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Hey I'm sparky or Kyle I've made quite a few models for the game but this be my first time posting them here and not on discord!! so lets get started.

Bricks are not yet used in styles for models nor a main resource for any buildings and can result in being stockpiled unless your building the new spice dens currently.
Well I present the brick wall and its upgraded version which adds a bit more height and nice present inside. the brick wall turret
The way I made this turret style is more against land troops so future anti air brick wall in the future. the four sided turret helps face the turret the right way no matter if its a corner piece, apart of the main line of walls or even on its own it will be ready to defend. with the world mostly light toned i think brick walls gives a more natural feel in player mode as well

1y ago
no, toy road isn't a upgrade of anything I think


first a list of the vehicle speed:
15 | aluminium road (⭐)
14 | rainbow road(⭐)
12 | dark pavement
10 | yellow brick road
08 | hardened pavement
04 | brick road
03 | paste path
02 | checkered pavement(⭐)
02 | pavement
02 | crushed regolith path
02 | mulched wood path

the upgrades:

mulched wood path | crushed regolith path | pavement | checkered pavement(⭐) => hardened pavement => dark pavement (all human)

brick road => yellow brick road (all human)

paste path(zolarg) => aluminium road(⭐)```
6y ago
My Colony 2 has just been updated to v0.33.0 on the Web and the Ape Apps Launcher and should be hitting other platforms over the weekend. There are some changes and some goodies packed into this release, so let's take a look at what is new!

To start off, base defenses have now arrived in My Colony 2 with the addition of the Pillbox and the Security Wall Pillbox (Pillbox texture by @GeneralWadaling )! Over the last few weeks, a certain user on MC2 online (whose name shall go unmentioned) has been rampaging through several dedicated servers with unprovoked attacks on settlements whose users have been offline. This highlighted the need for some updates to the game that should help address this problem, and one of those changes are the new base defensive structures that you can now construct around your settlement.

In addition, there have been cost increases to the military units in the game (the Infantry, Main Battle Tank and Patrol Boat). All three military units now require Money to build. As money is slower to come by at the beginning of the game, it should put a halt on being able to join a server and just spam thousands of infantry units right off the bat. In addition though, Infantry units now each cost you 1 population to build, so every time you build an infantry unit, your settlement population will go down by one (since he was drafted into service). This should likewise put a cap to mass infantry spamming, as you now actually need both the economy and the population to back an army up.

Some additional server admin settings have been added to the Statistics window. Now server admins can set a user account blacklist, so that if there is a user out there known for greifing servers, you can pre-ban him or her before they have a chance to trash your server. You can also set a Message of the Day that players will see when they sign in to your server.

I have also expanded the game Credits section (found in the Encyclopedia). When you select a username in the credits, you will now see more detailed information on all of the items they have contributed to the game.

I have also added a new engine setting, which you can find under the Tweaks section. You can now toggle on and off a grid that will be drawn over the ground tiles, which may make placing structures easier on a touch screen device. It looks like this when activated:

New content has arrived in this update as well, starting with the Low Gravity Masonry tech, which brings with it the long await Brick Factory and the regular and Yellow Brick Roads (brick texture provided by @SPARKY0303 )!

The Brick Roads utilize a new feature which you will find in the game editor, allowing you to use a Pixel Paint file (*.ppp from, the 2D cousin to Voxel Paint) as a road texture. For best results, use a 16x16 Pixel Paint file. I should mention that the game editor also now lets you export packaged Voxel Paint models (which you previously could not do).

@spamdude provided a model for a new Ether Sanitation Plant in this update, converting Ether into Water and Uranium. Thanks to @therealchromedino we get two new Alien tech structures too, the Alien Enrichment Facility and the Ancient Alien Ore Refinery!

There are also two new Sugar production plants available in this update, the Integrated Sugar Lab (model by @SPARKY0303 ) and the Sugar Factory (model by @therealchromedino ). The First is a simple upgrade to the existing Sugar Extraction Lab. The second is a large facility that makes large amounts of Sugar, and also produces a bit of Helium-3 as a production byproduct, since we always need more He3 production.

Finally for new content, some of you in the forums and on the Discord know that I have been talking about adding a Star Gate to MC2. I know some people disagree since I said that MC2 is more of a prequel to MC1, but to me that is all irrelevant, since in both games you start out with no tech and you do research to advance into further ages, so timeline in this type of game is largely irrelevant. But that is neither here nor there, because before I can add the Star Gate from MC1, I need the tech to back it up, so in this update, I have added two additional techs, Artificial Intelligence and Transcendence! The AI tech is pretty easily obtainable and allows you to build the new Center for Artificial Learning.

This is a building that I wanted to make about twice as tall as it is, but my Voxel Paint was lagging out while I was making it, so it is what it is. Maybe I will revisit the model later, but it is fine for the time being.

Transcendence is a super expensive tech in MC1, and the same applies in MC2. Right now nothing happens when you research it, but major props for the first player who gets it. It costs 750m research, and maybe one of the larger worlds already has that, but I added the tech in the game to prepare the way for things to come :-)

Finally, I added a Regolith Synthesis Lab to the game, since we already have labs for Gold and Ore, and you need Regolith to build Helium-3 storage tanks, so it made sense.

In addition to the new stuff though, I have also buffed the existing Gold Extractor and the Gold Synthesis Lab. In addition, I also fixed a bug where building upgrades were not working properly. There were some other bugs I fixed as well, but I forgot what they were. But at least they are fixed!

I think that is all for this update, maybe there is more that you will find in there as well! Over the next few weeks I will be finishing up a new My Colony Universe game called Terra Nova 4X but after that I will be back to more exciting My Colony 2 content, so thanks to all who are playing and contributing to the game, and stay tuned for more to come!

1y ago
Hello! I recently figured out Sparky's brick style, and am now able to recreate it! To celebrate this, I made this Blue Brick Road! Why should we have this? It's a road, made with blue bricks. That does all the talking for why we need this. We currently need a blue road, and this blue brick road would work nicely as a more blue alternative to the yellow one!

Reposting the Blue Brick Road here so that it can gain more attention. Basically, its a yellow brick road, but blue. Nothing more needs to be said. I have been wanting a blue road for quite some time, now I learned how to make brick stuff.

Durable stores 3,000 for each you build adds 3 k each building Of the above if your just starting build ten they are cheep .
Brick plants have brick storage as well not sure the amount .
And chip plants have chip storage again not sure of the amount .
Brick warehouse stores 5,000
Alien warehouse stores 150,000
7y ago
In that situation I would suggest having at least 2 durable goods warehouses. They can be upgraded to the brick warehouse. Capacities are: durable 3000, brick 10000. Haven't tried to upgrade the brick warehouse yet so I am not sure how far the upgrade path will go.
7y ago
ever since the last update, I keep getting the message "Brick Factory Needed". But I have 4 of them. and they are working find. brick is maxed out. do I need to trash the ones I have and put in new ones to get the message to stop?
6y ago
bricks :
Stored by
Brick Factory +500
Durable Goods Warehouse +3000
Quantum Warehouse +150000
Supply Pile +800
Tall Brick Warehouse +10000
Unholy Pit of Stuff +15000

Stored by
Durable Goods Warehouse +3000
Megamart +10000
Pottery Works +500
Quantum Warehouse +150000
Supply Pile +800
Tall Brick Warehouse +10000
Unholy Pit of Stuff +15000
6y ago
ok you are a beginer/new so for the title put the name of the building , for idea i love but the last idea was supose (so look the old topic) , we are in a game but how you have uranium with brick or you need a lot of brick (but if it is radioactif brick ok) and good idea for the picture
Today I am putting the finishing touches on and releasing the v1.21.0 update to the original My Colony! Since interest in the original My Colony remains high, I am putting it back on the front burner, and we will discuss that more in a bit. Until then, let's take a look at what is new!

First off, and as every Ancient Astronaut Theorist knows, the Ancients were experts at brick making, and now their secrets have finally been unlocked with the introduction of the new Ancient Alien Brick Factory! A couple of these should easily take care of most or all of your colony's brick needs.

There have been requests to beef up the transportation capabilities between regional cities, so there is now a new upgrade to the Regional Bussing Authority called the Deluxe Bussing Authority! There is nothing earth-shattering here, but it does have a vastly higher bussing capacity than the current structure, which should come as a big help for many Regional players.

The last update introduced a new tech called Advanced Simulation Theory, and this update brings a long-awaited upgrade to the I.T. Studio Complex called the Simulated Software Studio! Here, virtual people, created by software, are in turn used to produce even more software. It seems unholy, but one building full of these sims can output about as much software as 50 buildings full of human workers. The A.I. is taking over!

Next up, a new late game technology has been added called Simulated Fabrication. Basically magic, this tech allows simulated people to create real things. How does it work? Who cares? Because it unlocks the shiny new Simulated Nanite Factory!

Here we have Nanite production on steroids. I don't know what the math is, but one of these things is roughly equivalent to 600 regular Nanite Factories, so it's a big deal. It might seem OP right now, but you can assume that some larger scale Nanite consumption is coming in the not-too-distant future...

There have been a couple of minor changes as well, based on user feedback. The Bulldozer behavior has been changed. Now instead of destroying buildings, it sells them, so it's basically a quick-sell toggle. Additionally, I have made all Encyclopedia entries alphabetically sorted so it's easier to actually find things.

I know there have been a lot more suggestions/requests lately, so if I did not get to yours yet then don't worry. I am reviving My Colony back to full-time production, so it will be updated a whole lot more in the weeks and months ahead (along side My Colony 2 and Colony Wars, but more on those later 🤐).

This brings me to the future of My Colony. Based on comments here, the in-game feedback and on the app stores, it's clear that people want me to continue working on and expanding the original My Colony. I am fine with doing so, but there is also the reality that it is an almost seven(!) year old game, and since it's not really a pay-to-win type In App Purchase festival, it's big income generating days have largely come and gone. So to be worth my time to keep pouring time into the original My Colony at the expense of other projects, I need to find a way to be able to make it generate a return.

So I was considering ways to do this that would not be annoying or disruptive. There are a lot of new ad formats available on mobile now, but I really didn't want to flood My Colony with annoying pop ups like every other mobile game. Then just this morning, a friend of mine told me he had spent some money buying collectors items in the game World of Tanks, and it gave me an idea for My Colony.

What if, on occasion, I made available "special edition" or limited time only releases of certain buildings, such as holiday themed variants of current buildings, that people who wanted them could buy with Ape Coins? So for instance, there could be the "Halloween 2022 Themed Investment Bank" (or anything really) that you could only buy during a two or three week period, then it's gone for good (gone for sale, if you buy it then you always have it on your account).

So anyway, people who like to collect things could get all these extra buildings. Even tough they wouldn't necessarily provide a leg up on the game, they would let you make your colony look a lot cooler, and also satisfy the collection itch. Most importantly, it would help support the continued development of this "oldy but goldy" game.

That is all just an idea though, I have not decided one way or another. I might just add that to MC2 instead.

Anyway, there is a lot more to come, not just for MC1, but for the entire My Colony Universe. I plan to get another MC2 update in this month, and I've got some really cool things headed to Colony Wars, such as Super Weapons. So stay tuned, because there is a lot of exciting My Colony goodness headed your way!
1y ago
I already suggested the upgrade to rainbow and aluminium roads. I don’t find downgrade useful right now but maybe in some case it could be useful. Switching to brick and gold brick roads might be interesting. Also it would be great if for some types of roads you could choose the color, costing some extra clay or oil to make bricks, plastic and aluminium roads nicer.
6y ago
Investment bank don't use up enough job, merely 500 jobs. 1 fantasy arcology alone create 16k houses.

The need here is to create jobs for big colonies. 1 office tower take 10k jobs, instead of having us building 20 banks which take up land space.

If these were made available in early game, office tower can help regulate the unemployment. Just deactivate n firedrill, enable after everyone settle down.

I am not good in art, probably need the communities to help on that part.

I dont know if the below are sensible, i just whack.
Suggestive stats:

Medium office
Build resource:
40k money
10k steel (building structure)
10k ore (building structure)
10k plastic (building structure)
10k brick (building structure)
5k wood (building structure)
5k pottery (office deco)
4k cloth (office carpet)
10k microchip (office PC and laptop)
30k civic
Create 5000 job

Consume: (not sure how to define the unit consume)
- 1000 power
- 10 wood per minute (paper)
- 10 civic per minute (work ethic?)

- 100 money per minute
- 1000 trash per minute (paper shredding)

Office tower
Build resource:
250k money
400k steel (building structure)
400k ore (building structure)
300k plastic (building structure)
200k brick (building structure)
100k wood (building structure)
80k pottery (office deco)
80k cloth (office carpet)
500k microchip (office PC and laptop)
300k civic
Create 36000 job <--encouraging point to build

- 10000 power
- 100 wood per minute (paper)
- 100 civic per minute (work ethic?)

- 1000 money per minute
- 10000 trash per minute (paper shredding) <--discouraging point to build

6y ago
Honestly, i got wood problem only with some building, and only in the latest game stage (converter, ships buildings, when you try to build 4000 banks for fast civics, for build many ships buildings..), for example, aluminium is by far a worse problem, or brick/pottery, the only way for me was to buy several million at the import/export. No way i was able to build enough brick/pottery factory for supply my internal demands, and the GBT was empty.

EDIT: or uranium.. is not quite simple to increase. In any case, for wood.. with some tree farm most colony should have a decent production for supply the internal demands.
5y ago
Hello guys!

My Colony 2 (MC2) is currently under development which will utilize the brand new 3D engine.
In other word:
notes: It is a different game, not a direct successor of the current My Colony.

About the new 3D engine and Voxel Models
The first practical 3D engine utilisation was first tested in another game by @bastecklein, My Empire.
You'll found the models and textures in the new 3D engine looks quite blocky which the blockyness (...?) can be compared to Minecraft. The style is called Voxel.
One of the reasons for Bastecklein adopting voxel models is that it is easier for players to build their own model brick by brick, instead of entering hundreds of parameters to produce a single model.

This is a footage of My Empire. Looks promising, right?

MC2 and Voxel Models
One of the innovative change of MC2 over MC1 is the game supports more possibilities of modding, allowing players to customize their game from resources to buildings, from their attributes to their in-game appearance.
The render for colonists, rovers and buildings will also be voxel models - You can even use your own!

A demonstration of how the game could look like. Not an in-game render.

How to make your own voxel model
Bastecklein has also prepared an app dedicated for creating voxel models for new 3D games, including MC2, and their modding features:Voxel Paint.
Easy to use, it is accessible to anybody at different platforms, from your mobile to PC and laptops, either the web version or you can download the app if you wish to edit them offline.
Currently it is just a simple app, there are lots of rooms for improvement. If you think of something that can make Voxel Paint better, don't forget to drop your idea in the official Voxel Paint forum!

Hopefully you'll find this post helpful!
LOL same here @bastecklein . I think what he was trying to say is why is there no later production specific buildings, like a nano brick building, or alien brick building. Or a hospital version of both.
Bast your open to your own explanation ofc, but the way I see it is that there really is no demand for it, and by extend no purpose. The research converter unlocked during trancendence acts as a production building for almost every resource. And a better hospital and stuff isn’t really required at that point.
Hello all! Today I am releasing v0.35.0 of My Colony 2, which should be hitting all platforms very soon.

I don't have a lot of time to write a long detailed changelog today, so I might make some more detailed posts later in the week. Here is a quick rundown of what is new.

You can now export your game saves to your filesystem (if your device supports it) and run your games straight from the file, thus bypassing cloud sync and My Colony 2's internal app storage altogether. Before moving your save to your filesystem, I would suggest first opening it the traditional way and then save/closing it, so the game will write some extra meta data fields to your save file. This isn't 100% necessary, but it will make the transition smoother.

There is new content too:

New Units
Transcendent Builder (model by therealchromedino)

New Structures
Advanced Hospital (model by SPARKY0303)
Brick Wall (model by SPARKY0303)
Brick Wall Turret (model by SPARKY0303)
Fish Statue (model by SPARKY0303)
Quantum Rum Cellar (model by SPARKY0303)
The Rum (model by SPARKY0303)
Advanced Rum Distillery (model by SPARKY0303)
Municipal Ether Spigot (model by spamdude)
Transcendent Indoctrination Center

Sorry I did not have time for a fancy new post, really busy this week! Thanks for playing the game though and stay tuned for more!

1y ago
This is the first version of my document for what I would like to see three months from now. I know that more can possibly be done, but I thought that this could be a good start to show.

Let me know if any of you have other ideas that you would like to see in the next three months.

Also, when new stuff comes up, I will edit or make a new post based on the changes necessary.

Document Text in case it doesn't download:

My Colony 2: Three Months From Now

Alien Decorations:

I believe we could have a pyramid monument dedicated to the Ancient Aliens

I would like to see some Alien Light Posts for my settlements

Personally, I would like to see Alien roads in this installment of My Colony, I was thinking an Alien Aluminum and Alien Brick variants can work for this

Alien Brick can also be used for a Wall as well, and the Artifacts could add a strength buff as well

The Alien Obelisk would be another Alien Decoration that could add some character

Player Mode:

A Regional Bussing Authority would make moving around in Player Mode a lot better

A Player House would be a good spawn location to base future mechanics of respawning on, but it can work for a home point to teleport to for the near future

A Player Bank Account will lay down the foundation for the uses of Money in Player Mode

Spice Themed Buildings:

A Spice Bar should be a way to convert Spice and Rum into Money to allow Spice Worlds to have a form of Entertainment and Money generation to match the theme

A Spice Clinic would be a good theme to keep in canon about what Spice is

Spice Dessert Shop would use Spice and Sugar to generate Money and provides a bit of Entertainment as well.

An Integrated Spice Drilling Operation could also be a new addition in order to keep up with increased demand for Spice


Pottery would be a good start to future industries in My Colony 2, especially whenever it could get expanded into potential Commonware uses, but a single Pottery Works can be good for now

A better passive Crystalline maker should be on Ice Worlds because there isn't enough of a Just Be First advantage for Ice Worlds in my opinion

Spam's Fabrication Lodge to make Alien Relics would be something good for the future uses of Relics that will benefit our settlements as well

1y ago

Can someone tell me which type of storage I need to store microchips and bricks?
I have a durable goods warehouse but that hasn't increased storage and I can see a tall brick warehouse but I need 5000 bricks and am capped to 4000.

7y ago
So what your'e saying, is that the Congress Hall should just cost a lot more (since it is a government building, it will cost a lot more then other buildings of similar functions due to the tendency for governments to be terrible with money and habitual overspending of resources). How does this sound:

"Hall of Congress"

Technology required:
Organized Government( costs 100,000,000 research points, and requires tall construction and galactic imperialism)

Tile= 3x2
Generate: +50 Money/Tck and +30 civic/Tck
Tourist: 1000
Max Guests: 1000
Adm.: free


Need to operate:
Power: -50,000
Workers: 400

Money= -500,000,000
Rum= -100,000
Water= -400,000
Ore= -3,000,000
Steel= -4,000,000
Gold= -8,000,000
Oil= -200,000
Wood= -120,000
Cloth= -250,000
Brick= -175,000
Pottery= -450,000
Plastic= -2,500,000
Aluminium= -1,800,000
Microchip= -750,000
Uranium= -1,500,000
Robots= -500,000
Toy= -100,000
Triantanium= -10,000
Civic= -1,000,000
6y ago
Also there's upgraded forms to the Durable Goods Warehouses, such as Tall Brick Warehouses, and the Alien warehouses.

Alien warehouses cost power to keep going, since it's bigger on the inside probly.

But yeah, it's also nice to have multiple storage buildings if not eventually all of them.
6y ago
The "Congress Palace":

Xification said:So what your'e saying, is that the Congress Hall should just cost a lot more (since it is a government building, it will cost a lot more then other buildings of similar functions due to the tendency for governments to be terrible with money and habitual overspending of resources). How does this sound:

"Hall of Congress"

Technology required:
Organized Government( costs 100,000,000 research points, and requires tall construction and galactic imperialism)

Tile= 3x2
Generate: +50 Money/Tck and +30 civic/Tck
Tourist: 1000
Max Guests: 1000
Adm.: free


Need to operate:
Power: -50,000
Workers: 400

Money= -500,000,000
Rum= -100,000
Water= -400,000
Ore= -3,000,000
Steel= -4,000,000
Gold= -8,000,000
Oil= -200,000
Wood= -120,000
Cloth= -250,000
Brick= -175,000
Pottery= -450,000
Plastic= -2,500,000
Aluminium= -1,800,000
Microchip= -750,000
Uranium= -1,500,000
Robots= -500,000
Toy= -100,000
Triantanium= -10,000
Civic= -1,000,000
6y ago
jova said:The "Congress Palace":

Xification said:So what your'e saying, is that the Congress Hall should just cost a lot more (since it is a government building, it will cost a lot more then other buildings of similar functions due to the tendency for governments to be terrible with money and habitual overspending of resources). How does this sound:

"Hall of Congress"

Technology required:
Organized Government( costs 100,000,000 research points, and requires tall construction and galactic imperialism)

Tile= 3x2
Generate: +50 Money/Tck and +30 civic/Tck
Tourist: 1000
Max Guests: 1000
Adm.: free


Need to operate:
Power: -50,000
Workers: 400

Money= -500,000,000
Rum= -100,000
Water= -400,000
Ore= -3,000,000
Steel= -4,000,000
Gold= -8,000,000
Oil= -200,000
Wood= -120,000
Cloth= -250,000
Brick= -175,000
Pottery= -450,000
Plastic= -2,500,000
Aluminium= -1,800,000
Microchip= -750,000
Uranium= -1,500,000
Robots= -500,000
Toy= -100,000
Triantanium= -10,000
Civic= -1,000,000

Is that new graphic designed for a 3x2 tile size? If not I would say that that building would look really good as 6x4, or heck, maybe even 9x6.
6y ago
Ok guys and girls here is my first official Mod. It's in its very early stages but i will constantly update it as i rebuild the in game textures. I will try to keep a change log active as i make updates and chages.

Change log:
Ice Deposit, Ground 1, Sand, Deposit, Brick House, Refinary lvl 1 and 2, Panel lvl 1, Gold Smelter, Gold refinary, Factory, Pub, Restaurant, Colonist 3, Hydroponics lvl 1 and 2, Grass, Fir trees and the Complex buildings Green and Blue.

New, Small Shelter and Green dome

Hope you guys enjoy and please leave your comments below as there always welcome.

I hope that the mod looks good as i know im changing most details and feel of the game. If you guys want to see more let me know.
6y ago
I’ve noticed the pottery works and brick factories work without having any clay at all, they even start producing before you build a clay bot and collect some clay. On the encyclopaedia it says it needs water to run but it doesn’t make any sense build bricks just using only water. After you get some clay they will start using it and if you run out of it they will stop production.
6y ago
I could be wrong but it seems that you can actually produce pottery and bricks so long as you have you Brick Factory and Potter Works working well.
6y ago
Ballistic said:Ok guys and girls here is my first official Mod. It's in its very early stages but i will constantly update it as i rebuild the in game textures. I will try to keep a change log active as i make updates and chages.

Change log:
Ice Deposit, Ground 1, Deposit, Brick House, Refinary lvl 2, Panel lvl 1, Gold Smelter, Factory, Pub, Restaurant, Miner, Colonist 3, Hydroponics lvl 1 and 2, Grass and Fir trees

Hope you guys enjoy and please leave your comments below as there always welcome.

Didn’t know I had to rebuild the file myself and SOMEHOW add it to my iPad Air 2. Wow. Just wow.
6y ago
That is awesome! How did you get the lighted road to work for your colony? So, you gave an option for dark pavement, that would be a nice addition to the game and would be very possible as you've clearly shown. I also like how you made my lighted reg paths dimmer, that's exactly what i had in mind! I wouldn't make the diamond an upgrade though because not all colonies have a good supply of diamon by the time they can make dark pavement. That certainly could be another option in the decorations menu for it though.

I'm drawing up more stuffs as I'm speaking, so stay tuned. I'll make an image for hardened pavement, another option for dark pavement, a few alu, brick, and lego options, and a dark matter pavement tile(would be purple like alien tech) that I wanted to play with that actually darkens the area around it but causes rovers to move insanely fast, almost instantly.
6y ago
Tall Brick Warehouses are the next level up from Durable Goods warehouse, followed by Quantum Warehouse.
6y ago
After gaining the proper research, you can upgrade those into tall brick warehouses. Later on down the line you also have the quantum warehouse
6y ago
you mean like the tall brick warehouse and durable goods warehouse? they don't hold any gold.
6y ago
nonobosss said:so may be you forgot to build some important storage buildings. before complaining try to see what you did wrong first

I didn't do anything wrong. I spin up new colonies when I get bored from working on my Masters. I've been unemployed since February and this game has been one of my only diversions. I got hit by the tax, lost almost a trillion coin. Sucks, but okay. I can get that back. Resources being lost, that's something else. Since there were no storage requirements, I didn't build steel yards. With the 50 Advanced Ore, I have several millions steel capacity, no need to staff a steel yard. Brick warehouses, sure. Even quantum. Those don't store gold.

None of it really matters. The owner has shown his contempt for the userbase. Fine, no problems. I can find a new game. I've left my reviews on the MS store and the Android store. I've deleted my save games, and removed the clients.

I will find a game where the developer doesn't take a crap on the users and then get snippy if they protest.

The reviews:

My Colony was a great game, but after the developer punished the entire userbase for the actions of a few, players are leaving in droves. Don't bother.

bastecklein said:
The moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived, the release of My Colony v0.50.0 - the fighting 50!

There was also a new Galactic Emperor tax levied. This is the Emperor's highest tax ever, coming in at 95% of everything over $750m, and 100% of everything over $10b. This was imposed because of the API hacker who auto-purchased every contract on the market, leaving some players with an ungodly amount of money. If you got your money legitimately, then I am sorry, but this is the way it is. You can thank the abusers for the tax.

bastecklein "If that causes you to ragequit then I am sorry to see you go but there is nothing I can do about it. If it causes My Colony to die as a game, then that is what happens."
6y ago
It might be because of how much clay you have or are harvesting.
6y ago
Actually if you plant an area of trees and have it blocked off by a brick wall, it will eventually take over the area you set aside. Have a few of these until you can build the tree farms and you will be good.
6y ago
yeah, I think it's telling you clay is full. With the way storage limits work now, clay mining doesn't stop, it keeps getting mined and just decays and is lost if you are at the limit.
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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