Has anyone been receiving messages from a Colony called BAN ME AGAIN?
I´ve received it, someone in my CW got a message.
Others saw a independent colony with that name, another said it joined his CW....
yea the dude is posting stuff on trades free
some one lost a colony du to one of the buys and is pissed lol .
But he is not posting any large amounts of resources so really if he wants to post stuff free no ones going to be harmed .
As for him messaging people I immange he just wants to Grip to who ever he can about losing a colony .
Now I wonder if he is a free player ? lol
I finy broke down and bought the game the turbo construction bots is a must have lol .
Heck i just lost a really good main to the stupid flip bug then went back into a old main and found that my colonists were all not working find out tehy are RICH super rich even 600 quitillion coins rich I taxed them back to 500 in savings .
Needless to say I ending up with 599.999999999 quintillion tehn I lost with teh otehr colony lol .
No messages, but he's spamming the GTB with resources.
Commonwealth of Groddle
Groddle | Bell's Pyramid | Glitch
Hmmm, maybe "Ruffians" got banned?
Zorak said:Hmmm, maybe "Ruffians" got banned?
Looks like it since TRIPPED is now independent and indicates independence from UE instead of RUFFIANS.
Commonwealth of Groddle
Groddle | Bell's Pyramid | Glitch