Search - obsidian drilling platform

So just want to say that I'm enjoying the new lava world and it's a real challenge to keep a colony going long enough to reduce the atmosphere to below 15 mil in this planet type. I appreciate bast using some of my suggestions and incorporating them into his scheme of things, and I think that with a few tweaks, this planet could be even more awesome and attract more people to it. So here are a bunch of my ideas for how this world could be amped up.

1.) Since it would make sense that a flying object would not be affected by anything that happens on the ground, I would love to see that same rule be put in place by my colony. This way, you can have queens in the air at all times in case an eruption goes off and kills all of your mounds. Then you have a guarantee to start over and not lose the game. then, if someone loses their mounds with no queens in the air, it's on them for not taking precautions.

2.) eruptions stop when the atmosphere is under 50 million, but lava still spreads until the atmosphere gets under 1 million atmosphere. Once the atmosphere is at optimum range, the player should attempt to put the lava out of it's misery since they would have idea number 3.

3.) Obsidian extractors. The lava planet is just awash in lava, and has been like that since it was formed. Therefore, layers of obsidian deposited by lava flows over time are buried beneath the planets surface and can be harvested via an obsidian extractor once the atmosphere is under 15 mil. This is optional, because yes, the obsidian is supposed to be a hard-to-get resource. However, if a player survives long enough to reduce the atmosphere all the way down from 500 to below 15 million, I would think that they deserve a safe supply of obsidian.

4.) sugar furnaces. These would be made from obsidian and would burn sugar hotter and produces as much power as a power spire. Small amounts of obsidian are constantly consumed, since some obsidian is mixed with the sugar to maintain a high temperature burn. Use this idea if wood is not going to be a viable resource on the lava world, which I doubt it is.

5. Dark versions of all of the buildings that require wood if wood isn't going to be an acquirable resource on this world. obsidian can take the place of the wood requirement in many advanced buildings if you make dark versions that resemble obsidian.

6. Dynamic planetary response to atmosphere level. It would be nice to make the lava world turn into an earth-like world when it reaches optimum atmosphere level, and crystal deposits could turn purple or green or some other color that's not being implemented right now. And then it would be nice to see the planet change from an earth-like world to an ice world once the atmosphere is below 1 mil atmosphere, at which no more lava flows and the crystals turn blue. What do yall think, wouldn't that make it more interesting? In fact, you could make all planets turn into a lava world and cause lava to spread once the planet gains too much atmosphere in my opinion. And then you can make them turn to ice worlds or red planet-like worlds when the atmosphere gets too low. Those would be the ultimate penalties for not managing your atmosphere correctly. I would still only allow obsidian extractors on worlds that began as lava worlds though.

7.) obsidian made structures are resistant to lava, but not lava proof. Obsidian structures that are contacted by lava will sustain constant and mild to moderate damage. More advanced buildings will be more resistant to lava, and some may even be impervious depending on their function. This could be another function of obsidian, since, if bast were to follow my idea of replacing the wood requirement with obsidian, then lots of buildings would have dark versions that have obsidian in place of wood, and wouldn't ya think that obsidian would have a natural resistance to lava. Anything that is made even of a little bit of obsidian should have at least a small resistance to lava.

8.) Lava world for humans. Since one of my ideas was to make all planets turn into lava worlds when they become shrouded in dense atmosphere, it would be fitting to give humans a crack at the lava world as well. I mean, they have more advanced technology than zolarg, so if zolarg can do it, why can't humans do it?

Well, those are my ideas, hope yall like them. Again, I'm very grateful for how the lava world turned out and these are not complaints, I just want to give some ideas that would do the lava world some justice.

6y ago
Greeting again to everybody. Just in time for the weekend is yet another glorious update to My Colony, v0.61.0! There have been a handful of changes made in this release, so let's take a look at what I've done to your precious sweet space simulation game!

My Colony v0.61.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Independence Hall Level 3, Obsidian Furnace, Larger Residential Complex, Gravitational Compression Warehouse, Galactic Fine Arts Exposition, Patricians Den, Obelisk of Plenty, Unholy Obsidian Burner
  • New Resource: Painting
  • New Premium Content: Statue of Admiral Tots, Caution Sign
  • Preliminary My Tokens Integration: Players who have created avatars using the My Tokens app will now see them appear in their game as tourists.
  • Queen and Obsidiobug can now be built at the Unholy Mound of Worship
  • Star Gate can now import/export Obsidian
  • Customs Processing can now import/export Alien Artifacts and Obsidian
  • Space Elevator can now import/export Plastic
  • Black Market Bazaar now has a chance to produce Paintings
  • Medium Range Star Gate can now import/export Obsidian, Pottery, Paintings, and Ant Paste
  • Added a new keyboard hotkey shortcut for flipping structures (f).
  • Added 'Build Another' button to the object options screen to 'clone' an existing building
  • Added a building count to each build option on the construction sidebar
  • The Cloning Facility and Luxury Tower can now be flipped
  • Added engine support for blinking lighting effects, blinking has been added to the Landing Pad lights
  • Storage Limits have been implemented for Ore and Regolith
  • Obsidiobug can now be built on all Insectoid worlds
  • The Unholy Core Mine now has a chance to produce Obsidian
  • Ancient Instructions trading added to the GBT
  • Switching an offline colony into online mode now comes with a steep resource penalty.

There were quite a few small changes in this release, a lot of them relating to Obsidian now becoming a resource used in construction. All civilizations now have a way to produce Obsidian to varying degrees.

I introduced a couple of small UI changes based on suggestions in the feedback forum that I think people are going to like, one adds a small counter to the build menu showing how many structures of each type are built (currently up to 99, I might expand that), and the other adds a "++" icon to the object options for structures allowing you to quickly queue up a certain building type for construction. They will be pretty self explanatory in game, but if you want more information, refer to the relevant threads here and here.

I started adding basic support for My Tokens in My Colony with this release. You can get detailed information in this thread, but as of right now, Tokens you create have a small random chance to show up in your game as tourists. The Tokens stuff will be optional, but will also be expanded quite a bit over the next couple of months for those who wish to use this additional social feature for the game. To create Token avatars for both My Colony and the forum, you can check out the in-development web app right now at this location:

This LIS finally received a long awaited upgrade to their capitol building, the Independence Hall Level 3. Because of the way the LIS government tree works, it is actually the equivalent of the United Earth's Capitol Level 5 in terms of trade capacity and policy unlocks. I plan on getting LIS up to par with United Earth in government structures probably next update.

Reptilians got a couple of new structures this time, along with the ability to build the already existing Water Pool, which just goes great with their lovely River Pebbles. The new Reptilian Galactic Fine Arts Exposition unlocks a new resource the luxury Painting. This will be used by all civilizations for luxury structures, once there are enough of them out there for trading. The paintings are also available to the LIS through the Black Market Bazaar. In addition to Paintings, the Galactic Fine Arts Exposition also brings tourism to the Reptilian worlds.

The humble Zolarg got a couple of new structures this time, one for producing Obsidian, and a long needed upgrade to the Money Pit, the Obelisk of Plenty, which is sort of their scaled back equivalent to the Humans' Investment Bank. I still have a lot of Zolarg content to add, but their graphics take longer to do so my motivation has been lower to work on them :-/

Next, you will notice that the storage caps for Ore and Regolith have finally been implemented. I announced this back in December, so there has really been plenty of time to prepare. These were the last two resources without storage caps, so it only made sense to turn on. To aid with this, there is a new storage building called the Gravitational Compression Warehouse, which stores up to 4 million of everything. Basically, one of these buildings (or two maybe) gives you enough storage to build anything in the game and then some, so I think there is plenty of storage available for those who need it.

On the more technical side, the Windows 10 version had quite a few fixes and upgrades this time, and now gains the ability for cross-platform offline LAN multiplayer that all of the other versions already had. Due to the changes though, the Windows Store version now requires at least the Anniversary Update to Windows 10. Now, this update came out like two years ago now, so pretty much everyone should have the Anniversary Update. If you don't though, be sure to get it so you can upgrade to the latest version of My Colony. Or just use the Ape Apps Launcher, which works on any Desktop platform.

Finally, the price of My Colony Premium has now been raised by $1. I announced this change back in January, and have finally implemented it. The game has a ton of content at this point with free online play, and honestly I think its a bigger game than many offerings on Steam which go for $10 minimum. It would be nice if the game could have no free version and just cost $4 straight up for everything, no ads. The ads are actually the source of many of the game crashes on mobile, but honestly I can't feed my family without them, so it is what it is :-/ But I do appreciate everybody who has paid for premium and helped make this game what it is today!

So that's it for this update. Hope you enjoyed, and there is a lot more to come, so stay tuned!
6y ago
While the ADP has had a wonderful run as a general resource producer, I believe that this 3x3 Drilling Platform would be better utilized if it was specialized for each resource. While I used Gold for this prop, I believe this would have a lot more potential in utilizing world type resources, such as making an Advanced Diamond Drilling Platform. This concept will also be coming up for specializing the Ultra Deep Drilling Facility as well, and I believe that will allow the structure type to have more use.
7mo ago
Prepare for a wall of text, throwing this to see what sticks, what doesn't.
As usual, the cost, speed, and other stats of suggested things can be and are up to the developer.

Bold names are whole Ideas, with underlined Names being each part of that idea if it has more than one.

More Reptilian Probes
The Reptilians, I feel, should eventually just move from slave labor to a mechanized workforce.
As a result, I'd like to suggest more types of Probes.

Ore Probe
Alt Name(s): Ore Mining Probe
Description: Those pesky Eruption Ores are no longer out of reach!

Purpose: To mine Ore deposits, main point of this though is that the Probe can move over obsidian and lava to get at ore deposits in the direct middle of lava planet eruptions.

Obsidian Probe
Alt Names(s): Obsidian Cutting Probe (Name is as such due to how Obsidian is irl "mined" and it's with cutting/scalpel and piercing tools).
Description: Clear lava fields of Obsidian with ease!

Purpose: To mine Obsidian deposits, like the Ore Probe, it's mainly more for going where bugs cannot.

Diabolic Probe
Alt Names(s): Crystalline Probe, Crystal Cutting Probe (I imagine Crystalline to be glass-like, only a bit tougher, but still capable of fracturing into shards and pointy edges.)
Description: Your bugs are doing a passable job. now do an amazing job of mining Crystalline.

Purpose: Again, mainly suggested for the hovering, but also this Probe will have a far higher carry capacity, to help accommodate for the fact that crystalline on lava planets eventually just gets out of control, or to help fill your storage even faster, depending on whatever PoV fits the reptilians best.

Aluminum Probe
Description: Harvest Aluminum in places Bugs can't go!

Purpose: Hovers, lets you harvest Aluminum after eruptions.

Gold Probe
Description: Collect that shiny, shiny gold in places too hazardous for Bugs.

Purpose: Hovers, can Harvest gold in lava fields.

Have a Probe for just basically every deposit a reptilian could ever need one for. I alos mention hovering, because it what Probes look like they do, even if they're probly more just flying. Probes can't do insectoid operations, however.

Faster Probes
Probes, IMO are too slow. I feel it should have the advantage of Pavement speed boosts, only all the time, since they fly. I'd like their main purpose to be an almost total replacement of your workforce for more efficient and better units. But in this process, they'd lose all bonuses for paths, save for...

Gravity-Controlled Lanes
I'd also like a special type of path that only works with probes and other Hover/Flying units, but doubles their speed, or something close to it, and infact works as an obstacle for anything that can't fly or hover, by reducing speed by just as much, with a max decrease in speed resulting in a total of 0.2 units of speed. but that's more just for consideration than a real wishlist item.
For visuals, it'd look like a purple tile with a blue glow coming off it. For stats, I figure it'd take like 50 power a piece, and would give off alot of light too. Or not.

Purpose: Literally just a 2x2 version of the Microcondenser, only far more powerful for water production, for those colonies that might one day just be building microcondensers like they're nothing.

Gold/Aluminum Grow Bed
Description: With the power of overpowered Science, placing ore, water, crystalline, and gold, somehow creates... more gold, but also aluminum!
Purpose: A combo of a gold Grower and an Aluminum Grower, but now it's either 2x2, or 3x3.

Water Pools resist Eruptions

I don't mean it'll STOP them, but it makes it less likely that an eruption happens within 8 tiles but only in locations where there's 3 tiles of water all around one tile of water.
If an eruption cannot happen because Water Pools are all blocking it from happening, the Eruption happens where the least water pools are located, the blocking effect is ignored.

Water Pools and Lava will constantly clash if directly next to one another and both are filled enough to visibly touch, reducing lava count, but also eventually destroying water pools to create obsidian.

Lava Repulsion Matrix
Description: After spending so long on such a hostile environment, robotics-enhanced and enslaved insectoids have finally created something to repel lava!

Purpose: Literally does what it says, repels lava, forcing it away rather quickly, but costing stupid amounts of energy, and it's 3x3, but has excessive range.
Or, dev, you can imagine it's a "build One" type of deal with less power usage. Sort of like a Capitol in a United Earth Colony, only it's not the government building.
Works on eruptions as well, preventing them within a smaller range.
Very Expensive though compared to everything else, and requires a large workforce, I'm thinking, someplace in the 1K-10K range of Workers.

Hell, it could be 5x5 and probly still be worth it imo, it'd be like a Wonder, takes ridiculous amounts of stuff to make, but gives you really good benefits.

Incomplete Artificial Planet
Difficulty: A Literal Nightmare.
Description: You know nothing of Difficulty.

Resources: Steel Mounds, Aluminum Piles, Circuit Cases.
Obstacles: Pits, 0 Starting Atmosphere, and a constant reduction of Atmosphere of 1 Billion/Million per second, Very little starting resources on even Abundant settings.

Factions: Only Reptilians, OR, a purely mechanical new faction later down the road (if that'll ever happen.) I'm thinking... some kind of race that salvages other tech and canonically feared by all, even the Reptilians, due to how they literally cannibalize technology and only live in ship graveyards, or remnants of gigantic space husks of abandoned super-projects.
This faction, in my mind, would be sorta like raggedy metal robot zombies, like maybe destroyed or malfunctioning robots possessed by souls of various other factions? Could even be a horrifying remnant of the "Aliens" faction referenced by alot of United Earth and LIS buildings.
The starting unit would probably fly, with all early and even mid-game buildings looking sort of crappy and disheveled, with the motto "It just works" behind all art design, until the late-game structures which look pristine and VERY chunky/tough.

Rundown: This planet can only gain deposits from meteors landing at purely random locations, with no real discrimination when it comes to map edges, meaning corners aren't safe, unlike in Lava Planets.
Everytime a Meteor lands, it creates pit randomly, but where it doesn't, it creates various metal-based deposits and purely at random. Sometimes none is created, and alot of Pit tiles are placed instead.
A Pit is a useless tile that represents that there's literally nothing there but darkness and space. it can be replaced, but the tile to do so is very expensive.

However, wreckages could also crash into the map, creating either absurd amounts of material of only durable goods and nothing raw beyond Oil, but having a massive range to the affected area, if anything, make it so it's always blobby-in shape for spawned material piles.

Pits would spawn like massive rivers to begin with.

The Size of the map as it currently is, will increase the likelihood of meteors or wreckages smacking into the map area. Reason I don't say wreckages wouldn't make pits, is because something like the framework for a planet to give it it's gravity, a ship or even station wreck crashing into it, would stick into said framework, since said framework has to be MILES in depth.
But the Pits spawn semi-frequently, but become way more common as you increase past say... a Small map size. Pits will spawn even MORE excessively if you expand the map border.

If it was possible, I'd have an ability for the base tile type to be changed, as if making a path, but without actually blocking building upon it. Purpose of this would be to make it so that you can repair the framework, complete the artificial planet, and then just create a death planet or something, I dunno, while more complete tile types would result in both faster movement speed, building ontop of them, AND resistance to pits forming to replace said tiles.

Forgot to mention, this planet will occasionally be hit by Asteroids, which will create Lava, that after a while, create pits, unless Water pools, at that point do as I suggest, and create obsidian at the expense of sacrificing lava tiles. Asteroids will create stupid large holes of pits, but they are VERY rare, with all sorts of materials forming a wall around said holes.

Strategy: The whole map would be about placing structures at random and scattered all over, while hoarding stupid amounts of resources as all kinds crash about, with really no real sort of safe areas coming along until far in the tech tree.

Purpose: For the Ultimate Difficulty. The place would look like the framework for a low-class artificial planet left to collect dust in space, but has since drifted to the very tips of the galaxy, or even universe, which is why Pits are a solid black color.
It's to test if someone can truly move on their toes and adapt to any situation. And to also make the stubborn and masochistic suffer. >:D

Note: If this does get added to a secret list of "Things I'd love to add" then I promise, I will contribute to most if not all of the art assets, you just worry about the actual operation of the thing. :3

Upgrade Menu
A button in the bottom left of the screen, always there, but not always filled via the menu that comes up if you click on it.

It's a scroll menu, with a bar ofcourse, and it only displays in each item the [Original Building] with an arrow next to it pointing to the [Upgraded Building] and a Button next to that for Upgrade One, with the resources indicated near or on/under said button, black text being that it's all good, you can upgrade fully, and easily, and red text indicating that you can't upgrade it fully
One more button next to that, the same thing, but for Upgrade All.

Purpose of this is to allow players a way of easily viewing upgrades they have tech-access to. This includes buildings they have no resources for.

You can start the upgrade building process even with not enough resources, but a dialog could warn you that it's a bad idea if the building is crucial and you can live without it until construction is done.

Allow construction of a building without the needed resources
I never got why I can't do this tbh, I can queue up more than I can build, if I have the resources to build only one of say... vehicles, workers, or buildings.

Multiple Levels for Reptilian Government Building
I forgot the name, Sorry ^^;

Uses for Lava
This isn't even an idea to only pertain to Reptilians, I feel any that have access to the Lava World relate to this.
I think beyond waiting for it to cool into obsidian, you could use it in the late-game to collect as a resource and convert it into other resources you can't get in a Lava World, but with a ratio of at least or at most 1,000:1 of Lava into any resource not mined on Lava Planets.

Lock Obsidiobugs behind Lava World Start tech
You can't get Lava in an Ice or Desert World.

Lava Worlds can't change Atmosphere
It's not possible to reduce it visually below 500 Million, since you don't need alot of condensers, at least not atm, but with eruptions going off basically all the time, this would make sense. This way, you also don't need to balance consumption of atmosphere of Lava Worlds for new buildings, although you'd have to take Desert worlds into consideration, unless Lava Worlds got their own specialized, more unhinged condensers past the Microcondenser if that is ever a thing.

Replace Landing Pod with Surface Habitat Vessel with Human factions on inhospitable worlds. If Humans will ever get that kind of treatment to be allowed onto Ice and Lava Worlds, this is maybe how you could do it.

That's all the ideas I can both remember, and think of at the moment. Enjoying the game even still, not been too active on here, mainly due to being a tiny bit busy/distracted.
6y ago
I know that many players have been patiently waiting for the next My Colony 2 update, but now the way is finally over as MC2 has just been updated to v0.31.0, and along with the usual bug fixes, this update brings with it a massive new content dump! So what all is inside? Let's take a look!

If you look at the screenshot above and think that something seems a bit fishy, then you would be correct. This update adds fish as a new resource, and you will now see them swimming around in the oceans on the Water World map! Fish are technically a Terrain type object in the game engine much like Ore and Gold deposits, except this is the first terrain class that can be generated in the water. The object also rotates in a circle, to give the appearance that the fish are swimming. They will spread too, similar to synthetic crystalline (although at a slower rate). The oceans on Water World are so overflowing with fish, that I doubt anybody will ever run out.

To go along with the new fish resource are the also-new Fish Dropoff structure and the Trawler unit, which are available pretty early on in the game and made with models provided by @spamdude . The Fish Dropoff can store 2500 Fish and also converts some of it into food, but once you unlock Salt Water production, you can also build the shore based Refrigerated Fish Bins for additional Fish storage. In addition to the new content, the existing Fish Hatchery gains fish storage and slight generation.

Moving on, there was a massive dump of community submitted MC2 models on the Official Discord Server recently, with contributions coming in from @spamdude , @SPARKY0303 and @DoYouHaveAnyOats , so please take a moment to thank these three users for their contributions to the game! In the screenshot below, you can see many of the new structures.

New buildings provided by @SPARKY0303 are the Hospital, the Virtual Music Experience and the Integrated Nuclear Reactor. The Hospital was a much needed upgrade to the two infirmary structures which were increasingly unable to keep up with the medical demands of larger colonies. The Virtual Music Experience adds a new semi-early game entertainment structure for your colonists (which also generates some money) and the Integrated Nuclear Reactor is another much needed structure, providing a power boosting upgrade to the existing Small Nuclear Reactor.

In addition to the new Fish related content already mentioned, further contributions from @spamdude include the new Medium Software Studio, Advanced Drilling Platform, Integrated Warehouse, and Medium Security Station. The Medium Software Studio, Integrated Warehouse and Medium Security Station each represent new mid-game upgrades to some of the existing structures that badly needed upgrade options, with the new Integrated Warehouse in particular adding storage for many resources that the regular Warehouse did not cover.

The new Advanced Drilling Platform might just be everyone's new favorite structure. Currently the most expensive building in the game and requiring the new Ultra Deep Excavation tech, the Advanced Drilling Platform consumes Helium 3 (as well as a fair amount of Power, Water and Bandwidth) while producing Ore, Regolith, Gold, Aluminum, Oil, Salt Water, the new Clay resource, and even a few Alien Artifacts! Clearly you are going to need to get your hands on some Helium 3 in order to operate this thing, but you can either find it in the Galactic Board of Trade, or the new Integrated Nuclear Reactor also produces enough Helium 3 to operate one Advanced Drilling Platform. I have also added a new Helium 3 Tank to the game, since it is clear that more He3 storage will be needed going forward.

From @DoYouHaveAnyOats we have three new structures, the Elementary School, High School and the nonsense Fish 'R Us building.

The two school models to me looked like they required an Atmospheric environment, so they are only available on worlds which would have an atmosphere. They both sit below the current Vocational Training Center in terms of education output, but are good early game education structures. The Fish R Us is similar in mechanics to the existing Canteen, except it utilizes Fish instead of Rum. I'm not going to post a picture of it here, you just have to see it in-game.

There are a few other new structures to arrive in this update as well. The new Ancient Alien Quantum Physics tech unlocks two new Alien structures, the Alien Solar Tower and the Quantum Food Silo, which both represent much needed Alien upgrades to existing structures. Climate Science Theory tech has also been added to the game, and unlocking it will allow you to build the new Nuclear Water Synthesis Plant, which I felt was needed particularly on the Lunar and Abandoned Worlds.

On top of all of the new content, some tweaks have been made to some of the existing items in the game. I have increased the charcoal output of the Charcoal Factory, slightly reduced the rum consumption of the Canteen, increased the spice and ether storage on the Lander, added a small amount of Helium 3 and Salt Water storage to the Lander, and added several new upgrade paths for existing structures to take advantage of the new content.

There are also some technical changes and fixes. Firstly, I corrected an issue where players who were not logged in to an Ape Apps Account were unable to play the game. I fixed a bug where MC2 was unable to load using the new Ape Apps Launcher. Structures can now be placed directly over Terrain objects, doing so will automatically bulldoze the terrains underneath. I corrected several technical issues with the Galactic Board of Trade. Fixed a bug where you could no longer properly build Palm Trees or Synthetic Crystalline deposits. There were also several minor fixes and UI tweaks made to the game.

All in all, this update includes 1 new Terrain object, 3 new Techs, 2 new Resources, 1 new Unit, and 16 new Structures. I want to thank everyone who contributed content to this release (as well as bug reports and suggestions), and I hope that you all take a moment to show them some gratitude as well! This update took a bit longer than normal, but I think you will find that it was worth the wait. It should be available to play right now on the Launcher and on the Web, and should be hitting Android and iPhone over the coming days, so let me know what you think, let me know what issues you find, and stay tuned for more!

1y ago
You'll also notice that the starting atmosphere is really high, 500 million to be exact.

So, are you going to make the lava shifting and eruption mechanisms disappear once atmosphere is lowered under a certain amount? I mean, with less atmosphere, the planet cools off, and then maybe the player can settle their colony permanently and even build obsidian extractors that generate obsidian. It would be cool to at least make the lava turn into obsidian and have water spread when atmosphere is under a certain amount.

Also, obsidian needs to have a specific purpose for lava worlds and for other worlds. What if one purpose of obsidian is to build structures/roads/walls/rovers/workers that do no die right away when exposed to lava? That way, the player can eventually get enough obsidian to build buildings that are only moderately damaged by erruptions and lava? Not sure what other races will be able to build with obsidian, since UE Already has some very advanced stuff built from triantanium. I mean, unless you want to aim for providing for billions of people, I wouldn't make another tier of buildings.

Will any humans be getting this world type?
6y ago
I just don't think that modules would work because they require several several changes to the engine. And how is bast going to build tubes? each building has it's own 2d image, and with roads, it doesn't matter what you add to the road image, rovers and colonists will drive over it, so the same thing would happen with tubes, wouldn't work.

Second thing, I like the command center and the outreach tech, and the 5x5 starter building, but I think that the starter money should be 100x higher because the whole point of it being a space station is because it can't mine it's own resources. It would be a differen't playing style altogether because it causes the player to think differently on how to keep their colony going. Yes, maybe we can put in some asteroids that can be mined for starters, but eventually, the station would have to constantly buy water, ore, and regolith in order to survive because there would be no asteroids left.

How about this: one advantage to the space station is that it can store much much more than any sigle colony ever could. This allows for the purchase of tons upon tons of resources, enough to last for days. Therefore, for each platform/ground tile built, storage for every resource would increase appropriately. I mean, it makes sense because a space station's infrastructure is somewhat hollow and can provide ample storage. The buildings on the surface of the platform wouldn't provide any storage save the usually storage buildings like the water tower or warehouse, but the platforms would be doing all of the work.

You could also upgrade the platforms/ground tiles to contain more storage and hold up better against meteor strikes. For instance, you could do like this:
-basic platform - ore - 250 storage for each resource, 100 health
-enhanced platform - ore, steel, gold - 500 storage for each resource - 200 health
-high tech platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura - 750 storage for each resource - 300 health.
-alien platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura, artifacts, obsidian, regolith, crystalline - 1,000 storage and 500 health.
-transcendent platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura, artifacts, obsidian, regolith, crystalline, antanium, triantanium, diamond. 2,500 storage and cannot be destroyed.

6y ago
Here is some information on the new Lava World which will be available in the upcoming v0.52.0 update to My Colony!

The Lava World is by far the hardest map type in the game so far. When you are first starting out, it will not seem like this is the case. It plays similar to the Ice World, except there is also Ore available, in some ways making starting out even easier than the Ice World.

What makes the map harder are two main things:

Lava Rivers
The Lava Rivers are constantly shifting. Areas of the map you were once able to build on will eventually be consumed by Lava. You can slow the flow of the lava by building Paste Path 'walls' in order to contain the spread, but that will only help you to an extent, because of reason number two:

Volcanic Eruptions
The Lava World is the first map type to feature natural disasters. The Volcanic Eruptions can happen any time without warning, spewing fresh lava across the land and destroying any structure or unit that happens to be in their wake. You will have to plan ahead to make sure your colony can survive if 20% of it were suddenly wiped out by a volcano. It will be wise to build multiple Mounds.

Speaking of mounds, you can no longer build them the old way, and you no longer start with one. Now on all Insectoid colonies, you start with a Queen insectoid, who you can fly around until you find a food nesting place. The Queen then turns into the mound. You can build new Queens at the Mound for colony expansion, but if your Mound gets taken out by a volcano before you build a fresh Queen, you will be in trouble. So make sure you build a new Queen as soon as you can!

So why would anybody want to start a Lava map?

It is the only map type that has access to a new resource: Obsidian. Obsidian is left behind as the rivers of Lava shift across the landscape. Once a Lava River has moved to a new area, you will have to fly a Queen into the old one and get the Obsidian left behind before new Lava arrives!

Obsidian will by exportable on the GBT and Humans and other Insectoid colonies (as well as Reptilians) will be getting new Obsidian structures.

Also, when a Volcano erupts, it leaves behind other rare elements that are not originally found on the Volcano map, such as Gold, Uranium, and Diamonds.


That is the new Lava World in a nutshell. It makes heavier use of the particle and lighting effects than any other map, so if it degrades performance, both can be turned off completely in the Engine Settings menu.

If you like to have a big permanent settlement with a large Commonwealth attached, the Lava World will not be for you. It is a micromanage map best suited for Obsidian mining and exporting, and you can expect large portions of your Colony to be destroyed without warning. Players who have been wanting disasters in the game might enjoy the extra challenge.

As a side note, the Lava World will also be one of the playable maps for the upcoming Reptilians, which will be coming in v0.53.0.

Enjoy! The update should be done by the end of the week or early next week.
6y ago

Hello! Extra Worlds is getting close to being ready for her release! This means that the release content is close to ready, and bugs have been mostly ironed out! But as always, please do let me know of every single bug that you come across! The more I can fix, the more I can make this mod polished!

Anyways, version 0.3.2b has quite a lot of stuff, so listen up!

All the planet icons have been updated to be 3D!

Transcendence has a new building: the Transcendent Gold Synthesis Lab!

Nanotech has been added to EW, with Nano Builder Bots and Nanomines being added!
-Nano Builder Bots will be able to build everything next update, I just ran out of time for this update.

Lava world got yet even more new models, with the Obsidian Drilling Operation following the Drilling Operation archetype!
-Diablo Crystalline, Obsidian Rover, and Obsidian Deposits got a remodel.

New Worldtypes:

Plains World
-Has clay mines available to be built

-It is just like Saturn's moon, Titan! Because that moon is very unique.

Swamp World
-Has swamp natives

Uranium Synthesis Lab rum consumption nerfed

properly compiled models

Anyways, enjoy! There are many things that I forgot to mention!

Spice drilling is one of those things that excites us Spice World owners, but it is clear that we need to update our technology to enable us to locate and extract more Spice, so I made an Integrated Spice Drilling Operation. Since I borrowed this model from @therealchromedino , I want him to be able to get some credit as well. I hope this will help your Terra Divitiae development out, and I hope this can help other Spice drillers make use of some extra Microchips and Software as well.
7mo ago
The bugs that reptilians have for mining obsidian, are unable or they refuse to mine obsidian. I have no problems like this for other types of enslaved bugs.

Just with Obsidian, as a result, I have no means with which I can mine Obsidian and free up space in a now-mostly-filled lava planet of mine.
6y ago
A new planted type. It would have these structures called geysers which take up 2 by 2 tiles. There are two kinds: Boiling fresh water geyser and hot mineral water geyser. Each one produces the respective liquid of its name nearby. The liquids will destroy buildings and rovers/workers not built to harvest them. Humans would have a heat-resistant rover for boiling fresh water, which would collect fresh water resource. This would be unlocked with a new tech right around the beginning. Later there would be a corrosion-resistant rover which would collect mineral water. In a water evaporator, the mineral water would be converted to multiple resources mostly ore, but also some gold, aluminum, and trace amounts of uranium and obsidian. The world would allow an obsidian mine, that would make getting obsidian easier than other human areas but harder than volcano. A generator would use boiling water to generate power, and a water cooler would convert the boiling water to normal water. A water distillery would be the upgrade to the evaporator, it would give you the boiling water resource and 1.5 times the yield of other resources when it processed the boiling water. The planet would have ore, gold and regolith. To start, you would have a normal rover, and with ore you would make a water pump and greenhouse and small vehicle factory like usual. Then you would get a regolith miner to get regolith, and with both regolith and ore you would build a basic heat-resistant rover to collect the boiling water to make a power generator. Then you would build a gold miner and get a research lab like normal. You would need to research the basic solar panels before getting high density ones. Also you would need to research the evaporator and the corrosion-resistant rover to get aluminum and uranium and then progress. The obsidian mine would use workers and power and ore and give you obsidian, so much easier than the furnace but harder than the volcano world because of the cost to build. Other races could work similar to humans.
4y ago
Today's update to My Colony brings a few UI changes that might still need fleshed out a bit, but I think in the long run will be seen as an improvement over what we had previously. Here is a look at what is new:

My Colony v0.60.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Advanced Clothing Sweatshop, Transcendent Academy, Auntie Belles Cupcake Factory, Synthetic Diamond Laboratory, Universal Commodities Exchange
  • New Tech: Transcendence
  • New Resource: Ancient Instructions
  • New UI for the main resources readout
  • Lowered worker IQ requirements for the Small Research Lab
  • 'River' tiles can now be bulldozed on the Earthlike map
  • Increased the cost of the Center for Relic Studies
  • Lowered building repair costs
  • Obsidian has been added for trade on the GBT
  • Synthetic Crystalline can now be built on all Zolarg maps (probably LIS too, forgot to test that)
  • All humans can now unlock the Diamond Mining tech
  • Center for Artificial Learning now generates the new Alien Instructions resource
  • Added two new UI engine settings

The biggest change in this release is the new UI for the resources. You can see a more detailed discussion about it in this thread. Essentially, anybody who has played on mobile, particularly in the later stages of the game, knows that the resource layout would end up taking up half of the screen, making is hard to play the game properly. To fix this, the resources section has been condensed to between 1 and 3 (depending on your UI options and screen size) lines at the top of the screen. The resources now scroll by in a ticker-type banner, instead of all being displayed at once. You can toggle between this view and the old view by tapping/clicking on the resources display.

Also to reduce resource clutter, the numbers have been abbreviated and the total storage capacity has been removed by default. For example, where your food storage may have once said: 2,567,321/4,000,000, it will now just say 2.6M. If you want to go back to the old way, go to engine settings from the slide out menu and you can customize the readout any way you like it.

Anyway, I see this as a good change to clean up the main interface a bit, but please let me know your comments or ways to improve it further (or tell me if you don't like the change at all). The option is there to completely go back to the way it was before, so it should work out fine for most people, but again just let me know how you guys like it to be.

Moving on, some later-game tech and structures have been added for the Human races. The new Human updates allow the production of Diamonds on all colonies, and introduce a new resource which unlocks the production of Alien Relics for human players. These updates are necessary for offline colonies to be able to produce these resources, but are expensive enough to where they shouldn't destroy those resources for online players on the GBT.

Speaking of the GBT, Lava World players who are actually able to survive long enough to unlock the global market can now export Obsidian. Obsidian will become an important resource soon, so stay tuned for that.

Zolarg colonies now have the ability to create synthetic Crystalline on all maps, including the Sugarland map, also unlocking several Crystalline related structures.

As for the Reptilians, they now have access to the GBT through the new Universal Commodities Exchange structure. The Universal Commodities Exchange is actually like a mix of the GBT and the Black Market Bazaar, as it also brings in a slow steady stream of rare resources from across the galaxy (through theft).

Coming Soon

My plans for the next few updates include Reptilian independence structures, with a capitol building and others. Also, all three races will be getting new Obsidian related structures, and Humans will be seeing some new ultra-expensive later-game content. Alien Instructions will also be coming to the GBT with the next update.

So that's all for today's update. I will be working on another Gaul update for Antiquitas next, and before the month is out I plan on releasing My Tokens and a cross-platform multiplayer beta for Death 3d. Between all of that though, there should be at least 2 more My Colony updates this month, so stay tuned!

The My Colony update is live now on Web and the Ape Apps Launcher. Should be arriving very soon on Android, and will probably hit iOS, Windows Store, and Native Client later this week. Enjoy!
6y ago
Really dig your elaborated ideas!
First question, why aren't your more active on the FFF????

1. Have you experienced this doesn't work already?
2. Do you know they stop, or are you suggesting they stop at 50mil? And why would they stop, are you suggesting these eruptions occur because of some type of global warming? There are planets out there with no atmosphere and lot of eruptions ;-)
3. The idea is good, but by the time you get to that point you already have so much obsidian that it makes we wonder if there really is a need to extract more obsidian from the ground.
4. Wood is available on Lava, its a combination of the normal Zolarg and Zolarg ice world. So it has both tech trees. No natural sugar available, you get it from crystals. No water pools, you use crystal for water. Besides that it's normal Zolarg. Except for the part you get uranium and diamond deposits. But, the idea of not having wood is good! I would really like it if we have more use for the lava and or obsidian.
5. I would really like dark buildings! Imagine darkpavement with obsidian instead of regolith!
6. This would be very cool, but also extremely difficult! We would need buildings that eat up massive amounts of atmosphere. I'm up to 5k pop and my atmosphere has hardly dropped. I doubt, if you're able and patient enough to get that far, having a million pop with the current options would do anything about that problem. Remember that the water thingies eat atmosphere but the production buildings produce atmos at the same time.
7.Yes, makes sense.
8.Makes sense.
6y ago
I'm playing Alpha Draconis on an offline game (because the firewalls at work block online use) and found an interesting issue where obsidian bugs try to harvest obsidian in areas where they cannot physically access yet, while completely ignoring the obsidian around a powered materials silo. For the record, the silo is powered on, and my current obsidian is only 5.4k/185k, so I'm not storage capped.

Attached screenshot of the navigation issue. The diamond extractor in the image is working just fine, currently has a deposit mined out 2380/3500 and going, despite a second deposit being close and inaccessible. I tried closing the game and relaunching my world, but the issue persisted. Any tips?
2y ago
Since I see Diamonds as having more demand in the future, I see the need for a 2x2 Diamond Drilling Operation coming up to fill our needs. Also, since I borrowed the blueprint from TheRealChromeDino, I want him to get credited as well if this ever gets used.
7mo ago
The time has come for yet another My Colony update, the v0.99.0 patch, aka the Reptilian Content patch! This is a very special release, as it is the very last beta version of My Colony! It's going to be sad to see beta go, but there is a lot in store for you guys with this update. Because of some of the core changes, this update is going to take several days to push out to all platforms, with Web coming today. I actually can't even push it out to the Ape Apps Launcher yet, as the Launcher will require an update itself before this patch should go live, so please stick with me as the v0.99.0 roll-out will be a bit slower than most releases. So what's new in this patch? Let's go over it right now!

This is at it's core a Reptilian update, but there is a ton of other stuff thrown in as well. First off, and the reason for the delayed rollout, is I have taken the game-streaming option out of the core My Colony code, and transferred it to the "Web App Core" wrapper, which is the in-house wrapper I created to be able to port my games to all platforms easily. This changes the behavior by streaming your gameplay straight to your profile on the Ape Apps website, instead of to I will be updating shortly though that will embed the stream in the same place it used to be, so for the most part it should still look the same.

I made this change for long-term planning, so that I can add streaming capabilities to my other games. The stream viewer on is improved from what was available on the My Colony website. It now shows how many people are watching and lets you record the stream. It has other capabilities as well that aren't worth mentioning here, but will be implemented in other games in the future. To access your livestream page, go to your profile here on Ape Apps and click on the little video camera button on the left sidebar.

To go along with this change, the in-game streaming interface has been updated, with a new livestream control bar now appearing when you have streaming turned on.

This bar shows you how many people are watching the stream, and lets you turn either microphone or webcam on or off (previously, webcam wasn't even supported). Streaming is currently supported on Chrome, the new version of Edge, on the Desktop version, the Ape Apps Launcher, and on Android. I can't get it working right yet on iOS or Windows Store.

Moving on. Last update was the big Zolarg release, but I had accidentally forgot to make the dazzling hot-pink Etherbug buildable. This is now fixed, and you can now create the Etherbug on your Zolarg maps. Sorry about that!

A lot of people had complained about the massive gold cost on the Zolarg Unholy Pit and Unholy Tower of Stuff. I have reduced theses costs in this update to make them more reasonable. In addition, these two structures have gained storage capabilities for Charcoal, Oil, and Software.

In addition, the Zolarg Customs Processing building can now import and export Diamonds and Software.

I have made a small change to the in-game encyclopedia. Before, under each category (buildings, vehicles, etc) it said Everything you need to know... Now, it shows the number of items that are in each category (number of buildings, vehicles, etc).

I have loosened the building requirements for the Reptilian Brewmasters Den, as it was too difficult to build at the beginning, and is an essential building. I removed Helium-3 and Crystalline from the build requirements. In addition, the building now uses Ant Paste during production, instead of Helium 3.

The Powered Materials Silo has gained Software Storage, and also now acts as a drop-off point for Diamond harvesting.

I don't know if anybody had noticed, but I had inadvertently allowed Ether importing from the Reptilian Medium Range Star Gate. This has been removed. In exchange, this structure can now export Fish and Salt Water.

Speaking of Fish and Salt Water, they have both been added to the Galactic Board of Trade, and will eventually be used in other non-Water World processes. They are the two map-specific resources for the Water World.

While we are on the subject of resources, a brand new one was added to the game this update, Cobalt. Cobalt is a super-rare, because 1) it's only available on the dreaded Lava World, and 2) it only appears after a volcanic eruption.

Why Cobalt? Well, originally Obsidian was going to be the map-exclusive resource for Lava World, but I forgot and ended up adding it to everything, so that wasn't going to work. So now we have Cobalt. It's all good. Anyway, right now only the Reptilians can harvest it, but other civs will be able to after v1.0. It will be coming to the GBT on the next update as well, and will be used for new super-high-end structures on all civs. Being tied to the Lava World, I suspect it will command a pretty good price on the GBT once trading opens up.

Moving on. Since probably v0.1.0 of My Colony way back in 2016, people have been requesting to be able to move buildings once built. I haven't counted, but it's probably the top request in the game, or a close second to Mass Transit. I understand why it's been wanted. Most My Colony players are on Android, and most mobile builder games allow you to move structures. Of course, most mobile builder games are also IAP filled "diamond" (or gems or special coins) festivals that nickel and dime players by making buildings take 5 days to build unless you pay real money. My Colony isn't like that, and I never thought a move building option was realistic enough for the game, but nonetheless people still request it all the time, so for this update, I have now added an option to move buildings, with caveats.

You can now move any structure in the game, unless it is a harvest drop-off location or has it's own move function, like the Lander, Queen/Mound, or the deployed Construction Mech.

I do want to give people the option to configure and organize their base as they see fit, and I understand that as a colony grows from a small settlement to a major city, you might want to rethink the way you placed buildings at the beginning, so that is why I am allowing the move option. The reason I do not allow it on harvest drop-off spots though, should be obvious. I'm not going to let players just, for example, keep moving their Ore Refinery right next to the Ore every time a deposit is dried up. That would be lame.

Next, I have made an interface change to the mobile version of the game. Now when you are building a structure on mobile, you get the same (well, a minified) "new construction" bar that desktop players have.

This makes it easy to see what you are building will cost, and to flip structures before placing them.

So now let's talk about the meat of the update, the new Reptilian content. There are two new vehicles, the Diamond Extractor and the Cobalt Extractor (I think you can figure out what each does), and 19 new buildings, which I will list below and then talk about some of them in detail afterwards.
  • Galactic Star Gate
  • Radiated Crystal Farm
  • Advanced Materials Silo
  • Subterranean Slum
  • Raw Fish Diner
  • Deep Sea Drilling Platform
  • Coral Radiator
  • Offshore Slum
  • Dracarus Mint
  • Turbo Microreactor
  • Diamond Cobalt Microreactor
  • Basic Crystal Furnace
  • Suppertime Arena
  • Primitive Robotics Lab
  • Advanced Chip Transporter
  • Automated Software Node
  • Antanium Radiator
  • Ultra High Frequency Node
  • Near-Infinite Materials Silo
My core of thinking with this update was to make the Reptilians more playable, or rather enjoyable to play, and reduce the sheer idling time required to play a Reptilian colony. Starting with Reptilians was so slow before, that a new colony would have to idle for hours just to get anywhere, which isn't really feasible on mobile. So a lot of this content is geared towards early to early-mid game, but there are a few later-stage items as well. Structures like the Basic Crystal Furnace, the Coral Radiator, and the Dracarus Mint should help speed along early-game a bit.

Reptilians also get a couple of new housing units, both slums (of course). The Subterranean Slum is a high-density building for all maps, and the Offshore Slum is a way to gain more space on the traditionally space-limited Water World islands.

I added a couple of new Tourism related structures for Reptilians, in the form of the new Raw Fish Diner and the Audrey II inspired Suppertime Arena, where Reptilians and tourists alike can watch an evil plant eat Insectoids.

There are new much-needed upgrades to Reptilian Storage, Power generation, increased import/export capacity, Microchip production, Software production, and Bandwidth generation. Reptilians also gain the ability to build robots with the new Primitive Robotics Lab, and the ability to build Triantanium with the Antanium Radiator.

All in all, this is a fairly large update that adds some nice QOL improvements to the game, and adds much needed content and improvements to the Reptilian race (a bit for Zolarg too).

Now, to talk a bit about the future. If you missed it, I published a new episode of the My Colony Podcast last night about the coming end of beta for My Colony. v0.99.0 is in fact the 99th feature release of My Colony (which was originally published on May 16, 2016), which will make the next update the 100th feature update of My Colony, in which it will finally be bumped up to v1.0.0.

Now to me it's just a number, but since 100 of anything is generally seen as special, I think something special should happen for the next update to the game. To help kick off the v1.0.0 release, I would like to do another classic episode of the My Colony Podcast with a community group voice chat, the way the old episodes were done a couple of years ago. I would like to host the episode on one of the federation Discord channels, possibly the NOZ channel if they will allow it, and have anybody and everybody from the community be able to participate if they want to. We will just be talking about the growth and changes of the game over the last few years and bumping suggestions and ideas off of each other for the coming updates. You can also ask me anything you want about My Colony or otherwise. I think it will be a fun episode for everybody, and I hope a lot of people participate. I just need to nail down a location, time, date, and re-figure out how to record the thing. So be looking out for more information about that.

As for the update itself, I plan on adding something of an online leader-board to the game, featuring multiple in-game challenges and awards that people can participate in if they choose to. It will be optional, so you can still play as normal without doing the leader-boards, but the purpose is to have something to do in the game after you have a million people in your colony and all buildings unlocked, but it's also going to be set up in a tiered way so that new players can also participate. I still have some things to work out with it, and so you have some time to make suggestions in the forum if you want your ideas implemented!

As for a timeframe, the next release is going to take longer than normal. I go over the reasons in the latest podcast, but basically we have Thanksgiving in the U.S. coming up soon with holiday travels, and I also need to take some time away from My Colony to get work done on my other projects before the holiday season, since December is the biggest month of the year for the app business, and with my schedule I am going to be pressed for time to get much work done later in this month. So I would shoot for early-mid December for the v1.0.0 release, although there might be a couple of platform-specific bug patches between now and then, should the need arise.

Further out, v1.1.0 and v1.2.0 will probably be performance tweak related updates, since I am getting a lot of requests for those, particularly on the Android side of things, so I will have to try to see if I can squeeze more juice out of the engine. So they will still have new content, but not like 10-20+ new items like the last few updates have had. After that, I want to add crime and law enforcement to the game, and even further out, I want to add the ability to have a map with an AI controlled faction, as I want to add a new map type that is inhabited with primitive ewok-type creatures that you have to either coexist with or... something else. So stay tuned for that...

Anyway, that's all for v0.99.0. I hope you guys enjoyed it, let me know if you did (or didn't)! Like I said at the beginning, the roll-out will take several days here, but it's live and final on the Web now. Launcher will probably be next, then Steam, then Android, then Windows, and lastly iOS. I expect to have it published to all stores by Wednesday, so stay tuned!
4y ago
First, it would help to know what platform you are coming from. Second, it would help to know what platform you are going to specifically.

Choices: Android, iPhone/iPad, PC Web version, MS app or apeapp store.

Generally going from a mobile device to any PC platform will be a little tricky and will depend on the device. Changing platform on the PC is fairly easy as it only requires 'backing up' the save and 'restoring' in the new platform.
6y ago
Today I am putting the finishing touches on the v0.95.0 patch for My Colony, and it should be hitting all platforms within the coming days. I've actually got a fairly big update in store for you guys today, so I hope you enjoy it. Let's take a look at what's new!

First let's start with the small stuff. In this release I have added 40 new flag logos that you can add to your colony flags, including all letters of the alphabet. I have also fixed issues on a couple of the logos that did not let you adjust their color properly.

Next up, I have made stat adjustments/tweaks to a few of the maps and buildings in the game. The Star Gate, Star Port, and Medium Range Star Gate can now all import and export Software. The Antaura production has been increased on the Interstellar Pad of Thought. Newly created Water World maps will no longer contain the Fresh Water deposits on the map, as they making getting Water way too easy. The Crudebot can now be constructed on Water World and Desert World maps, and the Diamond Miner can now be build on the Water World. Finally, the Center for Artificial Learning has been slightly nerfed, and the Research Converter now requires a little more research to operate.

A number of UI tweaks have been made in this update. Now when you are in building mode (as in, you have a new building for construction selected), the Chat Notification area will disappear. Before the chat log was in the way when you were trying to build things, so now it should no longer be a problem.

I have also added a new, faster way to reply to chat messages without having to open up the actual chat window, although you do need to be using a keyboard in order to use it. But now if you are connected to a chat server, you can simply press the Tab key (customizable in Engine Settings) to open up the new chat reply input box.

This makes it a lot faster and easier to reply to chats in-game.

There are also a couple of chat text color changes. When a Developer posts in chat (I'm the only one), they will have Gold text color. When a Moderator posts in chat ( @cry8wolf9 is the only one), their text will appear Blue. When somebody playing an offline colony posts, they will have a Teal text color. This is helpful because a lot of times new players ask for resources in chat, and they do not even know they are playing offline.

I believe that these interface changes make the in-game chat a whole lot better.

Next, the Desktop Build Confirm costs area now shows Power and Bandwidth requirements when queuing up multiple buildings.

Obviously this is good information to have, and probably should have been there to begin with!

Next, you will probably notice that the resource amount numbers in the Resources display are now colored.

The colors gradiate from red to orange to green, and allow you to see at a glance how full your storage is. Green means you have full storage, orange is half way, red is empty. This should be especially helpful on mobile, since you can't hover over the readout to see the little bar graphs.

In addition, the Resource view that only shows down-trending resources will now only show resources that are both down-trending and under 95% storage capacity.

Also, a new feature has been added for Federations. The Federation president can now kick member colonies out of the Federation for whatever reason.

Now on to the new content. In this update I have added one new resource (Salt Water) and 11 new structures. Mixing things up a bit, a lot of the new content in this update relates to the Water World map. Here is a list of the new stuff, and then I will discuss some of the structures afterwards.

New Structures
  • Fine Arts Warehouse
  • Counterfeit Market
  • Integrated Aluminum Generator
  • Advanced Ship Yard
  • Department of Advanced Fish Mating Studies
  • Mesh Platform
  • Salt Water Pump
  • Salt Water Tank
  • Desalination Factility
  • Fishery
  • Fish Cannery
The Fine Arts Warehouse and Counterfeit Market provide additional storage for Paintings, Pottery, and Cloth, and are for United Earth and L.I.S., respectively. The L.I.S. version has less storage and also exchanges some of the goods for money.

The Integrated Aluminum Generator brings a long awaited upgrade to the old Aluminum Generator, costing more and utilizing Software and Bandwidth.

I have also added the new upgraded double decker Advanced Ship Yard for faster Human Star Ship production, also requiring Software and Bandwidth.

Next, United Earth players get a new wasteful government building in the form of the Department of Advanced Fish Mating Studies. This building creates research but, more importantly, offers over 5000 useless jobs, for larger colonies with a lot of unemployment.

The remainder of the new content is for the Water World map.

The Mesh Platform is a new bridge structure with no particular orientation, so you can connect them together without issue. You can now also harvest ocean Salt Water with the new Salt Water Pump, which is built directly onto Salt Water tiles. The water is stored using the Salt Water Tank, and can be converted into massive amounts of fresh Water using the new Desalination Factility.

For island Food production, I have added the Fishery, which is built directly onto water and harvests large amounts of Fish, and the Fish Cannery, which turns said fish into large amounts of Food. Fish will soon be making it's way to the GBT and, like Ether on the Ether map, will only be harvestable on the Water World map, since I said that I would be adding more unique map-specific resources to the game.

There is still more I.T. stuff to add, but I was playing my Water World map the other day and wanted to add some content to it, and I saw a post about Water World in the suggestions forum, and decided to go for it. I also want to add additional structures that can be built over water tiles, like tourist stuff, some unique housing, and an offshore drilling platform. I want to add boats or a water based bot, but I don't know if I will, since I will have to create a whole additional collision map for water tiles, which will take up a lot of runtime memory. We will see.

So that about sums it up for today's update. Like I said, it will be making it's way to all platforms in the coming days, so be on the lookout for the update. And as always, keep those suggestions coming, and thanks for playing My Colony!
5y ago
I always wanted an igneous Lava World. Here are a few models for it!

Lava World:

Diablo Crystalline:

Obsidian Deposit:


Obsidian Drilling Operation:

Please @bastecklein , I really want this lol.
I hope everyone is having a good week! Today I am releasing My Colony 2 v0.36.0 and the update should be hitting all platforms within the coming days. This update cleans up a couple of things, adds a couple of things, and fixed some things. So let's take a look at all of the things...

The My Colony 2 engine now supports a second level of user color customization on buildings, besides the random splashes of settlement color found in some places. Voxel models can now specify a second replace color, allowing the user to fully customize the color of their structures. This is currently enabled on the Bunkbed Shelter, Large Living Quarters and Extra Large Living Quarters, and also the brand new Decorative Tile. The "paint job" can be done by clicking on a structure, and you will see a new color wheel option if the structure supports user defined coloring.

Custom colored structures could be a great way to give your settlement character, define districts, or just liven things up a bit. This release is sort of a test of the feature, and it will be certainly expanded to more buildings in the future. If you are a voxel model creator, you can specify areas of a building that can be custom-colored by using the cyan hex code #00ffff.

More statistics have been added to the building mini-stats popup window, which now shows capacity and utilization graphs for medical, education, entertainment and security, similar to what was available in MC1.

Moving along, the My Colony 2 Online stats window has been updated with a new listing for Settlement rankings, now showing the top 30 online settlements listed by population. I plan on adding more to this soon. You will also (at some point) be able to click on both worlds and settlements to get a detailed breakdown screen of each, and I may end up using this screen for future diplomacy related options.

Ok, now for the potentially controversial update, I have added the ability to instant-purchase any structure using Ape Coins instead of paying with resources. I realize that this is somewhat of a pay-to-win, but the truth is that since MC2 lacks the advertising found in most games, I need a way to generate more revenue for the game, that is just the sad truth of it. Let me explain more about it though.

I think I have set the Ape Coin prices high enough that it should deter just rushing through the game, unless someone really wants to pay a lot. I suspect it only to be used in one-off scenarios when someone really does not want to wait to build something, or at the very beginning of the game when prices are low anyway.

The way it works is that the Ape Coin price is calculated at run time based on the GBT value of all of the resources needed to construct the building, with a minimum price of 10 Ape Coins. Since resource prices scale up a lot on the higher end, a player would have to pay serious money in order to build the later game structures, which is why I do not think this system will be abused much later game, which I believe cuts down on the "pay-to-win" aspect of it.

The reality is that nobody is going to pay $15 to purchase an investment bank, or if they do, they sure aren't going to be using this function to spam a bunch of investment banks. So this price calculation being what it is, I think it will safely protect online stats from pay to win abuse. It also cannot be used to purchase buildings that are above your settlement level.

To build a structure using Ape Coins, you just click on the Ape Coin button instead of the green checkmark button on the new construction bottom bar. There is a confirmation dialog, so you are not going to accidentally spend coins.

One more thing to note, if you purchase a building with Ape Coins and then accidentally place it somewhere where it cannot built, like a blocked space, the building goes into a queue on the server, and you can then build it again without clicking on the Ape Coins option. There is no UI to tell you this yet, but the game will actually let you place the building, even though it says you do not have enough resources.

Finally before moving on to new content, I added structure defensive stats to the Encyclopedia window, which now shows Attack Power, Range and Rate of Fire.

I have not forgotten about the poor encyclopedia, it just has not been on the top of the priorities list.

Ok, let's go to new content now. There are three new techs added this time, Mass Data Management, Colonial Bureaucracy and Extremely Deep Excavation!

Mass Data Management is used for the new Alien Uplink Station upgrade (model by @SPARKY0303 ), while Colonial Bureaucracy gives us the new Department of Advanced Fish Mating Studies (model by @spamdude ), which is basically just a big worthless (but pretty) government jobs farm. The new Museum ( @spamdude ) is a nice entertainment/education combo structure, and the new Decorative Tile is basically a blank slate that you can choose your own color for. Could be used to do pixel art on the grounds of your settlement.

Next up, @therealchromedino provides us with the new Bunker of Last Resort. This is a good structure to place somewhere in the center of your settlement, as it can be used to rebuild in the event that you are on a sever and your settlement gets raided by an enemy army.

The Bunker provides storage for basic building materials, minor housing, utility generation, can construct Builder Bots, has an attack rating slightly better than a pillbox, and an extreme amount of hit points. It is not indestructible, and a tank army would still be able to take it down, but it is a good insurance policy, and every major settlement should have at least one or two of these in the event of an emergency.

The big new structure in this update is the Ultra Deep Drilling Facility by @spamdude and to be honest, I could not afford to build it on the colony I was doing my game testing with, so it is possible that it will need to be tweaked a bit in the next update, just let me know in the comments what you all thing. It is an across the board stat improvement over the current Advanced Drilling Platform, and also provides Crystalline which the original one did not.

Ok so I think that is all of the major stuff in this update. For the next update (v0.37.0) I plan on adding Diamonds as a Lunar World exclusive resource, that will be obtained by excavating. There will also be new units/structures associated with the diamond trade. I think I am also going to have the "Online" version of the Player Mode at least somewhat functional for next update, possibly including the star gate travel between worlds (right now there are only 9 active Star Gates in the MC2 universe). So let me know what issues you find or suggestions you have, thank you to all who contributed artwork for this update, and stay tuned for more to come!

1y ago
Today I am releasing v0.37.0 of My Colony 2, and from a technical perspective, this is the largest release since the game first came out in late 2020. My Colony 2 has now been moved off of the antiquated Web App Core framework that I first developed back in 2012, and is now being hosted at it's own domain at There are some important implications associated with this change, so let's get into it!

The most obvious change is that the game is now hosted at a new URL. Since the majority of My Colony 2 players access the game through the web client, everyone is going to need to update their bookmarks to the new location. If you have the game installed to your device as a Progressive Web App, you need to know that the PWA will not automatically change to the new URL, so you need to first uninstall the old PWA and then install the new one. I realize that it is a bit of a pain, but the change will be worth it in the long run.

The biggest impact this will have is related to save data. Users who sync their save file to the Cloud or who have exported their save data to the filesystem (which I highly recommend) will not be impacted at all, but if your save game is stored in the internal app cache (the riskiest solution with a browser-based game), data will not carry over to the new domain. I hope that most players took heed of this change when I announced it about a month ago! If it ends up being an issue, I might be able to cook up some sort of migration solution, but I think most players will be fine. I think (hope) that the mobile versions of the game are not impacted by this.

Beyond what was stated above, the migration off of the Web App Core framework resulted in considerable changes to the game engine "under the hood." The Web App Core functions touched almost everything, so in many ways this update constitutes a serious rewrite of major portions of the game. Because of this, I would sort of expect there to be some issues here and there. Surprisingly, I have not run into many of them during testing, so maybe things went more smoothly then I had planned, but please be on the lookout for things I may have missed, and please post about what issues you find here in the forums.

Since so much of the code was being changed in this release, I did take the time to work on a few issues that had been plaguing the engine for a while now. First of all, the issue with faded/muted colors I think is pretty well fixed. There may be a few models left that still have color balancing issues, and if you notice any of them please post a list in the forum here so I can get them re-color balanced for the next update.

There had been an issue where Spice deposits were not spreading properly on the Spice World, and this has now been corrected.

Additionally, there was an issue where players who were connected to a remote dedicated server were unable to access the Galactic Board of Trade or other MC2 Online features. This should now be fixed as well.

Game loading and startup should be a lot faster now than it used to be, especially after the first load. I decided to stop compressing the main game data bundle, and even though this added 4mb to the initial game data download, I figured it was not a big deal, since after the first load, the browser stores the bundle data anyway. This means that the data no longer needs to be decompressed when the game is starting up, which on some devices (especially mobile) this could take quite a long time. The start up time improvement can actually be pretty significant, especially if the app is installed to the system as a PWA. I have noticed start up times on the new release of just a few seconds.

Big improvements have been made to flying units. They were sort of borked before - drones randomly disappearing or flying up into the stratosphere, landers not moving, etc. They should just work now.

Don't you hate it when you join a world, then you scroll around the map trying to find a good landing spot, only to never be able to find your lander again? Fear not, if you have not yet deployed your lander, it will not be automatically placed in the Bookmarks tab, so you can always go and find where your lander is sitting.

A major rebalancing has been done in this release, thanks in large part to a document put together by @SPARKY0303 (which you can find here). There were a ton of changes implemented from this, so here is just a rough readout of everything I did:
  • Increased firing range and reduced money cost of the Brick Wall Turret
  • Increased the gift capacity of the Galactic Board of Trade to 25k
  • Fixed the borked stats on the Museum
  • Increased the ore cost and output of the Medium Software Studio
  • Increased the uranium cost and the artifact storage of the Giorgio Institute
  • Increase the build cost and money/civics output of the Investment Bank
  • Increased the output and worker requirement of the Bank
  • Increased the cost and research output for the Center for Artificial Learning
  • Increased the build and input cost of the Robotics Factory while also increasing the robot output
  • Increased the cost and doubled the production rate of the Plastic Factory
  • Increased the cost and production output of the Advanced Microchip Factory
  • Increased the cost and production rate of the Advanced Plastic Factory
  • Increased the build cost and production output of the Synthetic Wood Lab
  • Increased the worker requirement of the Synthetic Oil Lab while doubling production input and tripling output
  • Increased the rum cost and consumption for the Galactic Stock Exchange while also increasing the money output
  • Increased the food cost and money output of the Canteen
  • Increased the cost and attack power of the Pillbox while decreasing the attack range
  • Added worker requirement and increased salt water consumption for Fish R Us
  • Increased the worker requirement and food output of the Hydroponic Farm
  • Increased cost and production output of the Vertical Warehouse Farm
  • Increased cost and software cosumption of the Research Facility while increasing research output
  • Decreased Rum consumption and increased Money output for The Rum
  • Increased money output for the Trading Depot
  • Decreased build cost and aluminum output of the Advanced Drilling Platform
  • Increased the cost and artifact output of the Ultra Deep Drilling Facility while decreasing the aluminum production
  • Increased the cost, money output and rum consumption of the Galactic Trade Authority Office while decreasing the worker requirement
  • The Spice Den can no longer be built on Spice Worlds
  • Increased the worker requirement and production rates of the Aluminum Generator
There may be more rebalancing work to do in the future, so let me know what your thoughts are on the changes.

Some other things have been changed as well. The Blue Dorms have been renamed to the Painted Dorms, which you can now specify your own color for. The Ancient Alien Ore Refinery has been re-skinned with a new model provided by @SPARKY0303 .

Also fulfilling a big request from MC1 players, there are now Building Counts available on the construction sidebar.

I have also added a new option to the Performance Tweaks section of the Engine Settings menu, allowing users to customize the number of chunks that the game renders around the camera.

We also have two new models in this update from @spamdude , including the new Fish Bin Complex (for storing lots of fish), and the giant new Large Brickworks, for bumping out lots of bricks!

Next up, as hinted to in the previous update's release notes, Diamonds have been added to this update, along with the Diamond Miner and the Diamond Solar Tower.

Diamonds are a Lunar World exclusive, and can only be discovered through digging. Once you uncover a diamond deposit, the Diamond Mining tech is automatically unlocked, allowing you to construct the Diamond Miner. Diamond utility will be expanded in the coming updates. At some point once every world has it's own unique resource, there will be some late game super structure that requires a ton of the unique resources from all of the different worlds.

Ok so last but not least, probably the biggest and most common request I get for the game via the in-game feedback is to bring back the Ore Mine from MC1. I never considered the Ore Mine to be necessary, since the world sizes are infinite and you can always just go and find more Ore, and later on you can just generate Ore on all worlds. That said, people have always wanted it, so today I am introducing MC2's version of the Ore Mine, which is the new Ore Drill.

The Ore Drill works sort of like the Spice Vane that occurs naturally on the Spice World. You build it, and then every once and a while it will plop out a small Ore Deposit. Once you build your settlement up to the point where you can make your own ore, you can simply bulldoze the drill. I think this is a reasonable solution for early game Ore, and I might make a Gold version of it in the next update as well. The Ore Drill is only available on maps that have surface ore.

So that is v0.37.0 in a nutshell. The update is available right now on the Web at it's new location ( and will probably hit the various mobile platforms throughout the weekend or early next week. Please let me know your thoughts on the changes (good or bad), spread the word that the URL for MC2 has changed, and stay tuned for more MC2 goodness to come in the months ahead!

1y ago
This is good advice, thanks. Also, I haven't played the game, so I'm not sure, but it sounds like you could push the lava completely off the map if you spread your paths out when the lava dries, as the lava has to spread from other lava, so if you push the lava out to the edges, you could eventually eradicate it from the map. However, you wouldn't get any more obsidian.

So here's what I would do:

Build paste production asap

surround every corner and edge of each lake with paste, or just start by spreading out from your main.

You will want to have a xl/mega map for this, but reserve the bottom corner of the map for your main. Put the most important stuff further into the corner, which means you should reserve a lot of space near the point of the corner for important stuff and then build paste tanks outside of that area. This way, when you finally get to annex land, you will be extending the space that your main is next to, allowing you to build more toward the corner of the new land instead of outward toward the lava.

push the lava to the top corner, which is the furthest point away from your main. Do this by claiming land with paths when the lava recedes, and then do it again when the lava recedes even further back. Do this until you have a 25x25 square to reserve for lava. If you have a pretty large map your main should be out of danger at all times as long as you isolate the eruption lobs until the cool, as they can cause lava to spread back over the barriers and toward the main.

Make sure that you make as much paste as possible for this. We will want to make a paste path grid after a while so that there isn't any wide open area left for the lava to spread in. That should slow any spread and allow you time to surround little areas of lava until they cool. It should also provide channels for easy access to obsidian since there would be so much paste path in the game and your rovers would have access to more surface area to mine. Make sure to keep that 25x25 area of lava and let it erupt and spread just a little so you can get so obsidian into the grid squares, but like cobya said, we want to keep the lava at least 40 tiles away, so don't let it spread too far out of the top corner.
6y ago
I don't think so. I think that the system is fine like it is. Those who choose to have a permanent colony here can work to put out the flames, but they will loose any chance of getting more obsidian.

However, I would expect to see all of the lava cool off when the atmosphere gets under a certain amount. and then the player should be rewarded with obsidian extractors for surviving long enough to reduce the atmosphere to that point. At that point, the colony would become a permanent colony since there would be no lava to destroy it anymore. I mean, if you can survive long enough to go from 500 mil atmosphere to 5 mil atmosphere, you deserve to have a permanent colony with a permanent and safe supply of obsidian. Just be careful not to completely strip the planet of atmosphere, because then you've gone too far. And with the efficient atmosphere reduction buldings that I'm fairly certain that bast will add, it would be all too easy to completely deplete the planet's atmosphere, at which point you now have to add atmosphere production facilities that are slower and take a long time to bring the atmosphere back up to 5 mil. I would also make the planet look like the ice planet or red planet with no atmosphere and make it look like a forest-like planet with 5-15 mil atmosphere. Actually, doing that for all planets would make the game more dynamic and give atmosphere a bigger role in the game than it already has.
6y ago
i love the idea of building in obsidian(like wall or wall who use power but don't need obsidian) ,the idea for the atmospher can be good and thee obsidian extractor can work like a big "small"water extractor 2X2 can be the most logique and if the atmosspher go less than 20 000 000 the lava world will come more easy
Hello all,
My name is Dylan Carter and I would like to present my planet idea: an ocean world. I know that this planet type has been presented before, but I would like to start my own page. On this page, I will suggest all my ideas, keeping them concentrated on one page. I would love feedback from anyone, especially moderators and Brandon Stecklein. If moderators want me to copy this stuff and paste it in other discussions, I will be flexible. Enjoy!

Planet Type: Ocean World
Civilization: United Earth
Difficulty: Normal to Difficult
Atmosphere: 2,500,000
Resources: Ocean blocks (must be processed as it is salty and "chemical" filled; infinite), Salt deposits (2500 1 by 1 blocks), Ore deposits (2500 1 by 1 blocks), Regolith blocks (2500 1 by 1 blocks), Gold (normal), Aluminum (normal), uranium (normal), Granite OR Obsidian (Granite: 2500 1 by 1 blocks; Obsidian: 500 1 by 1 blocks); Salt in the Ocean blocks (10,000 per 1 by 1 block); Fir trees (normal); Contraband diamonds (normal; can only be mined after independence)
Characteristics: Limited land (if possible, the base map of each colony will always have a 3 by 3 square of land in the center with the lander); Limited resources; As with the lava, the ocean's shoreline will be constantly changing (if an unlucky colonist is on the shore when that happens, and the ocean block covers him, he will drown and die);
Starting Plot: Begin with one salt miner, one waterbot, and one granite/obsidian miner. Use 25 salt and 100 g/o to build the solar evaporator (1 by 1). Here you can use the waterbot to collect water as the ocean water cannot be processed by the lander. The solar evaporator turns ocean water into salt, ore, and regolith. The lander can build only a rover (Red Planet) and stores 100 salt and 100 o/g. The game will continue the same except for a few additional buildings and rovers. The small vehicle factory will produce rovers, ore miners, regolith miners, salt miners, o/g miners, waterbots, and builder bots. The builder bots can build a new building, the fishing pole factory (2 by 2). The fishing pole factory produces a new manufactured resource: fishing poles. Fishing poles can be used to be used to build the docks (2 by 7; instead of mass drive; can be partially built on water), water farms (5 by 5; built on water; produces food), and most importantly: the sub bot. The sub bot is an underwater miner and food collection probe that can travel on water to collect salt, food, and any trace amounts of resources in the water.

This is all I have for right now so enjoy! Please comment and expand this idea.
6y ago
H3110 guys! (^ω^)

Insectnoids are now leaving without any source of water in Water World. Some sea water extract & purification buildings are required.

Firstly I am presenting a big thanks 😉 to @bastecklein for featuring the ideas about offshore buildings (and some fish stuff) in the recent update.

I have the second branch of my ideas about the offshore buildings.
And I am pushing the limits of construction - I’ll also feature buildings that can be built on LAVA for insectnoids (later when I have time to update the post)

Here it comes!
Buildings on WATER
  • Salt Water Filter
    Serve as startup-stage way for obtaining pure water. But it’s a bit slow.
  • Algae Farm
    Cultivating algae for food.
  • Offshore Oil Drill
    Start extracting precious oil out from deep seas.
  • Offshore Resort
    The idea is simple here. You build an tropical resort and it will be able to attract tourism.
  • Submarine Docks
    What’s sinking under the seas? Take a ride on the submarine and find out! Produces less alien artifects than a dig site.
  • Driller Submarine Depot
    Driller submarines are capable to extract minerals from sea beds.
  • Water Sports Centre
    Why not having some fun playing water sports that will also make a great entertainment and tourist attraction!
  • Seastead
    Offshore homes would be interesting and great for your colonists to live. You can see wonderful fishes evryday you wake up.
  • Sea Safari Depot
    Wanna have a tour in the beautiful ocean?
  • Insectnoid Fishery
    So instead of fetching wild fish, why not make fish come to you?
  • Aquamound
    Insectnoid offshore homes.
  • Seabeet Farm
    Seabeet is a sugar-rich aquatic vegetable from Zolarg Prime. Although produces less sugar than a sugarcane farm does, it can be built offshore.
  • Aqua Ring
    A water extraction structure, but it is built offshore to extract sea water.
  • Aqua Scrubber
    Purifies sea water into drinkable water.
  • Aqua Purifier
    It’s just literally a distiller...
  • Floating Bazaar
    An offshore Bugzaar (Insectnoid bazaar).
  • Mangrove Farm
    Insectnoid style tree farm... for Water World, which you’ll need lotta of wood to build offshore stuff.
  • Geothermo Stablizer Node
    Stablizes lava tiles of a small range of 5×5.
  • Obsidian Solidifier
    Make obsidian by pumping water into the lava sea which quickly cools the lava into lumps of obsidian.
  • Lava Centrifuge
    So when you are short in minerals, why not try seperate them from the natural slags around you.
  • Lava Furnance
    Smelt antanium using geothermal energy directly without the need of using your own power!
  • Inferno Spire
    Generate a epic amount of energy without consuming anything with this geothermal Inferno Spire!

Welcome to the first ICG Event!

The ICG is a community driven event to bring the players together in one space to have fun with the game in various unique and interesting ways! The Intergalactic Colonial Games (or ICG) is our branding of the many events and activities that NOZ will be hosting! With a wide variety of events and prizes, we will be hosting ICG events every weekend!

For more information, including the rules to these events, please visit before continuing.

The first event we will be hosting is... a race!

Now, what exactly is the race we have in mind you ask? Well, as the informational thread I linked above describes, a race means that participants will start an entirely new colony and race to a certain milestone to win the grand prize. The race for this event will be the collection of Civics!


There are three player groupings, with each being more challenging than the last to complete.

  • Group 1 is 0-250,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 250,000 civics by the end of the event period.
  • Group 2 is 250,000-1,000,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 5,000,000 civics by the end of the event period.
  • Group 3 is over 1,000,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 50,000,000 civics by the end of the event period.
The event period will be 1 week long from the time it starts.


These goals may seem daunting, but I assure you, they are all possible. As impossible as they may seem, there is an equally great reward! This event will not only be for fun, players may win unholy amounts of resources to the colony of their choosing by winning. So let's see some competitive spirit in here!

As described in the informational thread, each tier can have up to and including 3 winners. First place will receive 3 packages of their choosing, second will receive 2, and 3rd place will receive 1 package of their choosing (each package is a large sum of one resource).

Group one may choose between the following prizes:

25,000,000 Ore
25,000,000 Regolith
25,000,000 Aluminum
25,000,000 Microchips
25,000,000 Gold
25,000,000 Steel
25,000,000 Alien Artifacts

20,000,000 Wood
20,000,000 Charcoal
20,000,000 Oil
20,000,000 Helium
20,000,000 Ant Paste
20,000,000 Robots
20,000,000 Antanium
20,000,000 Pottery
20,000,000 Bricks
20,000,000 Uranium
20,000,000 Crystalline
20,000,000 Cloth
20,000,000 Toys
20,000,000 Clay
20,000,000 Sugar
20,000,000 Wool
20,000,000 Software
20,000,000 Diamond
20,000,000 Wheels

15,000,000 Alien Relic
15,000,000 Alien Instructions
15,000,000 Obsidian

5,000,000 Triantanium
5,000,000 Ether

Group two may choose between the following prizes:

200,000,000 Ore
200,000,000 Regolith
200,000,000 Aluminum
200,000,000 Microchips
200,000,000 Gold
200,000,000 Steel
200,000,000 Alien Artifacts

150,000,000 Wood
150,000,000 Charcoal
150,000,000 Oil
150,000,000 Helium
150,000,000 Ant Paste
150,000,000 Robots
150,000,000 Antanium
150,000,000 Pottery
150,000,000 Bricks
150,000,000 Uranium
150,000,000 Crystalline
150,000,000 Cloth
150,000,000 Toys
150,000,000 Clay
150,000,000 Sugar
150,000,000 Wool
150,000,000 Software
150,000,000 Diamond
150,000,000 Wheels

100,000,000 Alien Relic
100,000,000 Alien Instructions
100,000,000 Obsidian

30,000,000 Triantanium
30,000,000 Ether

Group three may choose between the following prizes:

1,000,000,000 Ore
1,000,000,000 Regolith
1,000,000,000 Aluminum
1,000,000,000 Microchips
1,000,000,000 Gold
1,000,000,000 Steel
1,000,000,000 Alien Artifacts

800,000,000 Wood
800,000,000 Charcoal
800,000,000 Oil
800,000,000 Helium
800,000,000 Ant Paste
800,000,000 Robots
800,000,000 Antanium
800,000,000 Pottery
800,000,000 Bricks
800,000,000 Uranium
800,000,000 Crystalline
800,000,000 Cloth
800,000,000 Toys
800,000,000 Clay
800,000,000 Sugar
800,000,000 Wool
800,000,000 Software
800,000,000 Diamond
800,000,000 Wheels

600,000,000 Alien Relic
600,000,000 Alien Instructions
600,000,000 Obsidian

300,000,000 Triantanium
300,000,000 Ether

As you can see, the prizes are well worth your time and are designed to be a great boost to anyone in the game. The top prizes are difficult to get, but they are possible.

How to enter?

It's simple! Just comment your name in game here and tell us you want to enter! You are also required to join our dedicated events commonwealth in order to enter. The charter code for the commonwealth will be revealed when the event starts. We need to know what your colony name you will be registering as will be in advance. You may put [ICG] in your colony name as, though this is not required, it will make our jobs easier when running the event.

When we know the name of the participant, we can give you a small boost just to get started with to avoid the tedium of the early game. Players will receive all of the following:

5,000 Ore
4,000 Steel
3,000 Gold
2,000 Microchips
2,000 Wheels

This event will begin on the 16/11/2019 so we will accept applications to join until then! Once more, the event duration will be 1 week from the starting date.

Upon completion the event goal, comment that you have done so on this thread. We will then review your colony history before acknowledging you have completed the event.

Of course all rules and regulations must be followed by all participants. These may be found in the informational thread

Contact us!

Though not a requirement to participate in the events, I encourage everyone who is interested in the events to drop by the NOZ discord server for a great My Colony community. NOZ has a lot of very experienced players, whom are also very active in game. To learn more about us, please join us here at

Good luck with the events, and may the odds be ever in your favour.
4y ago
This includes Obsidian, Obsidian Deposits, Diablo Crystalline, an under the hood rework for a few structures (simplifying blocked on worlds and requires worlds, no actual change occurred), Steel and Gold Bridges, Obsidian Rover, even a small change to the Small Thermal Plant that allows it to be built on Lava World!
Since I've noticed that if you buy premium it may not be accessible in another platform of MC, I thought that maybe when you got premium, you would get a bundle of keys for each platform. Then, when you logged on you would be able to insert the key for that platform. Another fix is maybe when you buy premium, it is put on your account as My Colony premium buyer, so when you log on another platform, the game realizes you've bought premium for my colony and gives it to you.
5y ago
My Colony v1.10.0 has started going out recently and is hitting various platforms at different times and in different iterations. This is a bit of a different update, as there is nothing new to My Colony itself.

Over the last few weeks, I have been busy doing a total rewrite of Web App Core, the cross-platform app wrapper that hosts most of my apps and games, including My Colony. This rewrite cleans out years of outdated/unused code, is more efficient, and should bring more consistency between all of the various platforms. The problem though, is that this project is massive and is taking me longer than I anticipated.

Since the rewrite is quite massive and touches every single function available to Web App Core, I went ahead and published it on my two biggest cross-platform applications, My Colony and PDF Document Scanner, so I could collect crash reports and see what is and isn't working. I know that this isn't something a "professional" company would necessarily do, but I did (mostly) test everything beforehand 🤐

Anyway, you may see several iterations and releases of the 1.10.x branch on each platform over the coming weeks as I work everything out, so you can report all issues you find in this thread.

While I am talking about Web App Core, I might as well give an overview of what I am changing on that product, since it is a large part of My Colony as well. My Colony is currently running on v3.7.6, and after I have all of the bugs worked out on all platforms, Web App Core will be bumping up to v4.0.0 and getting a ton of cool new features that will help My Colony and other products as well.

If you are not aware, Web App Core is basically an abstraction wrapper I wrote starting in 2013 or so that allows my apps and games to use device-specific native functions while sharing the same code base. It's basically what allows me to release updates to all platforms in a fairly short amount of time. It's not a third party library or anything, so I have total control over it's features and capabilities.

One of the new features coming to Web App Core v4 is the ability to fully customize the theme/look of the wrapper. For example, on all of my current apps, the default left-hand slide-out menu looks the same for every app on a specific platform. So all of my Android apps have the exact same looking slide-out menu, same looking title screen, same looking dialog popups, etc. They are all very generic and the same across the board. A productivity app like PDF Document Scanner uses the exact same looking menus and dialogs as a game like My Colony. With Web App Core v4, My Colony (and other games) will be able to have their own customized UI and look more "game" like.

Web App Core v4 will also bring full local filesystem access to My Colony on the Web. This means that on the My Colony web app, you will be able to choose a local folder on your PC or Android device that you want My Colony to use, and all game data will be saved there, instead of on the cloud or in the browser's internal database. Since saves will no longer be limited to using the database, game compression should be unnecessary, and this change should virtually eliminate file save corruption on the web edition of the game. This will also make backing up your data trivial, as you can just copy/paste your save files any time you want.

Web App Core v4 will also start making way for upcoming web technologies that are not yet available in stable channel browsers, but will be coming in the months ahead. For example, installed Progressive Web Apps (PWA's) will soon be gaining the ability to become the default application for certain file types. For example, if you had the My Colony PWA installed on your device, you will eventually be able to simply double click on a game file on your desktop, and it would automatically launch the game (and your colony). Same thing with apps like Voxel Paint, simply double clicking on a .vpp file would launch the app and the voxel model.

Anyway, there are a lot more capabilities coming soon that have nothing to do with My Colony, so I wont bother polluting these release notes any further. If you've been following my work for any length of time, you may know that I really dislike the various App Stores, their draconian content rules and restrictions, their 30%+ cuts on all transactions, etc. My ultimate goal is to have the web editions of all of my products just as capable (or more) than their native counterparts. I am a big fan of Progressive Web Apps, and as time goes on I believe they are going to become more and more indistinguishable from native applications. I am going to continue to be on the bleeding edge of the PWA side of things!
3y ago
In mc1 oil was collected from tar pits and placed in barrels for sale, in MC2 however it would make more sense for oil and gas to be extracted from wells that have to be drilled deep into the ground. These wells would then connect to pipelines that will take the oil/gas to a refinery, powerplant, shipping barge, or another settlements storage facilities.

Oil and gas wells take a day to drill and they can be placed anywhere, however if there is no oil/gas under the well it will not produce anything, so players will have to conduct geological surveys to find oil/gas deposits deep underground before placing a well. Also players will have to use lots of steel and electricity when drilling for oil/gas since a drilling apparatus needs to be built using steel, and the it is powered by electricity.
3y ago
If anybody was looking for a massive My Colony 2 update this month, I've got you covered! v0.34.0 is dropping now on the Web and the Ape Apps Launcher and is packed with goodies that you will not want to miss, so let's take a look at what is new!

The first change you might notice is that the title screen has been reworked, matching the layout from the title screen of Terra Nova 4X. This is a fairly minor change at the moment, but as MC2 had been using the generic Web App Core title screen, I was limited on what I could potentially add to it in the future, so now I will be able to make some changes and improvements going forward.

I also did quite a bit of work on Player Mode in this update, which had been completely borked until now. There is now a new HUD/UI for the mode, complete with health bar, radar, current location stats and more!

There remains a ton of work to be done on Player Mode. Right now there are still glitches and the controls are a bit wonky, but it is functional if you want to give it a test. My Colony 2 is eventually going to contain an entire sub-game based on Player Mode, but for now it's still fun to just walk around your colony and check things out.

There are new options on the Statistics screen for server operators in this release, and the first one is actually quite important.

You can now toggle your server's Private/Public status on the World statistics, which was a long requested feature. You can also toggle on/off the My Colony Online feature (which gives access to online trading through the GBT, among other things). However, and this is important, worlds created before MC2 v0.29.0 will all be in offline mode until activated on the World screen! This is because the MC Online flag in the save file was ignored until this update, and it defaulted to Offline before v0.29.0. Now that the flag is no longer ignored, worlds with the old default will be set to offline.

So the first time you load up your world in v0.34.0 (or higher), you must go into the Statistics screen and turn My Colony Online back on, if you want to use the GBT. You do not have to worry about losing resources or anything like switching between online/offline in the original My Colony. MC2 takes care of this by blocking all connections from modded games.

In addition to the above, server managers can now set the maximum number of online connections allowed in their game. You could previously set this using a chat text command, but now it's just a lot easier to do it from the UI.

Moving on, I have tried to make some interface changes to make My Colony 2 easier to play on mobile devices. The 3D nature of the game makes placing structures more difficult than it was on the original version of My Colony, but I think some changes in this update will help.

Firstly (as seen above), the ground grid lines are now turned on by default on touchscreen devices, allowing you to more easily see where you are placing structures. If you do not like this setting, it can be turned on/off in the Engine Settings menu under the Interface section, but on touch I think it makes a significant different in making the game more playable.

Next, I have tried to make it so that, no matter what orientation you have the camera rotated, placing a new structure will always originate from the top-left tile corner of the tiles to be occupied. On a touch screen there is no "hover" like with mouse input, so it's hard to tell where the building is going to be placed, and a lot of times with the camera rotated, you would have no idea where the building was going to show up once you tapped the screen, so now it should be fairly consistent no matter how you are rotated or zoomed. This was actually more difficult to implement then it might seem, since what tile constitutes the top-left corner is sort of subjective, especially depending on how far the camera is rotated in one way or another. At what angle is the cutoff where top-left becomes top-right, etc? Anyway, after hours of fiddling with the angle cutoffs, I think I have it to where it "feels" good, but you can play with it on mobile and let me know.

Moving right along, I have expanded the building stats that appear when you click on a structure's stats icon. You can now view the production/consumption ratings of Money, Civics and Research. There is still more expansion to be done on building stats, but this change alone makes a pretty big difference, IMO.

Now let's move on to new content, as there is a lot in this update. This release includes 22 new structures, two new techs to unlock, and one new unit. Among the new content in this release are 3D model contributions from @rahtdrgn @therealchromedino @GeneralWadaling and @spamdude so please be sure to show them appreciation for their great works!

Since there are so many new structures, I am just going to list them all out, and then comment on a few of them afterwards. A lot of the structures in this release are of the "Advanced" variety, needed upgrades to existing buildings.
  • Advanced Robotics Factory
  • Ether Reactor (art by rahtdrgn)
  • Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis Lab (art by therealchromedino)
  • Star Gate
  • Advanced Microchip Factory (art by GeneralWadaling)
  • Advanced Plastic Factory
  • Underground Drop Room (art by spamdude)
  • Spice Drilling Operation (art by therealchromedino)
  • Advanced Spice Silo (art by therealchromedino)
  • Quantum Spice Silo (art by therealchromedino)
  • Quantum Oil Tank (art by therealchromedino)
  • Advanced Regolith Synthesis Lab (art by spamdude)
  • Quantum Offshore Drill
  • Advanced Vocational Training Center
  • Spice Den
  • Galactic Trade Authority Office
  • Ether Crystal Reactor
  • Plaza Mosaic Tile
  • Investment Bank
  • Advanced Helium 3 Extractor
  • Black and White Checkered Pavement
  • Street Sign
First I want to discuss the new Interdimensional Transportation tech which unlocks the new Star Gate, because this is going to tie in big with a Player Mode feature in the future.

Basically, the Star Gates are going to allow characters in Player Mode to seamlessly travel between worlds/servers. Ultimately, the area around your Star Gate will be the first thing a player sees when they enter your world from that perspective, so you may want to include things like informational signs about your world, and you may want to leave some space to build specific Player Mode related structures that will be available in the future. You may also wish to have at least one security turret nearby, as you never know what is going to be coming through the Star Gate. The Star Gates will also allow fast travel of players/colonists/units between distant settlements both on and off world.

The Star Gates are going to be a critical component of the Player Mode. I wanted to get them in the game sooner rather than later, because the My Colony Online database is keeping track of every star gate in the "universe," and I need to get that database built up before I can enable the fast travel and other features.

Moving along, an old favorite from the original My Colony has returned, as the Bank can now be upgraded to the Investment Bank!

You can start bringing in some pretty good money for your settlement with the Investment Bank, but it's not actually the best money maker in this release. That honor goes to the new Spice Den!

The Spice Den is a brick structure repurposed from an old food production model that GeneralWadaling had made a couple of years ago, and as long as you are able to keep it running with Spice, you will make some nice profits, as the rich and famous in your settlement will pay top dollar to get their Spice fix in a safe and discrete way. Obviously if you are not on the Spice World you will need to procure your Spice from the GBT, so you might want to stock up whenever it becomes available, as I suspect this is not the only Spice related structure we will be seeing added to non-Spice worlds.

Note that the Spice Den is the first structure in the game that actually has a negative Security rating, so you may need to offset that with an extra security headquarters.

Now, you have heard of the noble Extraterrestrial Builder, but what about his equally noble cousin, the Extraterrestrial Sea Rover?

The old offshore drill got a Quantum Offshore Drill upgrade in this release, so it needed a new boat to build it. Not only is this new version of the offshore drill faster, but it also brings up Alien Artifacts! This was badly needed I think, since artifacts are fairly rare on the desert world, and you just can't dig much at all on the water world, so these new Quantum Offshore Drills will come in handy.

Speaking of badly needed, you can now easily generate Helium 3 on any world with the new Advanced Helium 3 Extractor. You will need Regolith to operate it, but that shouldn't be a problem once you construct the new Advanced Regolith Synthesis Lab.

So what happens when you want to conduct big trades on the GBT but you don't want to build hundreds of Trading Depots? That's where the new Galactic Trade Authority Office comes into play!

This is another decent money making structure, but it also greatly increases your gift/trade capacity (I forgot the number, but it's big).

A lot of the buildings that needed upgrades got them in this release. We now have the Advanced Robotics Factory, the Advanced Microchip Factory, the Advanced Plastic Factory, Advanced Vocational Training Center, and the Underground Drop Room (upgrade to the Storage Yard), just to name a few.

In addition, the Spice World now has the new Spice Drilling Operation, which is basically an Ore Fracking Operation for Spice. There are also the new Advanced and Quantum Spice Silos for superior Spice storage.

There is also the Quantum Oil Tank upgrade, for storing larger amounts of Oil.

Finally, all of these new structures will require a great deal of power. That is where the brand new Ether Crystal Reactor comes into play!

You will need a continuous source of both Ether and Crystalline to run this thing, so you may need to watch the GBT for deals. If you can afford it though, the Ether Crystal Reactor will provide you with a 55,000 power rating, far eclipsing the current Integrated Nuclear Reactor.

At the end of the day, there was a ton of work put into this update, so I hope you all enjoy it! There is a lot more excitement for My Colony 2 on the horizon. My goal is to have, by the end of this year, full gamepad/tv support, full VR support, music, sounds, a Steam release, and to have enough content and features to overtake the playability of the original My Colony. So stay tuned for more large updates like this one, because this size of release is going to be the norm, not the exception!

Thank you again for playing My Colony 2 and remember, build up your parameter defenses, because @poumm is out there, lol!

Just kidding, poumm. You're ok!

1y ago
Hello! As all savvy Spice Worlds know, there is a building called the Spice Drilling Operation, and it is essential for us! The even savvier ones would know that I am the guy who made the model! But, looking back at it, the quality is unaccaptable when we got all these shiny new models! So naturally, I got to work updating the thing.
Even more here to boot!

Cobalt Deposit (1x1)

Iridium Deposit (3x3)

Iridium Drilling Operation (2x2) {Because Diamonds showed us that harvesting isn't enough}

Cobalt Drilling Operation (2x2)

Iridium Miner (1x1)

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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