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My Colony v0.43.0 Released

Today My Colony v0.43.0 has been submitted to all platforms and should be arriving on your respective device shortly. I am still working on getting the bugs from the big engine overhaul worked out, and they are getting better for the most part, but the primary focus in this release was on new content. It had been quite a while since a new content release was made, and this is one of the largest ones ever. So without further delay, here are the release notes!

My Colony v0.43.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Map Type: Ice World (LIS and Zolarg)
  • New Resource: Crystalline
  • New Structures: Fantasy Land Arcology, Ore Synthesis Lab, Big Playhouse, Micromine, Regolith Furnace, Compacted Snow Path, Diamond Crystal Reactor, Alien Enrichment Facility, Crystalmound, Ore Tunnel, Synthetic Crystalline, Independence Hall Level 2
  • New Vehicles: Tundra Rover, Tundrabug
  • New Techs: Next Gen Power Production, Crystalline Synthesis
  • New Premium Content: Monument of Heroes, Blue Residential Complex
  • A new Center Map option has been added for buildings, allowing you to select the new "center" location of the map.
  • There is a new build options screen on road tiles, with a slightly revamped upgrade flow. A similar experience might be coming for Structures too, if people like how the new one looks.
The biggest change revolves around the addition of the new Ice World map and the new Crystalline resource that was added along side it. This was my first test of having a map type work across multiple civilizations, and I think it works alright for the most part.

The Ice Maps are very micro-managy (especially on the Zolarg side), and much is yet to be added. They are fully playable right now though, just don't expect an easy ride. You particularly need to be careful to conserve Gold so that it does not run out before you have the means to produce it artificially. I expect Ice World maps to be profitable export colonies in the future.

In addition, some other much needed (in my opinion) items have been added to the game, including a Level 2 LIS capitol building, allowing the annexation of new lands. Also, a better Uranium facility, and an upgraded method for producing Ore on base-regolith type maps. A new Arcology type was added, and the old Arcology now provides education to its inhabitants. The Internet Relay Booth now also provides a small IQ boost. Oh yeah, the forum has moved too, so if you have not yet done so, you will need to create a new account.

Moving forward, the next update (besides working on more bug fixes) will probably focus on the Zolarg some more. I want to get the Zolarg race more fleshed out before adding in the next civilization, which will probably be the evil Reptilians.

One more thing, some of you might remember the My Colony Podcast I was doing a while ago. I plan on trying to merge the podcasting server here with the new forum and maybe doing another episode just to see how it goes. Then again, maybe I wont. We'll see.

So that's all for this update. There were probably more additions and changes that I didn't remember, but you get the point. Thank you to everybody for playing and stay tuned, much more to come!
Waow!!! Good job on this big content update...
I think there is some issue with windows desktop version (native client) maps suddenly goes white screen freeze some seconds after loading. I don't seam to have issue when i load the same saves onto android version.
Anyway that was just FYI, i cannot imagine everything going perfect always...
My Colony is growing just the way i like, keep doing well as you do...
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I too am having the white screen issue with this new version as well.
Is the synthetic crystalline supposed to spread, as it warns in the description? If it doesn't spread or regenerate, it's almost impossible to get past the end of your supply of crystal on an LIS ice world.
gdcrystal said:Is the synthetic crystalline supposed to spread, as it warns in the description? If it doesn't spread or regenerate, it's almost impossible to get past the end of your supply of crystal on an LIS ice world.
Yes it is supposed to spread, quite a bit faster than the trees do. The natural crystalline does not spread, only the synthetic that you "plant" yourself.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
bastecklein said:Yes it is supposed to spread, quite a bit faster than the trees do. The natural crystalline does not spread, only the synthetic that you "plant" yourself.

Hmm, mine doesn't seem to be doing so. Does it require atmosphere as trees do?
gdcrystal said:
bastecklein said:Yes it is supposed to spread, quite a bit faster than the trees do. The natural crystalline does not spread, only the synthetic that you "plant" yourself.

Hmm, mine doesn't seem to be doing so. Does it require atmosphere as trees do?

No, shouldn't.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Nope, they don't spread atm.
mine doesnt spread either
Yeah not working here either.
I'm playing as LIS on Android, if that helps debug

Loving the idea

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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