Search - homelessness

I have had these problems before and posted about them and nobody seems to respond, so I will tell you what I know about it. I'm assuming that the 92% satisfaction is your approval rating, which isn't really that bad. As you know, the homelessness problem on the government statistics is just the percentage of what people who are mad are mad about, not that 51% of your population is mad about homelessness.

Normally, in my experience, a few things can cause mass homelessness, excessive atmosphere (I exported a save file and grew atmosphere and that was the result), excessive trash and unhappiness. Also if your colonists savings are too low they will quit their jobs and for some reason keep the approval rating up despite that (that's my problem rn, colony savings are bugged at 50 and taxed if its higher). Too many unemployed will cause people to move house.

Recently there was an update where the more unemployed there are, the faster they fill available jobs but bast said he hadn't applied that to housing and homelessness. Now I don't know if he has in an update since, but that could also be a reason why homelessness is piling up.

Sorry if this doesn't help as much as you would like, no one will answer me either. Beyond these game functions i'd say its a bug, unless i'm missing some fundamental detail as well.
6y ago
Read the message underneath the chart. "These are the top factors contributing to colonist unhappiness. For example, it is not saying that 1% of your population have depression, rather 1% of your citizens WHO ARE MAD are upset because of depression". Just because the chart says there is a small homelessness problem doesn't mean that there is a homelessness problem currently. It just people people who are mad are mad about that, which can be a handful of people. If you wanted you can think of it as a few people holding a grudge that there has been brief homelessness in the past for people just entering the colony.

Now if your approval rating is very low that chart becomes very useful because you can clearly see which problems are most likely to be causing the low approval rating. I do agree that there should be a statistic that tells you exactly how many people are mad, but i just assume that from the approval rating. 98% means 2% do not approve, so 2% contribute to the chart etc.

Also, that fatigue is very high, fatigue is generated not because they have to work but because their working space is more than 20 squares away from their accommodation. Now if their accommodation is less than 20 spaces away and fatigue is still a problem, they are likely choosing working positions further away and you need to fire drill. Make sure you have large food storage while you do this so they don't run out while there is no one producing food. I find that if you wait for current jobs next to accommodation to be filled you don't get any fatigue. I have had 1% fatigue almost the whole game like this.
6y ago
Can someone please explain just how this works? Homelessness is, well... homelessness - self explanatory. Poverty being the essential food and water, health is dependant on if hospitals are available to the colonists and if your atmosphere is over 15m. Unemployment again is self explanatory and fatigue is something you get if your workers have to walk more than 20 tiles from their housing. Depression I guess relates to either how much money you pay your colonists or colonist deaths or both.

With that in mind, I have no homelessness, poverty, depression, health problems and fatigue shouldn't be a problem based on my layouts for walking distances due to my arcologies. So why is it that my approval ratings INSTANTLY goes from 100% to 60% every hour or two, which causes colonists to leave jobs, which causes more unemployment. Granted the unemployment is very small, but it is consistently dropping from very high percentages to very low percentages on a whim and I can't tell why. Trash is low as well.
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, what I'm supposed to do to fix this and keep it more consistent. So based on my description of my understanding of approval ratings, would you say that is accurate? Am I missing some fundamental function of the game and that's why the approval rating cuts in half almost instantly? I'm asking you guys this because I just don't know anymore, my last base was ruined because of this. All arcology buildings so entertainment isn't a problem, all the workers don't need to walk far either. So What gives? Why did that colony suddenly decide that each other were more tasty than the food they were supposed to be producing?

6y ago
The problem is simple:

I have 0 homeless people in my colony

In Top Citizen Concerns it says that homelessness is 9%.

It could be fixed by just adding that thingy to the game code:

if ( homeless_people == 0 )
homelessness = 0

or something like this maybe?
5y ago
I had to do a fire drill after building several new jobs, then I deactivated all the housing (including sheep farms), did another fire drill, then soon afterwards did another, and they finally started getting jobs close to their homes. When homelessness reached about 1-2%, they all started abandoning their homes, jumping homelessness up to 84%.
6y ago
My approval rating is dropping down to 87 % now from 100 .
Wish I could post this as a bug but on ward .

So look at the chart whats got them so mad ?
unemployment 11 % are made about . So how many unemployed do I have ? ZERO NADA
1600 extra jobs open Not one colonists unemployed in hours and hours .
ok so what else are they mad about ?
Homelessness a wooping 65 % are mad about . so I again how many are homeless ?
ZERO NADA and charts homelessness line is FLAT again for hours and hours .
Poverty 12 % average colonists savings 366 coins .
1 % sick
So tell me how is any one going to fix problems that do not even exist ?
6y ago
Version 0.56, Android 6.0.1 on Samsung A5 2017

Here you see homelessness is kind of a slight issue

But there are no homeless people.
6y ago
Agreed, but why homelessness? The issue has reduced since some time passed, but it is still there. Also, it does that for unemployment as well.

The chart should be made so that it also shows how many people are mad of x issue, and when no one is mad, the chart should say "0 mad citizens" or something.
6y ago
Sorry for necro, but I preferred not making another thread as this issue still seems to happen in version 0.67.

Another colony, 100% approval, people mad of homelessness, depression and unemployment even with more houses and jobs than there are people. And yes, I know how the chart works, but what happens when all people aren't mad of anything? It just falsely claims that people are mad for a random reason? Why?

With a small ish colony (round 400 colonists) and 100% rating it should mean that there are only a maximum of 4 people mad. Some calculations tell me that the chart ratios dont really fit well with just that few people.

Immigration disabled for a decent chunk of time so that the graph can't show the unhappiness of past immigrants (as you mentioned), and still happens.

Don't mind the fatigue lol, workplaces are rather far away as I have 4 districts for my colony: housing, government and entertainment, light industry, heavy industry. A light work policy just zeroes out all fatigue as it seems.
6y ago
Unless I'm not understanding the code correctly colonists will only get mad about homelessness if there is 0 empty houses:

if( == 0) {
colonist.happiness -= modAmount;

Maybe wait a bit and see if it goes down to 0%?
5y ago
hi123456789 said:Unless I'm not understanding the code correctly colonists will only get mad about homelessness if there is 0 empty houses:

if( == 0) {
colonist.happiness -= modAmount;

Maybe wait a bit and see if it goes down to 0%?

It depends in which language is My Colony written
5y ago
Well the property is a reference to the building id of where they live. So if = 0, that means that one specific colonist has no house, i, which case his happiness goes down and it adds one "point" to the city homeless unhappiness stat.

The thing is, that the unhappiness graph is based on the last certain number (i think maybe 600 but I don't remember for sure) of colonist "complaints" logged, using the addColoniseWoeStat function. So that if nobody has been complaining for quite some time, you might still have stats there like 'homelessness' that have not yet fallen off of the radar.

I think what I should actually do is continually clear out the old stats if nobody is currently complaining about anything.
5y ago
I have 9% of my population are mad about homelessness but I have 1,509/1,662, that is 153 open spaces. Please help.
my colony have 3117/3224 people
but homelessness have 38%
I have many homing
but don't work
4y ago
@Sniperfido: This happens when a single colonist gets repeatedly assigned the same job incorrectly, and when this colonist takes a break, the whole building gets shut down. It usually takes 6-8 hours for my ~50k population colony to fix all these issues after an expansion project and a fire drill.

@Gallopavo: After doing a fire drill, sit tight for a few hours and everything will be back to normal. There is a bug with oscillating homelessness, and Bast (the only developer of this amazing game) knows about it and is trying to isolate + fix it. Be patient! Most of this stuff wasn't even here a few months ago.
6y ago
There is already a thread for this:

Please use that thread. Thank you.
6y ago
I have more housing than colonist, but I have homeless people, and colonists also complaining about homelessness. Maybe they prefer to live in smaller buildings, or something like this?
6y ago
On my statistics page on the "Top Citizens Concerns" graph it says that 38% of my colonists are concerned about homelessness. However, the homeless rate in my colony is 0%. Is there a reason why this is? Or is this a bug?
So I started a new colony and just now I have noticed the fact that I have 2 homeless people. Looking at the graph I can see there were atleast 2 homeless people the entire time, and further monitoring showed that it will just not move from 2 homeless people.

I am extremely curious what is going on.
6y ago
You only need to address colonist's concerns if your approval rating is below 100%.

If your population is, for example, 10,000 and your approval rating is 90% then you have 1,000 disgruntled citizens. Of the 1,000 disgruntled citizens 730 of them would be complaining about homelessness in that case.
6y ago
After I used the fire drill, everything returns to normal LOL.
the approval rate is 99%, and the biggest concern is homelessness though I build enough houses

and there is another problem that keeps bothering me: colonists seldom go to entertainment buildings. I think this is not a big problem because all the colonists live fine, but this makes building entertainment buildings no sense.

thanks a lot for your help.
6y ago
My colonists seem to be constantly fatigued. I am struggling to keep approval ratings up and around 50% of the angry colonists are angry due to fatigue. What causes fatigue? I have tried setting them to short work days and let that run for 8 hours but they still had it as a concern. Thanks for any tips.

I've also had them complaining about homelessness when there were 0 homeless people in the colony so they don't seem 100% rational but this fatigue thing is really bugging me.
6y ago
Have you tried fire drill ? Sometimes I got the same (high homelessness for no reason) and I just fire drill and it leaves for a while
And for the work I have noticed that higher than "light" will cause the fatigue to increase so sometimes, I put it on light to decrease it a bit
It may also be because the sum of all the concerns has to be 100% so if they have everything they need what does it do / mean ? I don't really know about that
6y ago
For homeless I usually fire drill, for fatigue I set work rate to light. I can understand what is causing fatigue but if someone understands why Homelessness also always become top concern plz explain^^
I think it works so that they are always mad at something (you can notice that even if you have everything fine the pie chart still stay at 100% which means they expect something better maybe ?)(I also think these people are French they always criticize everything :p (joke I'm french btw))
6y ago
This problem has reappeared since 50 came out. 49 fixed the issue for me but now I have a lot of buildings just sitting there not producing anything (even when fully staffed) unless I click on the employee list, at which point they start producing again. But can not do this for all hundreds of buildings.

I also now have unemployment and homelessness going all over the show (again), despite having more than enough jobs and housing. :/

6y ago

just to explain here i have 99% approval rating which means 1% of my people are unhappy which is something like 14k people (if I'm not dumb).
If you look at the graph chart now you seetop citizen concerns, so out of those 1% (14k people) :
-0% is depression (which is 0, I know I'm gud x) )
-28% is homelessness (which is 3920)
-6% is poverty (which is 840)
-60% is fatgiue (which is 8400) so i have bad commute length it seems
-2% is health (which is 280)
-4% is unemployment (which is 560)
6y ago
Recently I've just been working on moving things around into more efficient locations and growing my population. I noticed that the stats page was blatantly wrong in some areas, like the unemployed section, and out of the blue i find my approval rating instantly had dropped from 100% to 90% as I finally noticed there had been 3 fire drills I hadn't issued.

I don't know how or why people keep leaving their homes and then taking up jobs halfway across the map and going back to the same house, making my fatigue absolutely ridiculous but this is definitely something to look into. I hadn't set off a fire drill, had not disabled anything, they just left on their own accord while I was at 100% approval, no homelessness and unemployment. Also, even though the unemployment seems to go down, if I select a building and view its workers a lot of them are empty despite the mass of people around.

I just don't understand what is happening or why. This is the fourth time this hour alone its done this.
6y ago
Fatigue is caused by long workdays and long commute lengths. You can fix that by changing the workload to light in your consulate or re-organizing your colony to have adequate housing within 20 tiles of the work building. Fatigue is shown in individual colonists by their energy level.

Homelessness is what it is; There isn't enough housing to give each colonist somewhere to live. To solve this build more houses that are at within 20 tiles of a work building.

Poverty is caused when colonists are very poor. You can solve this by giving all colonists a stimulus package or by raising their salary.

Health is when colonists are severely fatigued or when they do not have enough food or water. You can solve this by making them happier by giving the colonists money so they will stop protesting or by building hospitals.

Unemployment is when there are not enough jobs for colonists to fill. Solve this by building buildings that need a lot of workers.

Depression is the one I am least sure on. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that its when colonists don't have enough entertainment and it can be solved by building entertainment buildings.
6y ago
Hi guys

I am struggling to make a happy colony on my main now ive got upto the heady heights of 125k pop...

I have 92% satisfaction where 51% of that is due to homelessness. I have spread out loads of living accomodations (currently sat on 127k/233k pop.) All of the living areas are close enough to the works. Why are so many people homeless with so much spare housing??

Secondly. I have loads of medical buildings dotted around my colony. I have a nice little tourist area currently supporting 11k/15k tourists and they have 800 medics just for them. The rest of my colony has 5k medic. Is this enough? And why do my tourists keep dying?? Obviously I have enough food/water and electricity.

Thirdly. This entertainment new section of the population. I have 5k capacity for entertainment but only 50 are being used at any one time. How to get my colonists inside and having fun??

Look forward to the responses.

'Lukes Place'
6y ago
Issue still persists on the same save (v0.57) and I have no idea what am I doing wrong.
6y ago
The game's charts are confusing and unhelpful, it shows 100% total at all times and therefor if one single person is mad, it'll show 100% of your population is mad because of x. If no one's mad, they'll all be mad from fatigue because they had to work that day, which is stupid. This chart needs to be rebuilt properly to show better, more reliable, statistics.
6y ago
The statistics screen has an area that shows your people's depression and other grievances. However, this is vague and unhelpful, almost 100% useless. For example people complain about homelessness when no one is homeless, and there is a high level of depression while 100% government approval. And if everything's great, everyone complains about being over worked while work standards are set at "be lazy if you want".

I suggest changing this specific political map to not show percentages anymore in a pie chart, but instead list the amount of people who are currently upset about stuff, and display how many people are upset because of x. With a possible "show people" button like in workplaces so you can find the resident who's upset because of X.

"Global: 5 of 688 people are upset with you. (0.007%)" <- Showing that 5 people of your 688 are upset with you, and that its only 0.007% of your entire population.

"4 of 5 people are upset with you because of Fatigue. (80%)" <- To show that 4 of these 5 people are upset because of Fatigue.

I think this would be vastly more helpful than the current pie chart thats totally unhelpful.
6y ago
The current system shows the concerns of all the colonists who are mad and what they are mad about. Not necessarily what percentage of the colony the people don't like. Even though there is nobody homeless currently doesn't mean people cannot be mad still from previous occurrences of homelessness. Fatigue is a problem when the working spaces are further than 20 squares away, not the work policies being to work more. Even though it is a game, you cannot please everyone, 100% of anything to do with people will still have a few people here and there unhappy about something. It simply rounds up because its such a minority.

Although I do agree that there should be a statistic that shows the exact number of people who are unhappy, the reasons for you coming to this conclusion are based off of a misunderstanding but a good suggestion nonetheless.
6y ago
My food and water are 50m, my atmosphere is between 10-15m. I have no homelessness, all of the accommodation is arcologies so health and entertainment isn't a problem. I have no depression or fatigue. 3% of unemployment is a lot of people still, but because the approval rating is fluctuating so much its causing the unemployment.
6y ago
the tile pretty much explains what I am wandering

As you can see in the picture, the approval rating just keeps going up and down (generally between 60% and 12%).
The biggest citizen concern is fatigue, but I set work load to light already and turned colonist rendering off, so I don't really understand that.
the second biggest concern is homelessness, but I literally have 0 colonist homeless, not percentage actually 0.
The other concerns are for now neglectable.
Does anyone know how to solve this?

And also, my average health numbers are always dropping.
I way more than enough food and water, I don't have rationing on.
my atmosphere level is around 5 000 000, and trash level is between 2000 and 0
I have several advance medical research centers.
Does anyone know what I can do more to make it better?
btw the health number seem to improve every time I initiate a fire drill
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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