Search - tourism

H3110 guys! (•ω•)

Although in our game we have developed tourism system in the game, however they don't actually give some significant economical advantages to the game, especially after a short early stage of development, entire tourism can be replaced by other economy buildings.
And some big players such as @Invincible has mentioned about tourism in one of my post:
Invincible said:Have you made any post on how tourism can be made into a bigger industry or something? The thing so happens is, there is so less income in tourism sector, it's useless almost every where and in any part of the game. I was thinking maybe adding some sort of feature where tourist drop of certain things which unlock some skins or clothes or maybe even buildings? Would at least give something useful to have a nice booming tourism sector.

Indeed, tourism really needs to get redeveloped. We should give tourism an new use apart from its weak economy value.

So here are my ideas, hope you'll like it!

Plan 1 - Ultimately High Cost Tourism!
  • Galactic Hall of Luxurious Arts Trade and Exchange
    Where the masterpieces of potteries, diamonds, gold and paintings are sold at a mad price to visitors! Yields 500000000000 per visitor, serves at most 120 tourists. Also generates money on its own but one fourth as a investment bank do, while slowly consuming the luxuries.
  • City of Gold
    City of gold is not a legend now - It becomes true! This is the shining golden hotel where the riches pays millions for one day of settlement!
  • The Diamond Highrise
    It's a hotel, but that's the most expensive yet the hotel where people dreamed to live - Every wall, every tile, every furniture, are coated with shiny DIAMONDS! Consumes a steady stream of food, cloth, water, rum, gold, and diamonds, while extracting ten-billions of cash from those rich tourists!
  • The DreamySim Hub
    Want to escape from the reality and live in the world you dreamed to be? It's not a problem, because this massive Colonimulation facility has lots of AI and software to help you build out one! You wont want to leave, but if you want to stayfor longer, you gotta pay lots... Consumes a steady stream of robots, microchips, software and water.
  • Starships Racing Mid-Station
    Build this mid-station for the biggest entertainment event in the galaxy - Starships Racing, to show how rich your colony is that can afford such event, meanwhile draining colonists' and tourists' pockets till they're empty. Yields 15000 per guest, and it serves as much as 100000 tourists!

Plan 2 - Prestiges!
  • Colony Sponsers
    Why we’ll need sponsers? These sponsers will give actual help to the colony development that, some provides direct resource investment, some brings their technology to unlock ways to produce expensive materials better and cheaper (or other awesome stuff), whatever. They are here to help, if your colony is famous enough to get their attention?
  • Unlocking new policies (possibly)
    Well, so with a higher prestige, you are allowed to have more (and better) control on your tourism - For example, @Westy266 suggested about tourist taxes for their entry into colony to further increase their yield (but carefully that too much it may decrease your prestige; how high they should be depends on your GDP (maybe) and prestige). Also they unlocks some extra special policies, such as decreasing unhappiness and earn big from launching a big festival event, which also increases number of tourists flushing in per arrival for a short time.

Plan 3 - Tourism that tourists pays other resources as entry fees

    More ideas and plans will be updated! stay tuned for post updates!
    H3110 guys!

    It may not be the first time for saying the tourism is not as valuable as others after developing to the mid stage.
    This reflects one sad fact - Tourism does not grow with the general development or even itself does not develop at all.

    So here, may I introduce my idea to improve tourism - Tourism Prestige System.

    In this system every tourist you have served will earn you prestige points (it can work like atmosphere but should have no harm or really something like EXP), which are primarily for upgrading your tourism prestige ranking.
    With a better prestige level, your tourism will be primarily buffed with the tourism tax that grows with your prestige levels, which increases the tourism revenue earned from tourists (and be aware that colonist’s cost to relax in tourism buildings will also get more expensive). Prestige Ranking is divided into 6 ranks (including rank 0), by star rankings (⭐) similar to those in the real world. You are reminded about the tourist deaths will decrease your prestige points or even prestige downgrading.

    Here is one more thing that comes with the tourism prestige system - Colony Sponsors.
    The Sponsor are unlocked once your prestige ranking reached 1⭐. Your colony will begin to attract some investors to sponsor your colony - Of cause a higher prestige ranking will attract more better sponsors.
    Every Sponsors needs civics to contract one, and they will permanently affecting your colony (some of them allows you to cancel the contract if you don’t want their effects). Each sponsor may bring different good stuff, from some instant cash investment to industry buffs to exclusive technologies.

    Here are my ideas, hope you guys like it (>ω•)
    Views on Tourism.

    Currently there seems to be no profit margin in tourism.
    I have 1500+ space for tourits
    Multiple entertainments including malls, zoos, etc

    How ever the most tourists ive managed to pull in at one go is 75. The total profit i made in total from tourism, 200k..
    Considering how long ive had tourists for and my cities current GDP is virtually nothing.

    Does any one have a profitable tourist set up? Have you even bothered with tourists? Let me know :)
    6y ago
    I like the idea of tourism and think its a good way of making money....however, i have space for 19,000 tourist and probably about 500+ space ports and still cant bring in more than about 5000 tourist. Most buildings have and upgraded form that increases production. Why does the space port not? I assume the new star port will bring in tourism but am not sure since I cant find any info on it...however thats pretty late in the game. Maybe add an upgraded space port that will allow more tourism immigration to fill the spots.
    5y ago
    Edit: v0.81.0: I'm not going to make a new post for this, but I am now pushing out patch v0.81.0 that fixes an issue where the build options menu for vehicles would not appear. Sorry for the issues!

    Today I am pushing out the v0.80.0 release of My Colony, and it should be hitting all platforms within the coming days. As I mentioned in the last update, I have been getting a lot of requests to slow down on content updates until some of the bugs and issues in the game are ironed out, and so that is what I plan to do over the next few updates, before I dive into the big Federations expansion which will probably leave the game broken again 😳 Just kidding (hopefully)! Anyway, let's see what is new with this release of My Colony.

    Firstly, I have nerfed the Research Converter a bit, as it was slightly overpowered. It might still be overpowered, but it's a little better now. It now consumes more money and research, costs more to build, and produces at a little slower rate.

    Next up, the little popup window on the construction options sidebar will now display how much housing a building provides, which was a request I was in the suggestions forum:

    Moving on, many people have asked me to change the file names for region subcities, which were previously named with a timestamp, making it hard to tell what they were. So going forward, new regional subcities will be named like this: [region-name]-[subcity-name].mcz, making it a bit easier to tell what they are. This does not impact current cities though.

    I have made it easier to share a saved file that is tied to an Ape Apps Account. You might recall that in the last update, I added the option to make an offline copy of a colony so you can share it with others. This has now been expanded a bit, to where if somebody gives you a colony file that is NOT a copy but is tied to their account, the game will automatically make it an offline-only non-account copy when another user tries to import the file into their game.

    Next, the often requested 'Leave Federation' option has been implemented. It is fairly straightforward, you will see the new Leave Federation button on the Federations screen.

    On all platforms, the Achievements window has been updated. It now shows achievement point values and total progress. Newly unlocked achievements are now also synced to your Ape Apps Account when you are logged in, keeping your achievement progress up to date across platforms. I might add more achievements to the game in the coming updates, so let me know what types of achievements you are interested in!

    Next up, I have added a new policy to the Policies menu that allows you to block new tourists from coming to the colony, just like you can currently block immigration. The new option requires government level 3 or higher.

    There were also a ton of bug fixes and improvements in this update, and I will just discuss a few of the larger ones. First, I think I have finally solved the issue where incinerators (and similar buildings) would shut down forever if you ever ran out of trash. You can let me know if you are still having the problem, but I think it's fixed.

    Next, there was a huge issue involving how virtual colonists were organized and processed that, in large colonies, could potentially cause freezes and hangups of several minutes on regular intervals. The issue has been corrected in that it will not happen anymore on new colonies, but on existing colonies, the engine will slowly sort itself out. Slowly is the key word though, as a colony with over a million population would require more than a day of idle time to get sorted out. The slowness was required to let the colonists sort themselves out without completely killing the economy of the colony. If you want it to go faster, you will have to just kill off all of your colonists and let your population regrow. Most colonies are impacted by the issue, but the real problems are not apparent until populations are in the millions, so most people should be fine just letting the fix sort itself out behind the scenes.

    Several optimizations have been made in regards to tourism. Tourism had the potential to really kill the performance of a colony, especially on large map sizes. The game was designed to place new tourists into 'simulated' mode so that they find entertainment without using the pathfinder, after you had so many tourists. However, this function was written when tourists only showed up a few at a time, so it was able to keep up. With the introduction of the Space Ports, tourists were able to show up way faster than the game could keep up with, and you would run into a situation where the pathfinder could not keep up and would cause memory consumption to keep growing and growing.

    The engine is now much more aggressive at simulating tourists than it was before. Also, if a tourist does not find a tourist destination within a 60 tile radius of their arrival spot, they will now just leave instead of making the engine keep searching for a destination in a larger and larger radius. There are further optimizations planned for tourism in the coming updates, but if you have a large map with 10k or more tourists, consider using the new policy to block tourists from coming to the colony, which will let them slowly dwindle down as they run out of money. I do not think these tourism issues have much of an impact on small and medium sized maps, but on maps where people have done the Annex policy several times, it can really kill the game.

    I have set up a small My Colony online merchandise store with a few things that I will probably expand on over the coming months, whenever an idea pops in my head. There are a few Lander items and a United Earth 'Make Earth Great Again' mug. I am drinking coffee out of the lander mug as we speak, and it really improves the taste of the coffee. 😜 Feel free to check it out and leave suggestions on items you would like to see:

    Next, after literally years, I have posted a new episode of the My Colony Podcast. Feel free to check it out, and let me know if you would like to see me bring the My Colony Podcast back from the dead. If I limit it to shorter 10 minute(ish) episodes, it wont be too much or a burden to do.

    Finally, I just want to let everybody know that after years of talking about it, I have finally begun full scale work on Colony Wars, the multiplayer RTS game taking place in the My Colony universe! I plan (hope) for a release to all platforms this spring (steam included), with the first public beta coming to the Ape Apps Launcher later this month, so stay tuned, and check out the new Colony Wars forum for info:

    That's all for today's update. Should be hitting all platforms over the weekend, so keep a lookout. Let me know what issues you find, as I will be going hard after bugs and performance over the next few updates. Thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more!
    5y ago
    Have you made any post on how tourism can be made into a bigger industry or something? The thing so happens is, there is so less income in tourism sector, it's useless almost every where and in any part of the game. I was thinking maybe adding some sort of feature where tourist drop of certain things which unlock some skins or clothes or maybe even buildings? Would atleast give something useful to have a nice booming tourism sector.

    It can also be that these materials can be just clubbed together and sold for high cash in exports?
    4y ago
    Ok, so here would be my idea of how to add this building. So, make it an upgrade to the fl arc, so it would still require an empty plot of land. Then, the building would look like a big space elevator, only with a gigantic station at the top. This station would also support massive amounts of immigration and tourism, would produce large amounts of money and civics, and would produce enough food, power, entirtainment, and jobs to support itself with a good amount of each left over to support other structures.

    I would make it consume several more resources, or at least most of the durable goods since this thing would not only support lots of housing, but it would be the center of commerce. So, water, oil, uranium, he3, steel, antanium, gold, aluminum, chips, pottery, toys, cloth, rum, robots, plastic, charcoal, atmosphere. In order to build and support this thing, you would have to have built up all of those production areas. I would mak certain productions of the space station halt when certain resources are depleted. For instance, a lack of water will hault food production, a lack of uranium or he3 would halt power production, a lack of cloth would halt money production and reduce tourist space to zero, or a lack of rum would do the same but also halt civic production. These are just several examples. Even if every needed resource is depleted, housing will never be disabled as long as the power grid can still support the station when the station stops producing power. I think that this would be easily hard coded for this particular structure, so the engine should be able to run it just fine.

    I would only allow up to eight to be built, but i would make it produce enogh and house enough to be totally worth building. You could also make several upgrade choices that would cause the station to focus on a particular area. I would make 10 choices: residential station focuses food and housing, commerce station focuses tourism and money, administration station focuses civics and money, funland station focuses tourism and entertainment, support station focuses power and food, luxury station focuses housing and money, data warehouse station focuses power and civics, warehouse station focuses raw and durable goods storage, research station adds and focuses research production and a lunar station allows you to gain access to the planet’s moons and terraform and annex them for additional space(this one may not be possible).

    I would change the name to “orbital Space station.” The whole point of this building would be to consolidate several functions and resource productions into one single space to provide more room for bigger colonies.
    6y ago
    This episode is both a part two to the previous episode (The Lunar World: ), as well as the update episode for the upcoming 0.23.0 update to My Colony, which is a somewhat minor release.

    Full release notes for the Forest World update can be found here:

    After discussing the new Forest Map, discussion turns to the yet-to-be-released v0.23.0 update, which includes mainly bug fixes, usability improvements, and new policies that can be set from the Capitol or the Consulate buildings.

    Finally, we offer a preview of a upcoming new feature involving Tourism. See the primary thread about tourism here:

    As always, if you want to be a part of the My Colony podcast, get yourself subscribed to the official My Colony channel on Discord:

    Thanks for listening!
    7y ago
    Tourism isn't really worth it but the star gates also bring in tourism which come a lot earlier than the star port
    5y ago
    H3110 guys!

    Part 3- Advanced Insectnoid Tourism & Commerence
    These two are the main parts I am introducing to Insectnoids today - Especially insectnoid has only one tourism building available. The commerence part will concentrating on expanding trades and economy.

    New technologies!
    • Insectnoid Public Entertainment Theory
      Learn how to develop large scale entertainment facilities for both serving tired visitors and making profit.
    • Long Range Cargo Transport
      Learn how to transport a larger amount of goods in an efficient way better than ordinary export cannons.

    New buildings!
    • Mound for Guests
      A motel structure for giving tourists a place to have a rest.
    • Sauna Mound
      One of the best place to relax after a entire day of tiring jobs! Meanwhile it’s also liked by the tourists.
    • Wishing Pond
      There’s a myth about this pond. If you are willing to sacrifice little of your fortune you will get good luck. (well it’s just a bait)
    • Bugzaar
      A insectnoid market for selling fresh goods to your broodlings and tourists at a bargained price! Consumes food, sugar, water and rum to produce money.
    • Grand Bugzaar
      A luxury grand market that welcomes every guest and selling all sorts of goods at bargined price! Consumes food, sugar, rum, water, cloth, pottery, microchips, wooden toys and robots.
    • Dome of Insectnoid Fine Arts
      The artworks of the Insectnoids always involved their beautiful dreamy imaginations and meditations, their painting styles are liked by most people around the galaxy.. Some insectnoids will go into this gallery in their free time and paint their own thoughts on sheets of papers and show them to tourists.
    • Mind Treatment Centre
      Utilizing the Insectnoid mind network, this facility will treat all sorts of stress and faigue by inserting meditation into the thoughts of people. Don’t worry, there will not be any adverse effects on the brain.
    • Mess Hall for Starvers
      Want to try out some wierd yet delicious insectnoid cuisine? Here you go!
    • Insectnoid Hologram Theatre
      Re-extracted from my post IT industries ideas Vol.3. This entertainment facility makes use of multiple hologram projectors to play freshly uploaded soap operas and amazing hologram illusion shows from Zolarg Prime.
    • Insectnoid Water Park
      No matter which race you are, nobody can resist the fun of playing in water parks! Water World map exclusive. Must be built on water.
    • Cargo Launcher Array
      Large insectnoid trade facility for exports and imports of wider range of goods.
    • Stardocks
      An Insectnoid version starport.
    Invincible said:"500000000000 per visitor"

    isnt that a bit too low :P

    For me that price is already insane entry fee for a tourist 😂
    Have any ideas for MORE expensive tourism?

    Also updated for more plans to retrive tourism.
    H3110 guys!

    Here are my few ideas regarding governance.

    • Promotion Campaign
      Slightly increase happiness and approval rating by less than 10% instantly, consuming civics and money. Cooldown 30min.
    • Extra Rations
      Distribute a double-ration immediately to all colonists to increase approval rating instantly. Cooldown 1hr.
    • Public Forums
      Run public forums for extra civic outputs (30% of colony production) but continuously consumes money and wood (for making papers).
    • Colonial Festival
      Launch a colonial public festival event that consumes rum, food, water, money, civics and potteries to greatly bring your colonist happiness and increase approval rating significantly. The cost is proportional to number of colonists.
    • Protest Sweep
      Get all people protesting back to work or their home. Costs civics and some approval rating drop.
    • Tourism Taxations
      Make every tourist visiting your colony yield more money. However high tax may decrease tourism. The higher tourism prestige you have, higher taxation you can set.
    I think we’ll need something like TOURISM TAX

    Or something you can exclusively unlock things through tourism performance - The Prestige.
    (All is for Human races only)(United Earth & League of Independent States)

    First things first, I apologize for there being any grammar mistakes, am doing this from my phone, and I also don’t like to be too formal because I don’t really see a point of it.

    Do I need to get rid of Trash and limit the amount of Atmosphere I have?

    Atmosphere and Trash have absolutely no negative effects to your colony(as of right now), in fact it’s best to get as much of these two resources as you can. Reason for that being that Trash can eventually be used to make Plastic (Small Recycler) and eventually Plastic and Aluminum as well! (Medium Recycler)Also, if you really wanna boost your the amount of Atmosphere you have, the incinerator ( 2x2 building) produces a TON of atmosphere at the expense of burning away a lot of trash. Atmosphere can be used eventually to create a lot of water which is really useful in some colonies. The Ant Paste Synthesizer consumes trash as well to make Ant Paste.
    (Do note, Atmosphere and Trash may effect gameplay negatively in a future update, however as of right now it does not)
    (I personally currently have 42.8 Billion atmosphere, and 12.6 Billion Trash)

    Aluminum! If you have this resource in your world DO NOT use all of it! Save as much aluminum as you possibly can because one it goes away, there’s not another way of making more until you get Alien Tech or you unlock the Medium Recycling Center! Aluminum can also be pricy at times aswell, but with that being said it is also an option to purchase it from the trade market, and also the Uranium Enrichment Facility allows you to purchase some Aluminum in amounts of 100.

    Uranium Enrichment Facility? This building requires Uranium and Aluminum in order to function. It takes in 1 Uranium and produces 2. Meaning every time the bar is filled you will receive 1 Uranium.

    Best way to get Civics? The most efficient way of generating high amounts of civics for United Earth is the Imperial Propaganda Office, while the Investment Bank generates more, the IPO is more space, and cost (the second clue for the challenge is a building not looked highly upon for it produces a resource only useful for the government and pubs) efficient considering the IB requires 4 tiles, 5k workers, and a couple thousand resources as well as $2.5M.

    Best way of generating Research? The most efficient way of generating resource is without a doubt the Center for Artificial Learning. It generates about 1100 Research a second at max worker capacity.

    What is the Department of Fish Mating Studies & is it Worth it? The DFMS is and was designed to simply be a building to send extra colonists to work without damaging your production lines. It simply just generates Research in amounts of 1 extremely fast while using Money, Rum, and Software. It can hold 5,500 workers, and it is a 3x3 sized building. It isn’t worth it if you have to worry about the resources required to build it, it is simply a job filler.

    What is Tourism? Tourism is a quick way of earning passive income without the need of consuming a lot of resources. While you do not get resources produced by it you do get money. The amount of Tourists you can support can be found to the right of your Population number and it has the symbol of a colonist wearing a blue shirt, a red hat, and is looking through binoculars. Tourists will come in from the Space Port, and to increase your Tourism capacity, simply build more tourist buildings.

    How do I get rid of Depression in my colony? In order to cure the depression within your colony simply build more entertainment buildings.

    How do i cure Fatigue? Fatigue is caused by your colonists having to take too long of a trip in order to get to and from work, entertainment, education, and medical buildings. It is best to keep all of these buildings at an absolute max of 50 tiles, and a preferred max of 25 tiles. This means the path the colonists would have to walk, not a direct route through buildings. (like pac-man)

    What is Ether and where can I get it? Ether is a resource primarily obtained by the Draconian and Zolarg race, however recently League of Independent States have been granted the ability to obtain it as well. When i say obtain i mean actually produce it from a source. The source can be found on Abandoned Planet and is found by Ether River tiles that have an infinite amount of Ether. This is obtained by building the Worker/Vehicle that can get get the Ether. Ether is used for human races for only two buildings currently, those being the Advanced Cloning Facility, and the Ether Tree Farms. Both buildings are the best for what they both do. (Immigration & Wood)

    Is it useful to always Group Up my rovers? In most cases yes, however do not group them up if they are harvesting resources because it will slow down the rate at which you get said resources. If the rover is strictly for building, then yes group it up. Also, group if you are experiencing high amounts of lag.

    Also, it is best to place a Resource Depot next to the resource you are harvesting (at most one tile away). This way the rovers do not have to take trips back and fourth and can constantly pick up and drop off immediately.

    Why is Mobile so errr poor quality in some ways?

    Well when it comes to this, and it’s from my experience considering I am a mobile player only and I do not actually own a computer. (am using an Iphone 8+) You have to consider the processing power of mobile phones, I mean, think of trying to calculate hundreds of buildings, manage the population, manage new buildings being built, the trees growing over time, the GDP of your colony, and more all at once. While many say this game is poorly optimized for mobile, it honestly is really optimized. While yes it may fry your phone and murder your battery, the fact that it’s possible to run something of this size at all from something in your pocket is insane.

    If your colony is lagging horribly it’s best to group up your rovers, limit the number of buildings being built as low as you can, zoom in away from the majority of your buildings, and turn your settings down. With that being said, if you play in a Region you shouldn’t worry too much about lag however if your a single city colony, if you start experiencing lag even though everything i just listed is being done, then unfortunately there’s not much you can do.

    What are Starships?Starships are another Endgame resource that does not currently really have a use other than for selling it for high amounts of money, I sell about 150k at a time and make a good $10-15 billion. Also, don’t sell it as a contract in the Trade Market unless you are doing it as a way of storage, nobody ever really buys them. If you want to make money, I would sell directly.

    What is the Regional Bussing Authority? This is a recently added mass transit feauture that is useful simply for Regions only, it allows you to place one of these down in a Regional City that just has Housing & Colonists only, and place one down in an adjacent (right next to) Regional city that just has Jobs, and the colonists will then come from one city to another to work. It does not allow colonists to move from one city to another and stay there, they will only work. From what i have seen, 1 bussing authority transfers 400 colonists to an adjacent city. And as far as i know it is stackable. However in my personal opinion, it is better to just build the Housing and Jobs in the same city.

    Is there a way to stop babies from being born? Unfortunately there is currently no way from stopping babies from being born within your colony, however there is an policy option granted by building the Hall of Congress that allows you to deport children from your colony.

    How long does it take for them to grow up? If i am correct, and note i have not confirmed this nor has anyone else confirmed this for me. But it takes 15 minutes for a month to pass by in the game. The aging system is actually based on in game time so they will grow up based upon time, so it might take a good day or so for one generation of kids to grow up and begin working.

    What are Embassies and are they worth it? Embassies are basically like a friend system, they allow you to build a building that allows a quick way to gift resources and send messages together regardless of if they are talking in global chat or not. Also, if you are human for example, and you get an embassy from a zolarg/draconian race. you will then also get zolarg/draconian colonists as well. and vice versa if your another race. The cross-race system has no benefits or downfalls, it is simply just a for looks or for bragging rights type of thing.

    Is the arcologies worth it? if you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it even after i describe what they are then they are not, also note, the black/normal arcology consumes less resources than the Fantasy Arcology and has 500 medical slots, 2k education slots, 500 tourist slots, and 10k housing population capacity. However the downfall is it has 7k worker capacity. With the new addition of the sliders allowing you to make it so no one will work in it, it has become more useful if you need more education/medical/entertainment, however the Fantasy Arcology houses 16k people with no jobs or anything else, however it does use resources like Toys, Rum, and Cloth.

    Is there any way to passively generate Clay without the need of constantly building Clay Mines? Yes! if you build the Ultra Deep Dig site (built by drones) then you will get more alien artifacts as well as some clay over time!

    Lastly, I just want people to understand this. This game is not something that will be perfect, I mean, it can, and it already basically is. But of course there will always be bugs and issues. That’s just apart of expanding a game. Not to mention that this game isn’t on some million dollar budget, it is made by one, amazing person, someone who makes hundreds of different games, all free to play! Bast is only human, so please do cut him some slack on some things okay...? Yes there are some issues with My Colony, some big, some small. But we gotta take it one step at a time and we gotta help bast, not bombard him with a million problems at once and expect him to fix it all in that moment.
    Bast is the only developer I know. He is the only person I know that actually gets this involved with the community and actually reads all the forum posts and provides feedback. Like I personally could never! The amount of time, and patience that would be required to have something of this scale and keep it in tip top shape to ensure thousands of people are happy at once? Like that’s honestly insane, yet bast somehow manages to do it flawlessly. So @bastecklein, I would like to say thank you.Thank you for giving us something that brings us all together, and something that we can all enjoy. To the part of the community that has been here with us and has supported, guided, and provided helpful feedback. Thank you.

    I hope this answers some questions you may have!

    ​If you have any other questions, please comment below and I will do my best to answer!

    Posted 11-30-2020 (30th of November)

    Update Version: 1.10.0
    Hello again!

    Looking back into the commercial and entertainment buildings in MC1, most of them are pretty much optional, since they can be simply replaced by buildings that can churn out billions of money and entertains large masses of people respectively.

    As a result, you get pretty plain colonies dominated by very few variety of buildings at the end. This can be a boring sight, to both player themselves and the colonists.

    Hence today, I'm presenting my rough idea of start considering colonist quality of life in terms of variety.

    By that, I do not mean introducing more classes of "service demands". To keep things relatively simple, and not to complicate the gameplay, the diversity elements has nothing to do and do not share the same mechanics with the 4 existing service satisfaction rating (entertainment, education, health and security), hence not a factor of administrative approval ratings of a settlement, and no coverage mechanics is considered - the diversity elements applies settlement-wide directly.

    Now into the details - First, what is a QoL element?
    All people of a society have different wants and needs, even a person's demands or wishes can span across multiple aspects of life. What makes a society successful is not just valued by its capability utilizing resources, but also how its people benefits from the fruits of their hard and honest work.
    Each QoL element represents an aspect that caters higher needs and improves quality of life of colonists. Below are all the ideas in my mind:
    • Homeland Contact
      Some colonists are more comfortable when keep in touch with things they are familiar with, like older social network and family of distant homelands they come from. Some communication infrastructures can satisfy such needs, and if possible, establish interstellar mail and delivery services greatly helps.
      Certain Earth-themed decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
    • Social
      What makes a comfortable and forward-going society is a society that people keep socialized and connected that they can support each other. A place large enough for gatherings is just what you need to begin.
    • Relaxation
      At times colonists not only need to rest their body, but their strained minds as well. They need a place to clam down and pacify themselves. Having parks and meditation space are the most effective, but many non-vigorous recreational activities such as exercises and grabbing a booze will do the trick as well.
      Certain decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
    • Dinning
      Ever getting enough of plain standard rations that your tongue simply rejects it? Then it's time to improve your meals with higher standard cuisines!
    • Environmental Comfort
      Simply plain steel plates and concretes everywhere can be depressing. What about some refurnishing to make the colony more beautiful and appealing?
      All decorative buildings improve environmental comfort.
    • Housing Comfort
      Home sweet home!
      More advanced housing, particularly those more luxurious, or with high level of automation that smart systems are installed, provides higher housing comfort.
    • Games
      From excitement from competitive events to alternative experiences form simulations, they all can diversify a colonist's life experience and provide happiness from achievement.
    • Luxuries
      The highest standards of life imaginable or even beyond imagination.
    • Commodities Access
      A good flow of commodities, goods and services in local market can effectively take care the smaller demands of colonists.
    • Information
      Questions, confusions and lack of options troubles people. Not all directly have the answers, but one can always provide them the ways to find a solution - letting the information flow.
      All education buildings provides some information flow. However, a powerful public media infrastructure provides the largest flow of information that can satisfy the colonists' curiosity.
    • Spiritual Support
      Beliefs, faith, religion or even simple psychologist services caters spiritual needs of colonists, which at desperate times, can keep them from depression of dangerous levels.

    Next, how do QoL elements works?
    Every building yields scores of the life quality aspects they are relevant to, for the settlement they are located. Every colonist also generates demands of every element in their home settlement by 1 point each.
    The satisfaction rate of one aspect is calculated by
    [ Score yielded by all relevant buildings in the settlement / Number of colonists in the settlement ] * 100%
    Then satisfaction level of an aspect is defined based on the percentage value of the satisfaction rate.
    For rate below 50%, it is considered Unsatisfied.
    For rate >= 50%, it is considered Poorly Satisfied.
    For rate >= 70%, it is considered Moderately Satisfied.
    For rate >= 85%, it is considered Well-Satisfied.

    Each element will provide Happiness bonuses based on the satisfaction level, which will be explained in the coming section.

    Then what do QoL element affects?
    QoL elements affects happiness score of a settlement.
    Before explaining the QoL elements' actual effects I'll first explain my idea of Colonist Happiness.

    Colonist Happiness is a quantitative value which is affected by administrative approval ratings and QoL satisfaction.
    My proposed formula:
    [ 100 + Happiness score from all QoL level ratings - Plain negative Happiness score factors ] * Approval rate percentage * Harsh policy multiplier
    All settlements begins with base happiness score of 100.
    Approval rating is a direct multiplier to all other elements - the changes in approval rating can greatly affect the result happiness score.
    To prevent protests and riots, the result happiness score should be maintained above 100.
    Every QoL element with at least Poorly Satisfied adds happiness score.
    Taxation policies - higher the tax rate, the more happiness is negatively affected. It is a plain negative value factor.
    Harsh policies like rationing, martial law and overwork policy applies lower-than-100% multiplier to happiness rating, so use these policies sparingly.

    By satisfaction level, a QoL element yields the following happiness score:
    Unsatisfied - Yields no score.
    Poorly Satisfied - +5 happiness score.
    Moderately Satisfied - +10 happiness score.
    Well-Satisfied - +20 happiness score.
    remarks: It's rough value without considering other factors and hence it may not be balanced.

    How would the QoL diversity (and happiness) mechanics helps with the gameplay? Most important of all, it encourages players to construct buildings (particularly decorations) and resources (that are without large demand and just sitting in stockpiles) normally won't be used. Of course, the new demands arise from QoL needs for raising happiness rating may also give rise to some building ideas. Ultimately this helps with expanding diversity, which can make colonies flying with colors instead of only few buildings.
    On the other hand, the QoL elements can pave way as an element for tourism, which the QoL factors or happiness ratings can be attractiveness factor that defines your tourism revenue - a possible way to make tourism more powerful to be a considerable source of income again compared to that in MC1.

    This concludes my ideas this time. Hopefully you'll find something useful in my ideas!
    So I am pretty new and I was unsure whether I should pay taxes to UE and opted out for a while, yall know the story I got embargoed and then refused to pay taxes but eventually wised up and paid back the entire debt over a period of time. I am now making the entire payments when they tax me but I still have no immigration, or more importantly, no Tourism. Is there an easy fix for this? ill quickly just mention that I am about to hit 5m Atmosphere, so its not a problem of undeveloped infrastructure, I have casinos, bars, spaceports, etc. ( I don't think)
    Is there a mistake I'm making? all of the above are activated and I have a thriving economy... but I'm still embargoed on the Mass Driver, the Galactic Mass driver (srry I don't remember its exact name rn) immigration and tourists as far as I can tell. I have already looked through the encyclopedia, but I cant really figure it out...
    Could I get a little help for all yall pros? I jut need some help trouble shooting... if u need more info just ask...
    6y ago
    Let me first start off by saying that I know bast is focused on finishing antiquitas and he probably will not consider another race until he has time to focus solely on my colony.

    So here are my ideas for races that could be put in the game. I can only include six because the poll only allows for six possible answers.

    1. Automations:
    Description: A Utopian sentient robot society whose sole purpose is to terraform worlds into beautiful paradises. They need less care than organic colonists, they have no need for a government since greed, deceit, and violence are not a part of their nature, and they only produce what they need to terraform the planet and survive as they give the rest back to their planet. They prefer to be an isolated society but warmly welcome and care for newcomers from other races.

    Difficulty: Very Easy-easy
    Production potential: the least out of all races
    Main building resource: ore
    Terraforming Potential: the most efficient out of all races
    Economic potential: very low
    Governmental potential: the least out of all races
    research potential: average
    growth rate: very high
    Tourist potential: very high
    Food and water production: the most efficient out of all races
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: very little.
    Colonist eats: power and small amounts of oil, new colonists are built from ore.
    Colonist entertained by: Work, walking around when planet is between 5-15 mil atmosphere, research.
    Building method: buildings are built by vehicles, same as humans and insectoids.
    optimum atmosphere range: 5-15 mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

    2.) Reptilians
    Description: A society built on honor for one's neighbor and zealous loyalty to the theocracy. These people are known for their vast uses of crystalline since a viable source of regolith, ore, and gold couldn't be found on their home planet. They synthesize the purest crystalline out of all races. The reptilians need less governing, but they can still build a very strong government unlike the automations. A more advanced race than humans, the reptilians build structures that are more autonomous and require less workers. Their honorbound and zealous disposition often prevents them from asking important questions though, which limits the amount of research they produce, and their technology and society allow them to function very well in all environments, which hinders their motivation to terraform even though they would still prefer to live in a hospitable environment. Because of the reptilians tendency to colonize planets with hostile environments, not many people want to move to reptilian worlds. The reptilians are not know for their capacity for trading and economics as they serve a theocracy, but they do need money to survive and trading is a means to an end for them.

    Difficulty: medium-hard
    Production potential: very high
    Main building resource: crystalline
    Terraforming Potential: the least efficient out of all races
    Economic potential: average
    Governmental potential: the best out of all races
    research potential: low
    Growth rate: low
    Tourist potential: low
    Food and water production: average
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: low to moderate.
    Colonist eats: food and water
    Colonist entertained by: religion, fighting arenas, human-like entertainment
    building method: buildings warps are started and left alone to build themselves as the vehicle does other tasks. This slows down build speed though.
    optimum atmosphere range: 2.5-30mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

    3.) Jellyfish
    Description: The Jellyfish thrive in high atmospheric conditions as they do not live on the ground but build their cities in the sky out of floating structures. The jellyfish survive solely on atmosphere instead of food and water. The jellies pride themselves in their various uses of atmosphere, but this drains the planet of all atmosphere eventually, so it's a race against time to develop the technologies and resources for adding atmosphere back to the planet. On their homeworld, a gas giant, native plants and animals balance the ecosystem by producing atmosphere, but even that isn't enough to support a fast growing civilization. The jellies are creatures of curiosity, which fuels their motivation for research, and their society promotes a balanced governmental authority. They tend to be avid traders and economists and are very welcoming, but their high atmospheric environment is inhospitable to most races, hindering tourism and immigration. Their terraforming methods are very effective, but their needs for atmosphere always put a damper on any terraforming effects. When colonizing a low atmospheric planet, they build bubble-like structures on the ground that rise into the sky as the planet's atmosphere increases. These bubbles need to be attached to one another so that jellies can travel inside of them, because they lack the technology to develop environmental suits to walk outside on those planets. The jellies also use different animals from their homeworld to collect resources and morph into structures.

    Difficulty: medium
    Production potential: average
    Main building resource: atmosphere
    Terraforming Potential: high
    Economic potential: the best out of all races
    Governmental potential: average
    research potential: very high
    growth rate: very high
    Tourist potential: very low
    Food and water production: the least efficient out of all races
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: depends on the planet.
    Colonist eats: atmosphere
    Colonist entertained by: regular entertainment
    building method: worker animals are morphed into structures and cannot be helped by other workers, this causes a slower build speed.
    optimum atmosphere range: 10-100 mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

    4.) Snowmen
    Description: A younger race, the snowmen live in smaller tribes and work together to expand their reach. They look like yeti with thick white fur, but don't let them fool you, they are crafty. They thrive in taiga environments where wood and snow abound, but they have difficulty working and moving in warmer environments. They were uplifted and given space travel technology by this LIS, but they were never given the technology to colonize planets that aren't within the 1 mil to 15 mil range. Their tribal form of government makes it hard for them to form a strong government and they aren't recognized as advanced enough to be taken seriously by most space-faring races. Some people even keep them as slaves to do their work. As a result, the snowmen are cynical and inhospitable toward outsiders and have trouble accepting anyone of another race into their society. They devote all of their time to gathering resources and materials for building up the colony because they long to be recognized as an official space-faring race. Their mass production plans require many many jobs though due to their primitive machines and buildings, and this race has average growth, so progress through the game will be slower.

    Difficulty: hard-brutal
    Production potential: high
    Main building resource: wood
    Terraforming Potential: average
    Economic potential: the least of all the races
    Governmental potential: low
    research potential: the best out of all races
    growth rate: average
    Tourist potential: the least out of all races
    Food and water production: average
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: high
    Colonist eats: food, water
    Colonist entertained by: primitive and human-like entertainment
    building method: built by workers/vehicles like xolarg and humans build.
    optimum atmosphere range: 1-10 mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 1-10 mil

    4.) Ancients
    Description: Those purple buildings that you see in every advanced colony; yeah, they came from these guys. The most advanced race in the game, most ancients see all other races as inferior to them and usually won't trade with other races unless they have to. This god complex makes them too arrogant to see their mistakes or to try to improve their technology and they are more than willing to invite outsiders from primitive races to bask in the glory of their technology. As the most advanced race, they are inherently the best at resource production. Their buildings are more autonomous as well, but the ancients only mate once a year, so they are the slowest growing of all races. Their government is pretty effective due to the use of more advanced technology to enforce laws, but providing entertainment will be harder since these people require more intelligent entertainment that usually costs more. Every ancient would love to live in a paradise, so terraforming is a higher priority, especially since the ancient can only tollerate a 7.5-12.5 mil atmosphere range is required for ancients to survive without protection.

    Difficulty: hard-brutal
    Production potential: the best of all races
    Main building resource: ore
    Terraforming Potential: high
    Economic potential: low
    Governmental potential: high
    research potential: low
    growth rate: slowest of all races
    Tourist potential: average
    Food and water production: high
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: low, but slow growth rate means that game progress takes the longest.
    Colonist eats: food, water
    Colonist entertained by: more intelligent entertainment
    building method: buildings warped in like reptilians
    Optimum atmosphere range: 7.5-12.5 mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100 mil

    6.) Tallorians/rock men
    Description: As Sulfur-based lifeforms, the tallorians survive and thrive in the hottest places of the galaxy. Their rocky exoskeletons protect them from any envorinment, but they prefer a hotter, higher atmosphere planet like their homeworld. The wildlife and spectacular views on rock men planets attracts attention from tourism and the rock men make a killing off of novelties. The rock men promote a balanced government, terraforming, and research stance and they have a stellar economy, but where they have an abundance of attention and money, they lack in production and growth.They have a somewhat similar technology to humans, but they use less resources as they are not a production focused raced.

    Difficulty: medium-hard
    Production potential: low
    Main building resource: regolith
    Terraforming Potential: average
    Economic potential: very high
    Governmental potential: average
    research potential: average
    growth rate: low
    Tourist potential: Very high
    Food and water production: very low
    Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: medium
    Colonist eats: ore
    Colonist entertained by: human-like entertainment,
    building method: buildings warped in like reptilians
    Optimum atmosphere range: 20-40 mil
    Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100 mil
    6y ago
    My technology just wont work things over 200 science when i get it i get nothing like i have level 1 and 2 tourism when i look through my things i could build through the bots nothing when i look through the categorys under all buildings nothing when i look under tourism nothing i cant get anything new pls help im on android update: also did chemistry did not work and i tried restarting didnt work
    6y ago

    I am doing this survey to find out if it would be possible for tourism to yield more profit

    example: when a tourist goes to a motel he only donates $ 2

    my suggestion would be who he gives at least $ 20
    6y ago
    well i have deleted all my tourism buildings! cant seem to make any money from it
    6y ago
    Nah Tourism was badly implemented, the idea was good, the execution bad. Don't bother with it, you won't get a decent return on investment.
    6y ago
    So here are some ideas for new jobs buildings
    New Stats:
    Crimes stats. Sometimes when your people are desperate they will try to steal from you. (The police station prevents this!)
    New Jobs:
    Police Officer: A police officer for police HQ and police stations!

    Civil Officer: Works in government buildings not. Different from politicians and diplomats tho

    Medical Officer or Docter: Works in more advanced medical facilities.

    Journalist: Works on publishing fake news to keep the people of your colony happy. Works in The Times building and the propaganda HQ. Can travel to colonies that have an embassy with you via embassy. They are virtually tourists when in another colony. If the journalist is killed when in another colony. The offender must pay 100k refusing is not an option. If refused (Maybe the PVP bast was suggesting!?)

    Retired Volunteer: Works in propaganda HQ

    Police Station: A building to monitor your people and catch illegal immigrants
    Immigration Customs Allows star ports space elevators and so to allow more people in at a time! Only one can be built at a time
    Police HeadQuarters: Upgraded Version of police station. Only one can be made at a time! Keeps track of you people and produces a heap of civics
    Deportation Office: When illegal immigrants or caught. Or if you want to deport a citizen here's the place!
    Immigrant Camp: When you have too many immigrants they go the immigrant camp until there is space for them to become a citizen of your glorious colony
    The Times building: Can name the building/newspaper The [Insert Name] Times!: A new building to keep your people informed on matters that don't exist! Boosts morale and keeps people happy! Also provides entertainment
    The Propaganda HQ: Keeps all you people informed on the happenings in the universe boosts moral provides entertainment and makes money. Employs people in retirement and takes their money. Taking them out of retirement and conscripting them (Only one can be built at a time)
    Airport: Tourists will come from it as well as new immigrants. Not as fast as the Stargate. It also allows emigration and uses a really small amount of spaceships. Produces a ton of money due to people paying to use your planes. Maybe cheap imports...
    Gas Station: For refueling cars/buses. Provides lots of oil storage and uses a small amount of oil. Cars and buses can be parked there
    Car Dealership: You can buy cars and buses using this. Produces wheels.
    Bus station: Small and can be placed anywhere. It shows the bus the route it should be taking. People get on buses at the bus station if it makes they transit more convenient. Also helps with tourism
    Train station: Uses oil and provides transportation. This is the only part of the rail which is aboveground. Connects to the subway system! It is the main hub of your train network. Produces money. Only one can be built at a time.
    Subway Station: Parts of your railway line that connect to the above ground. (Only the exits of the station can be seen!) It helps your colonists get to their jobs more efficiently thus reducing fatigue. Provides entertainment. Part of your railway network uses oil and helps tourism. Produces money
    Parking Lot: Provides parking for your colonist's cars. Pretty big. Because rovers are big.
    Huge Parking complex. A thin building which is mostly underground and provides huge amounts of parking for your colonist's cars. Produces atmosphere.
    New Rovers:
    Bus: Transports large amounts of people to work. Uses oil but keeps your colonies fatigue down!
    Car: 4 man transport to work or school. Reduces fatigue but has carbon emissions!
    Silly Ideas:
    Illegal Immigrant torture booth: Torture you illegal immigrants to the happiness of all! (Except the recipient)

    I hope you like my ideas I also hope they will be implemented in game! Please vote :D
    Note: I will keep adding things that I think would be awesome to be implemented in game! If this gets enough attention the ideas might be implemented so guys comment and share your ideas :)
    Disclaimer: I did not think of this all on my own. I borrowed some of this from other people on the website who I would like to thank! I compiled them to make a petition of awesome stuff that I think a lot of people would love to see in game
    5y ago
    Hi there Bast,

    Was wondering if we can separate Tourism and Citizen Immigration. Sometimes, I have enough people I require and want to open my city up for Tourism but I cant. Separating Colonists and Tourists Immigration would fix that. Hope it can be done.

    NOZ Federation
    5y ago
    Hello guys!
    The name is Wadaling.

    Security is supposed one of the challenges to rule a new established colony, however there is no such mechanism in this game yet. To give the game more challenges, here I will present my ideas about Security and Crime .

    How a crime occuar? There are three conditions that determines the chance for a crime outbreak:

    1. The colonist’s savings is below poverty line, the lower the savings, the higher the possibility for the colonist to perform a crime

    2. Colonists has a bad opinion on your governance. (overall governance rating below 65% will begin increase chance for crimes)

    3. Weak security, showed by security ratio (will be introduced below), when it is less than 100%. The lower the higher chance for a crime.

    What is security ratio?
    Security ratio is defined by the security staff on duty, security facility under operation, total population and running immigration/tourism facilities.

    Here is how it defined:
    Security Points/Crime Risk Points (×100%)

    Factors affecting security ratio
    • A colony begins with 52 security points.
    • Security buildings gives various security points.
    • One on duty security staff gives 15 security points.
    • One population gives 1 crime risk points, while one illegal migrant history gives extra 1 crime risk points per case found.
    • One landing pad/space port gives 5 crime risk points.
    • Some tourism buildings also gives crime risk points, for example, casino gives 30 crime risk points.
    • Banks are also places with high crime risk. One bank/money pit gives 25 crime risk points.
    • Black market bazzar gives 30 crime risk points.
    • Consulate (level one) gives 50 security points (increases by 20 per level)

    Once there is a crime outbreak, the colonist being robbed will lose money. If a building is targeted, instead of colonists, the government lose money (or resources) , while the building will take damage.
    Low security ratio also leads to illegal immigrations. Triggers when it is below 65%.
    5y ago
    H3ll0 guys!

    If you have played as insectnoids you might found out insectnoids has very few tourism structures.

    Today I’ll introduce some of my ideas!

    Clay Mill - A crude mixer for making some clay for further processing. Conusmes water and ore.
    Insectnoid Kiln - This crude kiln will turn clay into pottery by the Artmasters (new job), while burning woods and produce charcoal as by-product.
    Mound of Guests - A simple yet cozy and decorated mound for tourists to stay.
    Bugzarr - An insectnoid bazzar that will sell potteries and some trip supplies to tourists, draining money from their pockets.
    House for Starvers - Insectnoid restaurant.
    Paintermound - Where insectnoid Artmasters creates pieces of paintings.
    Insectnoid Museum of Arts - Insectnoid art gallery.
    Sauna Hive - Enjoy steam sauna in this little hive!
    Charred Power Spire - Burns charcoal and sugar to generate power!
    It’s like this:

    Total utilized tourism (≠ & <<<) Total Tourists in colony.

    But I can’t find where they are. Some don’t even leave, it caused tourism burden.
    H3110 guys! (•ω•)

    Guys who have played Water World, Earthlike, and lost world map might know about some structures can be built on water, but now we only have BRIDGES.

    Today I’ll introduce my ideas about more stuff that can be built on water, as well... develop better usage of fishes (?)

    As all structures requires at least one tile surrrounding the building that allows walking, when building a offshore structure you are suggested to build offshore roads first.

    Offshore Buildings
    Mesh Platform - Another type of offshore road, unlike bridges, it allows travelling of all directions instead of two ways. Useful for creating prependicular intersection of bridges.
    Offshore pump - Directly pumps water from the river tiles, better than the ordinary land water pumps.
    Desalination Factility - An 2×2 exclusive structure in Water World, providing massive amounts of water.
    Fishing Platform - Where workers catch fishes for meals and also somewhere to spend your leisure time.
    Fishery - A offshore fish hatchery that produces lots of fishes!

    Fish Usage
    Fish Cannery - Process fish into cans of food for feeding your colonists.
    Fish market - So as to sell your surplus fish for surplus profit.
    Sushi Bar (tourism & entertainment)
    Aquarium (tourism & entertainment)
    First brunch of my ideas here!

    Japanese 🇯🇵
    • Manga Publisher Office
    • Japanese Shire
    • Zen Temple (Japanese)
    • Japanese Style House
    • Sushi Bar
    • Izakaya
    • Cherry Blossoms

    Chinese 🇨🇳
    • Chinese Temple (entertainment)
    • China-Town Arch
    • China-Town Residential Complex (includes some commercial and tourism, alongside reidential)
    • Hall of Martial Arts (tourism)
    • Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinic

    Seeking for American stuff! Maybe something like Family Dinner and Burgers?
    H3110 guys!

    So back into my really big series of ideas, this time I am going to rework my previous version of SECURITY & CRIMES and get attached onto the Grand Space Series.

    Firstly, explain how this new utility works -
    Like power and bandwidth utility, this security utility is also essential to keep your colony working smoothly. It also has supply and demand, however different from power and bandwidth utilities, buildings will not shut down when you don't meet the demand, instead there is a negative effect, called 'crime outbreak'.
    And advanced security will require a new resource - WEAPONS.
    Demands comes from:
    • Every single population, one demand for a colonist.
    • Illegal migrant history. One demand per case.
    • Tourism buildings and tourists, while tourists security demand works like colonists, some tourism buildings such as space ports and casinos requires extra security.
    • Buildings involved the luxuries, such as gold, diamond and paintings.
    • Banks, where classic robberies will take place when your colony is not well-secured.
    • Random events (also the main reason that I think this requires rework), such as pirate attacks and crime surges and protests and so on.

    The security providers depends on:
    • Security staff employed, 3 per guard (not necessarily on duty, which is different from my original version).
    • Security buildings, it varies.
    • Government level, which depends on level of colsulate/capitol/hall of congress/colonial assembly/command post/high command. At level 0, 150 security points (for Insectnoids it’ll be 200, each mound will also generate extra 100) are provided to secure your early development, and more security points are produced when you have a higher government level.

    When your demand exceeds supply, some of your resources degenerates slowly:
    • Exceeds less than 15
      Food and water slightly degenerates. Money degenerates gradually.
    • Exceeds 15
      Money degenerates much faster.
      Approval rating has significant drop.
    • Exceeds 50
      Money, food and water begins to degenerate even faster. Gold begins to degenerate slowly.
    • Exceeds 85
      Gold degeneration is also faster.
      Diamond and painting begins to degenerate. Increased illegal immigration will pressure you to improve security.
      Approval rating greatly drops.
    • Exceeds 120
      All other resources begin to degenerate slowly.
    • Exceeds 250
      Total chaos, your approval rating instantly drops to 0.
      All resource degenerates quickly.

    Here are security points providers:
    • Guard Post
      A basic human security watchtower which provides 3 guard job and 15 security.
    • Patrol Brigade
      A 2×2 structure that generates a few more security than a Guard Post (25), but hires more guards (12) to keep your colony safe.
    • Police Quarters
      An upgraded version of Patrol Brigade, which hires more guards (40) and also produces more security on its own (120). Utilizes bandwidth.
    • Armory
      In United Earth weapon distribution is controlled by the General Assembly. If you need weapons to maintain advanced security needs, you have to import them through this Armory. Also, it slowly consumes (a relatively lesser amount of) money to buy the weapons.
    • Weapon Workshop
      As counter-measures to the embargo imposed by United Earth, LIS build weapons by themselves, not just for national military purpose, but also colony security and defense. Uses microchips and steel to make weapons.
    • National Police Quarters
      A further upgraded version of Police Quarters that produces 350 security on its own and hires 80 guards. It consumes weapon to operate.
    • The Hexagon
      Ultimate security structure, one per colony only, for maintaining colony security. (well the concept is from the world famous national security office of USA, The Pentagon.)
    • Barracks
      Insectnoid basic security structure to maintaining colonial order. Does not generate security on its own but hires 25 guards.
    • Watcher Mound
      A small security tower that hires 10 guards and generates 35 security on its own.
    • Guild of Guardians
      Upgraded from the Barracks, this Insectnoid police brigade provides 100 security and hires 25 guards.
    • Loyalty Guardians
      A even better Guild of Guardians that provides 350 security and hires 50 guards.
    • High Hive of Justice
      Ultimate security hub for Insectnoids.
    • I.C.U. Unit
      A very basic overwatching station that monitors the behavior of colonists in an Alpha Draconian colony, and also stationed with guard drones.
    • B.E.H.O.L.D.E.R.
      An AI-operated Alpha Draconian security agency that spies on every activity on each colonist.

    Security Policies:
    • Curfew
      Implement a curfew policy to rise your colony security by 25, however this may cause unhappiness.
    • Crime-sweeping Ops
      Consume civics (and 10% of happiness) to temporarily (and instantly) increase security rating by 50.
    • Brute Force Suppression
      Consume lots of civics and some weapons to launch a one-time security policy that rises your security by 150 and stops any protests temporarily, but some colonists might get hurt or even death. Only an option when security rating is -80. Also cause 50% loss of happiness.
    • Outsourced Security
      Hiring foreign security guards at the cost of $500/min to rise your colony security by 50.
    H3110 guy$!

    So as what @bastecklein said in the roadmap:
    bastecklein said:v1.0.0 - Online Events Update

    The v1.0.0 release is going to focus on a new feature I mentioned in another thread regarding online events. This is sort of like an online leaderboard feature where players can "compete" with one another by completing tasks for the evil Galactic Emperor and gaining experience points and rank. There are going to be two separate leaderboards, one for individual players, and one for federations. The tasks are broken into daily challenges and your score builds up throughout the month. At the end of the month, the player and federation with the top score wins, gets a payout according to what place they won, and the leaderboards reset for the next month. Winnings are going to be experience points gained for all players who complete events, and Imperial Credits, an online-only resource that gets paid out to the top three winners each month. There will be special buildings that you can add to your colony using Imperial Credits, to honor your victories. There will be no trading of Imperial Credits and you will not be able to buy them with an IAP. They are only to mark participation and victory in the Galactic Emperor challenges.

    So based on that, I’m now tryin’ to give ideas about the quests from the Galactic Emperor (or even more NPCs?)

    Scenarios from Galactic Emperor (and his evil empire)
    • The Imperial Birrthsday
      The Galactic Empire is celebrating its birthsday and the Emperor is inviting all colonies to celebrating it together - if you are willing to help out.
      • Running Rum
        Since there will be enormous demand for alcohol drinks, the Empire is now requesting rums from all corners around the galaxy for the crazy rum fountains.
        Exports a specific amount of rums to the Galactic Emperor.
      • Feast Supply
        The Imperial Kitchen urgently needs some fresh food and rum supplies, nobody would enjoy an imperfect feast!
        Exports a specific amount of food and rum to the Galactic Emperor.
      • State of the ‘Art’
        How you can call this a ‘Festival’ when it goes without some special decorations and arts?
        Export a specific total amount of potteries, cloth, gold, diamond and paintings to the Galactic Emperor. Paintings yields the most score per unit.
      • Sweet Treats
        Imperial Ministry of Desserts is urgently asking for some sugar and food supplies because the Emperor needs some sweet treats!
        Export a specific amount of sugar and food to the Galactic Emperor
      • Event Venue Construction
        Thr Imperial Ministry of Festivals is asking your colony to build a special venue here as some fun events are going to take place here.
        You can build either a small, medium, large, epic or colossal festival plaza on your map. Larger one yields more scores. Will be removed once the scenario is over. This quest will only be issued once.
      • Local Arrangements
        To celebrate such grand festival, it’s time to have some special arrangements in your colony as the Imperial Ministry of Festivals have asked.
        Produce 100K civics cumulatively after this quest is issued to you. Yields lots of score.
      • Toys for the Naughty Boys
        The Galactic Emperor is having headaches because all his kids are asking for new toys as their festival gifts! The Imperial Ministry of Toys is now asking colonies for toys as the Emperor has ordered.
        Export a specific amount of toys to the Galactic Emperor.
      • Tourism Pressure Test
        The Galactic Ministry of Tourism is going to test the ability of your colony to serve the guests, so as to ensure the entire event does not goes wrong!
        Serve 25000 tourists cumulatively after the quest is issued to you. Has hidden Tokens Hide n’ Seek quest to further increase your score during the quest.
      • Festival Taxation
        The Emperor needs some extra fund for preparing this festival, and The Galactic Ministry of Taxation is now asking your colony to pay extra taxes to the Galactic Empire.
        Export a specific amount of money to the Galactic Emperor.
      • The Rite of the Birthsday
        The Galactic Emperor is asking for some Alien Artifects and Alien Relics for an important rite on the Imerial Birthsday.
        Export a specific total amount of alien artifects and alien relics to the Galactic Emperor.
        I’m Here to Serve You, Your Majesty.
        The Imperial Ministry of Servants is now recruiting new robotic servants to help around with the preparation, as well repair supplies for them.
        Export a specific amount of robots, microchips and aluminium to the Galactic Emperor.
      • Voluntary Transport Vessels
        The Empire’s own logistic system has overloaded due to the busy preparation and the Ministry of Logistics is now asking for some shipping vessals from some colonies as to reduce workload of the 5th Imperial Logistic Fleet.
        Export a specific numbers of starships to the Galactic Emperor.

    I hope everybody is having a good week! Today after several weeks of work, I am putting the finishing touches on My Colony v1.0.0 which will be heading out to all platforms over the coming days, just in time for the holidays! There is not a lot of new content in this update, and pretty much nothing that I had originally planned to add to it is here, but that is ok! What you get instead is almost a total re-write of the underlying simulation engine, which I think will improve performance on most devices, greatly reduce save-file sizes (and save corruption instances), and greatly expand the possibilities for new features in the coming updates. With all of that said, let's take a look at what has changed. This will probably be a longer write-up than most, so sit tight!

    First of all, I really wish I had more time to work on this update, as I do not consider it to be complete by any stretch of the means. Sadly though, because of the time of year I had to push the update now, otherwise I would not be able to release until sometime in January. For one reason, I have a lot of family stuff coming up for the holidays. Also, the various app stores do not process submissions during this time of year (so that their employees can have some holiday time off), particularly iPhone, so I have to get the update in now before the release window closes. So I want to apologize to everybody for the lack of new content and incomplete nature of this update, given what I had promised previously. I hope you are not too mad at me, especially since it has been about a month since the last update! I did put a ton of hours into this one though, and I think (hope!) in the long run the game will end up being a lot better for it.

    Since these patch notes are longer than normal, I will split them up into sections.

    Game Data

    First I want to talk about some game file changes. Since the format of the game has evolved a bit since the first release of My Colony in 2016, there have been a lot of properties and settings added over the months and years that are no longer applicable today. I have done a little bit of cleanup and reorganizing of the game data in this release, and if you have an older, larger colony, the first time you open it in v1.0.0 it might take a little longer to load as this cleanup procedure takes place on your game data, possible up to a minute or more. This is normal. Afterwards, the disk size of your game data should be a lot smaller, which should be great for all versions of the game, as save file corruptions are sometimes a problem on various platforms. It should also make cloud sync a whole lot faster and more reliable. I believe it will also help with issues where web browsers like Chrome delete My Colony saves to keep the game under the browser's storage quota. Just for an example, the save file for my main colony which has around 270k population is now only about 600kb, which is a massive reduction from before.

    I am working on a way to export an entire region game (and all of it's sub colonies) into one single backup file. I had meant to have this feature ready to go for this update, but simply ran out of time. Be aware that it is coming soon though. The new file size reduction is one of the reasons why I am able to implement this feature properly!


    There is a large change to how Regions are generated now, when playing on a map type that features a river terrain, such as Earthlike, Abandoned World, and Lava World. The River formations are now generated on a region-wide basis, instead of on a map-by-map basis, giving the entire region a more continuous look and feel. So now when you start a new region on one of these map types, it will have to generate the river template, which may take a minute on slower devices. It is a one-time thing though, so I think the time trade-off is worth it.

    In addition to automatic region generation, you can now also include a template file that the game will use to create your region. The template parser works best when using a 250x250 black and white image, but it will accept any image file you have. For example, consider the following template file:

    When applied to a Lava World region, will create the following regional map:

    These new region generating and templating features can make for some very interesting regional maps!

    Once you are inside of a region map, you will notice some additional changes. There is now a 1 tile green border surrounding regional cities. If you mouse-over this border, you will see the name of the adjacent city in the region and if you click on it, it will ask you if you want to switch over to that city, without having to back out to the overall regional map first.

    In addition, you can now order a rover or other unit to drive onto that green border area, and the unit will be transferred to the adjacent city. Players have wanted this feature since regions first came out, and it basically works just as you would expect it to.

    Simulation Changes

    This is where the changes start getting big, but I have tried to implement them in a way that will hopefully be unnoticeable to most players. For v1.0.0, I have rewritten the core simulation engine from scratch, moving it from an individual colonist based simulation, to more of a macro simulation using buildings as the core point of focus for the game. This change was mainly done for performance and scale. When I had originally created the game, I did not really expect colonies with more than a few hundred colonists at most. My original inspiration for the colonist part of the game was a title I found on Steam called Spacebase DF-9, which sadly got abandoned by it's creators. But in that vain, each colonist had it's own stats, it's own bank account, it's own mood, name, health, happiness level, job, house etc. With a few hundred colonists, this works out pretty good. With 100,000 or even 1,000,000, this becomes a CPU and memory nightmare.

    Over the years I have done various tweaks and hacks to try to get around this design issue, but it's never worked out perfectly. At the end of the day, there was no way to get around the fact that the way that the game was originally envisioned and designed was simply no longer compatible with the way that the game had eventually turned out. My Colony has become, at it's core, a city simulator game based in outer space. It does feature things that you will not find in a traditional city simulator game, but at the end of the day, this is what it has basically morphed in to. So I have made changes to the game to better reflect this reality.

    The individual colonist, as he has existed in prior versions of the game, no longer exists. He has been replaced by statistics. The game now operates on a system based on the residential structure and it's proximity to available amenities, such as entertainment, medical, educational, and work. This is now reflected by clicking on a building and looking at it's stats screen.

    Where a colonist decided to live is based on the overall value rating of the residential property. Where a colonist decides to work is based on the location of the job site in relation to occupied residential buildings. Therefore, maintaining full productive capacity requires balancing all of the desirability factors for your residential buildings and keeping your job sites in range to those buildings.

    It may sound complicated, but it's really not. In general, a colony that was well designed and balanced before this update should still work without too many issues. I have tried to design this in a way that would be as minimally disruptive to existing colonies as possible.

    The largest potential issue people will see is in regards to medical care. Simply put, before medical care was barely required, and now it is absolutely required. If your colony lacks medical facilities, people will die. If you start seeing people die every month for no reason, make sure that you have enough medical clinics!

    This new simulation engine has changed the way approval rating is calculated. It is now a function of the overall value of every residential structure, weighted by the number of colonists living in that structure. Overall colony approval rating will impact production in this way: if overall approval falls below 30%, you will start to see riots, which will in turn decrease the number of people who go to work. To make the transition to v1.0.0 easier, I have disabled rioting for this release, to give players time to balance their colonies. It will be activated in v1.1.0 though, so you should not ignore it.

    In a way, it is sad to make this change, as I've always liked having the ability to select a colonist and see where they live, how happy the are, give them money, etc. These options are now gone from the game, along with certain policy items that were related to individual colonists. That said, the change has reduced the memory consumption of the game significantly, and will also allow the game to grow in ways never before possible, so I think that overall it will be a good thing, and I hope people are not too disappointed by it!

    Colonist Lifecycle

    Colonists now age properly in this update, and they will also have babies. You now need to balance your colony in a way that can support children and elderly, who are unable to work. Before you could just have a 1:1 ratio of population to jobs, now you cannot. A new section has been added to the population stat screen that lets you see the current age distribution of your colonists.

    Colonists will work between the ages of 16 and 70 and they will have kids between the ages of 16 and 40. After the age of 50, they have a chance to die of natural causes, and that chance is higher or lower based on the health rating of your colony.

    This has been the hardest part of the game to balance in this update, and will probably take several updates to get it right. You do not want the birth rate to be too high at the beginning of the game, because it is hard to take care of babies when you are just starting out. However, you do not want it to be too low later on, because you need enough new workers to support the aging population.

    As I said, this will probably take some time to get right. It will be a bit more difficult for large existing colonies, because before this update, almost all colonists were aged between 20-35 years old. If you have a large existing population, all of these people will probably be retiring around the same time. To ease these issues, I have added new deportation policies to the game, with the options to deport all elderly and children.

    Random Changes and Improvements

    The Stats screen now has two new sections, Utilities and Game Data, both of which were going to be a lot cooler than they are now, but I ran out of time. Keep an eye on these, because they will be getting better in the future.

    On the main construction sidebar, you can now right-click on a building to quick-jump to the encyclopedia article for that structure. In addition, mouse-hovering over a building now shows a bit more information, such as the entertainment/medical/educational capacities of the structure.

    For vehicle construction buildings like the Small Vehicle Factory, you can now mouse-over them when they have multiple units queues up to see exactly which types of units are currently in the queue.

    On regional maps, the day/night cycle is now synchronized across the entire region. Before now, one city could be daytime, and the city right next to it could be night.

    Tourism has been revamped, much in the way the rest of the simulation has. You will now probably make a lot more money on tourism than you had previously.

    The Overview statistics window now displays the total number of real-life hours you have played the game (since v0.91.0, as it was not tracked before then), as well as the amount of game-time that your colony has been around.

    There is now a new Medical build category.

    When a colony under embargo starts paying taxes again, they now regain their "motherland relations" at a faster rate.

    The Brood Training Center now provides some education.

    Increased the number of students for the Transcendent Academy, Mound of Scholars, and Internet Relay Booth.

    Increased medical capacity of the Bloodletting Station, Healing Pods, and First Aid Station.

    Increased the guest capacity of the Large Park, Paste Treatment Spa, Torture Booth, Live Autopsy Slab, Suppertime Arena, and Internet Relay Booth.

    Added slight Entertainment and Education boost to the Real News Station.

    Added slight Education boost to the Live Autopsy Slab.

    New Content

    New Unit: Ether Rover
    New Structures: Ether Storage, Integrated Medical Clinic, Small Hospital, University, Ant Paste Rejuvenation Clinic

    What's Next?

    There is still much to be done. I would have preferred to just work on this update for three months and add everything I want to it, but I did want to give everybody something to play over the holidays. My immediate plan for My Colony v1.1.0 is to add the #1 most requested feature since the game originally came out, Mass Transit. I already have the entire system mapped out in my head and I think it's going to work well, and will function within a single city and even across region. This means you will also be able to have houses in one region map where people work in the adjacent region map. So this is what will be coming in v1.1.0, unless there are major issues with this update, in which case it will be v1.2.0.

    After that, I want to implement crime and security, which will be the focus of the next update. Crime is already factored into the land value rating of all buildings, so a lot of the work is already done. I just need to do the work to finish it off. If I had more time, Mass Transit and Crime would have been done in this release, since I have already started implementing both "under the hood."

    Finally, I promised online competition and leaderboards for this update, and I just didn't get to them. I have not forgotten about it though, but I am pushing it out until after Mass Transit and Crime, as I have already sort of started on Mass Transit and Crime, and I think people will probably get more out of those two features anyway. So I am tentatively scheduling the online competition update for v1.3 or v1.4.

    Beyond those, that is all I have planned in the near future for major gameplay changing updates. After that it will be back to the regular bug-fix and content update grinds. I do still need to flesh out the other civs a bit more. At some point I want to add AI controlled factions, as I want to add a new map type that is already inhabited by a primitive species and you will either have to coexist with them or exterminate them. But that is a little bit further down the line.

    So that's all for v1.0.0. It should be hitting all devices over the coming days, so be on the lookout. Let me know in the forum what issues and requests you have. There are literally a ton of engine changes to this update and so I do expect problems, but with your help I will get them all ironed out over the coming updates.

    This happens to be the 100th major update to My Colony, and I want to thank everybody who has been with me over the years, helping me create this amazing game that we all love! I never could have imagined when I first started on it in 2016 what it would have eventually morphed into. A lot of the greatness in the game comes directly from suggestions I have gotten from you guys, so thank you to everybody who has supported the game over the years, and stay tuned for a lot more to come in the future!
    4y ago
    Also improved tourism system would be amazing because tourism is really useless at the moment, it's just a small extra. A better building for civics than imperial propaganda or a reduced civics cost for transcendence would be cool to reduce the amount of afk required for transcendence. Better clay synthesis and ether on ue would also be cool.
    4y ago
    generally I find that our colonies do not produce enough money and bast should review tourism as improving the space port to level 2 and that each tourist produces more money
    4y ago

    Will be making a Tourism Building Pack when UPS decides to send the Premium, Put this together lmk any criticism, please.
    To start, I want to mention that I have plenty of food, water, rum, and cloth. I have a surplus on most all resources and have an atmosphere of 15.5 million. I have built motels, hotels, resorts, a zoo, large park, shopping mall, obelisk, pyramid, restaurants, playhouse, house of horror and about 20 spaceports. All buildings have free space for access. I'm currently able to support 9,500 Tourists, however I'm unable to keep more than 10% of that at any time. I'm perplexed and not exactly sure if this qualifies as a technical issue or not understanding the mechanics.

    I looked for advice or tips on this and was unable to find anything.
    6y ago
    Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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