Search - shadow banned

Planet Type: Shadow

Orbits around: black hole

day/night cycle: eternal night, but darker, solar energy non-existent.

Atmosphere: 2.5 million

Solid terrain features: a dark, almost featureless surface, very disorienting to look at.

Liquid terrain: Black water - a mixture of water and dark matter. Non-trade-able. Can be used as a crude heat source, but not for drinking. It tends to heat up quickly when in motion as dark matter tends to create pure energy when it's particles collide.

surface resources: gold, uranium, aluminum, glowing purple crystalline, ice

surface plant-life: luminous trees that provide small amount of light and lumber

Planet specific resource: Dark matter - a very powerful energy source once it is separated from black water. It's every civ's final energy source and can be used to power a large fraction of a region, but is very costly and would be very difficult to keep in stock. Dark matter is also healing to insectoids. They soak it up like a sponge and can gain powerful abilities from it, such as higher intelligence and more control over antaura.

Other features: This planet is darker than regular night, with barely any ambient light coming from the black hole's accretion disk. The player must rely on lights to be able to see their colony in order to manage it.

Races to inhabit this planet: Insectoids only.


- a portable altar is built from crystalline. It provides only one job.
- water from ice patches is sacrificed on the altar(s) to produce a small amount of antuara.
- A black bug collects black water from black water bodies.
- An enlightenment chamber uses antaura to purify the water to render it drinkable, but the dark matter is absorbed by the insectoids, raising their IQ's, so it vanishes.
- crystalline is used to dig for ore.
- ore is used to make black water furnaces. A black water furnace mixes black water to create heat. That heat is in turn used to melt crystalline into sugar.
- subterranean sugar farms are built that automate sugar using water, requiring more enlightenment chambers and portable altars.
- After the player starts to build mining projects, then they are back on the regular insectoid's tech path, although they won't have another source of drinking water until they start to mass produce antaura, as black water is in the ground as well, so no wet mounds or cones. For mid game, another building called the dark altar can be used to separate black water into pure water and dark matter, although not all of the dark matter is preserved. The amount of water that is produced is much more than the enlightenment chamber.
- The player now has a small supply of dark matter. They can either chose to sell it, or they can use it in a couple of different ways. It can be used in new medical buildings as it is healing to insectoids, it could also be used for new research buildings that would study the strange material, or maybe it could have some entertainment and tourism uses.
- In later game, a shadow temple would be used to mass produce dark matter and water while consuming tons of antaura.
- Finally, a building called a spire of darkness would be the insectoid's best source of power. Except on this planet, they have an unlimited amount of dark matter. For other colonies, getting this level of power will come at a cost.

Other info:

I was thinking that since this planet would be darker than night, insectoids needs some new lighting. The insectoid glow lights are cool, but perhaps they could do with some better ones. Perhaps crystalline or ether could be used to make good lights. I'm suggesting a new crystalline steet lamp that could come in three different colors: blue(to fit in with ice world) red(for lava world), and purple(for shadow world)
4y ago
My colony has been banned from the server and it shouldn't be. This is what I was doing :

Today I was having some colonists retiring. I saw their average savings : 2700. "Mmh, I should tax them a little bit...". There you go, I open the hall of congress...Tax collection... Once...Twice...Mmh, another one...(everything working fine) I wanted to give them back some money so my approval would be better, so...A fourth one, and BAM "You collected $0 in taxes", auto save, "You have been banned for cheating".

Note that I went fast : I was clicking the button like every second. So maybe the game thought I was earning money too fast. As I have 649k colonists with around 2700 average savings I should've earned 630 million in 3-4 seconds (taxing 3 times). But still, shouldn't get banned.

I'm really baffled to what happend and I really hope this has a chance to be resolved. This is my main colony and I spent hours and hours on this. I've never ever cheated. There are players trusting me on that.
I don't even care about loosing the 103 billion, I just want the access to the online part back (haven't tried if I have it though as I panic-force closed, but don't want to try anything).

I forced close the game just after it auto-saved. I didn't re-opened the game since then.
I have a backup of the colony from 5 minutes before it happened.
If I load the latter, do I have a chance ?

The colony :

-desktop client
-version 0.69.0
-windows 10
My previous account was banned for spamming apparently under the name Mercurial. Kinda hard to spam when I only had about 6 posts in the My Colony part of the forum.

I tried to get in touch on Twitter, that didn't work and I sent a couple of emails to the support address but no reply (+2 weeks).

1) Can I please have my old account back since I didn't spam and you banned me from mistake

2) Can you please hire a couple of volunteer community managers to help you run the community since you're clearly busy with making the games

6y ago
The moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived, the release of My Colony v0.50.0 - the fighting 50!

50 is a nice round number, but is the update nice and round as well? Let's take a look at what is new and what has changed:

My Colony v0.50.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Bloodletting Station, Spire of Knowledge, Quantum Sugar Cloner, Uranium Silo
  • New Unit: Ancientbug
  • New premium content: Orb of Radiance
  • GBT: Added cooldown time between GBT trades, increased transaction civics costs, GBT contracts with lot sizes above your trading capacity no longer appear, You can no longer trade in lot sizes above your gifting capacity, The server can now limit the size and price of your trades.
  • Storage Limits added: Aluminum, Uranium, Gold, and Clay now have storage requirements.
  • Resource Decay: Resources left sitting outside of storage will now decay.
  • Collect All: You can now collect all gifts at once with a single click.
  • Message Reporting: There is a new in-game mechanism to report abusive PM's.
  • Rebalancing: Antanium Synthesis Lab and Triantanium Refinery now offer a small amount of storage. Money generation from the Investment Bank and Clothing Sweatshop has been reduced.
  • Tech Window: Each available tech now shows what new structures is contributes to.
  • Online Colonies: Colonies played in online mode now require an internet connection to play.
  • Right Click: Mouse users can now quickly move vehicles using the right click button.
  • UI Changes: A bunch of small UI improvements carried over from Antiquitas v1.0.0 were added.
  • Galactic Emperor Tax: Possibly the last tax the emperor will ever collect!
Additional Notes

I had intended this update to be a big Zolarg content update, but instead was required to spend most of my time making changes to the GBT and it's associated API. As some will know, I've never really been thrilled about having the GBT in the game, and am even less thrilled in having to micromanage it. Ideally people would be able to conduct themselves as adults and treat the GBT system with respect, but I'm afraid that is not what has transpired. The actions of a few bad apples have thus forced my hand to really crack down on the Galactic Board of Trade, and several changes have now been implemented to that effect.

The first issue was involving the actual server API which the game contacts in order to do trade deals on the GBT. I threw the script together quickly to facilitate an in-game trading feature and didn't put any effort into security. This made it easy to exploit. Since the vast majority of players play in offline mode, I never gave it much thought, but over the last week, one of our players with a lot of free time on his hands really took it upon himself to hit the API hard and did a significant amount of damage to the online in-game economy. New security measures have been added, but they are not present in older versions of the game, and the server API cannot be fully patched without cutting off access for older versions of the game. For this reason, in one weeks time, access to online play from any version of My Colony older than v0.50.0 will be disabled. So if you play online, please update as soon as the release is available on your platform.

Here is also a first and only warning on this matter. Every call to the API is now logged and any user taking advantage of any exploit will be permanently banned from the service altogether. All of your colonies will be banned as will any device that you have been logged as having connecting to the service with. I do not care if you paid for premium or not, you can still play the game offline.

Other issues with the GBT involve using it for storage or using it as a means of transporting large amounts of goods from one colony or another. I don't consider this an exploit, but new measures have been put in place to block it from being used in this manner. The purpose of the GBT is to facilitate trades between colonies and nothing more. Using it for other purposes interferes with the pricing structure of the market and has an impact on the in-game economy for any player who plays the game online.

There is a new Galactic Trade Authority bot that monitors all trades on the GBT and logs trades which are considered grossly out of step with the current market realities. There is no auto-banning or "three strikes your out" feature associated with this. Everything is logged and will be reviewed by a human moderator (me). If it is decided that you are taking advantage of the system, your access to the GBT may be blocked.

There was also a new Galactic Emperor tax levied. This is the Emperor's highest tax ever, coming in at 95% of everything over $750m, and 100% of everything over $10b. This was imposed because of the API hacker who auto-purchased every contract on the market, leaving some players with an ungodly amount of money. If you got your money legitimately, then I am sorry, but this is the way it is. You can thank the abusers for the tax.

The good news is that as of this update, the resources of an individual colony can now be edited directly by the server if need be. For that reason, there probably will not have to be anymore global galactic emperor taxes levied. Because of this change though, all colonies in online mode are now required to have a constant internet connection. Really, this should have been a requirement from the start. If you cannot be constantly online, then consider playing the game in offline mode.

There have also been issues with users sending abusive messages through the in-game messaging system, including threats and other forms of harassment. To combat this I have added a new reporting feature which you can see in all new mail messages that arrive. Message reports will be reviewed by a human, and if you are conducting yourself in a manner which I do not feel is right for the game, then you will be banned from the service.

Anyway, like I said before, I really hate having to be a nanny here for the game. I'd much rather spend my time adding new content and features. If you don't like the new changes and don't want to see any more controls added in the future, then please encourage your fellow players to use their heads when playing the game. The API isn't there for my own benefit, I'd just as soon get rid of online play altogether, as it caused more headache than it is worth. The feature exists entirely for the benefit of those who want to play online, but if it can't be handled properly I have no problem taking it away. The vast majority of users play offline and wouldn't even notice if it was removed.

On to better things, you will notice some UI improvements that have been carried over from Antiquitas (which is now available and you should download (and 5 star) from here: ). Zolarg also received a few new things, with more coming in the next release. There is a new Ancientbug which is their version of the E.T. Builder, and their first alien structure is the Quantum Sugar Cloner which is a vast improvement over the Sugar Farm and takes up far less room. Insectoids will be getting a lot more alien content in the next few updates.

Also, there are only a couple of resources left now that do not require storage, and that will be soon changing. Keep that in mind and plan your colonies accordingly.

Between now and the end of the year, the updates are going to focus on Zolarg content. Once 2018 hits, the Reptilians will be making their way into My Colony, and the way they operate is going to be a bit different than the other races. They will make the difference between Humans and Zolarg seem insignificant. But until then, enjoy the update as there is still a lot more to come!
6y ago
Thank you. I spoke with Blarg, he said I have to tell you that I can revert back to a save game that isn't banned yet, if you remove that flag. (I guess you know what he's talking about).

EDIT 09/05/2018 for anyone having a similar issue : Bast told me my colony wasn't banned on the server, I updated to 0.70.0, played my backup and it worked perfectly with full access to online features.

Thread can be closed (or idk how to do).
My previous account has been banned and I am unsure of what to do next. I am wondering if I am able to appeal. I enjoy the games made by ape apps (especially My Colony) and want to see them grow. My email was hacked by a sibling of mine, and they won’t budge to give me the password, so I am unsure about why I was banned or what I can do.
4y ago
Was just looking over the stats of My Colony on Google Play, and over the last several days the daily downloads have dropped from the 400 range to less than 10 downloads per day!

Pretty dramatic sudden drop. I haven't had any notice from them about a policy violation or uptick in errors or any other issue. Has anybody else noticed anything strange on the Play Story? If you try to find My Colony, does it still come up for you in search?
4y ago
At the moment the game is still standing on the search list
(Notes: For some reason the game name is translated in my region when I see it on Google Play, it already happened before v1.5.0)



Typing ''colony'' or ''my colony'' gives the same results as Wadaling here, even in incognito search.
The search seems to work.

Maybe they have remove the game from the "game suggestion"?
4y ago
The most likely reason is a bug. There have been some reports of taxing citizens causing a colony to be banned from the server under certain conditions. It sucks to have a colony you've put a lot of work into banned from the server, but at least you can still play it in offline mode. The game is in beta so you play it at your own risk.
7y ago
Report inappropriate colony names on this thread and include the link to the colony's website. Please check to make sure you aren't reporting a name that has been previously reported. Inappropriate names are colony names that contain vulgarities or curse words which may get the My Colony game banned from the various app stores. Please do not post on this thread unless you are reporting a colony name.

As long as your colony is in offline mode you may name your colony whatever you wish.

If you are the owner of one of these colonies please change your name. Failure to do so will result in your colony being banned from the server. Once a name is reported and added to the list below, the reporting post will be removed from this thread. This will prevent this thread from developing into several pages and hopefully keep reported names easier to track. Thank you.

Names reported:

7y ago
selling ore for so much money isn't a nice move, ppl will buy it accidently. and banned is banned, sorry.
7y ago
My colony got banned without having it open... I haven't done anything and from one second to another, it was gone.
6y ago
Hi, I'm Tony.
Today my game pop up a message that said "My colony was banned because of cheating.".
I thought that's because my money or GDP grew up so fast these days.
Two days ago, someone bought everything I put on the trade market, even 1M of Aluminium with 1T per 100.
You can track the log of these trade on your server, I won't lie to you.
I don't know who bought my resource, then I keep put the resource on the market.
I didn't cheat, I'm not a cheater, I like this game.
I also want to know who has so much money can buy these things.
So can you unban my game save then I can play with everyone in the world??
Thank you.
6y ago
I was banned too, lost my commonwealth with 200+ members and a RRR-Index of 125...
6y ago
Ottoich said:I was banned too, lost my commonwealth with 200+ members and a RRR-Index of 125...

oh dear lord.i feel for you man
6y ago
The game banned my colony, Papa's Freezeria. I didn't even have any way to trade online yet, all I had was an export cannon. Can an admin please help I want to be able to actually play the game.
6y ago
The Anti-cheat has banned more player who haven't cheated then player who cheated. sadly.
6y ago
They will get banned if I determine they should get banned. That is the only criteria.
6y ago
Dude there was no spam, you banned my account by mistake along with someone else, at least fess up. Can I please have the block removed on my old account so I can re-register.

6y ago
Good Day My Colony Forum Users,

I have just about had it with the user MaroutoutMars1, who is a destructive character.

MaroutoutMars1 or ADN on Discord has been on all Federation Discords. Including NOZ which I am leader, FFF and the NUF, who are currently having trouble herding him. Everywhere he goes, chaos follows. He was firstly banned for continuously breaking the simple channel rules and showing bad attitude. It was a community decision of over a dozen seniors to ban him.

Very soon, ADN was also banned in FFF for the very same thing. FFF was even more patient in dealing with him and it caused them a full day of chaos in their servers.

Now ADN is on NUF servers, under construction NUF, and as he does, causing trouble there.

Just recently, FFF and NOZ was upset to find our threads defaced by none other than ADN/MaroutoutMars1. , scroll down to see his big red font diatribe against the NOZ.

I will leave it to the leaders of FFF to fill the community in.

I seek all that have had impossible experiences with him to come forward. He is a cancer to this community.

**Mars/ADN will try his best to spam this thread. Please be patient and read other comments.

Grand Wizard of NOZ

6y ago
the apes have long been trying to escape earth, since their natural habitats where being destroyed. then they invented space travel and left earth for a new forest planet, and started a new colony. how did they do this, because they where genetically mutated by the toxic waste humans dumped in their habitats. the apes are not friendly with united earth, they have not forgiven them for destroying their habitat, and are currently siding with lis in order to help them win the revolution with united earth. the gorillas are great at creating a new type of resource, bananas, these fruits can be used to create cheap food for colonists, or eaten directly if your a gorilla. gorillas are also the only civilization that can be banned from immigrating to your colony if you happen to be a united earth colony. in fact they are automatically banned from entering your colony, and you need independence from united earth in order to allow them in. if you do let them in be wary, because your citizens dislike being near gorillas, and will disaprove of them if they start to grow in numbers.
6y ago
Patchdaddy said:Report inappropriate colony names on this thread and include the link to the colony's website. Please check to make sure you aren't reporting a name that has been previously reported. Inappropriate names are colony names that contain vulgarities or curse words which may get the My Colony game banned from the various app stores. Please do not post on this thread unless you are reporting a colony name.

As long as your colony is in offline mode you may name your colony whatever you wish.

If you are the owner of one of these colonies please change your name. Failure to do so will result in your colony being banned from the server. Once a name is reported and added to the list below, the reporting post will be removed from this thread. This will prevent this thread from developing into several pages and hopefully keep reported names easier to track. Thank you.

Names reported :

4y ago
Just had a player join my game and start a settlement with a profane name. I went ahead and banned the player from my game, as I'm not interested in dealing with that. I wonder if there's a possibility for some profanity restriction in future developments.


1. Some way for a settlement/player data to be removed if banned.
- Might need a secondary check to make sure players aren't just banning without a proper reason, maybe a text box to input reasoning.

2. Filters for profanity in settlement creation dialogue.
- Same going for nation creation/outposts/etc later on

3. Profanity filtering for chat.
- option to opt out in menu
2y ago
Greetings and salutations prospective colonists.


Join NOZ.



I always accept Annex requests regardless of the debts you owe to your tyrannical Overlords.
Now onto the introductions.

I am the Nomad commander of the Desert Nomads
We thrive while others merely survive.

Desert Nomads are the descendants of the early pioneers who first began to explore the far reaches of space, in search of freedom from persecution and the preservation of free will.

Due to the United Earth Commonwealth's corruption and the high leaders trying to subdue and rape their own colony's the Desert Nomads were forced into action thus forming what is now known as the shadow legion by forcibly taking over a (nearly) forgotten pre-war military testing facility located near Groom Lake in what was once the fabled silver state of Nevada.

Today the Desert Nomads have spread their influence all over the galaxy and standing as Peacekeepers and enforcers.

United we stand or separate we shall fall.

Eternal Glory to The Nomads of the Federation
Once a Nomad always a Nomad.

We are dedicated to helping the last few survivors get a self-sustainable colony up and running with minimal early on struggles due to the UEC's domineering tyranny.

To receive your fabulously generous starter join us on discord and sound off on #signup
Additional gifts are given periodically so long as you are active.

The longer you have been in the colony and grown the more likely to be granted more expensive resources eg cloth, uranium, aluminum, and artifacts.

Discord makes everything better including my gifts and your My Colony Experience.

Emergency food/water supply's always available upon request via in-game or forum msg...honestly, if you get to the point in which your colony is starving the first possible reason is that your name is "My Colony" and thus did not receive your fabulous starter pack.
The second possible reason is you never asked for help and let the poor buggers starve.....

Incidentally, the price of rocket fuel is directly proportional to the price of tea in China... Who knew?

Apparently, radiation makes it hard to grow. :D

If you join send me a PM with your colony name or just join Discord and I'll send an extra gift.

Having trouble with Taxes? Just ask for money Or Rum to keep em pacified

Hope you enjoy, NOZ has an awesome Discord server.
Join here and have fun!

A Brief bit of wisdom from The Nomads of the Federation.

Check for announcements and updates on the My Colony Forum often.

Never fear to ask your fellow members for help and support that's why the forums are here.
If the worst should happen remember to hang together or else we will most assuredly all hang separately.

The most important bit of wisdom in both life and gaming is to always remember to keep your mouth from writing checks that your posterior can't cash and telling the boss that the reason you did was cause you accidentally slipped and broke your word won't make the hammer hurt any less.

When the soldier in front of you is killed pick up his rifle/ammo and then shoot until you either kill the enemy or are killed by the enemy in which case know that the man behind you thank's you for the bullets you saved him from and that the rifle you dropped upon death will be used to kill more after you have fallen.

DONT PANIC or as the Brits say KEEP CALM CARRY ON.
And remember to bring your towel.

The Legion awaits your arrival.

Desert Nomads WebPage.

7y ago
Hey guys.

Today i have Installed My Colony app. I thought it would be easier than playing the Web Version every time. But i forgot that i’d not be able to load my Main Colony on the App. So i went back to the Web Version, only to discover that both my Colony and Premium Account have dissapeared. Any help? I’ve spent a lot of my time on building that Colony and don’t want to start again.

6y ago
Hey Bast, two requests in response to this update (I know, it's new and has quirks, just letting you know what I've seen)

1. The new shadow for placement is awesome for 1x1 buildings, but for 2x2 and gives a weird overlap and makes it very very hard to see how many you are placing in a line. If it can work for 2x2 and up size buildings where it's not overlapped, that would make it perfect.

2. I am thrilled there is an aluminum generator on steroids now! However, the GBT for Relics is pretty much dead and only the stargate allows import (at 100,000 for like 2 billion dollars). Can we have relics in the space elevator and mass driver as well so they are a bit more attainable?

Thanks for the hard work!
6y ago
Oo this is interesting.
The atmosphere though I would probably set to zero since its by a black hole?
Could allow for interesting resource management for keeping the atmosphere thats constantly being drained off.
Could also be a good reason to add more Terra forming buildings.
4y ago
That's a good idea. The planet will always be dark, but could be a challenge to produce more atmosphere than is lost. Insectoids don't have many terraforming buildings, but like you said, this could encourage some to be introduced.
4y ago
I've been thinking, since this is a dark world, I'm getting kind of a "pitch black" vibe. If you haven't seen the movie, it's about people who crashland on a planet that has a very long eclipse, except that eclipse comes from a gas giant. When the lights go out, the creepy crawlies come out too, and they are hungry. So it's best to stay in the light if you value your life.

Using this, I'm not suggesting having colonists die to the darkness. But I am suggesting that lights be another vital utility on this map. I'm suggesting that each residential build should have another property, sanity. when Sanity goes down, happiness goes down with it, but the two aren't evenly proportional, as you can have happy but insane people just as you can have angry sane people. But sanity will not only affect happiness, an insane person would be unable to work, and would loose health and happiness for every day that they are insane. Only certain things would affect sanity, light being one of those things, entertainment being another major factor, and Sanitariums being the last major element. Things like power outages and food/water shortages, or disease could also be minor factors.

So here is the meat of my idea for this planet: Light is vital for sanity, all buildings have to be within the radius of a light to contribute to the gain/maintaining of sanity. For every day that passes, buildings that aren't within the radius of a lamp loose sanity, and the average sanity of your colony goes down. The less the sanity, the less people can work, and the less healthy and happy your colony becomes. So in a way, the darkness would indirectly end up being the death of your colony.
4y ago
One final test, getting the lander to cast a shadow onto the colonist. You can see by the bottom of his foot that it works.

Probably shadows will be an engine setting that you can toggle on or off.
4y ago
Much better :)

Just one little thing.. :D The softer slopes can have a little different coloration, angle-based for simulate shadow?

South lighter, west / east a little darker, north darker.

3y ago
Citizens of United Earth,

Today, I stand before you not just as a leader, but as a fellow guardian of our shared destiny. In these times of uncertainty and challenge, it is imperative that we remember who we are and what we stand for. Our journey from the cradle of humanity on Earth to the stars above has been nothing short of extraordinary. But now, we face a threat that challenges not only our existence but the very ideals we hold dear.

The Alpha Draconians, with their relentless aggression and insidious intent, seek to subjugate and dominate. They are a stark reminder that the universe, while full of wonder, also harbors dangers that test our resolve. In the face of this ever-present threat, we must stand united and firm in our principles.

Our strength lies in our unity. The diverse colonies spread across the cosmos are not just outposts but extensions of our collective will. Each colony, each citizen, contributes to the greater good. We must continue to foster cooperation, ensuring that resources, knowledge, and support flow seamlessly between us. Together, we are an unbreakable force.

From the first moon landing to the establishment of interstellar colonies, innovation has been the cornerstone of our progress. The Alpha Draconians may rely on brute strength, but we counter with ingenuity. Our scientists and engineers, our thinkers and dreamers, they are our frontline. We must continue to invest in research and development, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, creating technologies that not only defend us but propel us forward.

The Alpha Draconians represent tyranny, a regime that crushes individuality and freedom. In stark contrast, United Earth stands as a beacon of democracy and liberty. We believe in the rights of every individual, in the power of collective decision-making. Our governance, transparent and accountable, is a testament to our commitment to these ideals. We must safeguard our democratic institutions, ensuring that every voice is heard and respected.

Our spirit of exploration is undiminished. Even as we defend our colonies, we must continue to reach for the stars. Every new world we discover, every new life form we encounter, enriches our understanding and our culture. The Alpha Draconians see the universe as a realm to conquer; we see it as a frontier to explore and learn from. This ethos of discovery must guide our actions and aspirations.

In these testing times, solidarity is our shield. We must support each other, knowing that the challenges we face require collective effort and, at times, personal sacrifice. The brave men and women of our armed forces, the dedicated researchers in our labs, the diligent workers in our factories – each plays a crucial role. We honor their sacrifices and stand ready to support them in every way possible.

While we stand ready to defend ourselves, our ultimate goal is peace. We must continue to seek diplomatic solutions, to find common ground even with those who oppose us. The universe is vast, and coexistence, not endless conflict, is the path to a sustainable future. Let us extend the hand of diplomacy, without ever compromising our principles or security.

Our vision is clear. A galaxy where humanity thrives, where every colony prospers, where our children inherit a universe of possibilities. This vision is within our grasp, but it requires steadfastness, courage, and unwavering commitment.

United Earth, we face daunting challenges, but we are equal to the task. The Alpha Draconians may cast a long shadow, but our light is stronger. Together, we will defend our homes, uphold our values, and continue our journey among the stars. Let us stand united, let us stand resolute, and let us forge a future that honors our past and embraces the boundless potential of tomorrow.

For United Earth, for humanity, for the future. Thank you.
4mo ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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