a long time because it grows slow and you will need it to make ore and build important beginning structures. Water is inherently scarce and will be needed to make certain important structures and to keep colonists alive. Salt will have a small cap, so having a big enough supply to make a bunch of buildings at any given point will be hard to do until you manage to build a bunch of salt depots. All in all a very slow growing map.

I hope you all enjoy this idea and please vote for it to be put in the game if you like the ideas. Hopefully bast does decide to implement a dessert planet for at least one of the races, even if he doesn't implement all of the ideas that I've included here.
6y ago
Heya! Dylan Again with a new idea: Silver. Silver will be a key idea in my next few posts, so please follow along.
Description: Silver is the rarest and most valuable of all natural resources in the game. Worth more than gold.
Found In: Silver Mines, Ultra Deep Mining Operation, Silver Synthesis Lab
Mined By: Silver Miner
- The silver miner requires deep excavation. The miner is 1 by 2, and can only be built by the Large Vehicle Factory (see below).
The miner requires
- 500 ore
250 steel
150 gold
150 aluminum
50 uranium
150 microchips
5 robots
The mines are 3 by 3 and require:
- 5000 or
2500 st
1500 g
500 al
100 cl
Used For: Adv. Mint, Automated Microchip Factory, Galactic Bronze Production
-The adv. mint uses silver instead of gold to produce money. Upgrade from Gold Mint.
-The Automated Microchip Factory is a 2 by 2, space saving, zero emission microchip factory. Consumes gold, silver, and robots during production.
-Galactic Bronze is an Antanium derivative that is made from gold, ore, and silver. Possible upgrade with crystalline.
-The Ultra Deep Mining Operation is a huge hole in the ground that produces ore, gold, aluminum, uranium, and silver.
-The silver synthesis lab produces silver from aluminum

Thanks and Comment!
6y ago
Prepare for a wall of text, throwing this to see what sticks, what doesn't.
As usual, the cost, speed, and other stats of suggested things can be and are up to the developer.

Bold names are whole Ideas, with underlined Names being each part of that idea if it has more than one.

More Reptilian Probes
The Reptilians, I feel, should eventually just move from slave labor to a mechanized workforce.
As a result, I'd like to suggest more types of Probes.

Ore Probe
Alt Name(s): Ore Mining Probe
Description: Those pesky Eruption Ores are no longer out of reach!

Purpose: To mine Ore deposits, main point of this though is that the Probe can move over obsidian and lava to get at ore deposits in the direct middle of lava planet eruptions.

Obsidian Probe
Alt Names(s): Obsidian Cutting Probe (Name is as such due to how Obsidian is irl "mined" and it's with cutting/scalpel and piercing tools).
Description: Clear lava fields of Obsidian with ease!

Purpose: To mine Obsidian deposits, like the Ore Probe, it's mainly more for going where bugs cannot.

Diabolic Probe
Alt Names(s): Crystalline Probe, Crystal Cutting Probe (I imagine Crystalline to be glass-like, only a bit tougher, but still capable of fracturing into shards and pointy edges.)
Description: Your bugs are doing a passable job. now do an amazing job of mining Crystalline.

Purpose: Again, mainly suggested for the hovering, but also this Probe will have a far higher carry capacity, to help accommodate for the fact that crystalline on lava planets eventually just gets out of control, or to help fill your storage even faster, depending on whatever PoV fits the reptilians best.

Aluminum Probe
Description: Harvest Aluminum in places Bugs can't go!

Purpose: Hovers, lets you harvest Aluminum after eruptions.

Gold Probe
Description: Collect that shiny, shiny gold in places too hazardous for Bugs.

Purpose: Hovers, can Harvest gold in lava fields.

Have a Probe for just basically every deposit a reptilian could ever need one for. I alos mention hovering, because it what Probes look like they do, even if they're probly more just flying. Probes can't do insectoid operations, however.

Faster Probes
Probes, IMO are too slow. I feel it should have the advantage of Pavement speed boosts, only all the time, since they fly. I'd like their main purpose to be an almost total replacement of your workforce for more efficient and better units. But in this process, they'd lose all bonuses for paths, save for...

Gravity-Controlled Lanes
I'd also like a special type of path that only works with probes and other Hover/Flying units, but doubles their speed, or something close to it, and infact works as an obstacle for anything that can't fly or hover, by reducing speed by just as much, with a max decrease in speed resulting in a total of 0.2 units of speed. but that's more just for consideration than a real wishlist item.
For visuals, it'd look like a purple tile with a blue glow coming off it. For stats, I figure it'd take like 50 power a piece, and would give off alot of light too. Or not.

Purpose: Literally just a 2x2 version of the Microcondenser, only far more powerful for water production, for those colonies that might one day just be building microcondensers like they're nothing.

Gold/Aluminum Grow Bed
Description: With the power of overpowered Science, placing ore, water, crystalline, and gold, somehow creates... more gold, but also aluminum!
Purpose: A combo of a gold Grower and an Aluminum Grower, but now it's either 2x2, or 3x3.

Water Pools resist Eruptions

I don't mean it'll STOP them, but it makes it less likely that an eruption happens within 8 tiles but only in locations where there's 3 tiles of water all around one tile of water.
If an eruption cannot happen because Water Pools are all blocking it from happening, the Eruption happens where the least water pools are located, the blocking effect is ignored.

Water Pools and Lava will constantly clash if directly next to one another and both are filled enough to visibly touch, reducing lava count, but also eventually destroying water pools to create obsidian.

Lava Repulsion Matrix
Description: After spending so long on such a hostile environment, robotics-enhanced and enslaved insectoids have finally created something to repel lava!

Purpose: Literally does what it says, repels lava, forcing it away rather quickly, but costing stupid amounts of energy, and it's 3x3, but has excessive range.
Or, dev, you can imagine it's a "build One" type of deal with less power usage. Sort of like a Capitol in a United Earth Colony, only it's not the government building.
Works on eruptions as well, preventing them within a smaller range.
Very Expensive though compared to everything else, and requires a large workforce, I'm thinking, someplace in the 1K-10K range of Workers.

Hell, it could be 5x5 and probly still be worth it imo, it'd be like a Wonder, takes ridiculous amounts of stuff to make, but gives you really good benefits.

Incomplete Artificial Planet
Difficulty: A Literal Nightmare.
Description: You know nothing of Difficulty.

Resources: Steel Mounds, Aluminum Piles, Circuit Cases.
Obstacles: Pits, 0 Starting Atmosphere, and a constant reduction of Atmosphere of 1 Billion/Million per second, Very little starting resources on even Abundant settings.

Factions: Only Reptilians, OR, a purely mechanical new faction later down the road (if that'll ever happen.) I'm thinking... some kind of race that salvages other tech and canonically feared by all, even the Reptilians, due to how they literally cannibalize technology and only live in ship graveyards, or remnants of gigantic space husks of abandoned super-projects.
This faction, in my mind, would be sorta like raggedy metal robot zombies, like maybe destroyed or malfunctioning robots possessed by souls of various other factions? Could even be a horrifying remnant of the "Aliens" faction referenced by alot of United Earth and LIS buildings.
The starting unit would probably fly, with all early and even mid-game buildings looking sort of crappy and disheveled, with the motto "It just works" behind all art design, until the late-game structures which look pristine and VERY chunky/tough.

Rundown: This planet can only gain deposits from meteors landing at purely random locations, with no real discrimination when it comes to map edges, meaning corners aren't safe, unlike in Lava Planets.
Everytime a Meteor lands, it creates pit randomly, but where it doesn't, it creates various metal-based deposits and purely at random. Sometimes none is created, and alot of Pit tiles are placed instead.
A Pit is a useless tile that represents that there's literally nothing there but darkness and space. it can be replaced, but the tile to do so is very expensive.

However, wreckages could also crash into the map, creating either absurd amounts of material of only durable goods and nothing raw beyond Oil, but having a massive range to the affected area, if anything, make it so it's always blobby-in shape for spawned material piles.

Pits would spawn like massive rivers to begin with.

The Size of the map as it currently is, will increase the likelihood of meteors or wreckages smacking into the map area. Reason I don't say wreckages wouldn't make pits, is because something like the framework for a planet to give it it's gravity, a ship or even station wreck crashing into it, would stick into said framework, since said framework has to be MILES in depth.
But the Pits spawn semi-frequently, but become way more common as you increase past say... a Small map size. Pits will spawn even MORE excessively if you expand the map border.

If it was possible, I'd have an ability for the base tile type to be changed, as if making a path, but without actually blocking building upon it. Purpose of this would be to make it so that you can repair the framework, complete the artificial planet, and then just create a death planet or something, I dunno, while more complete tile types would result in both faster movement speed, building ontop of them, AND resistance to pits forming to replace said tiles.

Forgot to mention, this planet will occasionally be hit by Asteroids, which will create Lava, that after a while, create pits, unless Water pools, at that point do as I suggest, and create obsidian at the expense of sacrificing lava tiles. Asteroids will create stupid large holes of pits, but they are VERY rare, with all sorts of materials forming a wall around said holes.

Strategy: The whole map would be about placing structures at random and scattered all over, while hoarding stupid amounts of resources as all kinds crash about, with really no real sort of safe areas coming along until far in the tech tree.

Purpose: For the Ultimate Difficulty. The place would look like the framework for a low-class artificial planet left to collect dust in space, but has since drifted to the very tips of the galaxy, or even universe, which is why Pits are a solid black color.
It's to test if someone can truly move on their toes and adapt to any situation. And to also make the stubborn and masochistic suffer. >:D

Note: If this does get added to a secret list of "Things I'd love to add" then I promise, I will contribute to most if not all of the art assets, you just worry about the actual operation of the thing. :3

Upgrade Menu
A button in the bottom left of the screen, always there, but not always filled via the menu that comes up if you click on it.

It's a scroll menu, with a bar ofcourse, and it only displays in each item the [Original Building] with an arrow next to it pointing to the [Upgraded Building] and a Button next to that for Upgrade One, with the resources indicated near or on/under said button, black text being that it's all good, you can upgrade fully, and easily, and red text indicating that you can't upgrade it fully
One more button next to that, the same thing, but for Upgrade All.

Purpose of this is to allow players a way of easily viewing upgrades they have tech-access to. This includes buildings they have no resources for.

You can start the upgrade building process even with not enough resources, but a dialog could warn you that it's a bad idea if the building is crucial and you can live without it until construction is done.

Allow construction of a building without the needed resources
I never got why I can't do this tbh, I can queue up more than I can build, if I have the resources to build only one of say... vehicles, workers, or buildings.

Multiple Levels for Reptilian Government Building
I forgot the name, Sorry ^^;

Uses for Lava
This isn't even an idea to only pertain to Reptilians, I feel any that have access to the Lava World relate to this.
I think beyond waiting for it to cool into obsidian, you could use it in the late-game to collect as a resource and convert it into other resources you can't get in a Lava World, but with a ratio of at least or at most 1,000:1 of Lava into any resource not mined on Lava Planets.

Lock Obsidiobugs behind Lava World Start tech
You can't get Lava in an Ice or Desert World.

Lava Worlds can't change Atmosphere
It's not possible to reduce it visually below 500 Million, since you don't need alot of condensers, at least not atm, but with eruptions going off basically all the time, this would make sense. This way, you also don't need to balance consumption of atmosphere of Lava Worlds for new buildings, although you'd have to take Desert worlds into consideration, unless Lava Worlds got their own specialized, more unhinged condensers past the Microcondenser if that is ever a thing.

Replace Landing Pod with Surface Habitat Vessel with Human factions on inhospitable worlds. If Humans will ever get that kind of treatment to be allowed onto Ice and Lava Worlds, this is maybe how you could do it.

That's all the ideas I can both remember, and think of at the moment. Enjoying the game even still, not been too active on here, mainly due to being a tiny bit busy/distracted.
6y ago
Hello Bast!

Yet another set of suggestions for My Empire! :D

  • Happiness
    This will put actual challenge to manage cities.
    Each city will have their own happiness rating, the rating will affect the production and development efficiency of the city.
    If overall happiness rating in the city is a surplus, the city will function at full capacity. If that is a negative value, your city production and growth is nerfed by 50%. At -10 value, the city will break away from your Empire, becoming a Rogue State.
    Happiness is affected by the following factors:
    • Luxury resource access in the city
      If the city territory covers a tile with a luxury resource, that tile will provide +3 happiness to that city. Some resources requires specific tile improvement for the city to access to.
    • Distance from imperial capital
      The capital city of your empire is indicated by a palace. For every 5-tile radius the influence from palace reduces by 1. Maximum value from palace is +5. Minimum value is 0.
      Some ideologies will affect how this works.
    • Ideology
      The ideology will affect how much happiness are produced in a city. Ideology will be explained later.
    • Population
      Every 2 population reduces 1 happiness.
    • City
      At normal conditions, every city starts with 5 happiness.
    • Buildings
      Some buildings can add extra happiness to the city.
      • Arena is available after Construction research. +2 happiness.
      • Amphitheatre is available after Literature research. +2 happiness.
      • Stadium is available after Electricity (?) research. +3 happiness.
    • Occupied status
      Occupied city has reduced happiness value, happiness production reduced by 20%. A courthouse can neutralise this status, but will always get destroyed if another empire occupies the city.
  • Ideology
    The ideology do make some changes to your empire, each comes with its own advantage and disadvantage.
    • Despotism
      Default ideology, available from the beginning. The ruler is called Emperor/Empress.
      • Happiness production 50%.
      • Garrisoned cities +2 happiness.
    • Anarchy
      This is a status when you are changing your ideology. It will last a couple of turns. The ruler is called Leader.
      • Happiness production 60%.
      • Garrisoned cities +2 happiness.
      • All cities will produce nothing.
    • Theocracy (?)
      That's my original idea, which is largely affected by culture buildings. Available after mysticism. The ruler is called Pope.
      • Happiness production 50%.
      • Each temple and cathedral +10% happiness production of the city.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
      • Halfed science production.
    • Monarchy
      The ruler is called the King/Queen.
      • Happiness production 75%.
      • Garrisoned cities +2 happiness.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
    • Republicanism
      The ruler is called the President.
      • Happiness production 90%.
      • Trade production +1 from roads.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
      • -20% combat penality outside friendly territory.
    • Democracy
      The ruler is called the President.
      • Happiness production 100%.
      • +20% Science production.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
      • -20% combat penality outside friendly territory.
    • Communism
      The ruler is called the Premier.
      • Happiness production 75%.
      • Influence of palace will not decline over distance but the happiness influence is reduced to +3.
      • +1 productivity per city.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
    • Militarism (?)
      Another original idea. Available after Conscription. The ruler is called the General.
      • Happiness production 60%.
      • Garrisoned cities +2 happiness.
      • +20% combat bonus in enemy territory.
      • 1 gold maintenance per military unit.
  • Resources
    Resources can add extra value to tiles.
    • Grains
      +1 food. Available on grassland and desert.
    • Stone
      +1 productivity. Available on mountains.
    • Iron
      +2 productivity. Available on mountains. Strategic resource. Requires mine to access.
    • Deer
      +1 food. Available in forests and on tundra.
    • Gold
      +2 trade. Available on mountains. Luxury resource. Requires mine to access.
    • Fur
      +1 trade. Available in forests. Luxury resource.
    • Oil
      +2 productivity. Available on tundra and in waters. Strategic resource.
    • Fish
      +1 food. Available on waters.
    • Whale
      +2 trade. Available on waters. Luxury resource.
    • Coal
      +2 productivity. Available on mountains and tundra. Strategic resource. Requires mine to access.
    • Horses
      +1 productivity. Available on grassland, desert and tundra.
    • Uranium
      +2 productivity. Available on mountains. Strategic resource. Requires mine to be accessed.
    • Rare Plants
      +1 trade. Available on grassland and tundra. Luxury resource.
    Horseman requires horses.
    Legion requires iron.
    Knight requires horses.
    Frigate requires iron.
    Ironclad requires coal.
    Tank requires oil.
    (Artillery requires oil?)
    Battleship requires oil.
    Nuke requires uranium.

Hopefully these will make good addition for the game!
Like Colony wars.

If the resources in radius will end, what will happen to the units and building?

es: if i have 100 refinery, with 10 units each, and only 1 refinery with resources in rage, all 1000 units will use active refinery?

If i delete 50 refinery, i will have 500 units?

Won't have more sense to use some tech or build upgrade for increase the "child" unit?
3y ago
Here's a mod I have been working on for the past few days! Progress is a little slow, but I regularly update the files as more gets added, so be sure to check back to see what all has changed!

First off, here is the SN11 lander, for those interested in using it. This is the flying bit of it.

And this is the Starbase it becomes once landed.

Here is the object pack, for those interested in just the objects.

And finally, here is the mod itself!

Again, I will regularly update this as I go along, so be sure to keep an eye on this to get the latest bits and bobs! Feedback is also appreciated, so if you find something to be wrong, please let me know!

-Wild foods have been added back to the map as a new resource
-Added Fruit as a new resource
-Added Fruit Truck for harvesting fruit, and to give the pavement a purpose. Built by a distillery.
-Added distillery
-Added Uranium Enrichment Facility
-Added Uranium Harvest Truck
-Added Uranium as a harvestable resource
-UEF now generates Helium in addition to uranium.
-Increased Oil output
-Increased Aluminum output
-Added Sulfur Refinery. Produces sulfur, methane, and propane.
-Added Oil Refinery. Makes oil, propane, and methane.
-Added Atmosphere Separator. Produces Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
-Added Steelworks. Much better at making steel.
-Starbase can now build SN11 landers. Feature still unavailable to use, however.
-Adjusted Silica Production values.
-Updated World icon
-Adjusted Small House to require lumber
-Added Medium House
-Added Salt Hut
-Added Plasticizer building. Produces plastic, toys and tires.

-wild foods have been removed from the map. It was causing some problems with the drones.
-Food resource is now a utility
-water is now a utility
-drones now fly in correct orientation
-SN11 now flies in the correct orientation
-starbase updated to reflect change to SN11
-Power, Air, Trash, and Red tape (government) are now utilities
-aluminum production adjusted. It is now 50 per tick
-Pavement and crosswalks were added.
-Added Municipal Court for Red Tape
-Added Oil Refinery
-Added Steelworks
-Added Solar Farm
-Updated Log yard to Lumber yard. Now produces wood pulp and lumber.
-Added Sulfur refinery. Produces sulfur, methane, and propane.
-Added Salt Hut
-Added Atmospheric Separator. Produces Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen.
-Removed cotton as a resource. It was redundant.
-Removed Cars resource. It is unable to be implemented, and seemed like a cool idea at the time. It was not.
-Removed Aircraft resource. Same reason as the cars resource, though it COULD have been implemented.
-Fixed minor grammatical errors in item descriptions and tidied them up.
-Added Lumber as a used resource for a few old buildings.
-Removed net cap as a resource. It is now a utility.
-Recompiled all models to fix latency. Apparently I had missed a few last time, and it was causing performance issues. This should no longer be a problem. Thank you @bastecklein for the help on that.
-Pavement and crosswalks are now passable, meaning they no longer block off your buildings.
-Fixed a bug with the lumber yard preventing it from generating lumber.
Stored by
Bank +40000
Gold Burrow +4000
Gold Mint +10000
Gold Refinery +5000
Gold Synthesis Lab +15000
Insectoid Mint +10000
Investment Bank +500000
Money Pit +5000
Quantum Warehouse +150000
Supply Pile +800
Unholy Pit of Stuff +15000

Its in the reference section. Use it
6y ago
I wonder about this too. I have a quite big colony and almost 700k gold with just 1 gold refinery.
5y ago
This'll be quite a read but it's worth it, the applications seem lengthy at first but after learning this it only takes me 4 minutes to make my calculation.
I noticed that the online market is, well.... Horrible. People putting "buy-posts" for capital (goods and raw material) for 10 times their worth and selling them for 1/10th their estimated price. It's an insanity! How could a market survive or have any attention paid to? So, I spent about an hour and came up some really good ideas and directions to make marketing your goods much easier and more profitable.
First off, let us address the lack of ease in setting up a proper price and this can be done with these few steps on a couple of simple equations:
First off, start with the equation S/100=X. This equation will allow you to find an important variable that is used in the next equation.
The variable "S" is the amount you wish to sell or buy, this is the total. Before you just put a random price up hover the cursor over the specific good you wish to sell or buy, a box should pop up over that specific good and should tell you the estimated price. If this isn't how much you want to sell, you'll have to reduce the total product in parallel to the price, I'll show you how to do this.

100 is the individual group units that multiples the price per unit. You divide S by 100 to get X which is a variable used in the next equation to find the price per unit.
Alright, I want to sell most of my gold, not all of it though. I have a total 10,229,369 units of raw gold, the estimated price of this capital is $7,841, 286,420. I want to sell 9,000,000 units and as an effect I have to reduce the price. To find his difference I must subtract 9,000,000 from the 10,229,369, the difference is 1,229,369 units. Then you must find the percentage, do this through the equation P=D/O. P being the percent, D being the difference between the original total and the new, and O being the original total.
P= 1,229,369/10,229,369
You'll get the quotient 0.12. Move the decimal over twice to get the percent, 12%.
Now use the 0.12 to reduce the $7,841,286,420:
7,841,286,420 x 0.12= 940,954,370.4.
Then subtract that from 7,841,286,420 which is 6,900,332,049.6.
Nobody really cares for the extra numbers past the 900 million, so just drop it down to 6,900,000,000.
It makes the price look like it is much more than it is and people skip over it sometimes.
I would typically reduce (or multiply if I am buying) the found price by 10% at the minimum or a maximum of 40% to keep ahead of my competition and opening my market more to others, otherwise it could become a dead void and stay there forever. No one is every that desperate to destroy their economy just for a bundle of resources they could eventually get on their own.
Because this is gold and the market for gold isn’t that big, everyone that has that much coin already has way more gold, and well.. Who would ever need it? Aim the price at the noobies, I'll reduce it by 70% price. I can afford this because I have a huge gold production system and this will not damage my economy because the production is much faster than any source of consumption.
This 0.7 reduction of 6,900,000,000 is 4,830,000,000. Find the difference. The difference is $2,070,000,000. Now put this into the original equation we were talking about, S/100=X.
9,000,000/100= 90,000. Bring the X variable (90,000) to the next equation:
T/X=P This is to find the price per 100 units.
T represents the Total price you wish for your goods to be sold for, X is the variable from the previous equation, and P is the price per units.
2,070,000,000/90,000= 23,000. The price per unit is $23,000 per unit.
Place these variables into the sell slots and bammer, you got it. Sadly, I don’t have enough civics to sell this. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions.
7y ago
Have you ever have so much money you have no freaking idea what to do with it?

Introducing the gold crucible! The place where it takes your cash and gives you gold! (And regolith from dem rust)

It takes 1000 coins, combined with 30 power, and melts the coins into 60 gold and 5 regolith! At its peak capacity of 250 works, it does that once every 1000 ticks, otherwise its every 10000 ticks! And, it’s completely emissions free!

It replaces gold synthesis labs! But it doesn’t give you pain with atmosphere!

Buy now for you colony just for
50000 dollars
3000 ore
5000 steel
1000 aluminum
2000 gold
500 charcoal
900 wood
200 uranium!
It’s a deal you do not want to miss!
Build now with the megabot!
7y ago
Have you ever have so much money you have no freaking idea what to do with it?

Introducing the gold crucible! The place where it takes your cash and gives you gold! (And regolith from dem rust)

It takes 1000 coins, combined with 30 power, and melts the coins into 60 gold and 5 regolith! At its peak capacity of 250 works, it does that once every 1000 ticks, otherwise its every 10000 ticks! And, it’s completely emissions free!

It replaces gold synthesis labs! But it doesn’t give you pain with atmosphere!

Buy now for you colony just for
50000 dollars
3000 ore
5000 steel
1000 aluminum
2000 gold
500 charcoal
900 wood
200 uranium!
It’s a deal you do not want to miss!
Build now with the megabot
7y ago
no point - even starting a map with NO al deposits No ur deposits- one gold deposit and one ore deposit would not slow me down what so ever .and would not be any harder .heck dont even neede a ice deposit as the pump is on build list right off just takes 500 to run a colony big enough to get to condensers .
In reality on a new map I mine just one ore deposit the gold and al or ur but dont need to mine any thing but one ore .
one gold deposit
all you need for labs is 25 gold 1800 ore 90 steel 20 of them and in a hour you have gold teck to place gold mines .
as for ore you get that right off the bat and its much easier just placing mines .
6y ago
colbya said:no point - even starting a map with NO al deposits No ur deposits- one gold deposit and one ore deposit would not slow me down what so ever .and would not be any harder .heck dont even neede a ice deposit as the pump is on build list right off just takes 500 to run a colony big enough to get to condensers .
In reality on a new map I mine just one ore deposit the gold and al or ur but dont need to mine any thing but one ore .
one gold deposit
all you need for labs is 25 gold 1800 ore 90 steel 20 of them and in a hour you have gold teck to place gold mines .
as for ore you get that right off the bat and its much easier just placing mines .
i was reeeeeeally young when i made this geez
5y ago
As I mentioned in my dyson sphere idea, I know that bast is focusing on game quality, I just like to share ideas.

The bog, a treacherous planet, known mainly for the dense swampy climate covering most of it's surface, will give you a run for your money. Similar to the water world in the amount of land available to build on, the terrain consists mostly of bog water and swamp water. The swamp water is impassible and bridges can be built over it, but the bog water is dangerous for reasons we will discuss below. however, it yeilds a very lucrative bounty... oil! Not only are oil patches abundant on the surface of bog water, but the motherload of all oil can be found several hundred feet below bog water. I wonder how many poor creatures had to die to the bog to create this much oil! Sugarcanes also provide a ready source of sugar to all factions, and they can also grow on bog water.

The key challenges of this map are below:
- land is scarce
- colonists and bots can travel on bog water, but very slowly. They also sink into the bog slowly as they traverse it, and if they sink fully into the bog they instantly die or blow up, so be careful not to let your colonists wander, or you might find them at the bottom of the bog. There should be a standard of how many tiles can be traversed on bog water before certain death.
- there is a large chance of disease that comes with swampy and jungle-like areas. Be sure to build ample hospitals from the start as you will need them for sure.
- getting water is not a problem, but drinking it without dying from disease is another. When water bots try to collect water from a bog or swamp water tile, they end up collecting a new untradeable resource called defiled water. This defiled water needs to be purified before drinking, so you would need to implement a way to do that for this map. Eventually you'll get condensers or wet cones and you can forget about purifying your water.
-This planets atmosphere is twice the earthlike atmosphere, and that's what causes it to be a thick and swampy mess. Drain the atmosphere to earthlike levels and you will get rid of the disease and all that bog and swamp water. Basically, a bog planet should become a waterworld planet once it's atmosphere is drained down to earthlike levels, but don't let your industry drive the atmosphere back up, or you could end up with bog water once again, and don't reduce it too much either, or you might end up with a red planet landscape.
-Mines cannot be built on this map until the atmosphere is drained and the soil hardens enough to not collapse when deep holes are dug into it. This means that ore and gold need to be obtained from another source. Swamp rovers are equipped to pump and filter bog water for ore and gold particles, but this eventually turns the bog water permanently into swamp water, which is worthless and won't produce oil later on. The only way to get more bog water would be to reduce atmosphere to earthlike and then increase it again. When you get the ability to extract oil from bog water, you should be able to do so indefinitely, so eventually you will want to stop wasting your bog water in this manner and find another way to get ore and gold.

Luckily, swamps have trees, which can turned into ore the old fashion way. Once you get this method started you can continue. You won't be able to get a better source of gold though until you either progress to the point of making ore labs, or decrease the atmosphere to 9 million, where you can then dig gold mines. Be careful not to decrease the atmosphere to under 6 million or you'll lose your bog water entirely, unless you're main goal is terraforming that is.

To counter the initial gold situation, I have another research structure in mind that doesn't require it, but is made of ore and wood and consumes defiled water to produce research. The idea behind this structure is that it takes defiled water and studies the microbes contained within, producing research. This is just to make sure that players can progress through the game without being too bottlenecked or have to mine all of their bog water tiles to be able to progress.

Other than that, these are my ideas for The Bog. Hope yall enjoyed them.
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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