Quite, especially when underneath that it says you have x amount of jobs but only y filled and y is much less and less than the number of colonists....
This should be on bug reports, and I’m having the same problem btw. I have more colonists than jobs (I intentionally deactivated some arcologies so colonists would get jobs at recycling centres), some are unemployed and the number appears negative.
Main colony: Whiterock
Charter id: fzDPMMWG
Playing since: 0.38
Platform: iOS
If you deactivate a building with workers, those jobs become unavailable and the total number of jobs available drops by the number of workers for that building. I'm noticing quite a few workers remaining in those deactivated buildings, and assume they will remain there until they find another job. This means they are not unemployed and thus are counted towards the number of jobs filled. The result is having more jobs filled than jobs available, or a negative unemployment number. I'm willing to bet you have workers lounging around in deactivated buildings collecting an easy paycheck to do nothing