Structure Orientation
While placing decorative flag in the capitol sector on my colony, it struck me as odd that we can only flip certain structures two different ways. It would be nice to be able to flip them four different ways. I have zero coding experience, but I cant imagine that implementing this would be too difficult.
Edit: I had originally created this as a poll, however it appears we cannot create polls on this new forum yet, so simply reply to this post with your response to the idea of being able to flip structures more then just two ways.
Well the current reasoning behind the flipping isn't difficult from a coding perspective, it's just that I would have to draw more images of the buildings from different directions, which would take a lot of time. It will probably be implemented eventually, but it just isn't as high on the priority list.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
okay, that makes sense. So if I were to get images of the buildings from different sides, would that make the change more likely to happen sooner?
Possibly? Maybe just do one building first, and I will see how many changes I need to make to implement it.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Will do. I have no artistic talent, so I am first going to see if anyone in the FFF could do it, if not I will try my hand at the artistic things. Will try to get the flag done first as it would probably be the easiest and also would only need one model for all the flags.
There are a bunch of I's.
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
Thank you @hushush, I really do like how hose look.