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Around 2 years ago I've created this post which is about the unofficial timeline for the world in My Colony.

Since then, our favorite dev @bastecklein had referenced a lot of things in that post when expanding the actual lore of My Colony, eventually My Colony Universe is officially born which connected various My Colony spin-off games together.

Now I've reviewed my long and old post which isn't really something refined (and somehow grammatically terrible), I've decided to create an revised version of it. While refining and altering some context and contents, there will also be few new major events as new additions.
Another major change is about events during the Old Earth era and the time transitioning to United Earth, which I would like to make them slightly more reasonable, though the progress would still be relatively accelerated compared to reality.


This post is very long - it will take some time to read.

Not all details have been officially included canon or actually took place in any games related to My Colony Universe. The actual events may also vary with those mentioned in this post.
Anyways, it's just for reference, I recommend reading it in a relaxing manner. :P
The unit of time measurement is based on Earth calendar.

Time of the Ancients
(Uncertain, estimated to be billions of years before Alpha Draconians)

Once upon a time there was an thriving civilization ruled over the Milky Way Galaxy, which now they are called The Ancients. Even in the Royal Libraries of Alpha Draconians, not much documentations of their unimaginably long history has been recovered, but many of them become legends and folklore among various old and elder civilizations across the Milky Way. The following events are what known to the present-day Milky Way.

👇Just click the text with dotted underline to see the entire section.
Time of the Ancients
The Old Holy Galactic Empire
The oldest trace of The Ancients that can be found in present-day.

Some artifacts from this period reflected worship of pure energy entities, which its sophisticated pantheon have shown distant relationship and influence to cultural and religious beliefs of some races of Milky Way.
Titan War
Perhaps the most well-known conflict in the Ancients' period, it took place around the late Holy Galactic Empire period - A legend of two dominant galactic powers battle for their total domination of Milky Way.
The Titanis was the sole opponent of the Old Galactic Empire at that time, it is a collective of races under the rule of Titans, a race of colossal entities. However, unable to surpass Empire in terms of the ability to manipulate raw energy and matter, the Titans end up defeated and extinct after the war.

Various wartime relics form both Empire and Titanis are discovered. However the reliability of several Titan relics (particularly some Titan remains) are doubted by modern historians and scientists (and even some New Galactic Empire scholars) and the debates still goes on today.
Grand Division of Pharan Empire
Phara was the largest ally of Old Galactic Empire and strongest of the minor powers during the Titan War. However, after a chain of internal political events, the Pharan Empire split into divided Dynasties ruled by their respective Grand Houses.

Most ancient Pharan documentations were permanently lost during the event.
Dark Galactic Empire
The period after the Old Galactic Empire crushed their sole rival of the galaxy and achieved galactic dominance.

For some reason, the Old Galactic Empire abandoned their belief of energy entities, instead, near-fanatical dedication exploring ultimate possibilities of dark matter becomes the major feature of this period.

Despite it is the period after the Holy Empire, unfortunately, information of this period is relatively more scarce - The multidimensional complexity of their relics keeps information in them highly difficult to be discovered and extracted.
Reptilian Exodus to the Milky Way
The first records of Reptilian immigrants into the Milky Way from another galaxy was during the Dark Galactic Empire period. From some documents of Alpha Draconians, Reptilian ancestors started as nomads with only mostly low tech equipment when their "primitive" intergalactic transport landed on the Outer Rim Region.
Empire-Reptilian Conflict
While Reptilians tried to make themselves a new home at Outer Rim Region, Old Galactic Empire was unwelcoming towards the continuous immigration of the Reptilians. As a result several conflicts broke out, but none never end up into a major war.

After several head-on confrontations and negotiations, Reptilians signed permanent truce with the Old Galactic Empire and earned their space of survival, however, the Empire barricaded all the remaining immigrants from entering Milky Way, which the fates of these immigrants remained unknown.
Second Pharan Empire
After millenniums of internal conflicts, Pharans barely reunited themselves, the Second Pharan Empire was established and maintained relative cohesion and peace between Grand Houses for the long period afterwards.
Vanishing of The Ancients
One of the largest mysteries in Milky Way history, which the entire population and objects of the Old Galactic Empire, vanished.
There had been many hypothesizes trying to explain the event, the most popular one being The Ancients successfully achieved certain breakthroughs in science and transcended into higher beings unrestricted by physical plane.

Radioisotopic raw ether are discovered at planets that were once Imperial settlements, which seemed to be remains of physical biomass of Ancients, or a by-product of the process causing the entire vanishing.

Interbellum, Rise of Reptilians and Draconian Era
(4 million years ~ 2 million years before human history)

After the vanishing of the Ancients, over 80% of the Milky Way became unoccupied and abandoned. This is the period many young races rose to reshape the galactic balance of power, but only the Reptilians became the most successful - From the foundations and physical legacies left by the Ancients, Reptilians thrived as the new superpower of the Galaxy, the Alpha Draconians.

Rise of Reptilians
Early Atlanians and Kingdom of Aqua
Atlanians was an aquatic race that managed to civilize themselves during the Interbellum, and evolved into amphibious creatures that has strong adaptive ability to both dry land and aquatic environments.
Kingdom of Aqua was the first period of Atlanian history they begin space exploration and primitive extraterrestrial colonization.
Reptilian Kingdoms
As the scout ships returned bizarre news that the Ancients had ceased to exist, the Reptilians saw their long waited opportunity expanding towards the Central Vortex. Deeply inspired by the Old Galactic Empire, many Reptilians dreamed of building their own powerful interstellar regime. As a result numerous Reptilian Kingdoms with relatively primitive organization were established, completely replacing their original nomadic society within few decades.
Great Reptilian Expedition
After years of preparation, various Kingdoms launched their expedition to the deeper regions of the Galaxy, returning with generous amount of salvaged bounties from ancient ruins and locations of the abandoned Ancient cities.

Later, Reptilians colonized the Ancient cities as their new settlements.
Bowuland Insectoid Hive Tribes
The earliest form of Bowuland Insectoid (Later Zolarg Insectoids) civilization known. Before the period of Zolarg Empire, Bowuland Insectoid breeds were relatively mild and much less invasive, and achieved developing a society with great self sufficiency and sustainability of food, with knowledge of primitive metallurgy.

With no ideas and ambitions beyond their home Gaia World planet, Insectoids of the period had never entered process of industrialization and space exploration.
Unity Movement of the Atlanians
According to an Atlanian legend, conflicts between Atlanian colony Kingdoms were very common, until inspired by the idea of balance and peaceful coexistence started an peaceful unification movement which led to founding of the present-day Confederation of Atlanian Kingdoms.
Age of the Warring Lords
Reptilians had shown great interest upon the relics and artifacts they salvaged form Ancient sites, and discovered the unimaginable potency they hold. Impressed by the power of ancient technology, it gave rise to Reptilian ambitions of interstellar conquest.
Seek to destroy other potential internal rivals, Reptilians entered a long period of most merciless infighting, just to control the Ancient artifacts they have yet to understand how to use them.
Reptilian Unification War and founding of Alpha Draconians
Kingdom of Draconis had long been one of the weakest kingdom among the Reptilians, until the time of the genius leader Lord Alphari - Draconis strength and influence rose to new heights, on par with the strongest Reptilian Lords. Lord Alphari defeated all other Reptilian Lords just in 10 years, successfully achieved true unification of the entire Reptilian race for the first time in Milky Way Reptilian history since the immigration.
As the unification had completed, Alphari crowned himself as the first Overlord, establishing the Reptilian empire of Alpha Draconians which marked the beginning of Reptilian golden age.
National motto of Alpha Draconians, "Rising from the Harshest to be the Strongest", was also given by Alphari himself, as an reflection to his early life struggles and success.
First Successful Decoding of the Ancient Artifacts
The Ancient Alien research was one of another most impactful achievements and legacies of Overlord Alphari during his reign, for he had greater insight over the usage of alien artifacts. Alpha Draconians was also among the first ones establishing an dedicated and successful institute studying Ancient artifacts and relics, which Overlord Alphari also personally participated in it in addition to providing material and political support.
From the further understanding over these ancient gadgets, Alpha Draconians effectively reverse-engineered Ancient advancements for their own purpose. The absolute technological supremacy of Alpha Draconians gained from Ancient knowledge effectively turned the Reptilian empire into the sole and most brutal galactic superpower of the time.
Reptilian Galactic Conquest
The next and the largest conquest of Reptilians took place during the reign of fourth Overlord Ks'khip, the infamous Scourge of the Galaxy who led the Draconian legions spread destruction across half of the Milky Way galaxy.
Many of the territories conquered by Overlord Ks'khip formed the foundations of core Alpha Draconian regions in Milky Way Galaxy. In addition, the subjugation of various alien races including Bowuland Insectoids which provided Alpha Draconians productive slave laborers for millenniums.

The conquest was an important point of history which Reptilian power and influence reached its peaks, the time when Reptilians began call themselves ‘the descendants of the Ancients’.
Mystic Galactic Domination Doctrine
While Overlord Ks'khip ruled by brutally asserting direct Draconian dominance over half of the Milky Way, his successor Ka'kropp had a completely different idea, advocating a complete different doctrine of ruling the Reptilian empire.
In a more secretive and unsuspecting approach, Alpha Draconians maintain control over conquered territories with minimal public personnel and have most of the actual administration and enforcement done covertly. Through asserting the ideas that Alpha Draconians were unreachable and all-powerful deity beyond their intellect, subjugated objects and vassals would never dare to resist and defect.
Disassembly of Second Pharan Empire
While the Second Pharan Empire remained relatively unchanged and peaceful since its establishment, many aspects of the Empire itself declines day by day. Eventually, the Pharan Empire officially dissolved themselves.

Pharans are permanently divided into hundreds of independent tribes and scattered across the stars, rapidly degenerating into theocratic medieval civilization technologically and culturally.
Reptilian-Atlanian Conflicts
Years since the Great Conquest, Reptilians had several attempts throwing invasion on the aquatic homelands of Atlanian Kingdoms, however heavy local resistance of Atlanians turned most of the attempts thwarted and to no anvil.
At the end of this series of conflicts over the millennium, Alpha Draconians withdrawn their forces from Atlanian territory and never mentioned invading Atlanian planets since after.

The Revival of Insectoid Civilization
(Parallel to 19th~20th century of Human timeline)

Ever since the Alpha Draconians subjugated the Bowuland Insectoids, the history of being enslaved for millions of years was the darkest history of Insectoids. However, from countless of torture and survival struggles, Bowland Insectoids had evolved into highly expansive and adaptive breeds of wide variety. Meanwhile, years without significant challenges or greater ambitions had also turned Alpha Draconians internally corrupt and indolent.
Parallel to the 19th to 20th century of mankind, an slave uprising in Alpha Draconains marked another major turning point of Milky Way history.

The Revival of Insectoid Civilization

Draconis-12 Uprising
In the distant slave farm colony of wetland planet Draconis-12, to no Reptilians' expectation, the Alpha Draconian colony was overthrown by a planetary-scale Insectoid slave uprising led by an enlightened Insectoid named Zolarg, all Draconian personnel either purged or missing.

The first group of freed Insectoids renamed the planet to Zolarg Prime after their leader, which became the new home world of the Insectoid civilization. At the same time, the uprising leader Zolarg himself was crowned emperor for life of the people of Zolarg Prime, and Zolarg Empire is established.
Insectoid Uprising Movements
While Alpha Draconians attempted to cover up the incident, words of Draconis-12 uprising spread quickly among the Insectoids of other Draconian slave colonies.
Encouraged and inspired by the Zolarg's success, other Insectoids followed similar path. Though not all had been successful, the series of uprising movements successfully took over large numbers of Alpha Draconian colonies and cities. Most of the Insectoids who earned their freedom joined the Zolarg Empire's cause in the sacred war toppling their ancestral enemy.
Insectoid Revival War
Soon Alpha Draconians took retaliatory actions against the uprising movements, attempting regain control of the slaves by sheer might of regular military forces. In this 27 year long war of attrition, both sides took heavy losses, however, despite technologically superior, Draconian forces never managed to outmatch Zolarg forces in numbers and replenishment rate. Eventually, Draconian forces were forced to withdraw from Zolarg-controlled territory to regroup after local war reserves had been depleted.
The War ended with Zolarg victory. Zolarg Empire earned their needed time and space to redevelop their civilization, while the internal declining of Alpha Draconians were exposed to the galaxy.
‘Groot Opwekkingsplan’
This period was also known as the ‘Great Revival Period’, the period when Emperor Zolarg formulated the policies and plans for early Zolarg Empire focusing on reconstruction, redevelopment and expansion of the Insectoid civilization, with the ultimate goal acquiring capability to confront Alpha Draconians head-on.
Combining sheer workforce volume of Insectoids, rediscovered ancestral knowledge and industrial knowledge acquired form Alpha Draconian machines, Zolarg Empire quickly established their industrial and technological foundations and rose as a supernova of galactic power.
Declaration of Insectoid Liberation
After the ‘Groot Opwekkingsplan closed with stunning success, Emperor Zolarg made a declaration on behalf of Insectoids to Alpha Draconians - the Zolarg Empire, will liberate the remaining brothers and sisters under the unrightful Draconian slavery at all costs.
The Declaration officially established the ultimate objective of the wars against Alpha Draconians.

The Old Earth Era
(Year -2051)

The Old Earth Era is defined as the period before United Earth in human history. The late Old Earth Era is the time when humans begin exploring the deeper space and other stars, as well as beginning extensive colonization beyond Earth.

The Old Earth Era

Jameson Theories (2027)
The quantum physics scientist Professor Lob E. Jameson published a paper about theories associated with space continuum mechanics which provided basis for future development of long range space travel between systems.
First Practical Fusion Propulsion Engine (2031)
As the first commercial-use fusion reactors achieved success in the late 2020s, it provided valuable experience for developing further uses of nuclear fusion power, including the innovative idea to use it for propulsion. First practical fusion propulsion engine for spacecrafts was built in 2031.
First Probe exiting Solar System (2033)
USP Discovery was the first successful probe that traveled beyond boundaries of Solar System and reached another star system (Alpha Centauri). It's launched from Earth at 2033, returning valuable data of planets of Alpha Centauri system starting from 2037.
Space Colonization Race of Solar System (2032-2047)
With long range space travelling became more possible at the time, it kickstarted a space race at larger scale. It was one historical milestone for humanity - first attempts of an extensive space colonization in history.
Both directly and indirectly, at least 65% nations of the world participated in it. Among the governmental bodies and independent organizations in the race, some seek for wealth and influence, some seek for opportunities and a new start, some seek for knowledge and discovery.
At the peak period of the space race, colony activities could be found around and on mainly Moon and Mars, and to certain extent, Venus and Jupiter.
However, the space race came to complete halt around late 2040s, hampered by instability on Earth caused by Earth Resource Crisis.
Earth Resource Crisis (2039-2057)
Catalyzed by political and commercial rivalries on Earth, the space race had escalated to higher levels within a decade. Various parties increased their bets and investments into their colonization projects, leading to resource consumption increasing to unprecedented levels for the following years. Worries regarding depletion of known resource reserves on Earth arises starting from mid 2039, and became actual problems in the 2040s.
In the meantime, uncontrolled industrial activities of the space race had also accelerated climate change which catastrophically turned Earth much less habitable. The climate impacts were strongly associated to occurrence of famine and abnormal morality in major countries starting from 2043.
At 2047, by the severe shortage of various resources, social instability on Earth reached critical levels.
The crisis seen no sign of alleviation until 2057.
The Grand Collapse (2051)
Severely affected by the Earth Resource Crisis, major governmental bodies on Earth lost their economic and political capability to maintain basic functions on an nation, end up either overthrown by displeased mobs of starving people, or disband themselves under pressure. In a chain reaction, similar events happened to nations all across the globe, which all turned into lands of anarchy and chaos.
This event is often referred as the end point of Old Earth era.

The United Earth Era

Right after the Grand Collapse, on Earth was the absolute chaos of no law and order where civilization degenerates and anarchy scourges the world. In the meantime, colonies outside Earth were left stranded without contact and support, struggling survive on their own.
However, the end of an old era is also the beginning of an new greater era - This is the era when United Earth rises to power and reunify humanity, and elevating human civilization to the greater levels, to beyond Solar System, to the distant stars.

The United Earth Era
Dissolution of United Nations and Formation of United Earth Movement (UEM) (2051-2052)
Without any existing members at all, and at the edge of ‘bankruptcy’, the United Nations officially dissolved, with most of the assets sold and transferred to a group of political aristocrats and plutocrats. The group absorbed the functions and assets of United Nations, and ambitiously rebranded it into United Earth Movement (UEM) during early 2052, which aimed to unify the entire humanity, and restore prosperity and order of the Old Earth era.
Earth Reunification War (2054-2055)
During the 2 years of preparation, UEM rallied manpower and resources from around the globe through black markets and government fire sales, while gaining stable bases of operations by assisting reestablishment of government on mainly Western Europe and Eastern half of North America.
At mid 2054, UEM officially initiated their military campaign with superior (but still rather limited) reserve of resources, rapidly brought major cities under control in the early months, then the cities were used as staging grounds to drive resistance of warlord and anarchists out of the region, ultimately encircling and destroying them.
Near the end of the 1.4 year long war, UEM controlled over 74% of the world. With no hope to topple a rising power, remaining resistances surrendered to UEM one by one, and generally accepted annexation in the post-war negotiations.
Official Establishment of United Earth (2056)
Few months after the Earth Reunification War, United Earth and its official governmental structure was established. United Earth took the form of a presidential republic, which the governmental body and the executive body is lead by President of United Earth, General Assembly responsible for legislation and directly responsible to the President.
The General Assembly is the decision-making centre of the United Earth, composed of representatives from different administrative regions to show a certain extent of democracy. However, the President still has absolute power to intervene or even alter the decisions of the General Assembly, in addition to a series of exclusive powers.
Earth Recovery Program (2056-2060)
While Earth became relatively stable in political conditions, as Earth Resource Crisis was still an existent and urgent issue, economic, industrial and environmental recovery became absolute priority of newly-established United Earth. In late 2056, United Earth initiated the Earth Recovery Program which involved habitat reclamation, industrial and economic reforms, prospecting new sources of resources, and reestablishing contact and activities with colonies outside Earth (to integrate external resources to assist recovery of Earth).
Under the effective and efficient coordination of resources of United Earth, only one year later, basic recovery had successfully been achieved, effectively alleviating and roughly neutralizing the impacts of Resource Crisis with no excess burden to space colonies and people on Earth.
At 2060, the economy of Earth had achieved recovery and development to beyond mid-21st century standards, the Program concluded in success.
The successful example of Earth Recovery Program also provided early basis of future terraforming research.
Reinitialization of Space Colonization Programmes (2061)
United Earth reinitialized most of the colonization projects from the Old Earth Era starting from 2061, with changed made to enhance efficiency, facilitate administration from United Earth government, and change of objectives.
The Old Earth Era plans were generally rebranded and integrated into "Earth-Sphere Development Programme (ESDP)", aimed to construct a larger socio-economic body in Solar System centering Earth. Under ESDP, Moon was developed into logistics center composed of shipyards and spaceports, while Mars became the new major industrial center. Large space stations were also built to support distant colonies on Venus and moon colonies around Jupiter.
With breakthroughs in interstellar communications technology, United Earth also set their ambitions to colonize stars beyond Solar System. Newer generation of long range space probes were also sent to other distant stars in search for new unhabited planets for colonization and exploit undiscovered resources
First Reformation of Security Council (2063-2065)
The national security agency of the United Earth, Security Council, went under a series of reformation from 2063 to 2065, improving and fostering the efficiency of peacekeeping missions on Earth and foreign colonies.
The reform included controversial establishment of military police force CLEI (Colonial Law Enforcement Initiative, nicknamed "clay") and associated high pressure security regulations over colonies.
Colonization of Alpha Centauri (2064)
The long-range colony carrier UES Ark-3 was launched from Moon shipyard at 2062, reaching Alpha Centauri and established colonies at year 2064, it was the first time in history mankind send people beyond Solar System.
Establishment of Space Marines (2068)
In order to protect foreign colonies and Earth from potential Alien threats, United Earth Space Marines (UESM) was established.
Space Marines gradually replaced Peacekeepers of the United Earth as part of the official military and security forces.
Autonomous Movements of Frontier Region (2068)
For years, colonies of frontier regions presented their concern and discontent towards the heavily bureaucratic system and excessively strict security policies of United Earth, but were never taken notice by authorities on Earth.
The situation turned into several prolonged region-wide protests demanding exclusion from the oppressive policies, after the 7th time Secretary of General Assembly refused to include the issue into agenda of next General Assembly meeting.
Refused to give up interests, United Earth attempted to pacify the discontent colonies by simple tax exemption and reassigning new colony governors, and never tried to lift the policies the colonies asked to remove.
Further angered by the "disrespectful" attitude of United Earth authorities, protests turned into anti-UE movements advocating decentralization of power form Earth. Eventually, United Earth was forced to grant few colonies status of autonomous territory to put the political crisis to end and made promises of reforming administrative and security polices on colonies.
While the movement seemed to achieve the objective to free from oppressive policies, some anti-UE movements foresee United Earth will eventually go back on their policies and unreliable promises, believing only liberation through true independence would free colonies from oppression of Earth supremacists - Which lead to founding of several underground radical anti-UE organizations.
First Official Contacts with Minor Alien Civilization (2069)
An newly established United Earth colony discovered an underdeveloped alien civilization on the planet Haken-35. United Earth officially contacted the Hakenduzians, establishing the first diplomatic relations with an alien race.
Alien Membership System (2071)
Upon discovery of more minor alien civilizations, there were opinions of establishing a proper system to handle alien diplomacy in smooth manner, while United Earth also saw an opportunity of wealth and influence. In order to convince them sharing their resources with United Earth, the Alien Membership System was established, allowing alien member states to enjoy a series of benefits including protection provided by Space Marines and preferential treatment on trades. In return, the alien member states had to pay yearly membership fees to sustain the privilege.
First Shuttlepod MK-I Entered Service (2071)
Martian Industries (MarsCorps) completed the first commercial-use model of the legendary multipurpose line of starships capable of fast long range trips, atmospheric take-off and re-entry - the Shuttlepod, which entered service in 2071.
The various innovative designs of Shuttlepod became standards of next generation starships of the following years.
Deimos Events (2072)
It was a legend of the legendary Space Marines elite squad led by Sarge, a story to save Earth from an evil artificial intelligence - though, with some confidential details which United Earth decided to keep it highly classified, rumored to be time travel to erase history of a parallel timeline.
Discovery of Terra Nova and Terra Nova Colony Rush (2074-2080)
Year 2077, a space probe discovered a planet having more than three times surface area of Earth, which its characteristics are also surprisingly extremely similar to that of Earth. Later the planet was named as Terra Nova to commemorate the remarkable discovery, it was the first earthlike planet discovered in human history.
The value and promising prospects of colonizing this planet were soon taken notice by United Earth authorities and other parties in United Earth. Soon as United Earth had officially begun the preparations for colonizing Terra Nova, largest corporations and major non-governmental entities presented their petition to participate in the project for a of major share of the planet's resources and interests.
As the United Earth authority was unable to balance the interests and requests of various parties, United Earth decided to turn this colonization project into an open competition (which United Earth end up as one of the competitors), which the shares of Terra Nova would only be granted to those who create groundbreaking achievements or shown excellent competitiveness.
Wormhole Navigation Technology (2075)
A set of technological advancements in space navigation technology allowed safe traveling of wormholes, which the wormholes act as a great shortcuts and highways of space travelling.

Human Civil War

Despite most part of the war were centered on conflict of two forces of humanity, United Earth and League of Independent States, the war had seen involvement of other major civilizations of the Milky Way Galaxy, Zolarg Empire and Alpha Draconians. Having great impacts on the history and future political situation of Milky Way Galaxy, it was considered one of the important historical events that contributed to the beginning of New Galactic Era.

Human Civil War

Independent Terra (2068)
Independent Terra is the foundational ideology adopted by League of Independent States (and its predeceasing entities).
In the years since the Autonomous Movements broke out, explicit forms of independentist ideas were given rise in the frontier regions, some branches were eventually developed into radical ideologies adopted by anti-UE entities, including the most well-known ideology of "Independent Terra", which advocates independence revolution against centralists and Earth supremacists, ultimately liberating mankind by overthrowing United Earth and re-establish a new true liberal government on Earth that respects human rights and treat individual colonies as equals.
As colonists were often considered to be the far lower echelons of society than native residents of Earth, the ideas of Independent Terra were even openly welcomed by some colonies beyond frontier regions that were also dissatisfied with authorities on Earth.
Discovery of Terra Nova, the first earthlike planet discovered by humanity in outer space, in 2074 applied an significant impact on the core ideas of Independent Terra ideology, which led to an ideological split within - Pro-revolutionist which continued the original idea of uproot ruling class on Earth, and Second-Terra-ist (SeT-ist) that suggests rivaling Earth influence by establishing liberal government on Terra Nova.
Independence Coalition (2072)
The potential instability associated to the spread of independentist ideologies during the Autonomous Movement were not left unnoticed by United Earth government. Immediately identifying such ideologies as dangers to governmental and political interests, the Security Council increased CLEI presence in frontier regions and colony sectors with high risk of ideological infiltration, to completely outlaw anti-UE entities.
Soon the anti-UE organizations and Independent Terra supporters found operating campaigns became increasingly difficult under the close watch of CLEI secret police.
In 2072, representatives of anti-UE entities of mainly from the frontier region secretly gathered at Terra Nova, forming the Independence Coalition - the predecessor of League of Independent States, establishing cooperation of running campaigns against UE under the nose of United Earth.
First Contact between humanity and Zolarg Empire (2077)
While the first official contact between United Earth and Zolarg Empire took place at 2080, the actual initial contact took place 3 years earlier (2077), during an encounter in uncharted regions between a black market convoy and a Zolarg prospection ship.
The rumors of the encounter spread quickly in black markets, eventually the piece of intel reached the Independence Coalition. Intrigued, the Coalition concluded with an risky decision - sending a secret diplomatic dispatchment to the Zolarg Ship via the black market vessel, in attempt to establish early relations which could help obtaining crucial support for future military campaign against United Earth.
In 2079, the dispatchment returned with cooperation agreements and an unofficial-and-non-disclosed diplomatic and military cooperation pact from Zolarg Empire, which the Coalition offers human technologies to Zolarg scholars in exchange for material and possible military support of Zolarg expeditionary forces.
The Alpha Draconian Conspiracy and Invasion Plan (~2085)
Since the Insectoid uprising events, Alpha Draconians had been in a difficult situation. The economy over-reliant on expansive and expendable insectoid slave labor had been severely hampered, while the reptilians began questioning the faith and pride of their "all-time invincible" empire.
Taking the Insectoid uprising events as the greatest shame to Alpha Draconians, on Alpha Draconis the dissatisfied reptilian lords and nobles urged Overlord Betah'an taking the responsibility to address the crisis.
To the Lords of Inner Circle (who power, ambitions, cunning and brutality were second to only the Overlord), it was a sign of weakened Overlord. Seeing that as an opportunity to seize the Overlord's power rightfully, the Lords of Inner Circle schemed to remove Overlord Betah'an form the throne.
To Overlord Betah'an, the most effective way silencing his political opponents form the Inner Circle and regaining support from nobles while addressing the crisis at the same time, was to start another conquest. The Overloard carefully selected the most suitable target of conquest - United Earth, which was industrially and economically developed but militarily inferior, non-aware of Alpha Draconians' existance, and possible sowing of internal conflict which allows minimal military efforts to eradicate further resistances.
Terra Nova Incident and Battle of Terra Nova (2087)
Burdened by outrageous taxation set by United Earth over the colonies outside Solar-Sphere region since 2079, Terra Nova was the first colony openly boycotting the tax policies of United Earth, refused to deliver tax payments to General Assembly. General Assembly responded the boycotting by enforcing embargo over Terra Nova, followed by immigration interdiction and military blockade, however all failed with little effect on this almost self-efficient colony.
The Independence Coalition, after years of covered military preparation, saw the incident on Terra Nova provided a narrow but the best opportunity to start what they had planned long ago - a revolutionary war to liberate colonies from tyranny of United Earth. Before the military blockade was enforced, the Coalition sneaked additional military personnel to their branch in Terra Nova.
Heat of the debates over follow-up actions against rebellious acts of Terra Nova lasted for months in General Assembly, politicians arguing the effectiveness of measures used to force Terra Nova giving in, while anti-UE organizations on Terra Nova kept provoking United Earth by rallying local people protesting around governmental administrative facilities. Eventually in 2087, with support of politicians who worried Terra Nova incident would evolve into a copy of of Autonomous Movement in 2068, along with manipulation by Alpha Draconian covert agents - By reason of "open revolt against United Earth", President Ronald Tracy issued order to mobilize Space Marines 35th Regiment for military occupation of and martial law enforcement on Terra Nova, marking the outbreak of Human Civil War.
Main forces of Space Marines occupied the capital city of Terra Nova and dispersed protesters with minimal resistance within 2 hours of operation. However, few minutes after the complete occupation, the main forces were ambushed and encircled by local militia forces led by commander Beuford P. Tots in the city. By element of surprise and home turf advantage of militia forces, the well-equipped Space Marines in the capital city took a heavy casualty rate of 63% and were forced to retreat by escaping to troop ship in planetary orbit.
Other militia forces on Terra Nova driven Space Marine and UE garrisons of military facilities into defeat in the subsequent skirmishes over the week. Gaining control over majority of surface-to-orbit defense weapons on the planet, Terra Nova militias forced complete withdrawal of Space Marines 35th Regiment and blockade fleet from Terra Nova at the end of Battle of Terra Nova.
After the battle, the colonial congress replaced the original colonial government. The congress officially sent an formal declaration of independence to Earth, which declared Terra Nova is no longer a chartered colony of United Earth, the once "second earth" was then renamed "Independent State".
Founding of the League of Independent States (2087)
Following the stunning success in Battle of Terra Nova, Terra Nova became the common symbol of freedom and liberty. The rest member organizations and entities of Independence Coalition, along with colonies of neighboring colony sectors inspired by the incident, followed by overthrowing local colonial government and sever ties with United Earth.
The independent colonies and members of Independence Coalition then officially founded the League of Independent States on Terra Nova.
Terra-to-Earth Campaign (2087-2088)
With support of Beaconburg Fleet and arms supplier BSA from Independent State of Beaconburg (previously Autonomous Colony of Beaconburg), mercenaries recruited from black markets and volunteers from liberated colonies, the newly founded League quickly launched the first military campaign against United Earth - the "Terra-to-Earth Campaign" (In United Earth perspective, "The Defense of Solar System"), targeting core territories of United Earth around Solar System.
Despite United Earth ordered nationwide general mobilization against LIS offensive, the mobilization progresses at sluggish pace. This had left LIS gaining most of the strategic initiative and speed advantage in the early to mid stage of the campaign, the scattered and underprepared United Earth forces were being wiped out by LIS with relative ease.
Zolarg Entry into War (2088)
In late 2087, United Earth completed the strategic defense planning, finished preparations of constructing solid defenses by concentrating majority of military assets in sectors near Solar System.
LIS forces launched the Ragnarok Offensive in early 2088 spearheaded by veteran units form the earlier stages of Terra-to-Earth Campaign, in hope to break the defense lines. However, outmatched by United Earth in terms of superior quantity of troops and supplies, the warfare of attrition eventually blunt the LIS offensive, which LIS forces took significant losses.
Knowing crippled forces stood little chance against possible full strategic counterattack of United Earth, LIS urgently needed to delay United Earth from taking initiative. Shortly after the setback, LIS decided to play their trump card - their secret ally, Zolarg Empire.
Using the missile base (deployed with newly built IWSM which its strike range can reach and cover the entire Solar System) established by LIS and (unexpected) assassination of United Earth President Ronald Tracy as distraction, Zolarg Empire responded to LIS call, sent a full battegroup of Expeditionary Force attacking the other side of United Earth territory, forcing United Earth to fight a war of two fronts.
Despite the two-front strategy did divert pressure from LIS, however, as neither side held major advantage over another, the war turned into a stalemate.
Barracuda Blues Event and Preludes to Alpha Draconian Invasion (2088)
In the heat of Human Civil War, Alpha Draconians sneaked groups of pioneer probes into human territory, constructed portal gates in the unnoticed corners where strongholds were set up for preparations of Overlord's surprise invasion plans.
Lords of Inner Circle had been trying to foil the Overlord's plan from the beginning. By a margin of rare opportunity, one covert operative affiliated to Lords of Inner Circle managed to sabotage the cloak device in secret base on planet Barracuda Blues, exposing the dormant portal and droid battlegroup at the site to United Earth and LIS military.
Upon the discovery of the unknown alien facility on Barracuda Blues, both United Earth and LIS dispatched their own task force trying to seize the alien technology that could change the tide of battle. Violent skirmishes broke out between two sides, contesting control of the facility.
As the news on Barracuda Blues were delivered to Zolarg Expeditionary Force. Familiar with Alpha Draconian cunning strategies, the Insectoids immediately identified the alien facility an Alpha Draconian invasion base. The Zolarg Expeditionary Force then sent their urgent message to LIS ally, warned that such discovery was a curse rather than blessing, and presented worries of this war involved orchestrations of Alpha Draconians, the greater evil they were yet to know.
Already at the edge of dishonoring the reptilian ancestors, the sabotage in invasion base on Barracuda Blues and earlier unexpected entry of Zolarg Empire into the war had left Overlord Betah'an with no choice other than launching a premature invasion.
Battle Against Alpha Draconians (2088-2089)
Caught off guard by surprise, near half of the human forces were obliterated by superior war machines of Alpha Draconians during the initial stage of Alpha Draconian invasion.
With a common enemy, military and political representatives of United Earth, LIS and Zolarg Expeditionary Force met on Earth. Shortly, ceasefire agreements were reached, and an temporary alliance against Alpha Draconian invasion was formed.
The alliance organized several joint operations to strategically delay Alpha Draconian invaders with varying outcome, buying time for LIS and United Earth to replenish losses and regroup respective fighting forces.
In mid 2089, United Earth finished reconstruction of the space armadas, later achieved decisive victories in several space battles against Alpha Draconian warfleets, regaining the space superiority and the tables turned to alliance's favor.
With support from United Earth fleets and exploiting the weakness of long replenishment cycle and inferior quantity of Alpha Draconian forces, alliance forces successfully overwhelmed Alpha Draconian forces, storming major invasion bases. The destruction of the largest but last portal gate stronghold during Battle of Barracuda Blues marked the decisive defeat of Alpha Draconian invaders.
Continuation of Human Civil War (2089)
As Alpha Draconians called their fleets back to home territory and aborted control of droid armies following the defeat at Barracuda Blues, the temporary alliance finished its purpose and was then dismissed, both sides returned to status of conflict.
However, exhausted and tired of war, it was impossible to continue the war at the original massive, interstellar scale, both sides came up with conclusion that the war must be ended by an decisive battle as soon as possible.
Zolarg Empire then exited war by signing a white peace with United Earth weeks after the alliance had been dismissed.
At last, remaining main forces of United Earth and LIS coincidentally met near the strategically important wormhole highway node, over the planet of Kaiserground. After a week of fierce back-and-forth battle on the planet and in the orbit, United Earth gained complete control of the planet, setting LIS forces on a full retreat, concluding the final major battle in Human Civil War.

New Galactic Era

Following the end Human Civil War, marked a major shift in geopolitical patterns of the Milky Way Galaxy - Division of human civilization, decline of Alpha Draconian dominance, rise of the mysterious New Galactic Empire, various smaller civilizations began playing important roles in maintaining galactic balance......
Increasing importance of galactic-scale affairs in this era had reshaped the Milky Way Galaxy, which once again after billions of millenniums, the Milky Way Galaxy thrives under the interaction between civilizations.

New Galactic Era

Armistice of Hoxton (2089)
The Armistice of Hoxton officially ended the Human Civil War, despite an armistice in nature.
The armistice defined the United Earth-LIS border in the future, which the border line was known as the Hoxton Line.
To conclude, nobody achieved total victory in the Human Civil War, however, each side had their objectives completed respectively - United Earth won a tactical victory which LIS could no longer threaten United Earth territory, while LIS achieved their primary aim of independence and establishing a liberal, decentralized government.
Official establishment of League of Independent States (2089)
The main body of the League of the Independent States, the League Council, was officially established 3 months after the Armistice of Hoxton was in effect. By the Joint Declaration of Independent States based on the core ideas of Independent Terra, The League promised fairness, respect, autonomy and freedom to member states.
The League of the Independent States had no actual leader in power. Instead, each member state cooperates under the common principles and shared pacts, bearing the common responsibilities protecting the free people of the League.
Though the establishment of LIS was officially recognized by their ally Zolarg Empire, the United Earth General Assembly declared they would never accept any form of human regime other than itself, the League being an unlawful existence that would threaten the unity and prosperity of mankind.
The Midnight Coup (2089)
With the total defeat of invasion campaign, the core Reptilian society of Alpha Draconians lost all confidence in Overlord Betah'an. Shortly after the end of invasion the Overlord was assassinated by Inner Circle covert agents.
Following the death of the Overlord, the seat of supreme power of Alpha Draconians was then empty. Yet as every Lords of the Inner Circle wished to claim the ultimate trophy of power, political crises escalated to uncontrolled levels by the internal conflicts of the Inner Circle, which later spread all across the administrative body of Alpha Draconians, rendering all but basic administrations of the reptilian empire non-functional.
Catalyzed by the the absence of Overlord and internal political instability, order in Alpha Draconian society was barely maintained, leading to high crime rates and decreased domestic productivity in the following decades.
As a result, dominance of Alpha Draconians began to decline.
Emergence of New Galactic Empire (2089)
Several weeks after the Midnight Coup which had thrown Alpha Draconians into the tarpit of neverending political infighting, control and dominance over the foreign territories of Alpha Draconians were loosened which allowed several vassals and colony broke away with no immediate consequence.
However, majority of these territories were then annexed by another power, which emerged from the Central Vortex region of the Milky Way Galaxy - The New Galactic Empire.
Calling themselves the true descendants of the Ancients, they claimed themselves bearing the destiny to bring the entire galaxy under their grace, a mission of revival to bring the once lost glory of Old Galactic Empire back to life.
Despite lacking the dominating power to contest other major civilizations, the New Galactic Empire had actively been expanding their sphere of influence, and rumored to have unprecedented capacity harnessing the powers of the universe beyond the Ancient technologies.
Bradley's Military Reform (2089-2094)
The new head of the United Earth Security Council, Bradley the Grand Marshal (which was the supreme commander throughout the Human Civil War), threw up a massive military reformation aimed to maintain superiority over the military capabilities of LIS, including expansion and reorganization of Space Marines, modernization of United Earth space fleets, introducing newer professionalism elements in military while maintaining the traditional expansive nature of United Earth military, and incorporation of newer doctrines derived from recent experiences in Civil War.
League Guild of Black Markets (2090)
As United Earth denied LIS from formal foreign trade outside the League territory by blockades along LIS border, LIS had to resort to black markets to maintain crucial supplies of high-end materials and economic activities, given different post-war difficulties suffered member states.
In 2090, the League Guild of Black Markets was established under the League Trade Authority to coordinate external trade beyond United Earth blockade, and management of domestic black market networks.
Restoration of Overlord (2110)
Tired of political turmoils and displeased with absence of powerful supreme ruler, traditionalist nobles on Alpha Draconis collectively put pressure on the Inner Circle for restoration of Overlord, or risk denounced and outlawed by defiling the ancestors.
Fearing the wrath of ancestors, the Inner Circle reluctantly brought Delta'an the exiled brother of Betah'an back to Alpha Draconis, crowning Delta'an the next Overlord.
Despite an Overlord, Delta'an was merely a puppet of the Inner Circle, however, did brought relative stability to disorganized Alpha Draconian society at the time.
Zolarg Scholars Journey to United Earth (2113)
A team of scholars from the Zolarg Empire, led by the Imperial High Scholar Abbamber, set off to United Earth for friendly diplomatic and scientific mission.
Scholars and scientists of the United Earth and the Zolarg Empire exchanged each other's technological advances and cultural knowledge. While Zolarg scholars earned precious knowledge which could help the technological development of the Zolarg Empire, the trip had also ceased the tensions since the Human Civil War between Zolarg and United Earth.
Insectoid Mind Network Technology (2116)
A breakthrough in neuroscience research in the Zolarg Empire had led to an innovation - the Insectoid Mind Network, designed to foster understanding of consciousness and thinking mechanisms, and enhancing advanced, direct communication and coordination within Insectoid society.
Cyberonic Transcendence (2119)
A private United Earth research institute Transcendent Technology successfully prototyped Neuro-microchips (NMC), which were compatible with human neuro systems, small in size, but ten times more efficient than average human brains.
Such inventions initiated a new technological revolution in human civilization in artificial augmentations, impacting all aspects of life.

Who knows what the future holds?

Note that these are just my own interpretations over the events, it is not official reference, but hopefully enhance your understanding over the My Colony Universe, and had fun reading it.

Thank you for reading!
This is the dedicated thread for faction (patron) ideas for Terra Nova 4X (My Colony version of My Empire 4X).

Here I've put ideas and background for existing factions and some of my custom ones.
It'll be updated if changes needed.
And of course, we'd like to see others' interesting ideas as well!

United Earth

Though United Earth government promised the colonization of Terra Nova would be an open competition, to some politicians and senators, this beautiful and meaningful Earthlike planet is too important to be claimed as property of private corporations. Hence, an "independent" colonization team of experts is sent to represent their own interest, and ensure United Earth government has the largest bargaining power in the race.

Faction bonus:

Corporate Industries

Always been ambitious, the interstellar megacorporation Corporate Industries has big plans to make another quadrillions of profit. Estimated to have extremely high industrial and commercial value, investors of Corporate Industries have shown great interest on colonization of recently discovered Terra Nova. To strengthen the reputation of Corporate Industry monopoly, a massive investment has been made, and here Corporate Industries joins the fray!

Faction bonus:
Tracy's Piggybank - Starts with a larger sum of money.

Galactic Freight

Terra Nova itself is conveniently located at the intersection of multiple new shipping lines. If Galactic Freight wants to expand business into nearby systems, then controlling this logistics hub is the key to predominating success, and the colonization race of Terra Nova just provides them the best opportunity to do so.

Faction bonus:

Beaconburg Security & Arsenals (BSA)

A young and renowned security contractor corporation from the frontier regions, which is also secretly the military supplies contractor of LIS. Troubled by constraints of resources and suitable testing grounds when developing new weapons and security systems, BSA is currently looking for ways to boost progress of their expensive projects. Resources of Terra Nova could be one of their solutions to break the situation.

Faction bonus:
Field Military Research - Gains research from destroying enemy unit (value based on unit type).

Red Satellite Drive Yards

The Drive Yards is the legacy of the Red Satellite Treaty Union (RSTU) of the late Old Earth era. Currently it is one of the major spacecraft manufacturing corporation of United Earth famed for their simple, affordable and durable constructs. Yet with the growing monopoly of Corporate Industries, they are slowly losing ground in Solar System. The Drive Yards is now looking for a suitable location to rebase their business, and Terra Nova is undoubtedly their first choice.

Faction bonus:
Mass Production - All buildings and units production are 10% cheaper in 🔨 cost.


The Martian Industries, or more commonly known by people as MarsCorps, is a corporation highly experienced with resource extraction operations and heavy industries, who pioneered the industrialization of early United Earth colonies on Mars. Knowing Terra Nova has an impressive reservoir of minerals and other valuable resources, MarsCorps immediately joins the colonization race to contest control of the subterranean wealth.

Faction bonus:
Ultra-Efficient Extraction - Strategic resource yields are doubled.

FutureTech Inc

Being an research institution that seeks for scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, scientists of FutureTech have spent years establishing new research outposts on the frontiers to study different phenomenons in space and various planets. Recently they have discovered that Terra Nova would be the best location for conducting astronomical researches that would fulfill their mission that wasn't complete since the Old Earth era.

Faction bonus:

Brotherhood of Polaris

A rugged religious organization that witnessed events since the end of the Old Earth era. Due to its origins from third-world countries, currently they are dedicated to provide material and spiritual support to developing colonies with various difficulties. The Brotherhood hoped to create an successful example in Terra Nova with a team of volunteers who looks for changes and achievements in their lives.

Faction bonus:
Volunteers - Starts with 1 more worker, unit productions are 20% cheaper in 🔨 cost.

Osaka Robotics

Osaka Robotics hopes to create societies that are less reliant on population while achieving high productivity using robotics and advanced electronics. An ambitious project has been proposed by them - to demonstrate further possibilities of their newest automation in the new era by establishing successful colonies on Terra Nova.

Faction bonus:
Automation - Every colony has +20% boost in 🔨.

Liliane Manors

A prestigious family business that has elegant reputation and wide influence among the high societies of Earth, running supply chains of luxuries ranging from spices and jewelries to cosmetics and fashion. They wish to develop new successful products by exploiting the high value resources in Terra Nova.

Faction bonus:
Prestigious Way of Life - Luxury resources yields +1 🏛.

Edelweiss Collective

A collective formed by a group of small colonies who wished to protect themselves from any forms of external interference, with the ultimate aim to create an isolated utopia among the stars. Terra Nova could be the ideal place where their dreams may come true, but only if they can keep other greedy rivals off their lawn.

Faction bonus:
Security is Priority - Cities of the Collective starts with city walls constructed.

Twilight Syndicate

In disguise of an unsuspecting colonization contractor, the notorious interstellar group of outcasts secretly joined the colonization race of Terra Nova for one single true reason - Turning this beautiful planet into a haven and heaven for their dirty-handed smugglers and mercenaries where they can have a long break without fear of United Earth's legal enforcers!

Faction bonus:
Smuggler's Black Markets - Importing and exporting contracts has a more favorable price.
I just had an amazing discussion with @Luker124 about what will happen in Colony Wars.
Here, I'm presenting the ideas about the story of Colony Wars, involving all 4 civilizations.

In the vast Milky Way Galaxy, lies 3 great civilizations - The Humans, the Insectoids, and the Reptilians.

Humans are the new rising galactic power - The establishment of United Earth government changed everything. The rebirth of humanity from the disastrous failure, with all the humans together. Making achievements beyond what Roman Empire had, the extensive colonization has brought new unimagined opportunities and prosperity.
However, the corruption does not disappear as the dawn of a new era shines on the humans - the desire of the powerful politicians are endless. Further tightened security policy on member colonies, unreasonably heavy taxations, and even legitimating exploitation of labour, all these are just for benefiting those with power, at the cost of those powerless, and breaking their promise of a free and fair society (though the promise had always been a lie since the beginning).
Ruled by a corrupt government, with no will to reform, more and more people of this new commonwealth, especially from the lower classes and colonies, were not happy with this situation. With some of them having strong anti-commonwealth sentiment and advocating overthrowing the General Assembly through revolting against.
The General Assembly, of course, were always prepared to suppress resistance in their colonies using their proud Space Marines, and always actively search and destroy any hidden insurgents in their vast commonwealth. Despite their efforts, the opposition was not silenced, it was growing stronger and stronger, under the support of an organisation they had not discovered yet - LIS.
Meanwhile, with their neglecting attitude on galactic politics, they were not aware that another new threat from afar had already been approaching them.

League of Independent States, abbreviated as LIS, had been working in the shadows for decades, waiting and preparing for a best chance starting a decisive independence war, to free people from tyranny under the United Earth General Assembly.
There was not yet any concrete information about where and when this organisation was founded. Only one thing is surely correct about them - Where people suffer, where they are, and they're here to resist tyranny.
Despite United Earth government already expecting there would be ‘insurgents’, however, their influence were far beyond than they expected, especially in colonies with strong opinions opposing policies of United Earth - LIS influence grew through means of secret propagandas, cooperation with black markets, and even providing planning support to anti-commonwealth activities.
Unlike United Earth, they were aware of the importance of galactic diplomacy, they understood they were not able to fight Space Marines without sufficient external support, even having thousands and millions of militias ready to fight. They had one potent choice, known from the black market intel - Zolarg Empire, which LIS recently established contact with them.

The Insectoid Empire of Zolarg, or simply Zolarg Empire, was also a recent rising power. Once enslaved by Alpha Draconians, they revolted against slavery a century ago and retrieved their civilization from the hands of Reptilians, under the leadership of their wise and brave leader - Emperor Zolarg.
Emperor Zolarg is eager to develop their civilization to a new level, for restoring the dignity of their race, and stop the history of being conquered by anybody else. Through their agricultural knowledge from their ancestors, industrial knowledge stolen from Alpha Draconians, and their own newly pioneered bioengineering, their hard power had been thousand times stronger than the beginning. In the same time, the social and cultural development of the Empire had reached new heights, with ancient religious traditions and technological advancements coexisting in harmony (except the use of… ‘soulless’ robots still under debate), and a successful communal society for large populations.
The new page of Insectoid history was indeed glorious, but not easy. Even they successfully set foot to become a supernova of galactic power, it did not mean Alpha Draconians won't take their revenge someday, sooner or later, and also most of their brothers still not freed from slavery. Their primary mission was still further strengthening their national power, and if possible, finding an ally, in order to fight against the almost all-powerful Alpha Draconians.

The Reptilian Empire of Alpha Draconians, or more referred to as Alpha Draconians, is an old warlike civilization with a strong national pride, that existed longer than other civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy before The Ancients (that disappeared for unknown reasons). One of their possible origins was they were migrant Reptilians from another galaxy, as told in their historical documents.
Alpha Draconians had vast territories in the Galaxy obtained from conquests and annexation, but their name was not well known in the galaxy - Due to their secret style of ruling. Only some powerful political figures, and those under direct rule, know about their existence. Their spies and covert agents widespread across the Galaxy, watching over people, controlling propagandas, delivering absolute orders to their puppet governments, and assassinating any opposition or disobeyed, everything were under the will of the Inner Circle of Lords, and the supreme leader Overlord.
Not just having a strong secret influence, most of their national power are unmatched. Having the most superior technologies, sophisticated industrial machines, most educated elites and a ruthless robot army (that is especially feared by the Zolarg Empire). What are these national powers being built on? The effort of others - slaves, tributes and stealing.
The old empire might still look well, but with more and more problems rising within. Since the Insectoid Uprising and establishment of the Zolarg Empire, they are losing more cities and slaves, shaking their economy and national pride to their foundations. With economy performance dropping year by year, and the core Reptilian society began questioning the ‘invincibility’ of the empire, the Overlord had been facing heavy pressure. Meanwhile, another political crisis was emerging between the Inner Circle and the Overlord - the competition for the throne of absolute power.
Overlord, eager to strengthen his power, planned to begin another conquest, to search for manpower and resources, and, of course, attempt to prove Alpha Draconians was still invincible. And their eyes were set on a civilization - Humans. At the blink of a civil war, and having a corrupt government, a perfect target for Alpha Draconians to secretly intervene, disrupt, and ultimately, conquer them with the might of war machines once they were exhausted fighting.

The Beginning of the War - Terra Nova Incident
Coincidentally, both LIS and Alpha Draconians were looking for a good chance to start a war, but for different aims, different ways, and they had no connections.
The tension between human colony Terra Nova and the United Earth General Assembly had created an opportunity for them.
Terra Nova was a colony under United Earth, yet with the presence of LIS. People of Terra Nova, from workers to their governor, agreed that the United Earth government was too corrupted to rule them, decided to take action in a non violent way, becoming the first colony ever to refuse paying tax to the General Assembly.
Alpha Draconians understood what LIS was trying to do - try to provoke United Earth to take the strongest military actions ever against their people, to be a reasonable excuse to start the war. To ‘accomodate’ the needs of LIS and make progress on Overlord's plan, Alpha Draconian covert agents in the General Assembly began their covert operations, paving path to the military actions step by step, through persuading works, blackmailing and misinformation campaigns. An embargo was first being passed in 4 days, and then a blockade was passed a week later. And after 3 months of ‘debate’ and ‘arguments’, and the ‘Friday Coup’ (controlled by Alpha Draconian agent) happened within the period that caused the cleanse campaign on the opposition party, a decisive pass was made on the decision taking violent military actions against Terra Nova, ‘without’ any objections, leading to the Terra Nova Incident.

The dispatch of Space Marines 35th Regiment (SM35) had angered hundreds of colonies, and people of Terra Nova as well. Things had progressed as LIS wished, they began rallying up resistance fighters in the hideouts in Terra Nova, preparing for their final phase to begin the first phase of war - a surprise attack.
Without much resistance, SM35 occupied Terra Nova under the lead of Colonel Harold Franklin. Soon Space Marines recognised they were in a weird situation - Terra Nova did not strongly resist at all as they arrived. However, it was too late. Just a few minutes after they had noticed that, LIS militias led by a militia officer Admiral Beuford P. Tots ambushed all major forces of SM35 at every street and alleys of the city, causing heavy loss of well-equipped marines. At the same time, LIS revealed themselves in the public for the first time, declaring war on United Earth - marked the beginning of the Human Civil War.
Very soon United Earth's forces retreated from Terra Nova, leaving the colony under LIS control. LIS declared independence of this colony a day after, renamed it Independent State. This city was the command centre of LIS throughout the war, which will be the capital city of LIS after the war.

Early Human Civil War
The United Earth Security Council was in a big chaos after the Terra Nova Incident - unexpectedly attacked by an enemy and almost lost the entire SM35, and little the Security Council knew about LIS. Even though garrisons and national guards were immediately told to prepare and mobilize to respond any possible LIS attacks, however, still not able to stop LIS - either fighting at broken morale or without enough time for full preparations - Since they had no idea where LIS forces would start their attack, and these rebels were well prepared already.
LIS, taking this advantage, launched a series of scattered yet successful attacks in neighbouring systems. Just within the first two weeks of the war, United Earth lost 15 colonies, 45 main trade routes or supplies, and countless soldiers either captured or killed.
However, LIS did not have the upper hand for long - especially after the original Security Council Chairman, Bofors Kaiserton, was replaced by an experienced Marshal called Bradley R. Johnson. The Security Council was soon reorganized by Bradley to stabilise the mess, launched propaganda campaigns to restore the morale of United Earth forces, and began studying the tactics of LIS forces, which the studies could had begun at the first day of war, but got delayed to 5 days later (day 6), due to Bofors unable to stabilise the chaos.
Around 3 weeks later, under the coordination of the Security Council, LIS began losing their ambush advantage, due to their patterns being tracked by Security Council and United Earth forces began being able to predominate the battlegrounds before LIS did so, forcing LIS forces to fight against United Earth forces directly. The Battle of Ferris Mountains on day 37 was a major defeat for LIS, which the local United Earth garrison of Ferris Mountains, instead of being ambushed, baited LIS forces to their doom. The next day (day 38), LIS changed their general combat tactics from sneak-and-attack based to direct confrontation based. Since that battle the loss of United Earth was stabilized at a lower rate. The civil war reached the second stage, the period when major battles were fought.

Mid Human Civil War
Despite losing early advantages, with the introduction of newer weapons and black market technologies LIS forces were still able to maintain their offensive pose in the war for a while, still surprising United Earth forces, in various battles pushing their front straight towards the Solar System.
The most well known new weapon LIS introduced during the war was the Apollo-3500 Beam Emitter, which were equipped by their heavy infantries and installed on specially designed combat vehicles, the weapon itself is able to melt most armour into slags by emitting high energy beams. They caused large troubles to traditional armoured combat vehicles, especially proven in the Battle of Harbinger Greenlands (which led to United Earth giving up the Ares-4 System) that the 196 th Armour Regiment of United Earth experienced a brutal defeat under devastating laser fire of 44F Laser Battalion and 44G Laser Battalion of LIS.
Another major battle featuring LIS new weaponry was the Siege of New Paris that lasted for 15 days. The introduction of Javelin-E ‘Incognito’ Missiles in the last day (though a bit too late) decisively ended the battle, these missiles were designed not interceptable by AEGIS Theater Missile Defense System used by United Earth and successfully breached the fortifications of New Paris Citadel in an almost effortless way.
Meanwhile, 49 more colonies revolted against United Earth rule under LIS support, providing minor battlefronts for LIS to push forward further into United Earth territory.
Amount of LIS territory occupied reached a peak on day 59, which over one-fifth of United Earth territory was taken over.
The offensive pose of LIS lasted until United Earth, though later, also began introducing (a limited number of) experimental weapons into the battles, and the return of Space Marines Corps with upgraded equipment, reorganization and replenished manpower. From that time on, the tide of war had changed favouring United Earth, they began pushing LIS back.
Just 2 days after New Paris was occupied by LIS, this city was back in the hands of United Earth, under the strong firepower of Space Marines 12th Regiment, and LIS forces here were still too tired to fight. After the Second Battle of New Paris on day 73, LIS lost a large proportion of major forces and the overall offensive formation breached. In later times, LIS major forces were defeated one by one, setting LIS forces back quickly.
With that moment the situation largely disfavored them, LIS decided to take a risky move - Reveal and use their secret weapon stationed in New Bavaria, either to devastate United Earth capital city that would put United Earth into mess again, or at least buy some time to find a foreign ally.
The risky move was well known as the ‘Interstellar Missile Crisis’ event. On day 88, LIS broadcasted a message through hijacking the communication hub in Coloniae Leon, threatening they had a secret mass destruction weapon that could never be intercepted once launched, and its range could cover all United Earth territories - Interstellar Warp-Speed Missile (IWSM) with Disaster Warheads derived from Instant Terraforming Bomb Project data found in occupied government labs. And, the first missile, to be launched within 24 hours, would fly straight to the capital city of United Earth - planet Earth.
United Earth offensive operations were halted due to the short chaos caused by the seemed inevitable threat. The United Earth Security Council soon ordered the search for their missile base as the countdown had begun. 7 hours later they located the missile base, and 9 hours later Space Marines 2th Division arrived in New Bavaria. The battle in New Bavaria lasted for 7 hours, at the last hour the missile base was captured, with most of the IWSMs destroyed at the site immediately.
LIS did not waste the time by sacrificing their secret weapons. During the Crisis, LIS secretly contacted the Zolarg Empire and shortly reached an alliance agreement with them - for their common pursuit of freedom and liberating people from suffering, and they needed each other. The entry of the Zolarg Empire would bring the war to the third stage, the time when things had been becoming more complicated than just a civil war between Humans.
What about Alpha Draconians? The Overlord was pleased by the situation so far, the plan had been successful. While humans were busy killing each other, the Overlord ordered mobilizing their robot armies into the back of United Earth territory through means of secret portals prepared by covert agents. While Alpha Draconians were making preparations for the takeover plan, one thing the Overlord was not expected to, and not knowing would happen - the Zolarg Empire, their nemesis, would interfere with the war very soon. On the other hand, the political enemies from the Inner Circle, were scheming a plan to pull Overlord off his throne.

More Than Just a Civil War
Just when people of United Earth thought the war would be over soon with the defeat of LIS. 8 days after the Interstellar Missile Crisis (day 96), the Zolarg Empire declared war on United Earth, in the name of helping their allies - LIS, and officially began mobilizing their troops to the borders of United Earth.
War from another civilization put the United Earth under mass panic. Not just because the war that was supposed to end soon would become even longer, such a scale of invasion from another civilization of a different race was something humanity never had experienced.
Zolarg forces flanked United Earth from the other side, putting United Earth in an unfavorable situation - A war of two fronts. The back of the United Earth was left underdefended (not undefended) due to major forces being put into LIS fronts, leaving the borders only garrisoned with only a small number of troops. Even though the Security Council ordered splitting the troops to the borders in order to stop the Zolarg offensive, the border defenses were breached faster than imagined, garrisons were unable to hold the line before reinforcements had arrived. When the reinforcements reached the Zolarg fronts, a couple of cities and colonies had already been occupied by the new enemy.
At first United Earth forces on the Zolarg fronts attempted to make quick offensives against Zolarg forces in order to re-concentrate on LIS again. However, after a few offensives they found Zolarg forces were difficult to remove - Everytime an Insectoid base was ‘removed’, a new base was rebuilt quickly and pumping out loads of new troops as nothing had happened. Later they found out it was due to the Insectoids established complicated yet useful subterranean tunnel networks that allowed rapid reinforcement on the planets, with entrances hard to be detected using traditional sensors. United Earth troops on Zolarg fronts quickly changed their tactics to mainly defensive with very minimal offensive progress, until their sappers were equipped with new tunnel sensors they began able to retake some territories.
Meanwhile on the LIS fronts. Thanks to the Zolarg Empire entry into war, LIS now faced much less pressure from United Earth forces. Now they were able to at least sustain their defensive lines. After their IWPM were modified to smaller missiles and cheaper designs and put under use, they were able to make small offensive progress for a few days, still threatening some of the strategic locations of United Earth. However, the LIS fronts fell into a stalemate for the rest of time.
The unexpected news of the Zolarg Empire's intervention in the Human Civil War delivered to Alpha Draconians. Overlord was not informed about that until 6 days after the entry of the Zolarg Empire into the war - his political enemies from the Inner Circle controlled information flow in Overlord’s chamber through bribing the Imperial Informats (internal messengers of Overlord’s Chamber). The Overlord, knowing schemed by his political enemies, was angered, but also worried about his plans to secure his position in the throne. The Zolarg fronts in United Earth was exactly the location where the secret mobilization concentrated at. At this rate, his great plan would fail easily if the troops were discovered by either humans or insectoids, and it was just a matter of time, sooner or later.
With his ominous worries, the Overlord assigned extra supervisors into the Ministry of Expedition in order to secure his control on the conquest of the human race. However the Inner Circle had an upper hand - the Ministry had already been hijacked by their covert agents. The newly assigned supervisors of Overlord were soon silenced and puppeted by the Inner Circle.
The Lords of Inner Circle now had control of the Overlord’s expeditionary forces in United Earth - With just a slight attention created by the expeditionary forces to let Zolarg forces to notice, it was enough to ruin the plans of the Overlord, to further destroy his reputation, and ultimately pulling him off the throne.

The Incident that Changed the War - Barracuda Blues Events
On day 165 of the war, an event took place on colony Barracuda Blues, a colony lying behind the Zolarg fronts, inside the territories of United Earth. This incident had changed the entire war - from confrontations between mainly United Earth and LIS, to a war that 3 civilizations together defending against Alpha Draconian invasion.
Just within a night, the base on Barracuda Blues disappeared, with remains of weared-off tank armour and charred grounds indicating there was combat. The only thing left was reports about unknown alien contact of hostile inorganic objects and strong energy sources detected by base on neighbouring planets. The United Earth Security Council received the reports 8 hours after the incident had taken place. A global investigation on Barracuda Blues was ordered 2 hours later.
4 days after the investigation had launched, inspectors reported an unimaginable discovery - a hidden facility, camouflaged by cutting-edge field generators of unknown origin, full of unidentified machines in dormant status, and a colossal device suspected to be a long range stargate portal that was the origin of energy detected.
Informed about such discovery, the United Earth Security Council (cautiously) saw that as an opportunity to obtain superior military technologies that could help break the stalemate of the war. Scientist teams and more military staff were sent to the site for further secret investigation.
Despite the news being a secret, the information about such ‘discovery’ had reached the ears of LIS, their hackers intercepted the intel. The intel was shared to forces of the Zolarg Empire, in order to figure out what it was.
Zolarg forces seemed to know something - Just a couple of hours later LIS received replies from the Zolarg Empire, about warnings of a common threat from the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy had infiltrated into human civilization - Alpha Draconians. The Zolarg Empire had also sent a similar message to United Earth, and demanded evacuating the investigation site and destroying it as soon as possible.
The United Earth Security Council, at first, did not take the warning seriously, suspecting it was just a deception from both LIS and Zolarg Empire, trying to prevent United Earth from obtaining technologies that could help them win the war. Later events proved them wrong - 2 days later, the site was under attack - not by LIS, not by Zolarg Empire, but those unidentified machines they were supposed investigating. The machines were suddenly animated, hovered into the air, and revealed what they were - war machines, with the emblem of Alpha Draconians. Almost all staff at the site were killed in the matter of minutes, only a group of soldiers managed to escape, and reported their terrible story (with solid evidence recorded) to the Security Council.
Heard of such an event taking place, and reconsidering warnings from the Zolarg Empire, the Security Council decided to have the big issue discussed in the General Assembly, hopefully they could recognise the dangerous situation they were in.
Meanwhile, LIS and Zolarg Empire had also begun their search for Alpha Draconian existence within their occupation zones, and counter-ops against Alpha Draconian influence.
Under a common threat that could not be repelled with the power of a nation, three participant nations of this civil war held a close-door summit on day 178 in an United Earth city Neo Floridas under maximum security measures. On the next day, all leaders of the military came to an agreement - a ceasefire treaty that put a pause on the civil war, and a temporary alliance pact - known as ‘Delta Alliance’ by humans - that would last until the Alpha Draconians were repelled.
Exposures of Alpha Draconian expeditionary forces and the formation of a temporary alliance were quickly reported to Overlord by the covert agents within the United Earth General Assembly. Shocked to know his plan had gone wrong, the Overlord, immediately contacted his supervisors in the Ministry of Expedition. Without any response, the Overlord understood what had happened - His plan had been hijacked by the Inner Circle.
Indeed, the exposure of expeditionary forces in Barracuda Blues was the order of the Inner Circle, through the Ministry of Expedition which was under their control.
The Inner Circle also received reports of their successful sabotage on the Overlord’s plan. With now they knew the Overlord was in trouble, they began spreading the scandals of the Overlord ‘might even be unable to conquer a lesser civilization’, to cut down Overlord’s support from core Reptilian society. Now, with the information of this invasion leaked to both humans and Insectoids, and further pressured by the scandals, the Overlord had only one choice left for the invasion plan - launch the attacks immediately.

Alpha Draconian Invasion
On day 186, the day known as the ‘Invasion Day’, the remaining dormant expeditionary forces of Alpha Draconians inside human territory were activated under the orders of the Overlord himself, launched the Invasion of Humans, beginning from Barracuda Blues where their forces and one of their main portals were exposed.
The Allies were prepared, they had located and destroyed a few hidden Alpha Draconian facilities, and shared any intelligence known about Alpha Draconians. Yet were not on the upper hand. The cutting-edge war machines of Alpha Draconians was not something humans were able to deal with easily, the superior armour strength and stealth capabilities of Alpha Draconian forces had caused some significant loss of Allied forces.
On the other hand, Overlord tried to keep Zolarg Empire forces outside the war theater of human territory as first priority, preventing the Zolarg Empire from assisting humans with their intelligence and troops. Alpha Draconians inserted blockade fleets in neutral zones between the Zolarg Empire and United Earth, as well began rallying troops at Zolarg borders. The Zolarg Empire not just had difficulty helping humans defending against the invasion as their forces in United Earth were encircled, intensified conflicts and battles at Alpha Draconian borders were something they had to put more focus onto.
The invasion broke out from the inside spread like wildfire in human territory as the Zolarg Empire was not able to provide assistance. Just within a week, Alpha Draconian presence was reported in all human territories (in terms of before the civil war broke out). 58% of original human territories were occupied by Alpha Draconians within a week, mainly the areas around the Zolarg fronts.
Humans had no chances of counter strike at this moment, as the Overlord predicted. However, the Overlord had underestimated humanity. Instead of keeping an eye, he ‘confidently’ set the expeditionary to spontaneous mode, promising the core Reptilian society that humans would be brought under Alpha Draconians in no time (in order to retain his supporters).

The Counter Strike
Alpha Draconian domination on the battlefield lasted until United Earth deployed their new superweapon.
United Earth lacked new weapons of instant destruction needed to change the tide of war since the total decommission of the nuclear arsenal right after the establishment of the United Earth General Assembly. Considering reactivating the nuclear arsenal project would cause large discontent from both the General Assembly and the public due to the long term consequence of detonating nuclear weapons, the Security Council, long ago reviewed older military research projects to seek for a powerful weapon with minimal impacts upon use. And when the invasion broke out, they already had a weapon project at almost completion that came into handy - Particle Cannon. The research of this surgical-space-strike (accurate strike instead of mass destruction) weapon was greatly accelerated by the data from Alpha Draconian facility on Barracuda Blues. 14 days after the Invasion Day (day 200), the first Space Strike group had completed construction at United Earth’s capital shipyard on Earth orbit, assigned into and escorted by the only 3 main starship fleets.
Upon the new weapons were ready, Marshal Bradley of the United Earth Security Council authorized the largest military campaign in the war - Operation Zeus, which began from day 205, aimed to retake territories beyond the Zolarg fronts occupied by Alpha Draconians. Mobilizing over 54 land forces divisions, 6 Space Marines divisions, 31 space fighter wings and 2 starship fleets.
The first use of Particle Cannon was used in Battle of Leo-34, showing the impressive firepower to the entire humanity. The Alpha Draconian stronghold on the planet was reduced to scraps in the matter of a few Particle Cannon bombardments of the 3th Starship Fleet.
The particle cannon also shone on other major battles, including the largest starship battle Battle of Kelvin Rings that the superweapon put the end to Alpha Draconian ‘Eradicator’ class battleship (though that was not their strongest warship in service), and Siege of Venet-35 that the weapon critically broke the siege of Alpha Draconian forces on the colony.
Operation Zeus had achieved a massive success within two months. The Operation recovered 21% of original territories, and some post-war statistics estimated that the Operation had also destroyed almost half of the Alpha Draconian expeditionary forces.
LIS had also achieved victories after their deployment of Type-X EMP warheads that effectively paralyses robot-based Alpha Draconian forces and facilities upon detonation. Just within half of a month after the deployment, LIS was able to uproot all Alpha Draconian facilities and portals within their occupation zones and freed up a large amount of troops for offensive operations beyond their territories (to ‘liberate’ more colonies, of course). At the same time, LIS had also completed an counterintelligence research Project Beacon that analyses the activities and signals of Alpha Draconian covert agents and communications (using information provided by Zolarg and harnessing their expert knowledge of cybertechnology), greatly preventing further Alpha Draconian sabotages on Allied forces, and made the hidden movements of Alpha Draconians predictable from that time on.
The human counterattack progress stopped at regions around Barracuda Blues. At this moment Barracuda Blues was one of the last strategic locations for these intruders - where their last functional long range portal was located, the only available reinforcement station for them. However, also the most fortified position of Alpha Draconian intruders - not only the main portal was protected by the state-of-the-art fortress setup, other strongholds around Barracuda Blues formed a complete exterior defense system that was able to stop any starships approaching this critical site.
The counterattack of humans was reported back to the Ministry of Expedition for multiple times, however nobody read the report - The fierce political competition inside the Ministry between Overlord loyalist and Inner Circle had disrupted literally everything, ignited a few days after the blockade on the Zolarg Empire. Military officers and staff were being assassinated or replaced by the two parties very frequently, they had no time and effort to care about any operations of the expeditionary forces but tried to protect themselves or seek extra interest in this internal political rivalry.
As the regular functioning of the Ministry of Expedition came to a halt, the blockade fleet between Zolarg Empire and United Earth was soon out of control, without any coordination the blockade was breached by Zolarg fleets, like the blockade fleet was just a dull asteroid belt. Regaining the supply line to their occupation zones, the Zolarg Empire began sending their fleet and elite force Imperial Templars to the battlefronts in human territory against Alpha Draconians.
Overlord regained information and control of his expedition plan after Overlord loyalists successfully retaken control of the Ministry of Expedition as a series of bloody political events took place. Knowing his miscalculation on humans and he had missed a lot of events during the Ministry was handicapped, the Overlord ordered a regroup of all remaining expeditionary forces at Barracuda Blues, as well as authorising the expeditionary force access to advanced reserves of Alpha Draconian war machines, the Apocalypse Order, to terminate human resistance before it was too late to remedy the situation. An invasion fleet was also ordered to dispatch for securing the invasion plans, either backing the reinforcement up, or in case the last portal falls the fleet could still devastate the remaining human forces and do the occupation.

The Battle of Barracuda Blues - Twilight of the Intruders
All human major forces from both the United Earth and LIS, and later a small number of Zolarg forces from occupation zones, gathered near minor strongholds around Barracuda Blues. Deployments began on day 274, preparing for the last battle to stop Alpha Draconian invasion - which Allied forces had thrown literally everything they had into it, almost all of their major forces and types of weapons.
Alpha Draonians had gathered a majority of the first group of Apocalypse Order from Alpha Draconia arrived at Barracuda Blues, standing by at the site.
The Battle of Barracuda Blues broke out on day 277. The 2nd Vanguard Group led by United Earth Space Marines 1st Division secured a minor portal stronghold on Baston-36, under the support of the United Earth 3th Starship Fleet and Particle Cannons. Hackers from LIS performed a follow-up hacking of the portal control immediately, opening up a route to Barracuda Blues for major forces after 4.5 hours.
Commando platoon headed by the legendary United Earth elite Sarge led the charge into the Barracuda Blues through the portal, securing an area on the east wing of the main portal stronghold. The remaining forces of 2nd Vanguard Group established a forward base for providing support, with Main Battle Command led by Marshal Bradley of United Earth responsible for the main offensive operations following behind.
Other battle groups were told to tie up other minor strongholds to prevent their reinforcements to Barracuda Blues, and if possible, take over the portals in the minor strongholds.
The first attempts of siege, on the same day, had been unsuccessful. The defense of the main fortress complex was far more defended than imagined. The point laser defense system rendered conventional artillery fire useless, the firepower of the newly arrived Apocalypse Order outrunned offensives of the Allied forces, even the Allied forces were supported by 5th Battle Group later which successfully broke into the south wing through the portal of another stronghold. At the end of the day, the offensive operations had been temporarily halted under the order of Marshal Bradley to prevent further losses.
On day 288 Allied forces detected a larger group of Apocalypse Order reinforced Alpha Draconian forces in the fortress. Few hours later, Alpha Draconians began taking offensives targeting the Allied Main Command Group. Facing even stronger enemies than before, main forces of the Main Command Group were tied at their forward base and fell into a badly passive status, until 5th Battle Group received EMP missiles from LIS and sent help to break the enemy offensives.
On day 289, the 3rd Battle Group composed mainly of Zolarg forces entered the battle at the southern forward base, launching subterranean infiltration attacks into the west part of the fortress. Although the infiltration forces experienced heavy casualties as they broke into, however, provided an important internal structure intel of the main stronghold - there was an antenna structure acting as an command node of stronghold defense, which when sabotaged, it could weaken the coordination of, or even paralysing, the stronghold defenses. However, the infiltration forces also reported there was a massive energy flow towards the centre part of the facility, where the main portal was located, presumably sending in core forces, or worse, a destruction device known as ‘Annihilator’ by Zolarg forces which capable of releasing an energy blast that could destroy any non-Alpha Draconian machines and living being within 50 lightyears radius. The enemy reinforcement was predicted to arrive in three or four days.
The reports from the infiltration forces had put the Main Command into an anxious mood, since this meant not much time was left for them - longer the battle goes, worse the situation becomes. The Main Command Group decided to take another offensive the next day, after the United Earth 1st Starship Fleet sent Particle Cannons to provide heavy bombardments.
Still, Alpha Draconians were prepared, they had set up energy barriers to neutralize Particle Cannon fire. With even the superweapon of United Earth proven ineffective on this base, the Main Command Group offensive once again ended up with extra losses.
On the other hand, the portal stronghold connecting the Allied forward base on the south wing was under attack by Alpha Draconian forces from another minor stronghold, the 5th Battle Group and the 3th Battle group had their most convenient supply lines cut and now had to rely supplies from either the 1st Starship Fleet or the Main Command.
During the hardest times having almost no means to break the fortifications of this stronghold, the hackers and engineers controlling the portal in Baston-36 brought a good news in the late night of day 232, they managed to hack into the heavily encrypted internal portal system and obtained a segment of access code that allowed them to teleport at most a commando squad into the stronghold (due to limitations of incomplete access codes), which this chance could be used to sabotage the command node, allow the major forces destroying the fortification when it was disrupted. However, the code was estimated to be expired in approximately 7 hours.
In the same night, but a bit earlier, a small group of Zolarg Imperial Templars joined the Main Command Group, providing limited but valuable replenishment of Allied forces.
With an irreplaceable opportunity to break into this almost invincible fortress, the Main Command immediately reorganized the existing forces, preparing for an all-out attack in the next day - It was either the Alpha Draconians or humanity being defeated, this would be the last assault to terminate their ambitions, once and for all.
4 hours later, a squad with the best commandos from United Earth, LIS and Zolarg was organized for the most dangerous mission, they were teleported to the west block of the stronghold, and later assisted by another Zolarg subterranean assault force from the 3th Battle Group. Meanwhile, all the other Allied forces on Barracuda Blues, advancing towards the stronghold.
The major forces expected the defenses to be disarmed as they reached the enemy defense lines. Yet the infiltration forces had trouble making their way to the command node, encircled by the stronghold guards as the Allied forces entered the alert zones around the stronghold. The main forces could only hold their position, forced to fight with the enemy elite forces, until the commandos finished their task.
After approximately an hour of brutal battles inside and outside the stronghold, the commando squad, finally made their way to the command node, and installed a disruption device onto it.
The defenses of the stronghold were immediately turned down under the effect of the disruption device, including turrets, energy barriers and point laser defense system. The stronghold, now vulnerable to any human and Insectoid weaponry, soon the main defense was destroyed under intensive artillery barrage bombardments. Alpha Draconian forces were also affected by the disruption effects, their combat efficiency was greatly lowered - the coordination errors broke their formation, these steel machines of destruction began ramming into each other. At this moment, Alpha Draconians had lost their overwhelming advantage in this battle, every force defending the fortress were soon eliminated by the Allied forces, leaving the central portal defendless. Allied forces very quickly flooded into the stronghold, reaching their ultimate target of the battle - the main portal, which was seen charging up for receiving new reinforcements - that could make short work on the last human forces if unstopped.
The decisive battle defining the date of humans, ended with a Particle Cannon strike onto the portal, tearing the portal into pieces of scraps. The dawn on Barracuda Blues after the particle beam dissipated, marked the victory of the Allies.
Remaining Alpha Draconian threats in human territory were eliminated within two days after the victory in Battle of Barracuda Blues under the efforts of human forces. For the first time, the entire humanity successfully repelled an massive alien invasion.
The invasion had not ended yet, Alpha Draconian invasion fleet was still advancing towards human territory. It was until Zolarg fleets attacked Alpha Draconian starbases that forced Overlord to draw the entire fleet back for defense and postpone the invasion… infinitely.

Battle of Kaisergrounds - Conclusion Battle to the Human Civil War
The invasion was over, ending with the defeat of Alpha Draconians.
But not everything was over. The Delta Alliance Pact had expired, now United Earth and LIS had to put their focus back onto their civil war… only after they had taken a necessary break from a month of fierce battles.
The Zolarg Empire had most of their forces tired of the battles in human territory, and they needed more forces and officiers to manage their conflicts between them and Alpha Draconians. On day 312, about a month after the end of the invasion, they agreed to withdraw from the Human Civil War, returning all occupied territories to the United Earth and evacuate all their forces after taking some necessary responsibility (mostly repairing damages they had made), as requested by the United Earth General Assembly and agreed by LIS. The civil war was now and finally kept just between humans.
Things had been peaceful (if not considering some minor skirmishes on conflict site planets) until the war was continued with the last major battle broke out on day 351 - the Battle of Kaisergrouds, which both sides hoped to ‘conclude’ the war in this battle (as not much war supplies were left for large scale conflicts), on this strategic stronghold occupied by LIS - To LIS, a foothold for liberating the core economic regions of United Earth in the future. To United Earth, an important barrier to keep LIS away from the most resourceful colonies.
The extremely rare ion fog winters of Kaisergrounds disrupted communication devices and sensors, which however favoured United Earth offensive - their landing forces could sneak onto the planet without triggering the alarms of LIS forces.
It was not clear how the battle had fought due to the unavailability of communications and battlefield monitoring in ion fogs. However, two outcomes were confirmed for sure - First, it might have been a ‘fierce’ battle, in which United Earth recorded 78% losses of troops in the battle while LIS recorded 85% loss of their forces. Either killed or (less likely) lost in fogs. Second, it was the victory of United Earth, after 4 days of battle United Earth 12th Space Marines Regiment managed to take control of the entire planet and sent a shuttle for delivering a battle report.

10 days after the last battle (day 365), the military leaders of two sides met in the Roundtable Summit in the colony of New London.
The Armistice of Hoxton was signed, with the following details:
  • Armistice: Military actions must not be taken inside territories of the United Earth and LIS for the upcoming 100 years.
  • Border Regulations: Border lines between United Earth and LIS, named Hoxton Line, are maintained. No space vessels should cross the line, both sides have the right to shoot down any vessels that crossed the line, unless the vessel has authorised access.
  • Embargo: Trades and shipments to and from LIS are forbidden. United Earth will enforce a blockade fleet along the Hoxton Line.
  • Colonization restriction: LIS must not carry out colonization near or along the Hoxton Line.
  • Trade Route Protection: Any LIS vessels with armaments equal to or more than corvettes will be regarded as violating United Earth trade routes.
  • Violation of any of these regulations will be regarded as breaking the treaty.
  • Any forms of independence by LIS will not be recognized and accepted by the United Earth General Assembly.
Though this is an armistice treaty, it had indeed ended the Human Civil War - at least it had ended direct military confrontations, another civil war is just a matter of time.
Eventually nobody achieved total victory in the Human Civil War, however, LIS actually ‘won’ the war. Colonies and cities occupied by LIS are no longer under the control of United Earth bureaucrats, they are freed from any forms of suppression and exploits, at least a better life can be started with ture fairness and autonomy guaranteed by the League.
Yet United Earth has also earned a ‘strategic’ victory, since they successfully defended most major regions, leaving LIS only able to have mostly barren planets of outer territories. The Armistice of Hoxton also allowed them to have limited control on the development of LIS.
The United Earth General Assembly was not satisfied with the outcome of the war - They understood that LIS had achieved their aim in the war. Now, the capabilities of the United Earth military were being questioned nationwide, even managed to repel the Alpha Draconian invasion - It shall be stopped to restore the reputation of the General Assembly. The General Assembly originally wanted to ‘retire’ Marshal Bradley to pacify the doubts of people, but changed their mind after reconsidering his achievements repelling an alien Invasion and read about his big military project to retake territories occupied by LIS, which the plan actually helped people put a larger confidence onto the military than before.
Speaking of the support, a tragedy for the Overlord of Alpha Draconians. The Overlord tried to cover up the failures of his expedition plans, however, the Inner Circle intercepted the intel. The scandal was soon delivered to all members of core Reptilian society, they now lost all confidence in the ‘weak’ Overlord that had completely ruined their national pride. Several days later, the Overlord was assassinated in a coup planned by the Inner Circle.
The seat of ultimate power was empty, but that is not a seat for many. A more intense, almost endless political rivalry took place between the Lords of Inner Circles beginning right after the death of Overlord, leading the entire empire into a state of political instability. Without a stable and powerful leader to rule the vast empire, the corruption in administration of Alpha Draconians is getting ten times more serious than before. Social order also began to collapse, leading to the disparity between the nobles and common civilians, and social unrests.
The instability of Alpha Draconians, and one more defeat for their seemed invincible military, gave confidence to the conspiracists hidden all over the empire. Some puppet regions began attempting to break away from Alpha Draconians. Though not all of them had been successful, more new powers have risen - Especially the New Galactic Empire, thirsted for galactic domination, is slowly overtaking the influence of Alpha Draconians in the shadows.
The Zolarg Empire finally found themselves a powerful ally to support each other against Alpha Draconian influence - Humans’ capability defending themselves against Alpha Draconian forces impressed not only the Insectoids of every hive, the Emperor is also glad to see this. A few months after the end of the Human Civil War, Zolarg Empire signed diplomatic memorandums with both LIS and United Earth, on the basis of cooperation during the invasion, to begin official peaceful interaction between Insectoids and Humans.
Zolarg forces returned from human territory also brought back some human technologies along with them. The inspiring foreign knowledge have stimulated further development of the Zolarg Empire in terms of economy, science, society and military, and indirectly led to an innovative invention of Insectoids - Mind Network.
While the human cities and colonies were rebuilding, humans also obtained interesting information from the remains of Alpha Draconian machines in Barracuda Blues. These cutting-edge machines have some linkage with the ancient aliens, which the scientists and archaeologists figured out these engines are derived from the ancient alien knowledge recorded on the artifacts scattered all around the galaxy. This discovery will bring drastic changes to human history, a new era of future technologies is predictable in the future not so far away.
Understanding they are not alone in the Galaxy, United Earth begin recognizing the importance of galactic diplomacy, in order to protect themselves (from Alpha Draconians that might return someday in a larger war), as well as seeking for new opportunities. they begin establishing contacts between alien civilizations as they colonize new planets, not just the major civilization like the Zolarg Empire, but also more minor ones.

The Milky Way Galaxy had changed a lot - although there had been wars, costing thousands of lives. Does the war worth anything in the end? Nobody will have an ultimate conclusion, what we know is, war, is always changing our history.

We also hope @bastecklein can leave some comments on the story idea so far.
Today I am posting a major update to the My Colony Universe themed 4X strategy game Terra Nova 4X, bumping the revision up to v1.0.0 and bringing a ton of new gameplay mechanics and UI improvements to the engine! Let's see what is new.

First of all, even though I am now calling the game v1.0.0, I still do not consider it to be out of beta or to be a final release. I wanted to publish the game to the Windows Store, and Windows Store packages need to be >= v1.0.0, and so I increased the version just to keep everything uniform. So don't be fooled, the game still is not done yet, lol.

Gamepad control input has been significantly improved in this release, and at this point the game is now 100% controllable using a gamepad. I ultimately plan to publish Terra Nova to the Steam Deck, and so solid gamepad support is a must. If you have a gamepad, please feel free to test the game out and let me know how I can improve on the controls.

Previously, it could be difficult to determine empire borders based on the dotted lines on the world map. With this new update, zooming out will now apply a semi-transparent color fill to all faction controlled tiles, allowing you to easily see which faction controls what territory.

The Diplomacy screens have been completely revamped in this release, and diplomatic options have been expanded. On the general diplomatic overview screen, you will now see all players grouped by sections (allies, at war, neutral, and defeated), along with their relationship rating towards you. You can use this general information to help decide what diplomatic steps to take with which players.

When you select a faction you wish to conduct diplomacy with, the new Diplomatic Options screen will give you a more detailed overview of your one-on-one relations between the other faction, including what factors go in to their opinion of you.

Several new diplomatic options have been added to this release, which have the potential to greatly change how the game is played.

You can new Gift Money (bribe) to other players in order to attempt to smooth out rough relations. You may also be able to convince a hostile opponent to back off a bit by "greasing the wheels" with gift money.

In addition, Terra Nova now gains the Open Borders diplomatic agreement, allowing players of different factions to travel through each other's territory. Previous, the only way to walk past an opponents territory was through war. Years of open borders will build friendly relations and trust between factions, but they can also be used for devious surprise attacks, so make sure you keep an eye on your territory and know who your friends are!

Next, Alliances have now been added to the game, along with the new Allied Conquest victory condition. Alliances can completely change the trajectory of the game, and have the opportunity to be either a blessing or a curse, depending on how the game plays out.

Having strong allies will afford you a degree of protection against stronger enemies, as allies will (generally) come to your aid in the event of a war. Not always though. If you end up in a war where the combined power of your alliance is severely outclassed by your enemies, your ally might instead end up brokering a peace deal with your adversaries and ending the alliance. The engine takes several factors into account, including your combined military strength, and the level of diplomatic relations between all parties involved. So while allies will generally have your back, there are indeed situations where they will instead cut in run during your time of need.

Likewise, allies can also get you tied up and bogged down in their reckless diplomatic schemes. If one of your allies decides to act belligerent and get himself into a conflict, you will be given the choice to either honor your alliance and join the war effort, or to cut ties and break the alliance. Just know that the other factions on Terra Nova will take notice to a player who is frequently dishonoring his agreements and obligations.

And of course, the new Alliance feature also has the chance of causing the entire planet of Terra Nova to break out into a massive global conflict. One stupid move by a rogue faction could trigger a chain of entangled alliances and plunge the entire game into chaos.

In addition to worrying about new diplomatic scenarios, the concept of city Corruption has been added to the game. The further away a city is now to your capital, the higher it's level of corruption will grow. I added the new Small Security Station structure which will lower corruption in a city, but I still need to add more anti-corruption structures to the game.

Having a high level of corruption in a city will lower its gold generation and slow down it's construction/production times.

Terra Nova 4X v1.0.0 is out now on the web and should be hitting both Android and Windows in the coming days, so feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. The next step is to expand the tech tree, add more units and buildings, and release the game on iPhone.

Enjoy the update!

22d ago
After sitting on the back burner for over a year, Terra Nova 4X is finally coming soon, and I hope to have an initial release done as early as next month. In preparation, I have created a new Terra Nova 4X section on the forums to house all things related to the game.

If you have any ideas, art work, voxel models, etc that you would like to see included into the game, now would be the time, and feel free to start a new thread here on the Terra Nova forum. There has already been some great work submitted by @GeneralWadaling which I am starting to implement, but of course all are welcome to contribute to the game!

For those unaware, Terra Nova 4X is the next evolution of the strategy game engine I created for My Empire and is based in the My Colony Universe. Engine improvements over My Empire include support for multiple factions, expanded map improvement options (farms, mines, forts, etc), trade, improved diplomacy, significantly larger map sizes and more.

Terra Nova 4X is going to be my top development priority over the next several weeks, which is why now would be the time to get your ideas/suggestions/content posted if you would like to see it in the game. I plan to have at least the initial version released by sometime in March, so it is coming soon. You can track the development progress at it's new URL:

1y ago
Hello commanders.

Hopefully I can provide some ideas for Colony Wars Campaign!

You are a commander in Terra Nova, newly promoted as lieutenant at the outbreak of the civil war by Harold Franklin, the colonel of the colony.
Right after a short promotion process in such emergency, a LIS commander named Jackins D. Jones raid into the commander office you just receive promotion.
Harold pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Jackins, at the same time Jackins have his assault rifle pointed at Harold's chest.
You pulled out your pistol, originally pointed at Jackins and ready to pull the trigger.
But Jackins begin persuading you to join them - ‘Do you think killing more innocent people for the Union will make this corrupt world even better?’
At this moment, you begin hesitating.
‘You won't betray the Union, right?’ Harold, trying to pull you back.

At this moment, you choose the faction you wish to play.

If you choose United Earth, you'll save Harold by shooting at Jackins' arm, forcing Jackins to retreat, Harold will bring you to communications room to receive orders from Marshal Bradley R. Johnson.
If you choose LIS, you'll shoot Harold's leg, and leaving with Jackins. Jackins will bring you to the hideout, joining the resistance leader Beuford P. Tots.

United Earth
  • Emergency Retreat
    Congrats for the promotion commander, but we don't have the time to celebrate. An unknown resistance launched unexpected attack on our Space Marines dispatchment on this planet in a sudden, at this rate we'll lose all our men within hours. Here is your first task, defend the starport and evacuate all remaining Space Marines force as possible. We're counting on you!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Defend the starport for 5 minutes. The starport must not fall!
    • At least 3 full transport shuttles must be evacuated. (12 Space Marines)
  • Red Rocks and Red Blood
    Thanks for saving the Space Marines from Terra Nova, the soldiers are paying high respect to you. But as you see, the Resistance declared war on us. They call themselves Independent State. Though this is ridiculous, they are posing problems. Chaos begin stirring up the colonies around Terra Nova. More importantly, I am sending you to Crimson Rock, where our prototype weapon archives center lies. Our coordination officer Yoshihara will tell you more details.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    I have heard of your story in Terra Nova, it's a amazing work. Okay, here's the details. Garrisons reported strong Resistance activities in Crimson Rock. The archives center is relatively safe in suburban, here we need you to establish defense around the lab before the enemy notice the facility. Don't let the Resistance touch any documents, since these confidential weapon blueprints here will help us in the future battles. Eliminate the Resistance forces once you think the facility is secured. Good luck! Commander!
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Mission objectives
    • Establish a base near the Archives Center.
    • The Archives Center must not fall!
    • Eliminate all LIS forces.
  • There are Crowbars in My Woods
    Hey, Commander. Nice to see you again. It's a honour to be praised as a hero in Terra Nova and get promoted as Captain… isn't it? Marshal is too busy to manage every battlegrounds, so now you are under my command again. Remember, always, remain, respect, to, your, officer.
    I need you in the jungles of Janiss-5. Resistance saboteurs broke into prison facility that I am responsible for, released some dangerous political prisoners. My force will lock the area down much as possible, while you'll search for these troublemakers soon as possible before they sneak away from us again.
    If you fail, both of our military career will be screwed up. Understand?
    What are you waiting for? Go!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find all the Saboteurs and prisoners before the countdown strikes zero.
  • Who is the Traitor
    Good job, my commander. You have fulfilled your responsibility, as you should be. Just do one more thing for me, I'll consider submitting another promotion request for you.
    I have a rival, Ronnie. This man always gets into my way, ruining my good plans in battles. I am suspecting this bastard turned to the Resistance. Find evidence of his betrayal, and more importantly, destroy him!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find Ronnie's base and infiltrate his radar.
    • Destroy the real traitor.
  • Operation ‘Kaiser’
    (Inspecting documents) …… I can't believe Harold betrayed the Union. The Resistance bribed him. I'm glad you are wise enough to identify who is friend or foe. You have proved your capabilities again, for this, you're promoted to Colonel.
    -Marshal R. Johnson

    (Incoming transmission)
    Marshal, our prototype weapons developed from blueprints in Crimson Rock proved effective against Resistance forces. Ronnie's forces just retrieved Fort-35 from the hands of our enemies using them.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Fantastic! Thanks to your blueprints, now we can plan a counterstrike on these troublesome Resistance forces. Speaking of that, now you're one part of Operation ‘Kaiser’. And you gotta take a important part of the operation. You'll lead one of our newly built tech forces to take Emper System back from our enemies. Make a wise use of them!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Capture the Fort Command. Do not destroy it.
    • Destroy all LIS bases and forces.
  • Dangerous Encounter
    (Video records)
    Do you see that? Is that a human sized ant… Wait, it has a gun!? Everybody find a cover!
    (Goes static after the soldier being shot by a gun)
    -A poor soldier, who encountered unknown being

    That's all available records of recent alien encounter incidents. Well, kind of... Unbelievable. Something that should only happen in manga stories now take place in reality.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    It is likely Insectoids... But where did they come from?
    Oh, commander. Sorry for not noticing you are already here!
    I appreciate your great work in Operation ‘Kaiser’, you have made remarkable contribution to the Union. The General Assembly quickly agreed to promote you to General ranks. It is a big honour!
    I bet you'll be a great Marshal better than me, in a future not so far away! (Thumbs up)
    As you see, while we are having a hard time with the Resistance, there are aliens crawling on our flanks, with intension unknown. We need you to collect more information about those aliens. For this dangerous mission, you'll have one of our best Space Marines of the Union, Sarge. I'm very sure you will cooperate with him very well.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Keep Sarge alive.
    • Find and infiltrate the alien base.
    You need some Insecticides?
    Seriously, the Zolarg Empire of Insectoids allied up with the Resistance? THAT Zolarg Empire we just heard of its establishment recently?
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Yes, Marshal. And they sent a message to warn us - ‘Stop your action against the liberty warriors, or we'll officially declare war on you.
    -United Earth Diplomat

    Now everything just get complicated... And they call that not yet declaring war on us?
    Commander, you have just come at the right time. The Insectoids are standing on the enemies' side. Our flanks are in danger. There is one location you have to keep Insectoids away, Urano-6. We also have our strategic uranium mine here, we cannot lose this place to either Insectoids or the Resistance. Defeat the Insectoids there before they can further disrupt our battles with the Resistance. I'll send you a dispatchment of Hazard Squad to aid your mission.

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all Zolarg bases and forces.
  • Interstellar Missile Crisis
    There is an emergency situation here, Commander. The Resistance developed their own warp-speed interstellar missiles while we got distracted by Zolarg's forces. The intel satellites just detected missile bases on New Bavaria. Wonder how far can the missiles reach? They can fly straight to the Solar System! Homeworld of the glorious human civilization will be under threat! Mobilise your forces now, you need to destroy their missile arsenal before they have launched any single one - each missiles carries a disaster warhead!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all missile silos before the timer strikes zero.
  • The Last Siege
    That was close, commander. But you have just saved the General Assembly from a deadly disaster. The General Assembly is pleased.
    Now the tide of war turns to our side. The missiles of Resistance can no longer threaten any of our strategic locations, while the diplomats managed to make Zolarg signed a ceasefire treaty with us, now we can at least push the Resistance back to where they can't do much harm to us.
    Here is task for you, commander. Probably the last task. We plan to destroy the Resistance's stronghold on Basilisk-55. Once this stronghold has reduced to rubbles, we'll have a strategic victory. Our first space strike batteries will be ready for devastating fire support.
    - Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all LIS base and forces.
  • Aftermath
    LIS succeeded to break away from United Earth, marked the victory of them.
    Despite LIS' success, United Earth still achieved a tactical victory, pushing LIS to the barren ends that they can no longer threaten the great Union... At least for a while.
    Marshal Bradley represented United Earth to sign a peace treaty to end the civil war.
    However, the General Assembly is dissatisfied with the outcome. After the peacemaking meeting, Bradley resigned under the pressure of General Assembly, but recommended the General Assembly let you to be the next Marshal of United Earth.
    The General Assembly agreed to promote you to Marshal of United Earth.
    Zolarg Empire also withdrawn their forces as the announcement of end of war, returned to their homelands. The first interstellar alien civilization known to humans, but worries regarding this dangerous guest had spread across the public - would this Insectoid empire be another threat to the great Union?
    Anyways, you are now known as a war hero across United Earth, who had saved the Union from being disintegrated by LIS uprising. A bright future awaits... Maybe.

Later I'll update the post for LIS campaigns.
Are you sick and tired of your trophies being stolen by Def and Eq? Do you wish to be able to have an active community that supports each other? Do you wish to have the ability to freely ask for resources and communicate with the trade league in ways that are hardly done? Do you want friends?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, then the Terra Novan Trade League is the federation for you! With ensured activity of the federation, and with its doors being open to all, you can almost always get in the federation in decent time!

Join us, and let us prosper together!

We have a discord link, which we will publish here:

For a brighter future!

(Disclaimer: I and the Terra Nova from the new game are not the same planet lol. Terra Nova from the new game becomes Independent State, while I am just the Earthlike Terra Nova. Kinda Terra Nova take 2 if you will.)

Edit: Updated Discord Link, it should work now.
Hello guys!

May I proudly present my fan lore about the history of My Colony Universe!
This post is very long - it will take some time to read.

Not all details have been confirmed or included as canon by @bastecklein or happened in any games related to My Colony Universe yet. The actual events may vary with those mentioned in this post.
Anyways, don't take that as 100% canon!

The calendars and year used would be Earth ones.

Time of the Ancients (??? ~ 1.2 billion years before Alpha Draconians)
Once there was a thriving old civilization ruled over the Milky Way Galaxy, which now they are called the Ancients. Even for the Alpha Draconians, there are limited documents about their history. The following will state the events recorded and decoded so far.
  • The Old Holy Galactic Empire (???).
    That was the oldest trace of the Ancients found.
  • Galaxian-Titan War (???).
    There were very old literature records about this war. The war between the Holy Empire and the warlike colossus Titan civilization. There are still some rare Titan relics found in the Milky Way, though some historians doubted the reliability of them.
    The war was supposed to put the Titans to extinction.
  • The Old Dark Galactic Empire (???).
    Somehow the old Empire turned to the dark side. From this time on, the documents about them are more difficult to find.
  • Reptilian Exodus to the Milky Way (~3 billion years ago before Alpha Draconians).
    The first record of Reptilian immigrants into the Milky Way from another galaxy. Some documents from Alpha Draconians stated their ancestors were nomads with only mostly low tech equipment.
  • Galaxian-Reptilian Wars (~2.3 billion years ago before Alpha Draconians).
    The continuous immigration of Reptilians caused conflicts between these new migrants and the master of the Galaxy. However, the Reptilians were not expelled from the Milky Way successfully, an armistice was signed after prolonged warfare. Reptilians stopped immigration in exchange for peace.
  • Disappearance of the Old Galactic Empire (~1.2 billion years before Alpha Draconians).
    The largest mystery of galactic history - the disappearance of the Ancients. Most existence of the vast Empire vanished just in a… flash, leaving most parts of the Milky Way Galaxy abandoned. Some radioisotopic dating recorded most ether pollutants of abandoned Ancient cities appeared since the event.

Rise of Reptilians (~4.1 ~ 2.8 million years before human history)
The Disappearance of the Ancients gave rise to the Reptilian immigrants, though discovered a bit lately, they began expanding further into the empty Milky Way Galaxy. Later the Reptilian Empire of Alpha Draconians was formed on the foundations of the disappeared Empire.
  • The Reptilian Kingdoms (~0.6 million years before Alpha Draconians).
    The Reptilians recognized the disappearance of The Ancients as scout ships were sent after years losing contact with them. Seeing this as an opportunity to expand their borders without anybody to stop them, the nomadic Reptilians soon reorganized themselves as the Reptilian Kingdoms.
  • Great Reptilian Expeditions (~0.5 million years before Alpha Draconians ~ 0.3 million years before Alpha Draconians).
    Hundreds of expeditions were conducted by various Lords during the Kingdoms era. They salvaged most remaining technologies of the Ancients, however unable to decode all the data at this moment as their limited knowledge of these high end technologies. Some new Reptilian major cities rose from these ruins.
  • The Warring Lords (~0.3 million years before Alpha Draconians ~ 10 years before Alpha Draconians).
    The powerful artifacts of the Ancients impressed the Reptilians - those supposed to bring prosperity to the entire race, however, became the source of ambitions for the Reptilian Lords. Thousand years of wars, were only for scrambling for these powerful gadgets.
  • Reptilian Unification War (~10 years before Alpha Draconians).
    Kingdom of Draconis was the weakest kingdom among the Reptilians, until the time of Lord Alphari - influence of Draconis rose to new heights, threatening the strongest Reptilian Lords. Lord Alphari defeated all the Reptilian Lords in a 10-year long war, successfully unifying the entire Reptilian race for the first time since the immigration.
  • Birth of the Reptilian Empire - Alpha Draconians (~3.5 million years before human history).
    Lord Alphari established the new unified Empire of the Reptilians, named Alpha Draconians, with the national motto ‘Rising from the Harshest to be the Strongest’. Alphari was the first Overlord of the Empire.
  • Successful Decoding of the Ancient Artifacts (~3.5 million years before human history).
    One of another most impactful achievements of Overlord Alphari was, he supported, and later personally participated in the research of Ancient language decoding. With more plentiful resource support than ever, most major elements of the Ancient language were decoded, which allowed the Alpha Draconians to reverse-engineer these technologies, turning the undeveloped Reptilian civilization into one of the most brutal Galactic superpower, inherited with the most powerful technologies.
  • Glorious Conquests (~2.8 million years before human history).
    Another greatest conquest of Alpha Draconians took place under the rule of Overlord Ks'khip. This famous Overlord of Destruction put an end to and enslaved thousands of minor civilizations scattered in the Milky Way Galaxy, which one of the civilizations includes Insectoids, providing highly reproductive slaves. This conquest created the foundation of core Alpha Draconian territory.
    Right after such a successful conquest which brought Alpha Draconians to the peak golden age, the Reptilians began referring to themselves as ‘the descendants of the Ancients’.
  • Secretive Galactic Domination Doctrine (~2.8 million years before human history).
    This doctrine formulated by the Overlord Ks'krupp, the descendant of Ks'khip, advocated the secretive way ruling the vast territory of the Empire spreading and maintaining influence by utilizing covert agents to control regions with minimal signs, which helps shaping the image of Alpha Draconians as an unreachable deity. Such doctrine impacted the future development of Alpha Draconians.

The Revival of Insectoid Civilization (~20th century of Human timeline)
Insectoids were being enslaved by Alpha Draconians for millions of years. However, an uprising changed the fate of the Insectoids, which led to the revival of the long lost Insectoid civilization, in the form of the Zolarg Empire.
  • The Uprising on Draconis 12 (~1920s of Human timeline).
    It was a historical turning point for both Alpha Draconians and Insectoids. The uprising led by the Insectoid Zolarg successfully overwhelmed the colonial government, and purged all the Reptilian existence on the planet. Freed from slavery, these first group of freedom fighters formed Zolarg Empire right on this planet - which the planet was renamed Zolarg Prime, and the uprising leader Zolarg became the first Emperor of the revivaled Insectoid civilization. The uprising also first revealed the corrupted, weakened national strength of the seemingly invincible Alpha Draconians, who were still blinded by their national pride.
  • The Insectoid Uprising Movements (1920~1950s of Human timeline).
    Encouraged and inspired by the success of Zolarg's uprising, Insectoid slaves over Alpha Draconians also followed the same path revolting against slavery. Though not all had been successful, the Insectoids successfully took over an unimaginable number of Alpha Draconian colonies and cities. Most of the Insectoids who earned their freedom joined the Zolarg Empire to fight against the enemy of their ancestors.
  • The Revival War (1950~1970s of Human timeline).
    Despite the success overcoming the slavery forces of their slave camps, the Insectoids had something more overwhelming to handle - the formidable regular forces of Alpha Draconians, trying to regain control on their slaves. Yet under the united command under Emperor Zolarg, they managed to defeat Alpha Draconian regular forces in this 27 year long war, using the new subterranean guerilla tactics. The war recorded heavy casualties of both sides, however, Alpha Draconians stalled their operations against the Insectoids, which earned extra time for the Zolarg Empire to fortify themselves and settle down some basic administration matters.
  • ‘Groot Opwekkingsplan’ (1970~2010s of human timeline).
    This period was also known as the ‘Great Revival Period’, the period when Emperor Zolarg formulated the policies for the early Zolarg Empire, to rebuild, strengthen and revive the Insectoid civilization, to restore the dignity of the Insectoid race. Under the common efforts of the Insectoids, with the help from both knowledge from the ancestors and some basic industrial knowledge from Alpha Draconians, the foundations of the Zolarg Empire were built up. The fast-rising Zolarg Empire became a supernova of galactic power at the end of the Revival Plan.
  • Declaration of Insectoid Liberation (~1990s of human timeline).
    Emperor Zolarg made a declaration on behalf of his Empire to Alpha Draconians - the Zolarg Empire, will liberate the remaining brothers and sisters under slavery at all costs. The Declaration established the long term aim of the wars against Alpha Draconians.

Old Earth Era (year --~2051)
The Old Earth Era is the time of human history before United Earth. The Old Earth Era is when humans begin exploring more parts of the galaxy, as well as beginning extensive colonization on new planets.
  • The Jameson Formulas (2027).
    The genius scientist Professor ‘Einstein Jr.’ Lob Jameson published a paper about special formulas of space continuum mechanics. These formulas make a breakthrough on long range space traveling technologies.
  • First Practical Hyperdrive Engine (2030).
    With the help of Jameson Formulas, the first practical hyperdrive engine in human history was created by the team of Project Next Sun. The innovation was named Jameson Engine.
  • Journey of USP Discovery (2031-2033).
    The USP Discovery is a test object for the Jameson Engine. The probe was launched by NASA of the USA in the year 2035. It had successfully taken photos and data recording of stars and planets at locations about a lightyear away, and at last hyperjumped back to Earth after 3 years of missions, with excellent integrity conditions maintained.
  • Planetary Decay Theory (2031)
    Ecologists and geologists discovered a strange phenomenon taking place on Earth, the important resources, from the minerals to the oil, began decaying into unrecyclable, unusable forms. It was suspected that this decaying was catalysed by climate change.
    A theory was formulated predicting the depletion of vital resources within years and this must be stopped. However, most people did not believe this theory to be true, until the Global Resource Crisis.
  • The Space Colonization Race (2032-2047)
    With long range space travelling became more possible at that time, a new space race was ignited globally - from the global powers to the most underdeveloped countries, from government bodies to independent organisations, they had their own aims. Some seek for wealth and resources, some seek for opportunities and a new start, some seek for knowledge and discovery. It was a milestone for humanity - first attempts for an extensive space colonization in history.
  • Global Resource Crisis (2038-2050)
    The worries stated in the Planetary Decay Theory was proven a fact in 2038, beginning with the abnormal depletion of oil fields in Arabia - the black gold turned into black, harmful, indecomposable sludges.
    For the coming years, more vital resources from iron ores to rare earth metals decayed into sand and dust, which greatly impacted the global economy at the foundations. Which eventually caused all space colonization programmes abandoned by Earth in the year 2047.
  • Miracle Formula (2050)
    The Project SEED ecologists from colonies discovered the Miracle Formula, which included a method to reverse the process of planetary decay. It was sent to Earth in the year 2050.
  • Restoration of Earth (2051)
    Terraforming devices derived from the Miracle Formula successfully restored Earth back to the conditions about 150 years ago within a year, which saved the entire humanity on the Earth.
  • The Grand Collapse (2051)
    Although Earth had been saved from a catastrophe, however, the existing governments no longer had any capabilities maintaining the nations, after years hammered by the economic impacts from such a disaster. The world fell into the status of anarchy.

Rebirth of Humanity (2051-2061)
Right after the Grand Collapse which marked the end of the Old Earth Era, humanity on Earth was in massive chaos, while most colonies outside Earth were deserted and had to survive on their own. Until the United Earth reunited humanity.
  • United Nations Dissolved (2051)
    Without any valid members at all, and at risk of ‘bankruptcy’, the United Nations officially dissolved, with all its assets sold at the end of the year, to a group of plutocrats who had survived the crisis.
  • Formation of United Earth (2052)
    The legacies of the United Nations were reused by these plutocrats, they rebranded the old international governmental body into a new organisation the United Earth, aimed to restore prosperity and order of the Old Earth.
  • Earth Reunification War (2054-2055)
    After 2 years of preparation though gathering weapons and manpower from black markets and government fire sales, the global military campaign was launched by United Earth. In the 1.4 year long war, United Earth brought the major cities and regions under their control.
    The rise of United Earth was inevitable to the rest of the world. It had pressured the remaining regions, no matter at war or not, surrendered and accepted annexation at the end of the war.
  • Official Establishment of United Earth (2056)
    A month after the end of the Reunification War, the main official governmental structure of United Earth was established - The President taking the leader role of the government, with the General Assembly responsible to the President.
    The General Assembly is the decision making centre of the United Earth, composed of representatives from different administrative regions to show a certain extent of democracy. However, the President still has absolute veto power in the General Assembly, in addition to a series of exclusive powers.
  • Restarting of Colonization Programmes (2061)
    With the Earth gradually stabilized and having the economy restored back to early 21th century standards, United Earth announced the recontinuation of space colonization projects abandoned by the Old Earth. This included re-establishing control on the remaining surviving Old Earth era colonies.
    The restarting of colonization was regarded as the dawn of the United Earth era in human history - from that time on, human civilization began to develop and expand faster than ever.

Rise of Humanity (2061-2083)
The New Era referred to the early times of United Earth after the recovery from the Old Earth era disaster. It was another golden age in human history, human civilization beginning to rise quickly in the Milky Way Galaxy. Despite opportunities, there were also new unknown challenges.
  • First Reformation of Security Council (2063-2065)
    The national security agency of the United Earth, Security Council, went under a series of reformation from 2063 to 2065, improving and fostering the efficiency of peacekeeping missions on Earth and foreign colonies, as well as established a controversial high pressure security regulation called AEGIS Protocol.
  • Formation of Space Marines (2068)
    In order to protect foreign colonies and Earth from potential Alien threats, United Earth Space Marines (UESM) was formed.
    Space Marines gradually replaced Peacekeepers security forces of the United Earth as the official military.
  • First Official Contacts with Minor Alien Civilization (2069)
    United Earth colonization fleets discovered an underdeveloped alien civilization on the planet Hakenduz-35. United Earth officially contacted the Hakenduzians, establishing the first diplomatic relations with an alien race.
  • Alien Membership System (2071)
    With more and more minor alien civilizations discovered, United Earth saw that as an opportunity of wealth and influence. In order to convince them sharing their resources with United Earth, an Alien Membership System was established, allowing alien member states to enjoy a series of benefits including protection from Space Marines and preferential treatment on trades. In return, the alien member states had to pay yearly membership fees.
  • First Starship in Human History (2071)
    The first starship of United Earth, UES Ark, finished construction in 2071, Martian Industries shipyard on Mars orbit. UES Ark was a prototype long range colony ship, built for exploration and colonization of the Icarus System.
  • Deimos Events (2072)
    It was a legend of the legendary Space Marines elite squad led by Sarge, a story to save Earth from an evil artificial intelligence - though, with some confidential details which United Earth decided to keep it secret, rumored to be time travel to erase history of a parallel timeline.
  • Wormhole Navigation Technology (2075)
    A set of technological advancements in space navigation technology allowed safe traveling of wormholes, which the wormholes act as a great shortcut for expanding into further regions.

Human Civil War (2083-2084)
This was one of the most impactful wars in the Galaxy. Yes, it's name is Human Civil War, however, things were not simple as most thought at that time - it eventually involved the 3 major civilizations of the Galaxy, and also gave birth to the fourth major civilization. The war also impacted the future patterns in the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • Secret Independence Society (~2068)
    The Secret Independence Society (SIS) was the predecessor of the League of Independent States. It was established shortly after United Earth began using high pressure policies to tighten control on the colonies. The SIS worked in secret, cooperated with suppressed people and black markets. Their ultimate aim was to bring true freedom to humanity, freeing them from the internally corrupted ‘tyranny’ of United Earth. They are also one of the earliest groups of humans who made contact with another major civilization in the Galaxy (to be specific, Zolarg Empire) far before United Earth even acknowledged their existence.
    Their existence remained very much not known by the United Earth until the outbreak of the Civil War.
  • The Alpha Draconian Conspiracy (around a few months before the outbreak of war)
    It had been a tough time for Alpha Draconians since the Insectoid slave uprising events. To restore the national pride of Alpha Draconians and to find resources repairing the badly impacted economy, Overlord Betahan decided to prepare a secret invasion on humans, picking the timing humans were at the blink of civil war.
    At the same time, another conspiracy took place internally - the rivalry between the Overlord and the Lords of Inner Circle.
  • Terra Nova Incident (2083)
    The Incident was the fuse of this war. Everything started with Terra Nova boycotting the heavy taxation of United Earth. Unable to bring the situation under control through conventional routines, United Earth decided to take the most violent military action against Terra Nova (which such decision was partly due to Alpha Draconian covert agents secretly intervened the General Assembly, to accelerate the outbreak of war).
    The incident provided an excellent excuse and opportunity for SIS to throw up a nationwide independence war. SIS militias ambushed the Space Marines in Terra Nova, liberated the colony, and officially declared war on United Earth.
    From that time on SIS was officially renamed as the League of Independent States (LIS).
  • Zolarg Empire Entry into the War (2083)
    Before the war, LIS secretly signed an alliance pact with the Zolarg Empire a few months ago (for different aims respectively, but both sides were seeking bilateral support).
    LIS called for Zolarg reinforcements under strong countermeasures of the United Earth. The entry of the Zolarg Empire into the Human Civil War had successfully put the United Earth into a war of two fronts, however the overall situation had not improved very much, the war turned into a stalemate afterwards.
  • Barracuda Blues Events, and Alpha Draconian Invasion (2084)
    United Earth discovered an Alpha Draconian secret stronghold with an army of war droids (built for invading humans) in the colony Barracuda Blues, mistaken as an abandoned military research facility. United Earth sent scientists to the site in order to obtain unknown technologies that could help them win the war against LIS.
    The discovery at Barracuda Blues was the result of political rivalry in Alpha Draconians, the Inner Circle attempted to sabotage Overlord's invasion plans.
    The true identity of the facility and the ‘mysterious machines’ was not known by humans, until similar Alpha Draconian war machines of similar models popped out from nowhere, attacking human colonies and cities - The beginning of Alpha Draconian Invasion, an unexpected event during the civil war.
  • Battles Against Alpha Draconians (2084)
    At the beginning of the Invasion, Alpha Draconians had been successful that they had occupied over half of United Earth territory.
    Under a common threat from afar, the United Earth, LIS and the Zolarg Empire agreed to put a pause on the civil war, and formed a temporary alliance to expel Alpha Draconian intruders. Their joint operations successfully recapture human territory one by one, slowly setting the intruders back.
    Alpha Draconian Invasion ends after the decisive Battle of Barracuda Blues, the last main portal stronghold destroyed by the alliance, all the Alpha Draconian forces in human territory were shortly destroyed.
  • Continuation Human Civil War (2084)
    The civil war was not over.
    Despite victories repelling Alpha Draconian invasion, the forces of United Earth, LIS and Zolarg were almost exhausted in fierce battles with Alpha Draconians (especially after the Siege of Barracuda Blues), little resources they had to continue a large scale war.
    While the Zolarg Empire quitted the war by signing a white peace with the United Earth, both LIS and United Earth sought an opportunity to conclude the war in a single battle.
    The Battle of Kaisergrounds was the end point of the Human Civil War, the only but the last battle after the Invasion event. Kaisergrounds was a strategic stronghold which was the important gateway to the core economic regions of United Earth. The battle ended with the United Earth forces regained control of the planet, it had contributed United Earth a strategic victory.

New Galactic Era of the Milky Way Galaxy (From 2084 on)
The Human Civil War and the Alpha Draconian Invasion during the war, had drawn the major civilizations closer. The New Galactic Era was the time things in the Milky Way began developing in galactic scale and perspectives.
  • Armistice of Hoxton (2084)
    The Armistice of Hoxton officially ended the Human Civil War, despite it being just an armistice. The armistice defined the United Earth-LIS border in the future, which the border line was known as the Hoxton Line.
    To conclude, nobody had won a total victory in the Human Civil War, however, each side won alternatively - United Earth won a strategic victory which LIS could no longer push deeply into the core territories, while LIS achieved their primary aim of gaining independence.
  • Official Establishment of League of Independent States (2084)
    The League of the Independent States was officially established 3 months after the Armistice of Hoxton was in effect. The League promised fairness, autonomy and freedom to the member states as stated in the Declaration of Independence.
    The League of the Independent States had no actual leader in power. Instead, each member state cooperates under the common principles, bearing the common responsibilities protecting people of the League.
    Though the establishment of LIS was officially recognized by their ally Zolarg Empire, the United Earth General Assembly declared they would never accept any rogue states in their ethnic territory.
  • The Midnight Coup (~2084)
    With the failure of invasion on humans, the core Reptilian society of Alpha Draconians lost all confidence in Overlord Betahan. Shortly after the end of invasion the Overlord was assassinated by Inner Circle covert agents.
    However, it did not put an end on the political crisis in Alpha Draconians, the coup further made everything worse instead. Every Lord of Inner Circle schemed to reach the throne of ultimate power, however there could only be one supreme ruler in Alpha Draconians. In order to secure the thrones for selves, the Lords fell into a status of internal political war.
    The absence of Overlord, and the internal political instability, catalysed the decay of Alpha Draconian influence in the Galaxy.
  • Emerging of New Galactic Empire (2086)
    The decayed Alpha Draconian influence after the Midnight Coup were not able to maintain control on a number of puppet states and territories, they began to break away from the Alpha Draconians.
    This had also given rise to the mysterious organization New Galactic Empire, who then annexed part of the states that broke away from Alpha Draconians. They called themselves the true descendants of the Old Galactic Empire, who carried the ‘inevitable destiny’ reviving the old Imperial glory.
    Though the ambitious organisation lacked strength to compete with any of the galactic powers in the Milky Way at the moment, the powers actually worried the ‘New Empire’ could be a large threat to them in the future, given their capabilities spreading influence at an unprecedented rate.
  • Further Discoveries in Barracuda Blues (2086)
    United Earth sent another research team investigating the remains of the Alpha Draconian stronghold and facilities. The team revealed a fact about Alpha Draconian technologies - they were derived from the Ancient technologies recorded on the ancient artifacts.
    The discovery further fostered the research and decoding on the information on the artifacts of the Ancients in United Earth.
  • Bradley's Military Reform (2086-2093)
    The new head of the United Earth Security Council, Marshal Bradley (which was the supreme commander throughout the Human Civil War), threw up a massive military reformation in order to suppress the military capabilities of LIS, including expanding the scale of Space Marines and especially the Starfleet (which the number of starships during the Civil War barely met demands on the battlefields), written a new professionalism military doctrine, and supported the development of new generation starships.
  • LIS Black Market Trade Union (2088)
    The blockades and embargo on LIS by United Earth had cut down most of the methods for LIS to contact the outside world. In order to survive and maintain development under the difficult conditions, LIS officially established the LIS Black Market Trade Union which facilitates external and domestic trade of their member states.
  • Galactic Colonization Race (2102~???)
    Seeking for further power in the Milky Way Galaxy for their own aims, the 4 civilizations of the Galaxy entered the galactic colonization race one by one. Alpha Draconians started the race, who were desperate to restore their ‘superiority’ in the Galaxy despite political instability.
    From the centre of the Galaxy to the Outer Rims, they were all targets of colonization.
  • United Earth Ancient Archives (2109)
    The Archives is a department of United Earth which is responsible for regulating research and usage related to Ancient alien technologies. Apart from regulations, they also take part in the research of the ancient technologies. Since the Archives existed United Earth had better progress extracting ancient knowledge with better organisation.
  • Chaos in Alpha Draconis and Restoration of Overlord (2112)
    Oligarchists in Alpha Draconis had been dissatisfied with the absence of Overlord for a period of time. With the old culture of Reptilians being harmed, these angry nobles stirred up chaos in the capital city, urging the restoration of Overlord.
    Without any other ways to suppress or pacify them, the Lords of the Inner Circle could only do as what these (lower) nobles asked them to (well, since their own plans were also disrupted due to the chaos).
    The exiled younger brother of the previous Overlord Betahan, Deltahan, was put to the throne. Despite being an Overlord, most actual powers were still in the hands of the Inner Circle, Deltahan was just nothing more than a puppet.
  • Zolarg Scholars Journey to United Earth (2113)
    A team of scholars from the Zolarg Empire, led by the Imperial High Scholar Abbe Amber, set off to United Earth for a study trip of human technologies.
    Scholars and scientists of the United Earth and the Zolarg Empire exchanged each other's knowledge and culture. While Zolarg scholars earned a bunch of precious knowledge which could help the technological development of the Zolarg Empire, the trip had also fostered the understanding between the United Earth and the Zolarg Empire, easing the tension since the Human Civil War a bit.
  • Insectoid Mind Network Technology (2116)
    A breakthrough in neuroscience research in the Zolarg Empire had led to an innovation - the Insectoid Mind Network, designed to foster understanding of consciousness and thinking, and enhancing advanced, direct communication and coordination of Insectoid society.
  • Cyberonic Transcendence (2119)
    A private United Earth research institute Transcendent Technology successfully prototyped Neuro-microchips (NMC), which were compatible with human neuro systems, small in size, but ten times more efficient than average human brains.
    The technology contributed to turning the futuristic cyberonic transcendence reality among humans.

Who knows what the future holds?

Hopefully the timeline looked decent and reasonable for My Colony Universe!
Thanks for reading!

Notes: not all events are 100% accurate.
I am having thoughts of a My Colony universe themed version of My Empire. It would be called Terra Nova and involve the different factions of Earth fighting over the planet Terra Nova. Story-wise, Terra Nova is the first totally earth-like exo-planet discovered by United Earth, and it's full of resources, so all factions will be racing to colonize it.

Game will start with the My Empire engine but add a lot of new features, such as different factions, resource control, much larger map sizes, and also take advantage of some of the newer Scroll3d capabilities I have added since My Empire 1.

I plan to incorporate and employ a lot of the story and lore that we have discussed here in the forums, including some of the early earth factions that @GeneralWadaling has come up with.

Anyway, this game will be a little ways off, but I wanted to open up the thread for planning/ideas/suggestions/etc.
3y ago
And probably rough ideas for other factions
(If the settings is after the Old Earth era)

Red Satellite Drive Yards is the legacy of the Red Satellite Treaty Union (RSTU) of the late Old Earth era. Currently as one of the major spacecraft manufacturing corporation of United Earth, producing countless affordable yet durable spacecrafts for various purposes. Yet with the growing monopoly of Corporate Industries, they urgently need resources to survive and prevent the worst - Terra Nova provides them an opportunity.

Brotherhood of Polaris is a rugged religious organization that witnessed events since the end of the Old Earth era. Due to its origins from third-world countries, currently they are dedicated to provide material and spiritual support to developing colonies with various difficulties. The Brotherhood hoped to create an successful example in Terra Nova where monopoly race has been fierce.

FutureTech Inc. is a research institution that seeks for scientific breakthroughs through studying different phenomenons in space and various planets owning many new research outposts on the frontiers. Recently they have discovered that Terra Nova would be the best location for conducting astronomical researches that would fulfill their mission that was incomplete since the Old Earth era.

Plus victory types ideas:
Total Domination Victory is achieved by wiping out other rivals by military conquest.
Monopoly Victory is achieved by finishing (buying) the colony patent.
Ideological Victory is achieved by completing the civics tree.
Scientific Breakthrough Victory is achieved by building the space telescope.

Updated the HQ designs, the models should spawn facing correct direction by default.
HQ colors for Galactic Freight and Corporate Industries has changed to their corresponding in-game color.
Red Satellite Drive Yard's faction color changed to brown.
(Please replace all the files with newer version :P)
A new HQ design is also added.

I've watched the newest My Colony Podcast, although it is still in build-up stage, but I'm gotta say, that looks pretty good!
although cities of other AIs can be seen without exploration lol, presumably radar

On the other hand, my further explanation on the idea of Monopoly Victory.
It is basically a race to claim the largest share hold of the planet, ultimately seizing control of the planet by an legal takeover. To achieve monopoly, the factions have to find ways increasing the value of their colony and make sure they own a majority of resources on the planet.
Basically it is a race to get highest score. The score accounted for a Monopoly Victory is called Monopoly Score, which included the following:
  • Every city owned - +3
  • Every 1 population of owned cities - +1
  • Every luxury resource yield - +5
  • Every strategic resource yield - +3
  • A building in owned cities - +1
  • Every wonder owned - +10
  • Every natural wonder owned - +8
  • Per tile area of territory - +1
These are the regular ways gaining Monopoly Scores. Here are additional ideas on how Monopoly Score can be obtained:
  • Quests from Earth
    Every 50 turn, a quest would be issued from Earth to all factions on the planet. The faction would compete to finish the tasks in order to gain support from Earth, only the first one finishing the task would be able to increase their Monopoly Score - the most efficient can impress the potential investors.
    Possible quests:
    • Tax Collection
      It's a civil responsibility to pay tributes.... I mean taxes. Now it is the turn for the new colonies on Terra Nova. This will also evaluate the economic potentials of the colonization project.

      Send a required sum of money to Earth.
    • Assured Security
      Some potential investors are concerned of are we able to safeguard their interests in Terra Nova. We'll assure the safety - be employing more security forces!

      Produce 5 MILITARY units basically, of any type.
    • Contest for Tourist Attraction
      There are already some travel guide writers eager to find some really, really special places to visit on Terra Nova. We'll prepare and recommend the best place for them - Before others do so.

      Finish construction of a wonder.
  • Surveying Abnormalities
    Scout Rovers can interact with the natural abnormalities on the map when they have reached one of them. Some discoveries like Exclusive Ancient Discovery and A Nice Place to Erect Our Flag that shows how "special" we are will add Monopoly Scores!
The player reaching a certain amount of monopoly score as well as having a percentage of global monopoly score distribution will have the Monopoly option available. Initiating Monopoly requires a large sum of money that is proportional to the rest of the global monopoly score not owned by you (in other word, buy down everything from your opponents) , but once started, it is an unstoppable victory - The Monopoly Victory.

Hopefully the idea isn't too complicated..... 😅 And hopefully you'll enjoy the idea today!
Also @GeneralWadaling - did you have ideas regarding the different factions posted somewhere? I see you have TS, PT, NGE, AK, but I do not remember what they stand for, and I apologize if you have already posted and told me before. I am going to have a little bit of back story/lore in this game, so was looking for some information on the various factions you have proposed.

Terra Nova is also going to be similar to Civ in that you will be choosing your faction before the game starts, and each is going to have a specific color and leader (instead of using random tokens), along with a back story.

I currently have United Earth, LIS, Corporate Industries, and Galactic Freight as factions. You then implied several above with your HQ models, so I was wondering if you had info on those.

Altogether, I want 16 factions in the game(!) to accommodate the 16 player map size, without having the same faction in the game twice. Each faction will have at least 1 unique unit or structure, plus some extra modifiers.

For story, I am really going somewhat off of your Fan Lore post, before the Human Civil War era, maybe similar in time to the Deimos events. Humanity finds this nice fertile planet Terra Nova, and everyone is making a mad rush to colonize. I think a lot of the factions will be corporations, really LIS isn't even totally a thing yet. But I am sort of relating it to today, where we now have all of the private entities racing to get into space. Here will be something similar.
3y ago
More faction ideas.

Edelweiss Defense Collective by @itsLiseczeq, the idea is an highly defensive faction that plays the style of "glorious isolation"
Edelweiss Defense Collective is formed by a group of small colonies who wished to protect themselves from any forms of external interference, with the ultimate aim to create an isolated utopia among the stars. To protect the interest of the Collective colonies in Terra Nova, although unwillingly, the Collective eventually decided to get involved into the rivalry to colonize the planet.
Fortified Headquarters - Capital city of the Collective starts with city walls.
Fortress - Replaces Military Base. Provides more city HP than Military Base and has extra benefit of +2 🏛 yield. More expensive than a military base.
White Beret - Replaces Infantry. Has superior defense strength.
Preferred victory types: Ideological victory

Martian Industries is an corporation that pioneered the industrialization of early United Earth colonies on Mars, especially with great experiences with resource extraction operations. Their next step is to expend their business further into other colonies, with the project on Terra Nova being the most heavily invested by various stakeholders.
Efficient Resource Extraction - Strategic resource yields of Martian Industries colonies are doubled.
Raw Materials Market - Replaces Bank. +2 💰. 20% value of total 🔨 of the colony contributes to extra yields of 💰.
Industrial Research Labs - Replaces University. +3 🧪. 40% value of total 🔨 of the colony contributes to extra yields of 🧪.
Preferred victory types: Monopoly

More faction ideas

Osaka Robotics which they are less reliant on population for achieving high productivity thanks to their vast deployment of robotics and advanced electronics. An ambitious project has been proposed by Osaka Robotics - to demonstrate further possibilities of automation in the new era by establishing successful colonies on Terra Nova.
Automation Support - Every colonies of Osaka Robotics has +20% 🔨 boost, rounded up.
Robotics Research Facility - Replaces University. +4 🧪 and +2 🔨. Costs slightly higher than a University.
Automatic Farm - Replaces Hydroponic Farm. +50% 🍎 boost and +2 🍎. Costs slightly higher than a Hydroponic Farm.
Preferred victory types: Scientific victory.

Liliane Manors is a family business that gained high prestige and influence among high societies of Earth, from trading and supply chain of luxuries ranging from spices, jewelries to cosmetics and fashion. They wish to expend their success further by exploiting the high value resources in Terra Nova.
Prestigious Luxuries - Luxury resources worked by their colonies has extra yield of 1 civics.
Luxuries Market - Replaces Bank. Yields +3 💰 and +2 extra 💰 per luxury resources worked by the colony.
High Society Clubhouse - Replaces News Station. Yields +2 🏛 and +2 extra 🏛 per luxury resources worked by the colony.
Preferred victory types: Monopoly or Ideological victory.

Yes @GeneralWadaling I would 100% transition Colony Wars to Scroll3D. One of the main reasons the game is incomplete is the pain of creating the 2d graphics, each unit for instance requiring 12 different graphic frames:

It's not so bad for rectangular tanks, but it's not great for anything more complex, which is why I have not been adding new units to the game :-/

I have given thoughts to many of your points.

Firstly, I do not think there would be any big performance hit for fog of war. Scroll3D now handles this natively as you have seen in Terra Nova, there are just some bugs to work out (sprites can still be seen under the fog, as in the town names in Terra Nova).

It is true that the map editor would need to be reworked and that none of the existing maps would be able to carry over. Considering there are only a handful of maps, this is probably not a huge deal. The only downside is that the pathfinder would be slightly more expensive. For example, it is easy to say that tile x:y is not passable, because there is a cliff sprite there. With an actual cliff, you have to say that x:y is passable from this direction, but not if you are coming from this other direction.

A performance improvement could also be made by splitting the map terrain into chunks, say 8x8 or 16x16 tile chunks like MC2 does. Terra Nova does this and as a result will perform far better than My Empire did at large map sizes. This would just require that all map sizes be a multiple of 8 or 16, which is usually appropriate in computing anyway.

The larger model size issue is easily solved, in fact some work was done on in this regard on the Scroll3D engine when I added the Blockhead tokens class to the last My Tokens update, as those models are larger than 1x1 tile, and are wider than they are deep.

To easily animate, I believe each unit can have a base model, as well as an optional secondary turret model. The base model's rotation will be set in regards to the direction it is moving in, and the turret model's rotation would be set in regards to the direction it is firing. I was going to do something similar when I create Gone Rogue 2 using voxel My Tokens characters in the game, as voxel My Tokens are actually composed of three models, the body/head, and then each arm, allowing for arm movement (swinging swords, steering a go-kart in Token Kart, etc). So anyway, a Tank for example would have a model with just the bottom half of the tank, and then a second model containing just the rotating turret section. This same concept could work with structures also, for instance, a SAM site that shoots in specific directions.

In conclusion, I am 100% open to converting this game to Scroll3D. It is ultimately a far easier engine to develop for than Scroll2D is. I suppose the first step in development would be the complete rewrite of the map editor and the path finding routines. Most of the other code should carry over largely unchanged. Like MC2 and My Empire, most of the processing in Colony Wars happens on a separate thread that is completely divorced from the rendering engine anyway.
2y ago
therealchromedino said:
josip0101v said:way to monetize development of this game could be that new update with new tech or buildings cost some $, but after like 2-3 months they become free. then maybe new game update can roll on...

but please, fix saves 1st

josip, I am afraid that I will have to disagree on this. I personally, as a game designer, think that this would be harder to code in, and adds a pay to win aspect. Bast has specifically said that the limited building appearances are not a pay to win thing. This would defeat the purpose of it.

I however have my own suggestion: Add community contests for limited building appearances. This will get the community involved, and I predict that it would cause the community to have a positive reception, therefore increasing limited building appearance sales.

Please, bast, anything but what josip just said... That would cripple Terra Nova and countless others.

With regards,

Dino, Emperor of Terra Nova.

Also, I am working on some rough spriting on possible Internet Relay Booth upgrades, which should add a viable option for late-game entertainment, as these upgrades would go on into nanotech. Off topic, but just wanted to say.

i think you misunderstood what i was proposing.
you 1st offer new tech or buildings or something else for xy ape coins.
  • same thing appears now every now & then, btw.
but when new update comes to turn, it will be included for free. you just pay to get it few months before that.

i dont see how it - would cripple terra nova and countless others -.
1y ago
Greetings again!

This time we'll discuss about victory types.

So far, only a single victory type has been implemented, which is achieved by wiping out all other players.
To make the game more interesting, we can introduce some different victory types (along with ideas of associated game mechanics).

My idea on other victory types would be:
Monopoly Victory - Compete to complete tasks and trade contracts from Earth - Only the most competent may earn the monopoly status on the planet!
Technological Wonder Victory - Achieve innovative breakthroughs in science and create the technological masterpiece which shall make your name everlasting in history books.
Second Earth Victory - Develop your colonies into thriving cities to attract largest number of Earth immigrants and earn the great title "Builder of the Second Earth" for yourself!

Here are the details of each victory type:

Monopoly Victory
To achieve Monopoly victory, first one must earn a lowest required amount of Monopoly Score, then accumulate required amount of money to buy down the entire region before others.

Monopoly Score represents how much stakeholders from Earth see and trust you as an competent administrator of your colony on Terra Nova, which will eventually become vital support in General Assembly to pass your regional patent.
To enable the option buying the patent, your Monopoly Score must reach at least 20*(no. of players).
Here are two ways you can earn Monopoly Score:

All players will receive the same competitive tasks from Earth regularly every 15 turns starting from turn 30, which the objective each time may vary. Completing the task before the 15-turn quest cycle ends will yield ⭐ Monopoly Score, and bonus ⭐Scores can be earned if being the first one to complete the task.

Starting from turn 60, trade contracts form Earth will become available, allowing players to trade resources with Earth (one contract lasts for 20 turns). In addition to resource/money benefits, each active Earth contract also yields 1 ⭐ Monopoly Score per turn until the contract ends.

Once having qualified Monopoly Score, the next and the last requirement would be money. The required 💰 money to achieve victory is 100*(no. of players)+(Sum of top 5 ⭐ Monopoly Score including yourself).

Technological Wonder Victory
Technological Wonder victory is pretty straightforward - it requires completion of all techs and then complete the Breakthrough Project wonder.

This victory type does not require much explanation.

Completing all techs will unlock a victory wonder called Breakthrough Project, the most expensive wonder of the game.
This wonder will take a long time to complete, hence you should also have a city with high 🔨 production yield if you wish to achieve this victory; and during this period you must also protect the project site - The city will be revealed and highlighted to all other players and some will try to stop you from completing it.

Second Earth Victory
Second Earth Victory competes to attract immigrants from Earth. Only well-developed cities with monuments and well-established administrative and cultural infrastructures can fulfill their high-level expectations of comfort!

In simplest way explaining it, it is mainly a cultural competition. 👨‍🚀 Earth Immigrants (which does not count as 👨‍🔧 worker population) will start come to Terra Nova every 10 turns starting from turn 30, and they will only choose to settle in cities with sufficient 🏛 culture yield, cities with certain wonders or higher 🏛 cultural yield/rankings may get extra 👨‍🚀 Earth Immigrants.
Note that 👨‍🚀 Earth Immigrants are transferred if their home city fall into hands of another player!

The player who is first to reach the required number of 👨‍🚀 Earth Immigrants wins the game, which the number depends on number of players the map can hold.

Hopefully some of them won't take complicated work to implement, and could add some interesting gameplay to the game!
A big upgrade coming to the Terra Nova 4X engine that was missing from My Empire is full multiplayer support! Now working in the beta (, you can host a multiplayer game with as many people on your Ape Apps friends list as your internet connection can handle.

Playing multiplayer also unlocks both text and voice chat, so you can easily communicate with other players in your game.

My goal is to release Terra Nova 4X, at least in one form or another, by the end of next month (March 2023). I can't promise that everything will be 100% complete by then, but it will finally be done enough for at least a Web/Launcher/possibly Android release. This game has been on my plate for about two years now, so I am really anxious to finally get it taken care of, sop check out the "beta," report on issues/concerns you have, and let me know what you think so far:

1y ago
Hello guys!

So far at the moment, in both My Empire and Terra Nova, money doesn't really have important uses or relevant to important functions, other than keeping AI happy when they demand tribute (which is always roughly a 10% sum of your treasury last turn).

Which means:
Players can always find themselves end up having hard cash piling up mountain-high in treasury that serves almost no purpose.
Demanding tribute from other AI/player is indirectly pointless for players.
Game over by bankruptcy (if there is) literally impossible.

Hence, to make things utilized reasonably, we should introduce other factors that would make money more important.

  1. Unit upkeep cost
    In simplest manner, you'll have to keep your units paid if you want to keep them on field, every unit would cost upkeep, at the rate of 2 money per turn.
    Considering you don't always have very immediate source of money at the start of the game, at most 3 units requires no upkeep at any given moment.
  2. Purchasing unit/building
    AI tends to establish new settlements at sites with terribly low to nonexistent 🔨 yields which would severely hamper development and productions. This is when directly buying buildings can get handy.
    Buying units can also be useful if you want to pump out one to two extra workers or as means of a desperate defense during wartime.
  3. Resource Trade / Trade Contracts
    Since now we have buildings that requires resource in Terra Nova, we can start thinking about peaceful trade contracts between players or AIs, allow buying resources from other players or AIs using money.
The online beta of Terra Nova 4X has just been updated to v0.5.0 and now includes full gamepad support, as well as an updated 10 foot UI interface when played from a television device.

This update also includes a new 3d rendered title screen similar to the one recently added to My Colony 2, including several starship models provided by @GeneralWadaling . You just have to sit there and watch the title screen rotate for about 5 minutes in order to see all of the ships, lol.

There is still a ton of work to be done on Terra Nova, but I wanted the interface to have full gamepad support for eventual release on both Android TV devices and Steam Deck. I will get to everything eventually though!

10mo ago
so if i understand properly Prizm Homeworld is the orginal you then created IO then when that became independent you created terra nova and the problem is that the taxes from terra nova are going to prizm homeworld?
5y ago

I figured out the backstory here has a little problem when compaired to the LIS’ backstory.
How did Tots kick the Space Marines out of Terra Nova, if the Space Marines has the highly durable Gaiarium armour?


Suppose LIS also don’t understand much about Gaiarium stuff, but they surely know UE Space Marines has the very durable armour.

So here, I’ll do a supplementary info on Gaiarium:
This substance is not acid proof. They are easily dissolved and nullified by strong acids.

Now look at the Battle of Terra Nova, a ciritical event that leads to the rise of LIS.
Let’s say, someone accidentially spill a barrel of acidic bleach onto the Space Marines and found their armour become much fragile that can be pierced by normal firearms.
It could be a lame explaination, but hopefully it fixes the loophole.
LIS campaign ideas part 1.

  • Arsenal of Tyranny
    Admiral, this is our new officer. Lieutenant, this is our leader Tots.
    -Jackins D. Jones

    Good job, comrade.
    (Dismissed Jackins)
    (Looking at player)
    Hmmm. I can see you have the determination to save people from misery of tyranny. Good.
    Here's your first mission. The Space Marines are standing strong that they are a big obstacle of our uprising, you'll lead an assault team to destroy their arsenal, cutting their supplies off.
    Good luck, commander. For Freedom and humanity!
    -Admiral Beuford P. Tots

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all enemy buildings.
  • Bradley Hills
    Nice work, comrade! Terra Nova has been liberated! You're really on the side of freedom!
    Admiral Tots have assigned you to my division to help you familiarise with our operations. While Tots will be busy elsewhere, there are tons tons of things Admiral leave us to handle, and you'll have to take one of the tasks.
    (Reading documents)
    Oh, here's a urgent task for you. Our secret convoy were in trouble a few hours ago, prototype weapons taken away by the United Earth scums. The weapons are now kept in colony Bradley Hills, which is not so far away from Terra Nova. Before United Earth sent the weapons away, take them back safely. Show me your hat trick!
    -Jackins D. Jones

    Mission objectives:
    • Capture the enemy port in the North. Do not destroy it.
    • Destroy all United Earth buildings and units.
I think probably the factions will follow the same tech tree. I will somewhat follow the Civilization model, whereas the factions are fairly similar except each may have a few unique units, or some sort of bonus (one faction might gain money faster, one has stronger units, etc)

I should also implement some of the other Civ-like victory conditions, like the tech victory, culture victory, etc. I will also give the option on game creation to limit it to all out domination, for the player who wants to go all-in.

I was thinking for terrain improvements, the Mine, Farm, and some kind of Fort. Then maybe there could be some specialty ones based on type of terrain. I think I fishing boat perhaps for water tiles as well.

First order of business is to get larger map sizes. The original My Empire gets pretty slow on larger maps, and I think it is because it renders the entire map as one giant object. For MC2, I got around this by breaking the map up into 16x16 chunks, and I will do something similar in Terra Nova.

Next, I want to implement Fog of War, which was not present in My Empire, but I think is important for this type of game, and adds an element of discovery as well.

I need to work out what a city will look like. So yes all players start with a lander, and then new settlements will be made using an outpost like in MC2, so functionally a Lander and an Outpost are both the same as a My Empire settler, except the lander can fly over water. Once deployed though, it would be preferable to use the same city/settlement graphics no matter which unit deployed the settlement.

Anyway, work will start on the game soon. Some of the necessary additions to Scroll3d engine I am already implementing with this current MC2 update, including a better way to highlight units/objects. So stay tuned, I think it will be a fun game!
3y ago
Some early-early-early development testing.

So far features added VS My Empire include Fog of War, and the ability for a city to be differentiated as a capital VS other cities.

Maps are now broken up/rendered into chunks like in MC2, and the play worlds for each map size are now 4x larger than the comparable map sizes in My Empire.

@GeneralWadaling - I like your idea of the cities being a city center building, and then little buildings start springing up around it as your city grows. I am going to use the same functionality in the engine that was used to show wonders on the map in My Empire, where by the cities (city center in Terra Nova) are 16x16 voxel buildings, and the small surrounding structures are 8x8. I think that the primary city/capital will use the fancy HQ structures like the ones you posted, and the other settlements will sort of be like a deployed outpost vehicle.

Next I am going to rework the city name UI from My Empire, to something a bit nicer and with more information on it, more akin to how Civilization does it (example:)

Still a lot of work to do, of course. Thanks for the ideas/suggestions/models!!
3y ago
My Colony developer Brandon Stecklein discusses My Colony 2 v0.16.0, the completion of the Death 3D campaign, My Tokens, and the upcoming Terra Nova 4X.

Play My Colony 2 on Ape Web Apps for any device:

And get your epic My Colony merch here:

Contact Information:

Attn: Brandon Stecklein
Ape Apps
PO Box 30631
Columbia, MO 65205
United States of America
2y ago
Under construction...

Anyway, there is no way it will be done by January sadly. You can see it's super early current state here:
2y ago
Hello @bastecklein!

Here I have some models of "tile improvements" for the Terra Nova 4X game.
I attempted to go for a quite simplistic style for them.

The tile improvement models contained in this pack:
Camp - Probably for forest tiles.
Farm - Food-yielding tile improvement.
Fishery - Offshore tile improvement that provides food yield.
Fortress - Advanced fortification building that provides better defensive bonus for units on it, but also with a longer construction time.
Industrial Compound - In case of low productivity, this will help to boost your industry a bit. Removes food yield on the tile, however.
Military Base - Basic fortification tile improvement for early game.
Mine - Can improve tiles with mineral resources, provides productivity boost.
Offshore Platform - Improves offshore resource tiles and provides productivity yield.
Oil Refinery - Can improve land-based oil tiles. Yields productivity (and possibly power as well).
Plantation - Improves tiles that has plants of great economical values like spice and cotton. Yields money.
Solar Plant - Basic power yielding tile improvement (if power is ever to be implemented in the game).
Starport - Yields money.
Suburb - Increases population limit of the city it is adjacently or diagonally attached to by 5.
josip0101v said:way to monetize development of this game could be that new update with new tech or buildings cost some $, but after like 2-3 months they become free. then maybe new game update can roll on...

but please, fix saves 1st

josip, I am afraid that I will have to disagree on this. I personally, as a game designer, think that this would be harder to code in, and adds a pay to win aspect. Bast has specifically said that the limited building appearances are not a pay to win thing. This would defeat the purpose of it.

I however have my own suggestion: Add community contests for limited building appearances. This will get the community involved, and I predict that it would cause the community to have a positive reception, therefore increasing limited building appearance sales.

Please, bast, anything but what josip just said... That would cripple Terra Nova and countless others.

With regards,

Dino, Emperor of Terra Nova.

Also, I am working on some rough spriting on possible Internet Relay Booth upgrades, which should add a viable option for late-game entertainment, as these upgrades would go on into nanotech. Off topic, but just wanted to say.
Hey @GeneralWadaling , do you remember some time ago you created some voxel artwork scenes, about the UE Day Parade? Was wondering if you had any more My Colony Universe related artwork like that? I was thinking of having a few images, preferably in a widescreen format, that would look good as background art for the title screen of Terra Nova 4X?
1y ago
bastecklein said:Hey @GeneralWadaling , do you remember some time ago you created some voxel artwork scenes, about the UE Day Parade? Was wondering if you had any more My Colony Universe related artwork like that? I was thinking of having a few images, preferably in a widescreen format, that would look good as background art for the title screen of Terra Nova 4X?

Sadly, that is my only MCU-related voxel scene artwork.
However I can provide different resolutions or alternative angles of the UE parade scene if you need more of those.
(Widescreen ratio version is on the way, I'll send some shots by inbox.)

Though, despite irrelevant to MCU, in recent month I did try making other sorts of voxel scenes for my very personal (post-apocalyptic and somewhat retro) sci-fi project. You can see them here (click to collapse)

I might try making another voxel scene for MCU if I came up with some good idea though *:D*
I have updated the Terra Nova 4X public beta to v0.2.0 this morning, and the update should now be live to all who have the installed PWA or are using the Ape Apps Launcher (or just the plain old website);

Along with fixing some bugs, this update adds the Construction Quay structure, along with the new Destroyer and Submarine units (provided by @GeneralWadaling ).

Desert biomes now properly create Oil deposits (before they were creating full on Oil Refineries). You now have to build an Oil Refinery next to an Oil Deposit.

The Charcoal Burner structure now requires that your civilization have access to the Wood resource.

The Artillery and Light Tank units (as well as the new Destroyer) now require that you have access to the Oil resource.

Overall map sizes have been reduced slightly, because I feel like it was placing players too far apart from each other and thus slowing down the action.

I plan on updating the beta every few weeks with new units, features and fixes, so keep leaving the suggestions and comments here and stay tuned for more!

1y ago
@bastecklein , sorry to disturb you, but MC2 is getting much too laggy for me to play now. I have polled some of MC1 chat, and the primary reason they don't check MC2 out is due to lag (My numbers are limited tho). If MC2 was less laggy, more people could play.

I believe that although it has great potential (I myself contributed to it), it does need a few under the hood changes to make it run smoother. A MC1 single city with 190q GDP, 2 million pop, and a huge file size (Terra Nova) lags less on a Chromebook than a MC2 world with about 500M-3B GDP, ~400k people, and lesser sprawl than the MC1 colony (Terra Divitiae [Which isn't even the craziest colony]).

I believe that maybe a simulation distance from settlements where if you are too far away from a settlement it does not load in (Nor stays loaded in once it is out of simulation distance).

But that is just a thought.
So, this new world called Factorio1 has risen up to 2b GDP. As the man behind Terra Divitiae, it is simply impossible to reach 2b GDP with only 6k people. So, I believe that this is yet another modded world that slipped through the cracks.

Terra Divitiae is the legit one. If you are familiar with the MC2 trade, you will know how it reached there.
Ok, i added screenshots, as you can see, IO became independent april 28, I then created Terra Nova on May 3rd, using the charter code of IO. Yet it states its a cw of Prizm? I think there is a bug in there somewhere. If a colony becomes a CW, gains a charter code, then using that charter code wouldnt the new colony become a colony of the newly independent CW?
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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