Search - basic family shelter

Today, Basic Modeler has received it's first major update since becoming it's own app and moving to it's own domain (, and this update is fairly significant, so let's take a peak at what is new!

To begin with, Basic Models now support texturing, which is a huge improvement over plain color models. You can see an example in the image above, where an Earth texture was applied to a sphere. Adding a texture is fairly straightforward. There is a new Textures panel next to the code input panel, and each texture you add to the model gets a new variable name (ex $tex0, $tex1, $tex2, and so on). I will do writeups in the new Sharing and Examples forum soon with examples and instructions on how to apply textures to each different type of primitive shape that the app supports.

With this update, the #scroll3d engine now includes full built-in support for rendering Basic Models, so future games written using the engine will be able to use Basic Models for graphics, as opposed to (or along side of) Voxel Paint models. I am also in the process of overhauling the Death 3D engine (which also powers the game Dungeon Infinity) to use Basic Models instead of Sprites for game objects, which is a pretty significant undertaking, but was somewhat necessary to facilitate the support of full VR for those Death 3D based games, which I am also in the process of working on.

When I first showed off the Basic Modeler concept eight months ago, I demonstrated how the system could be used to create a basic Blockhead Token (the latest Token type from My Tokens), but the model was simple and non-textured. With the new enhancements to the Basic Modeling system, all Blockhead Tokens code is in the process of being migrated to the Basic Model format, and you will soon be able to export your Blockhead Token character to a Basic Model file (will be available in the coming My Tokens update).

I have added a new mobile-friendly layout to Basic Modeler in this release, so the application can now be "used" on a mobile phone. I still do not suggest using it in this way, but the possibility is now at least there.

Basic Modeler now has a new Add Object button, which will automatically create all of the primitive types that the system supports, as well as a few small example objects that you can look at to get a better understanding of how Basic Modeler works.

Finally, Basic Modeler now support full file type associating when installed as a desktop PWA using a chromium based browser (Chrome or Edge). If you install Basic Modeler as a PWA, you will now be able to simply double-click on a *.bm file on your computer, and have it automatically open up in the app.

What is the point?

So you may be wondering what the point of Basic Modeler is, what it's for, where it fits in the Ape Apps ecosystem, and why not just use something like Blender to make models?

The primary reason for the Basic Model system is to be able to quickly and (somewhat) easily generate 3D models in code, so that a future game engine of mine can automatically create new items/objects on the fly.

A game could, for example, have a sword, and the game package could include one base model file, and through code, several different sizes, shapes, colors, and other variations of the sword could be generated by making simple small modifications, to where the game could include hundreds of different swords based on the same model script.

Anyway, I do not necessarily except anybody other than myself to be using Basic Modeler, at least not until a game comes out that uses it and supports modding, it is there to play with nonetheless, and is going to be an important part of content creation for Ape Apps games in the future!

What is coming next

The next major feature I need to add to Basic Modeler is model animations. You can already do animations in code if you assign your objects to variables, but I want a way to predefine them within the model file so you can automatically run them by simply setting a flag. So that is what is next for Basic Modeler.

So anyway, if you are on a desktop computer and interested in modeling, you can check out Basic Modeler today!

2y ago
Hello, guys! It's 8pm in my area right now, and tonight, I am going to present my file for a possible future building, the Basic Family Shelter! This mod is an object bundle. Here is the file for the game mod:
Object Bundle:

Building Standalone:

Alright, let me know if there are issues by replying to this post. That is it for now, thank you, and I will see you all later!

Hello, guys! Today, I will be showcasing the Basic Family Shelter, which will be my first submitted model building to the MC2 community. Here is the file:

Alright, I hope you like it!
Hello, friends! Here I am! Today I will introduce a new structure, the Basic Family Shelter! This building is a small 1x1 building made of wood, ore, and some steel, gold, and microchips. This house will fit some residents and can be used in any world after getting wood from trees or (in a treeless world) from a greenhouse park. Like other residential buildings, this requires not only energy, but also water. Here is the voxel model:

No further changes will be made to this model unless otherwise announced or noted.

Alright, that is the end of this MC2 suggestion! I hoped you like this, and have fun playing MC2! I will see you again later, fellas!
Hello, guys! Today, I will be presenting my suggestion, the Basic Family Shelter! It features an mostly ore building but some of the beds and top segment are made of wood. Here is the voxel model:

How does it look, and what should I improve on it?
Apologies to @Reyn at RPF for stealing this post code for code, but I plan on using it to expand and improve the BB Code rendering of the general Ape Apps forum software. Some rendering will appear off, since sections here using RPF's spoiler tag would, on this software, be better suited for the collapse tag. -b

Bold Text:Bold Text
[b]Bold Text[/b]

Italic Text:Italic Text
[i]Italic Text[/i]

Strikethrough Text:Strikethrough Text
[s]Strikethrough Text[/s]

Highlighted Text:Highlighted Text
[highlight=#FFFF00]Highlighted Text[/highlight]

Tag:Tagged text (tags are invisible in the actual post, but visible in the editor)
[tag="TagExample"]Tagged text (tags are invisible in the actual post, but visible in the editor)[/tag]

Size Huge:Big Text
[size=200]Big Text[/size]

Size Tiny:Baby Text
[size=50]Baby Text[/size]

Coloured Text:Coloured Text
[color=#FF0000]Coloured Text[/color]

Left Align:
Left Align Text

[align=left]Left Align Text[/align]

Right Align:
Right Align Text

[align=right]Right Align Text[/align]

Center Align:
Center Align Text

[align=center]Center Align Text[/align]

Font:Text in a different font (this one is perfect for serious posts)
[font=Comic Sans MS]Text in a different font.[/font]

Opacity:Text with different opacity
[opacity=50]Text with different opacity[/opacity]

Glow:Text that GLOWS!
You can also combine this with coloured text!

[glow=#ff0080]Text that GLOWS!
[color=#000000]You can also combine this with coloured text![/color][/glow]

Dropshadow:Text with a dropshadow
[dropshadow=#ff0080]Text with a dropshadow[/dropshadow]

Blur:You need an eye test.
[blur=black]Blurred text[/blur]



Transparent Text:Secret invisible text
[color=transparent]Secret invisible text[/color]

Indent:Indent for your text
[tab=50]Indent for your text[/tab]

Marquee:Marquee text: text that moves across the screen. It doesn't work inside spoilers, but trust me. It works.
[marquee]Marquee text.[/marquee]

Link:Link Text
[url=]Link Text[/url]

Link To Tag:You can use the URL code to link people to tagged points.
[url=#TagExample]You can use the URL code to link people to tagged points.[/url]

Reyn said:Text Someone Else Said

[quote=Reyn]Text Someone Else Said[/quote]

Code Block:
Hackerman Text (doesn't parse BBCode like [b]this[/b])

[code]Hackerman Text[/code]

Code Line:Also doesn't parse [s]BBCode[/s]

List (Bullet):
  • More Text In A List

[list]Text In A List
[*]More Text In A List[/list]

List (Numbered):[list=1]Text In A Numbered List
[*]More Text In A Numbered List[/list]

[list=1]Text In A Numbered List
[*]More Text In A Numbered List[/list]

External Image:

Attached Image:[attachment=0]att.PNG[/attachment]

MP3 Embed:





Box 2 (You can change the border with this one)

[box2= color=#00FF88 border=transparent]Box 2[/box2]

Gradient Box (RGBA Values):
Gradient Box RGBA (Basic directions are "to top" for a vertical gradient and "to right" for a horizontal one)

[gradbox d=to right b=transparent c=rgba(255,223,223,0.8), rgba(160,49,86,0.8)]Gradient Box RGBA[/gradbox]

Gradient Box (Colour Names):
Gradient Box Words (It only works with RGBA or colour names. Hex values are incompatible. You can put as many colours in as you want.)

[gradbox d=to top b=black c=orange, yellow, green]Gradient Box Words[/gradbox]

Image Box:
This is an imgbox. There is an image as the background of this.

[imgbox=]This is an imgbox. There is an image as the background of this.[/imgbox]

Spoiler:Spoiler:Spoiler text
[spoiler="Spoiler"][spoiler="Spoiler"]Spoiler text[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Spoiler2:[spoiler2=blue,yellow,castellar,"SPOILER 2"]You can edit the colours and font etc.[/spoiler2]
[spoiler2=blue,yellow,castellar,"SPOILER 2"]You can edit the colours and font etc.[/spoiler2]

Columns of text
Boxes work in these
Specifically, 2 columns of text.And guess what:Spoilers also work in these

[column][col]Columns of text[box=yellow]Boxes work in these[/box][/col][col]Specifically, 2 columns of text.[spoiler="And guess what"]Spoilers also work in these[/spoiler][/col][/column]

Float Text
(Doesn't play nice with boxes or spoilers, but wraps normal text around it nicely. Use with caution. Lorem ipsum not included in code, for the sake of space and convenience.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit porttitor ut sodales mauris aenean, primis nec dis per natoque. Primis laoreet pulvinar tempus senectus sociis pretium vehicula inceptos leo, malesuada eros nibh augue fringilla hendrerit et mattis pharetra, cum egestas in penatibus parturient imperdiet erat commodo. Placerat risus nam eros imperdiet faucibus vitae aptent accumsan, quisque massa laoreet ac est sem tellus, mattis curae vulputate egestas leo sociosqu eleifend.
Justo semper nulla enim eleifend tempor aenean integer pretium ultrices, mollis dis aliquet mi ornare pellentesque himenaeos diam potenti, neque vestibulum cursus dapibus commodo vivamus sociosqu in. Odio magnis nec non auctor dis magna eget vulputate, consequat faucibus tempus sed sem litora quam aliquam placerat, natoque eleifend ac metus per purus enim. Netus penatibus suscipit sem bibendum facilisi sed vulputate, montes inceptos curabitur cum nibh euismod, curae nunc rhoncus potenti parturient tellus.

[float=right]Float Text


Adjusts the amount of space text and images take up.

Adjusts the amount of space text and images take up.[/width]

[comment]Only visible in the post editor.[/comment]

Line Break:Line


Div blocks allow you to change all of the formatting in pretty much every way possible (text colour, border colour/type/weight, font, background colour, width, float, display type etc.).

It also works with other things
and boxes
Guess what? It works with columns too. It works with pretty much everything, so go experiment with this!
You can also set the background to an image and have several div blocks next to each other. Neat!

Use THIS guide if you want more detail on div things.

[div="color:black;border:3px black dashed;font-family:arial;background-color:#FF6696;display:inline-block;float:left;width:70%;"]Text here.[/div][div="color:yellow;border:2px black solid;font-family:courier;background-image:url(;display:inline-block;float:right;width:28%;"]Wow![/div]

This is a TABLE You can put text here And it makes it into a table
The width of each column is determined by how much you type in it so don't be surprised if it doesn't work
with shorter entries [td]text here[/td] makes a new column [tr]text here[/tr] makes a new row

[tr][td]Row 1 Column [/td]
[td]Row 1 Column 2[/td]
[td]Row 1 Column 3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Row 2 Column 1[/td]
[td]Row 2 Column 2[/td]
[td]Row 2 Column 3 (etc.)[/td][/tr][/table]
6y ago
Hello commanders.

This post will integrate all of my previous ideas with refinement, plus some new ideas.
The ideas will be updated or added in the comments.


For the objects, the colour of the text represents the following factions.
  • United Earth (UE)
  • League of Independent States (LIS)
  • Alpha Draconians (AD)
  • Zolarg Empire (ZE)
  • Neutral

Gameplay Suggestions
  • Demolishing Buildings
    In case you don't need some of your own buildings.
  • Cancel queued productions
    In the game there's not yet any ways to cancel queue, which means inflexible financial management when you're running out of credits.
  • Area of effect damage
    You know currently we don't have a way to counter the swarming troopers besides producing lots of troopers. We need something explosive...
  • Garrisoning
    One of the classic features of C&C style RTS that will make urban warfare better!
  • Able to control buildings
    If some building is able to make research or has special actions, this is needed.
  • Make training queues building specific like in My Colony
    It is a bit difficult to manage units and unit productions if trained unit just pop up in a random barracks/factory. So I think this will make troop training process better.
  • Visible construction range
    This will help placing buildings without tapping somewhere else you cannot place building.
  • Power meter
    As the game's power mechanism is not yet complete, this is an necessary suggestion.
  • Researches
    Some research elements can change the tide of the war. This will make more amazing battles.
  • Superweapons
    Why not?

  • United Earth
    • Commonwealth Infantry (T1)
      United Earth's proud protectors of prosperity and order. These troopers are put under 3 years of various training before they come into services. With their full loyalty and strict discipline, they are one of your reliable soldiers on the battlefields.

      It is just renaming the in-game infantry.
    • Commonwealth Rocket Infantry (T1)
      Rocket Infantry Camp is one of the divisions of United Earth's military, where newbie troopers are being trained into anti-tank specialists at the battlefronts. Carrying BOAR launchers, they take out enemy vehicles and aircrafts. Best companions of infantries.

      It is just renaming the in-game rocket infantry.
    • Engineer (T2)
      Not all soldiers fight at the battlefronts. These nerdy engineers who complete their school at military universities are one of the examples. Anything about machines and computers are not a problem for these engineers, they are even able to modify alien machines.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      Can repair civilian building when garrisoned into.
    • Jetpack Infantry (T2)
      Jetpack infantries are adopted by United Earth military, due to their high mobility and aerial advantage over most units on the ground. Besides as an effective scout on battlefields with rough terrain, they can also make effective assaults on infantries.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      In addition, I want to give it a stealth detection ability.
    • Space Marines (T3)
      Elite of the elites. Space Marines Corps represents the United Earth's iron fist power, established since 2061. Entering the Space Marines Corps is definitely one of the dreams of United Earth soldiers - given the best training, able to use the high tech gadgets, paid with highest wages, and of course, chance to become hero like Sarge! Most of them are cladded with power armours, though some commandos do not to wear them.

      Tier-3 shock troopers that uses plasma guns.
    • Marines Commando (T3)
      Experienced, outstanding marines will be promoted to commandos, which they will be put into military labs to receive another 3 years of training to master various difficult skills and have some bioengineering modifications on their body. Once they have completed the course, they are SUPERSOLDIERS.

      UE commando can terminate infantries quickly with their heavy machine gun, tough as a tank, and can instantly blow up enemy buildings and vehicles using dynamites upon close contact.
    • UE Harvester (T1)
      Supply lines that are too far away from the home world are hard to maintain. In this case, local resource extraction is the mean to make supplies cheaply. That's why these mining machines get some use on the battlefields.

    • ‘Hound URV-25’ Recon Rover (T1)
      These unmanmed vehicles are not a very new stuff to military even in the year of 2051. They can be remotely controlled, which they have greatly decreased unnecessary casualties during scouting tasks. Low cost and small size is also the reason it becomes popular. Now we can even install a machine gun on it, allowing it participating in combat tasks.

      I just simply give the rover a code name. BTW @bastecklein do you plan to give it stealth detectors? :)
    • ‘Ocelot’ Light Tank (T1)
      The ‘Ocelot’ series light tank has been inside UE arsenal for more than 10 years, as one of the standardized light tank due to their balanced combat ability and a reasonable manufacturing cost.

      Code name given.
    • ‘Tigerclaw’ battle Tank (T2)
      ‘Tigerclaw’ battle tank is the bigger cousin of ‘Ocelot’ light tanks. While shares the similar chassis design, this tank is mounted with a dual 83mm gun turret, which provided the tank with better firing efficiency and firepower. There are rumours about in the first deployment of these tanks, one tank can destroy 5 enemy tanks of similar classes by average before being destroyed.

      Rename the medium tank in the game and give it a code name.
    • ‘Jaguar’ Heavy Assault Tank (T3)
      Like its code name tells, ‘Jaguar’ heavy assault tank can quickly destroy enemies with its devastating firepower. Its 134mm plasma gun can penetrate any armour, while it has a portable regenerative shield for extra protection. They are one of the backbones in most tank formations.

      Heavy tank of the
    • ‘Thunderstorm’ Missile Tank (T2)
      ‘Thunderstorm’ is the new generation of self-propelled missile launchers in UE arsenal. This mobile missile battery has two modes. Artillery mode allows it to destroy enemy from a long range. Defender mode allows it to respond to threats from the air by launching volleys of missiles.

      Depends on your needs, you can switch between two modes quickly.
    • Striker UAV (T2)
      A full development of UAV (military drones) in recent years has successfully replaced manned aircrafts, which UAV comes in with a smaller size, lighter weight, and more capabilities in ground support missions. Striker UAVs are one of the variants developed, which carries a explosive missile for hit-and-run attacks.

      Light attack aircraft. Can target both land and air.
    • Attacker UAV (T2)
      Attacker UAV specialises heavy bombardment tasks, extra plated with sturdy armour for protection. Every liberty delivery includes 3 bombs for your foes!

      Bomber craft.
    • Gunner UAV (T3)
      Gunner UAV is a hovering heavy gunship. This heavy aircraft releases pulses of plasma shots that blasts enemies into ashes, while its heavily plated armour hull can withstand lots of punishments from anti-air weapons.

      Heavy aircraft that flies and fires slowly, but with a large ammunition capacity that allows continuously bombarding the enemies using the plasma gun. The plasma gun is also anti-air.
    • ‘Angler’ Patrol Boat
      Even though not much improvements has made on these old-fashioned speedboats, they are still effective defensive recon boats in UE arsenal. It is cheap, it is nimble, and its machine gun can respond light ship attacks.

      Here also gives a code name to the in-game patrol boats.
    • ‘Grizzly’ Amphibious Transport (T1)
      Amphibious transports has its most significant importance in beachhead landings during operations in oceanic planets.

      As well, give the in-game amphibious transport a code name.
    • ‘Aegis’ Escort Ship (T2)
      The seas can be as dangerous as on the land, ships may get attacked by aircrafts and submarines. ‘Aegis’ Escort Ships are hence built to protect the shores and the seas with flak guns and torpedo launchers.

      In addition, detects submarines. The big drawback of Aegis Escort Ship is it cannot attack land units.
    • ‘Tidebreaker’ Missile Cruiser (T3)
      Traditional battleships with large caliber guns are becoming obsolete in UE arsenal and are replaced by these more lightweight but stronger missile cruisers - the new generation backbone of the navy. Besides wielding higher accuracy than cannon artilleries, it can change firing modes for different situations, either the long range mode for hitting the enemies from a safe distance, or medium range mode for heavy firepower but at a reduced distance.

      Backbone warship.
  • League of Independent States
    • Militia (T1)
      These militias composes the majority of LIS infantry divisions, comes from various colonies of LIS. Though they lack professional training like soldiers of , their devotion to free the colonies from United Earth (and other autocratic sovereigns) is irreplaceable. Their motto: ‘The blood of the martyrs will water the seedlings of freedom’.

      LIS basic infantry that uses old-fashioned rifles to fight. Cheap to train, but relatively weak on battlefields.
    • Grenadier (T1)
      Grenadiers are basically militias who utilises explosives, which their grenades are effective destroying combat vehicles and buildings.

      Anti-vehicle infantry.
    • Hacker (T2)
      Not all systems can be hacked and taken over remotely, in this situation you'll need field operations. That's what these hackers are hired for, they infiltrate a building, hack into its systems, and put it under LIS's control.

      LIS equivalent of engineer, but it cannot repair buildings.
    • Saboteur (T2)
      Disruption warfare is one of the tactics of LIS, aimed to bring down normal operations of the enemy. The saboteurs do the dirty job, they sneak into the enemy's base under the help of optical stealth generators, they can steal credits from enemy silos and refineries, they can turn down generators, facilities and even weapon systems.

      Infiltrator. Stealthed all the time. Consumed when entering enemy building.
    • Laser Trooper (T2)
      Laser is one of the affordable yet powerful choice of weapons. Under years of development, LIS is capable creating devices that launches a hypercharged beam of laser capable to cut through thick alloy composite armour, even in a long range. Leading to the birth of Laser Trooper Division, it further proven LIS has independent military capability to protect themselves, and set more colonies free from United Earth.

      Shock troopers. Has a decent reload speed. Excels taking down aircrafts and tanks.
    • Blue Cross (T3)
      Blue Cross are the elite marksman of LIS military. They hide in shadows where bare eyes cannot see. They can take down armoured Space Marines effortlessly. Even drivers inside the vehicles can be killed only using one shot.

      LIS commando unit. Stealthed if stationary. Also detects stealth. If the target is a vehicle, it may turn the vehicle into a neutral, captureable status, which a UE engineer, a LIS hacker, a Zolarg missionary or a Draconian hyjacker can capture the husk to convert it to own faction.
    • ‘Marauder’ Attack Jeep (T1)
      Attack jeeps are modified from old jeep designs, they have missile pods installed on the top. The high horsepower engines remains their high mobility. When they encounter the enemy, they'll unleash a volley of rockets, devastating enemy light vehicles and aircrafts. LIS usually utilizing it for a guerilla warfare.

      Anti-vehicle anti-air light vehicle.
    • LIS Harvester (T1)
      Though they are assembled using second handed components and husks from black markets and chop shops, they still work in the same way as it should be, which its standard can compete that of United Earth's version.

      Equivalent of UE harvesters.
    • Scorch Tank (T2)
      Even though in this era, flamethrowers are still very effective destroying fortified defenses. With the improved composition of fuel used by these Scorch Tanks, almost anything can be reduced to ashes. Burn baby burn!

      Anti-infantry anti-building tank. Clears out enemy garrisons in buildings.
    • ‘Hunter’ Cruiser Tank (T2)
      Like the code name tells, it hunts for preys. These tanks utilizes strong firepower and high mobility in most terrains to destroy enemy tanks quickly at their weak spots. Though its armour is not very reliable at all.

      Battle tank of LIS.
    • ‘Lancer’ Beam Tank (T3)
      Beam cannons on these experimental beam tanks are not ordinary as you expects, its beam can vaporise anything within seconds. The beam tank not only having a strong firepower, it can switch between modes - At mobile mode it is a strong battle tank. At deployed mode, it has doubled firepower and increased firing range.

      Heavy assault vehicle of LIS.
    • ‘Rat’ Light Self-propelled Howitzer (T2)
      Cheap-to-go artillery vehicle used by LIS for siege and fire support tasks. Though it is an artillery, it can mobilize quickly for quick response.

      LIS artillery.
    • ‘Sparrow’ Patrol Copter (T1)
      These patrol aircrafts are the eyes of LIS military in the air, they effectively searching for enemies, even those hidden in somewhere not noticed by others will not be able to escape from their sensors.

      Recon aircraft. It is armed with an anti-infantry machine gun. Detects stealth. (This aircraft does not occupy aircraft landing pads.)
    • ‘Red Hawk’ Fighter Jet (T2)
      Conventional aircraft for surface support operations and enemy aircraft interception. The coaxial machine gun and the missile pods would help them manage most enemies in the battlefields.

      All-purpose fighter jet.
    • ‘Piranha' Waterbike (T1)
      ‘Piranha’ waterbikes swifts like wind, specialised raiding enemy ships using rockets. A squad of these waterbikes can be unstoppable.

      Hit-and-run light ambush vessel.
    • ‘Salmon’ Transport Submarine (T1)
      These small submarines are specialized for crossing the seas secretly, carrying an assault team inside.

      Troops may embark on or evacuate from the submarine when the submarine is surfaced. When submerged, only anti-stealth units and torpedo weapons can detect them. Detects submarines.
    • ‘Swordfish’ Corvette (T2)
      These simple corvettes composes most of the naval forces of LIS. A pair of powerful ship gun will blast enemies into the skies.

      LIS warship.
    • ‘Stingray’ Nuclear Submarine (T3)
      As the backbone of LIS navy, these submarines has high combat capabilities. While sneaking in the seas, they sink the enemies without being noticed. When they surface, they launch volleys of missiles that bombards the enemies miles away.

      Backbone warship of LIS. Stealthed when submerged. When surfaced, the missiles can also attack air units. Detects submarines.
  • Alpha Draconians
    • Extractor Drone (T1)
      Whenever you are seeing mineral fields are disappearing in an weird way, there might be stealthed Alpha Draconian mining drones digging them. Stealth device protects extractor drone in most cases.

      Alpha Draconian harvester unit. It is rather an ‘infantry’ more than a vehicle. Detects stealth.
    • Sentry Drone (T1)
      Besides on battlefields, sentry drones can be also seen in prison camps and slave camps, or in riots. The minigun equipped on them shreds the flesh of any living things.

      Basic ‘infantry’ of Alpha Draconians.
    • Ambusher Drone (T1)
      Harnessing the powerful ion beams and being stealthed when standing by, no vehicle can stand for more than few seconds when swarmed by them.

      Anti-vehicle 'infantry’ of Alpha Draconians. Stealthed when idle.
    • Hijacker Drone (T2)
      Hijacking devices on this drone are able to take over a facility within seconds, especially useful in battlefields. It also has minimal armaments for self protection against patrols.

      Equivalent of engineers and hackers.
    • Executioner Droid (T3)
      Executioner Droids are superior combat droids that their combat capabilities can be compared to a commando, only one can be assigned to one Alpha Draconian warlord. They are also the only droids given with a personnel teleporting device, which helps them bypass the defense line safely and launch sudden attack on the enemy's weakest spot, or evade from most dangerous situations.

      The droid can teleport itself at any explored location of the map. Armed with a beam gun that continuously damages enemy.
    • Modular Combat Hovercraft (T1)
      A hovering small bunker that obtains armaments from drones that it consumes. Uses anti-infantry minigun when no drones inside.

      Each MCH can only receive one drones for armament upgrade. Recieving a Sentry will obtain a double minigun turret. Recieving an Ambusher will change the main weapon into a stronger beam gun. Recieving a Extractor will give it a stationary stealth generator. Recieving a Hijacker will obtain an EMP emitter that unmobilizes the target enemy. Drones who have entered will not return, due to components being assimilated. Amphibious.
    • Piercer Hovertank (T2)
      Piercer hovertank uses a fully flexible autocannon as a weapon with two firing modes. Tank cannon mode attacks land units, while flak mode attacks air units.

      Anti-vehicle or anti-air battle tank. Amphibious.
    • Monitor Hovertank (T3)
      A new class of artillery researched by Alpha Draconian engineers, which it is installed onto a modified, stable hovertank chassis.
    • Devastator Hovertank (T2)
      Alpha Draconians has make use of their advantage of owning major ether reservoirs, leads to this infantry devastating weapon under use, at the cost of breaking 133 galactic military regulations.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Clears out garrisons in buildings.
    • Dominator Hovermech (T3)
      Dominator Hovermech, the steel behemoth of the battlefield. Its beam-emitting eyes can stare anything to death.

      Heavy warmech.
    • Judge Gunship (T1)
      A nimble, light jet propelled gunship carrying proton launchers.

      Gunship aircraft.
    • Eliminator Saucer (T3)
      One of the ultimate destruction weapon of Alpha Draconians. The saucer unleashes a super powerful destruction beam when flies above enemies. Nothing will survive under its strong fire.

      Bomber aircraft with extremely low mobility.
  • Zolarg Empire
    • Swarmers (T1)
      Unity is the power - that's the motto of the entire Insectoid race. That is especially reflected on these swarmers, make up of various insectoid workers.

      Melee squad. Quick and cheap to train, extremely dangerous in a group, though they generally has a weak toughness
    • Rangerbug (T1)
      Insectoid militias that uses a primitive hand cannon to fight against enemies, which they are common local defense forces in Zolarg Empire.

      Ranged anti-vehicle infantry of Zolarg Empire. Can be switched to stationary mode (flak mode) that changes their attacking target from land to air.
    • Martyr (T2)
      These martyrs are suicide bombers, faithed and determined fighters of the Zolarg Empire. Fires of explosion will purify everything!

      Suicide bomber infantry. A large group can breach heavy fortifications if given appropriate support.
    • Missionary (T1)
      These religious missionaries will make way for Zolarg Empire - Influence buildings through devine powers... Somehow works.

      Equivalent of engineer, hacker and hijacker. Can heal infantries inside the same garrisoned buildings.
    • Apostle (T2)
      Apostles are usually the leaders of Zolarg militias, who ‘delivers the divine message from the Emperor’, fortifying the morale of the fellow brothers. Besides boosting morale, it also provides adequate firepower, from their heavy machine gun.

      Heavy infantry. It rides a beetle.
    • Awakened (T3)
      The insectoid warriors that have awakened their power controlling energy flow surrounding their body. They can release energy blasts from their hands, or unleash deadly melee attacks.

      Shock troopers of Zolarg Empire. Detects stealth.
    • Redeemer (T3)
      The redeemers are insectoid warriors with mastered supernatural powers. Besides able to attack like awakened, it also has a ability to brainwash a small group of enemy, permanently turning them to own side.

      Zolarg commando. Detects stealth.
    • Attack Rollercraft
      (Notes: Insectoids call wheeled vehicles ‘rollercrafts’.)
      These highly mobile attack rollers are manned with a driver and a grenadier, which explosives mixed with sticky ant paste are tossed to enemies at close range for most destructive effect.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Can temporarily unmobilizes enemies blasted by explosives.
    • Landship (T1)
      Zolarg Landships are primitive tanks, wielding high toughness from thick armour (and a decently strong main cannon). It is also a effective infantry transport on land.

      Anti-vehicle tank. Can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Siege Landship (T2)
      A heavier version of landship. It is not just tougher, its cannon can fire more than one type of ammunition - Cannonballs focuses on countering tanks and destroying fortifications from a long distance, while napalm will set fire that scorches the infantries.

      Note that it does not do anything carrying infantries. Napalm can clear out garrisons in buildings.
    • Boarding Party (T1)
      Boarding parties of Zolarg Empire are not just terrible in the space but also equally terrible on the seas. Their ship will quickly ram onto yours and the boarding party will soon tear your ship into useless scraps.

      Navy melee ship. It is also a troop transport, can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Ironclad (T2)
      A rather modernized warship of Zolarg Empire. Slow, but has devastating ship cannons.

      Ranged melee ship.
    • Bumblebee Squad (T2)
      A flying group of winged Insectoids, with a duty to throw bombs onto enemy army, or sometimes aircrafts.

      The only Insectoid airforce unit.

  • UAV Control Tower (UE aircraft factory) (4 aircraft capacity)
  • Experimental Tech Centre (Tier-3 tech building)
  • Flak Pillbox (UE anti-air defense)
  • Torpedo Platform (UE heavy naval defense)
  • Plasma Cannon (UE heavy defense)
  • Propaganda Centre (UE combat support/research building)
  • Space Uplink (UE superweapon)
  • LIS Command Lander (LIS command centre)
  • Encampment (LIS barracks)
  • LIS Ore Refinery
  • Burner Generator (LIS power generator)
  • Garage (LIS vehicle factory)
  • Seaport (LIS naval yard)
  • Black Market (LIS Tier-2 tech)
  • Data Bank (LIS Tier-3 tech)
  • Bunker (LIS basic land defense, garrisonable)
  • Gunner turret (LIS basic anti-infantry anti-air defense)
  • Hacker Camp (LIS combat support/research building)
  • Airfield (LIS aircraft factory) (4 aircraft slots)
  • Laser Tower (LIS heavy defense)
  • Sea Sentry (LIS naval defense gun platform)
  • Missile Silo (LIS superweapon)
  • Depot (LIS silo)
  • Microreactor (AD power generator)
  • Central Command Hub (AD command centre)
  • Drone Pad (AD barracks)
  • Raw Material Teleporter (Refinery)
  • Launcher Node (AD basic defense)
  • Offshore Launcher Node (AD naval defense)
  • Stargate (AD vehicle & aircraft factory)
  • High Frequency Node (AD Tier-2 tech)
  • Conquest Center (AD Tier-3 tech)
  • Secret Operation Centre (AD combat support/research building)
  • Stealth Field Generator (AD special defense)
  • Ether Storm Generator (AD superweapon)
  • Home Mound (ZE command centre)
  • Forge (ZE refinery)
  • Outpost Mound (ZE barracks & basic anti-infantry defense)
  • Rangerbug Burrow (ZE anti-air defense)
  • Stockpile (ZE silo)
  • Landship Workshop (ZE vehicle factory)
  • Drydocks (ZE naval yard)
  • Command Post (ZE Tier-2 tech)
  • Shrine of Destiny (ZE Tier-3 tech)
  • War Academy (ZE combat support/research building)
  • Temple of Doom (ZE superweapon)
Today I am releasing the v2.5.0 update to My Tokens, and this update comes with the ability to export your Blockhead Token characters as Basic Model (*.bm) files for use with Basic Modeler!

Exporting is fairly simple, you simply switch your lobby view to the Blockhead Tokens setting, select one of your Tokens, and choose Export .bm. You will then be able to save the .bm file to your device, which you can then load up and do whatever you want with using Basic Modeler.

Exporting your token also gives you a good overview of the Basic Modeler script syntax, and you can also see all of the images used for the various parts of the model.

The other cool new feature as you will notice in the first screenshot is the option to Export Skin.

Now My Token skin parts are not laid out in exactly the same way as, say, a Minecraft skin, but the models are pretty much proportionally similar (even if a Token skin is higher resolution) and all of the parts are there. I'm sure a motivated coder out there could make a quick script to hack apart the .png and put it back together in the correct order to where you could make a Minecraft character out of a My Tokens character, but I will leave that though to others. I guess looking back I should have made the skins in the same order that Minecraft uses, but this work was done a long time ago when I first created the Blockhead Token, and there is no way I am going to go back and remake all of the existing Token skins, so it is what it is!

So anyway, that is it for this update to My Tokens. It is significant, as I am in the process of converting the Death 3D engine away from using 2D sprite to using Basic Models, as part of the engines upgrades to support full VR on devices like Oculus and Google Cardboard (2D sprites just don't work very well in VR, for the most part). The My Tokens update is live now on the Web and Launcher, and should be hitting other devices in the coming week, so enjoy!

#mytokens #basicmodeler #death3d
2y ago
With the recent release of Basic Modeler v1.4.0, we now have basic syntax to define some basic animations for our models.

There are currently two supported animation commands, which are rotate and position.

In the manner that variables are defined by using a $ symbol, animations are defined using the @ symbol.

So suppose we have an object, we will call it an arm, assigned to the $arm variable, and we want to rotate it on the X axis.

We can make a new animation called armswing, and define it like so:

@armswing > rotateX($arm, 4, 0, 50);

What does this all mean? In the rotateX function (rotate object on X axis), the first argument is the variable storing the object we wish to rotate. The second argument is the speed at which we rotate. All arguments are stops in the animation in degrees, so in this instance, the arm will rotate from 0 to 50 degrees and back.

You can use rotateX, rotateY or rotateZ functions. There are also position functions of the same that use the same arguments, except they move the object rather than rotate it. These can all be chained together in a single animation as well.

It all sounds confusing, so I have attached a basic model file, a blockhead token that demonstrates the various animations and chains them together.

Animation support was the last step needed for being able to utilize Basic Models in games, so I'm glad to finally have it in there and ready to go!

1y ago
some scattered thoughts:
  • Could be possible to remove the children from the colonist house slot? or adding separate slot for children (0-18) and Senior citizens (65+).
  • I will love to see more specialist buildings for different age, like kindergartens and rest homes
  • Since people will die.. we will need cemeteries
  • The growing is to little, the colonist need to do more baby, or soon my map will be full of retirees colonist, and some baby, Like Italy in this day. Deport the senior citizens is not.. a good way to handle the problem.
  • Other thing about the first point. My Colony until now have pretty much only industrial city. All city have just one purpose, produce something. Pretty much everything is a primary and secondary sector. I'm not sure will be a good idea the ageing, at least on this way. Now we have 8 not working slot, and only 12 active, without any control. The house should remain for working stuff. If the citizen can't work (to little or to old), should occupy other slot (like.. kindergartens and rest homes), but not the current house, at least without adding slot for baby and senior. Even if we can move building, will be a mess to adapt current city, or constantly changing the city with the change of citizens.
  • Could be possible adding more control on the birth rate? Like the worker ratio, No children policy, 1 children for family, 2 for family, or 4 for family, ecc
5y ago
No response yet from the community. Lunch.
UPDATE: I have released this suggestion as an mod in order for community feedback. Lunch.
I have released an screenshot of what the building looks like in-game. Here is the screenshot photo file (SPF):
maybe try gradient painting the gray and filling in the windows of the top section- looks a little short to me
1y ago
spamdude said:maybe try gradient painting the gray and filling in the windows of the top section- looks a little short to me

I did create the painting, we will see how it goes. Thank you for your suggestion to my voxel model.
UPDATE: Changed costs.
Do you dislike my models? No attack, but this one is more broad! Imagine if many were to like it. What would it look like?
Lunch. So I have released another suggestion called Trespassers, see it now and I may release this as a mod over the weekend.
Improvements/changes to model:
Changed the size and created a new model from scratch (the old model was awkward looking in the game)
Added an larger doorway
Added gradient painting to the top and filled in the windows (as suggested by @spamdude)
I hope this suggestion may get implemented in-game within the near-future.
@bastecklein, when you will consider this idea?
Hello there, friends! Today is (technically) my last day of school this year. Today (and yesterday), we were dismissed early. I am excited for this summer break. I also have some plans on improving my mods in My Colony 2, for possible inclusion into the game (Basic Family Shelter, Trespassers, Earthlike (still in early development)). That is it for now, and I will see you all later!
Guys, it has ben a month since this post was released. I am not rushing, but I expect this idea to be considered in the future.
Man, I have been inactive since a long time. School has already started, so my activity will be limited, only full activity on this forum on weekends or holiday breaks.
I'm the only one commenting on this other than @spamdude.
I am updating this post to keep it within the latest ones.
Any improvements or issues shall be noted with a reply. Otherwise, this is ready to go into the game!
This isn't getting enough attention.
I must keep on commenting for this to gain attention by @bastecklein.
sorry that's not how it really works :/
1y ago
November is here and with it comes My Colony 2 v0.43.0, the Community Content Dump UpdateTM! What does that entail? Let's find out!

Before looking at the new content, there are a couple of minor engine and other miscellaneous changes here as well. I have fixed a bug where the sell object button was not working. I also fixed a bug where the infantry units were super tiny.

Four existing structures received new artwork in this update. The Spice Den ( @therealchromedino ), the Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis ( @therealchromedino ), the regular Gold Synthesis Lab ( @GeneralWadaling ) and the Ore Refinery ( @GeneralWadaling ).

The Forest World now has 15 new tree models provided by @rahtdrgn . In addition, the Sports Stadium is now also buildable on the Forest World map.

Also thanks to @therealchromedino , we have a new military unit in this update, the Battle Droid! This is a more expensive version of the existing infantry unit, with the same firepower but a higher armor rating and it does not cost any population to build. It also builds from the War Factory instead of the Barracks.

Settlements can now be upgraded to levels 6 and 7 in this update. I am thinking that Level 7 will be one of the requirements for declaring independence and founding a Nation.

The Political Theater research tech is now available to unlock as well.

In addition to the above, this update contains 26 new structures. I will list them out below, along with the user who provided the artwork for each.

New Structures
  • Column of Dominion ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Leadership ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Protection ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Artistry ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Welcome ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Power ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Perfection ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Truth ( @spamdude )
  • Burning Individual Statue ( @spamdude )
  • Blue Brick Road ( @therealchromedino )
  • Jewelry Store ( @RekEm1999 )
  • Basic Family Shelter ( @Architecture1134 )
  • Hall of Congress ( @GeneralWadaling )
  • Restaurant ( @RekEm1999 )
  • Uranium Synthesis Lab ( @therealchromedino )
  • Mart ( @spamdude )
  • Convenience Store ( @spamdude )
  • Dealership ( @spamdude )
  • Mixed-Use Office Block ( @spamdude )
  • Spice Store ( @therealchromedino )
  • Spice Spa ( @therealchromedino )
  • Retro Arcade ( @SPARKY0303 )
  • Dark Solar Road ( @OilChan )
  • Diamond Solar Road ( @OilChan )
  • Oil Burner Station ( @OilChan )
  • Oil Fracking Operation ( @OilChan )
If you enjoy the new content please be sure to thank the above artists for their contributions to the game!

That is all for this update. With all of the new structures added, it may well be that some things need rebalancing, so play around with the new stuff and let me know what you think. There is still a ton of work to do on My Colony 2 and there is no way I am going to get it onto Steam before the end of the year as I had hoped, but that is ok! We will just keep plugging away at it and it will just keep getting better as the months go on!

Thanks for playing everyone, and stay tuned for more.

1y ago
spamdude said:sorry that's not how it really works :/

Well, evidentally it worked.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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