Search - emergency utilities

Hello guys!

Map-specific service utilities have been mentioned for couples of times in the past.
They can make a good challenge for the game on specific maps.

So today, with this post, I’ll make a recall on this idea and introduce my thoughts as well.

Survival utilities would be similar to services like healthcare and security, but they’re on a higher priority, as the utilities are required for SURVIVAL on certain planets! A lack of these utilities will cause a serious health problem, eventually causing deaths.
The reason I don’t prefer modes like power and bandwidth is because I want a special emphasis on COVERAGE RANGE. Like heating systems on tundra planets cannot reach too far as there’ll be heat loss over distance and exposure to coldness. It’s not reasonable for me to have the buildings deactviated for insufficency of these utilities, as building should run without those utilities, when terraforming is complete, or on other types of planets.
The demands for the survival utilities not just comes from the residential areas, but also workplaces. So number of workers in workplaces also counted as demands for these utilities.
In addition the demands will last permanently long per colonist, unlike healthcare and education.

For the buildings, the colour of the names represents different races as follows: Human and Insectoids.

Here supposes all buildings have the same service range.

So let’s have this as example of Survival Utilities.
<Heating System>
Utility needed in: Tundra Planet
In such sub-zero coldness, even common heaters can’t do much warming up the shelters. So here, you must have stronger heat sources to make sure your colonists won’t froze to death.

Heating Provider:
  • Simple Steam Cycler
    There’re simple appratus you can recycle heat from generators and furnances, to boil water to steam, the steam are piped to the indoor radiators, and then cooled steam are cycled back to collect heat again. Not much it can do as it works in a rather primitive way.

    Heating serves at most 10 colonists.
    Uses 5 power.
    Size 1×1
  • Small Heat Hub
    A heat distribution device in a smaller scale. It has got an independent heater for heating up the externally-insulated heat pipes, which the pipes are connected to the vents of homes and workplaces.

    Upgrde of Simple Steam Cycler.
    Heating serves 30 colonists.
    Uses 10 power.
    Size 1×1.
  • Heat Hub
    A standard heat hub that can keep the entire town not so chilly. A powerful heater is used for keeping the heat distribution network hot enough.

    Heating serves 200 colonists.
    Uses 80 power.
    Size 2×2.
  • Nuclearthermal Hub
    The electrical heater is replaced by a nuclear-powered ones. Just for a tiny amount of uranium to fuel it up, it’ll bring the neccessary warmth for many.

    Upgrade of Heat Hub.
    Heating serves 1800 colonists.
    Uses 10 power.
    Consumes uranium.
    Size 2×2.
  • Warmstone Hearth
    In an old fashioned way of Insectoids, stones with high heat capacity are heated up inside the fiery hot hearth that burns sugar directly, and then the stones are distributed to everybody as primitive personnel hand-warmers.

    Heating serves 20 colonists.
    Burns sugar slowly.
    Size 1×1.
  • Hot Tower
    A powerful burner that keep the indoors of a mound warm enough when fueled with sugar.

    Upgrade of Warmstone Hearth.
    Heating serves 250 colonists.
    Burns sugar.
    Size 1×1.
  • Hotmound
    The Hotmound is a essential heating facility for a tundra Insectoid colony and also a good place for a relaxing hot bath after long shifts.

    Heating serves 900 colonists.
    Entertainment serves 30 colonists.
    Uses 80 power.
    Size 2×2.
It's easy to sit and think of all of the obvious utilities that could be added to my colony, but there are some utilities that we should be careful not to overlook. For example, planets are not all the same. Some are hot, some are cold, some have breathable air, and some don't, and some even have too much. Some are exposed to solar radiation more than others, some are completely dark and shrouded, and yet others have no ground to land on at all.

What I'm getting at is that based on the planetary environment, humans need certain conditional utilities to survive, utilities such as indoor heating or cooling, oxygen and radiation protection. On some planets, lighting my be needed to prevent colonists from becoming unhappy due to the continuous darkness, like on ice and lava planets, and maybe even on abandoned, where it's always a maddening but awesome purple dim instead of full day or night. Some planets may even need poison protection.

I would say that the best way to implement these is to just create the structures and requirements to facilitate each environmental utility and have them in the code, but only activate those utilities on specific planets, thus only certain planets would require specific environmental utilities to be provided and allow the construction of the buildings that relate to that utility. For instance, heating could be required on red and ice planets, but not on lava planet, and heating infrastructure would not appear in the list of available buildings on lava planet, even if you have the resources to build them, instead cooling infrastructure would be available and would definitely be required.

People who suddenly move from a cushy earth-like world to a dead planet where everything is about survival could become traumatized and depressed and undergo serious psychological strain, which could call for a mental therapy utility. Colonists could commit suicide if they become too depressed. Suicides could throttle immigration rates for a duration and cause unhappiness. Some races could be more resistant or susceptible to mental breakdown and suicide than others, and different races could have different ways of accomplishing this. For instance, reptilians could have a brainwashing array that reprograms the minds of it's colonists to prevent them from feeling certain emotions like rage or sadness. It would be unethical, but that's just what reptilians are.

But these are just a few of the possibilities. I wanted to get this out there since I just now saw the new update.
5y ago
This comes from a place of need, I've been in an utility death spiral for quite a while now. Recovering from this with current solutions is taking a very long time (ex. solar, bunker of last resort), but I had an idea, what if there were temporary, expensive, emergency utility structures that can help you in times of need.
I have like 6 thousand Alien Solar Towers and 50k+ Dark Solar Roads, nowhere near enough to work. 😢

This is basically unrecoverable if I don't want to spend the next month building Alien Solar Towers and Bunkers of Last Resort (I am unsure of the most efficacious way to get utilities online again, like for example, focusing on just power until enough of my prebuilt utility structures get power again, creating a feedback loop until nominal, or doing that via BOLR, or a mix), However my idea of Emergency Utilities would help
3mo ago
Hello guys!

As @bastecklein mentioned in his v0.90.0 update notes:
bastecklein said:...When I first started coding My Colony in 2016, I actually built it with the ability to have multiple utilities...

Multiple utility function did worked as you can see in the v0.90.0 update. So we can expect @bastecklein and his epic team will add more utilities (but I’ll expect at most three added) in the future updates.

So speaking of utilities....
I have searched for my old moldy posts written before, using my old account @Wadaling, and found some useful:
Security Utility
Public Transport (potential but not a good idea at all)

What utilities would you wish to add also?
Hello guys!
(I’m the same person as @Wadaling)

Firstly and most importantly, I am presenting a big thanks to @bastecklein, for adopting my ideas from the following posts (written using my old account, @Wadaling):
• Human based ideas and other basis:
• Insectnoid based idea:

Okay let’s go straight into the topic.

As @bastecklein mentioned in his release notes for v0.90.0 update:
bastecklein said:To go along with the new utility, there are new IT related structures (and a new Information Technology build category) for each race, although most are early/mid-game Human structures at the moment. The next updates will build out the tree for the other races and add later game content as well.

bastecklein said:The next update will be Part 2 of the IT update, and will probably be mostly Zolarg and Alpha Draconian. Then there will probably be a Part 3 to top it off.

(for full notes, check it on )

Definitely, Bast and his epic team has lots of stuff to do on this new utility.

Prototype artworks here!

Technology / Research
Multimedia Infranstructure - Learn how to use internet utilities to establish a colony-wide multimedia broadcast system.
Insectnoid Mind Network (Zolarg) - Make use of the internet utilities to transfer...... thoughts. Allowing more efficient communication, governance, and management.
Proxy Servers (LIS) - The best way to perform secret activities without the need for cleaning browser history, while avoid tracking by the galaxy-wide internet secuity system of United Earth.
Mass Data Management - Learn how to improve internet utilities to manage more data, as well utilize it for more efficient industrial management purpose.

Official News Station - Keep your colonists informed. Paid to subscribe the home commonwealth channel, generating more civics than ordinery civic centres.
Imperial Propaganda Office - Direct upgrade of Official News Station... still broadcasts some news, but also broadcasts a very wide range of propagandas to influence your people... Generates lotta of civics, but costing more money, and it also consumes little amount of chips.
Sports Streaming Station - When you can’t have a stadium in your colony, why not just establish a sports event streaming station on a empty ground, and let your colonists spectating the exciting matches through the screen. Snacks and rums are provided to the spectators.
Cinema - This cinema will fetch all kinds of movies around the galaxy through the internet, and play them to the colonists (paid for the tickets)!
Semiautomatic Software Complier - Develop lots of software efficiently using AI technology.
Large Server Building (UE only) - When bandwidth demand in your colony grows, you definitely need a larger and more efficient server to meet the needs.
E-Sports Stadium - E-sports is definitely one of the most exciting sports event all-around the galaxy! This stadium provides the venue for all sorts of e-tournaments.
Online Black Market Office (LIS) - This upgraded black market bazzar can manage a larger amount of trade, while fetching more smuggled goods into the colony!
Electronics Chop Shop - Old scraps of electeonics are put here and recycled into microchips, to meet the demand for internet maintainence.
Hacker Camp (LIS) - Where professional gangs of hackers hide and launch viral attacks to steal software, intelligence, and most importantly, evil money.
Proxy Server Building (LIS) - Large servers are easily tracked by United Earth. Although provides less bandwidth than ordinery one it does provides a much safer internet services.

Zolarg / Insectnoids
Mound of Scholars - (Although not related to the internet directly,) This mound will teach the broods all kinds of professional industrial skills for all sorts of advanced industrial production and research, as well internet utilities.
Insectnoid Hologram News Station - Believe what? Insectnoids somehow steal the hologram technology from Alpha Draconians and simplified their designs. Keep the broods informed with newest Zolarg propagandas and news, generating civics while consuming national subscription fees and microchips.
Interstellar Mind Connection Node - Contact the antennas on their head with the wires and connect to the communication network. That’s the way Insectnoids communicate with their cousins lightyears away, without any signal jamming.
Hologram Theatre - This entertainment facility makes use of multiple hologram projectors to play freshly uploaded amazing theatres from Zolarg Prime.
Vaults of Galactic Investment - Insectnoids cannot just rely on mints to get the money they need. It’s time to connect to the interstellar investment markets and earn big.
Mind Council of Scholars - Where scholars’ minds meet and discuss innovations and conduct researches using thoughts and resources from the mind network. Generates research, along with education services.
Insectnoid Computer Array - Yes, I’m not kidding. Insectnoids did built their own computer for research.

(More ideas coming soon! Stay tuned!)

More ideas?
Please comment!

Or access to and have some discussion!

I did not have a lot of time to work on My Colony 2 over the past week, so there isn't a ton to report in this weeks update, however changes were indeed made, so your PWA and Ape Apps Launcher releases should be automatically updating themselves soon, if they haven't already.

I am probably going to be implementing utilities next, so gameplay is going to change quite a bit soon. Utilities in MC2 will be similar to MC1, with some small differences. Firstly, Water will be a utility in MC2, as opposed to a resource like in MC1. Maybe Food too, I haven't decided. Utilities are going to be on a per-settlement basis, although there may be a way to trade utilities between settlements, perhaps for profit.

Anyway, not much else to say. Keep those suggestions and reports coming, and stay tuned for more!

3y ago

Returns JSON formatted pricing for all GBT prices. The format for each record looks like this:

  • id: server id of the resource
  • name: resource name
  • price: legacy price.  used only for old My Colony clients.  Not reliable.
  • detailed.last: sell price of the last trade
  • detailed.rolling: rolling average price over last 3 days
  • detailed.min: lowest purchase price from the last 3 days
  • detailed.max: highest purchase price from the last 3 days
  • detailed.emergency: rarely used.  sometimes the client will fall back to the emergency price if the market gets too crazy
7y ago
Hello commanders.

Hopefully I can provide some ideas for Colony Wars Campaign!

You are a commander in Terra Nova, newly promoted as lieutenant at the outbreak of the civil war by Harold Franklin, the colonel of the colony.
Right after a short promotion process in such emergency, a LIS commander named Jackins D. Jones raid into the commander office you just receive promotion.
Harold pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Jackins, at the same time Jackins have his assault rifle pointed at Harold's chest.
You pulled out your pistol, originally pointed at Jackins and ready to pull the trigger.
But Jackins begin persuading you to join them - ‘Do you think killing more innocent people for the Union will make this corrupt world even better?’
At this moment, you begin hesitating.
‘You won't betray the Union, right?’ Harold, trying to pull you back.

At this moment, you choose the faction you wish to play.

If you choose United Earth, you'll save Harold by shooting at Jackins' arm, forcing Jackins to retreat, Harold will bring you to communications room to receive orders from Marshal Bradley R. Johnson.
If you choose LIS, you'll shoot Harold's leg, and leaving with Jackins. Jackins will bring you to the hideout, joining the resistance leader Beuford P. Tots.

United Earth
  • Emergency Retreat
    Congrats for the promotion commander, but we don't have the time to celebrate. An unknown resistance launched unexpected attack on our Space Marines dispatchment on this planet in a sudden, at this rate we'll lose all our men within hours. Here is your first task, defend the starport and evacuate all remaining Space Marines force as possible. We're counting on you!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Defend the starport for 5 minutes. The starport must not fall!
    • At least 3 full transport shuttles must be evacuated. (12 Space Marines)
  • Red Rocks and Red Blood
    Thanks for saving the Space Marines from Terra Nova, the soldiers are paying high respect to you. But as you see, the Resistance declared war on us. They call themselves Independent State. Though this is ridiculous, they are posing problems. Chaos begin stirring up the colonies around Terra Nova. More importantly, I am sending you to Crimson Rock, where our prototype weapon archives center lies. Our coordination officer Yoshihara will tell you more details.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    I have heard of your story in Terra Nova, it's a amazing work. Okay, here's the details. Garrisons reported strong Resistance activities in Crimson Rock. The archives center is relatively safe in suburban, here we need you to establish defense around the lab before the enemy notice the facility. Don't let the Resistance touch any documents, since these confidential weapon blueprints here will help us in the future battles. Eliminate the Resistance forces once you think the facility is secured. Good luck! Commander!
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Mission objectives
    • Establish a base near the Archives Center.
    • The Archives Center must not fall!
    • Eliminate all LIS forces.
  • There are Crowbars in My Woods
    Hey, Commander. Nice to see you again. It's a honour to be praised as a hero in Terra Nova and get promoted as Captain… isn't it? Marshal is too busy to manage every battlegrounds, so now you are under my command again. Remember, always, remain, respect, to, your, officer.
    I need you in the jungles of Janiss-5. Resistance saboteurs broke into prison facility that I am responsible for, released some dangerous political prisoners. My force will lock the area down much as possible, while you'll search for these troublemakers soon as possible before they sneak away from us again.
    If you fail, both of our military career will be screwed up. Understand?
    What are you waiting for? Go!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find all the Saboteurs and prisoners before the countdown strikes zero.
  • Who is the Traitor
    Good job, my commander. You have fulfilled your responsibility, as you should be. Just do one more thing for me, I'll consider submitting another promotion request for you.
    I have a rival, Ronnie. This man always gets into my way, ruining my good plans in battles. I am suspecting this bastard turned to the Resistance. Find evidence of his betrayal, and more importantly, destroy him!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find Ronnie's base and infiltrate his radar.
    • Destroy the real traitor.
  • Operation ‘Kaiser’
    (Inspecting documents) …… I can't believe Harold betrayed the Union. The Resistance bribed him. I'm glad you are wise enough to identify who is friend or foe. You have proved your capabilities again, for this, you're promoted to Colonel.
    -Marshal R. Johnson

    (Incoming transmission)
    Marshal, our prototype weapons developed from blueprints in Crimson Rock proved effective against Resistance forces. Ronnie's forces just retrieved Fort-35 from the hands of our enemies using them.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Fantastic! Thanks to your blueprints, now we can plan a counterstrike on these troublesome Resistance forces. Speaking of that, now you're one part of Operation ‘Kaiser’. And you gotta take a important part of the operation. You'll lead one of our newly built tech forces to take Emper System back from our enemies. Make a wise use of them!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Capture the Fort Command. Do not destroy it.
    • Destroy all LIS bases and forces.
  • Dangerous Encounter
    (Video records)
    Do you see that? Is that a human sized ant… Wait, it has a gun!? Everybody find a cover!
    (Goes static after the soldier being shot by a gun)
    -A poor soldier, who encountered unknown being

    That's all available records of recent alien encounter incidents. Well, kind of... Unbelievable. Something that should only happen in manga stories now take place in reality.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    It is likely Insectoids... But where did they come from?
    Oh, commander. Sorry for not noticing you are already here!
    I appreciate your great work in Operation ‘Kaiser’, you have made remarkable contribution to the Union. The General Assembly quickly agreed to promote you to General ranks. It is a big honour!
    I bet you'll be a great Marshal better than me, in a future not so far away! (Thumbs up)
    As you see, while we are having a hard time with the Resistance, there are aliens crawling on our flanks, with intension unknown. We need you to collect more information about those aliens. For this dangerous mission, you'll have one of our best Space Marines of the Union, Sarge. I'm very sure you will cooperate with him very well.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Keep Sarge alive.
    • Find and infiltrate the alien base.
    You need some Insecticides?
    Seriously, the Zolarg Empire of Insectoids allied up with the Resistance? THAT Zolarg Empire we just heard of its establishment recently?
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Yes, Marshal. And they sent a message to warn us - ‘Stop your action against the liberty warriors, or we'll officially declare war on you.
    -United Earth Diplomat

    Now everything just get complicated... And they call that not yet declaring war on us?
    Commander, you have just come at the right time. The Insectoids are standing on the enemies' side. Our flanks are in danger. There is one location you have to keep Insectoids away, Urano-6. We also have our strategic uranium mine here, we cannot lose this place to either Insectoids or the Resistance. Defeat the Insectoids there before they can further disrupt our battles with the Resistance. I'll send you a dispatchment of Hazard Squad to aid your mission.

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all Zolarg bases and forces.
  • Interstellar Missile Crisis
    There is an emergency situation here, Commander. The Resistance developed their own warp-speed interstellar missiles while we got distracted by Zolarg's forces. The intel satellites just detected missile bases on New Bavaria. Wonder how far can the missiles reach? They can fly straight to the Solar System! Homeworld of the glorious human civilization will be under threat! Mobilise your forces now, you need to destroy their missile arsenal before they have launched any single one - each missiles carries a disaster warhead!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all missile silos before the timer strikes zero.
  • The Last Siege
    That was close, commander. But you have just saved the General Assembly from a deadly disaster. The General Assembly is pleased.
    Now the tide of war turns to our side. The missiles of Resistance can no longer threaten any of our strategic locations, while the diplomats managed to make Zolarg signed a ceasefire treaty with us, now we can at least push the Resistance back to where they can't do much harm to us.
    Here is task for you, commander. Probably the last task. We plan to destroy the Resistance's stronghold on Basilisk-55. Once this stronghold has reduced to rubbles, we'll have a strategic victory. Our first space strike batteries will be ready for devastating fire support.
    - Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all LIS base and forces.
  • Aftermath
    LIS succeeded to break away from United Earth, marked the victory of them.
    Despite LIS' success, United Earth still achieved a tactical victory, pushing LIS to the barren ends that they can no longer threaten the great Union... At least for a while.
    Marshal Bradley represented United Earth to sign a peace treaty to end the civil war.
    However, the General Assembly is dissatisfied with the outcome. After the peacemaking meeting, Bradley resigned under the pressure of General Assembly, but recommended the General Assembly let you to be the next Marshal of United Earth.
    The General Assembly agreed to promote you to Marshal of United Earth.
    Zolarg Empire also withdrawn their forces as the announcement of end of war, returned to their homelands. The first interstellar alien civilization known to humans, but worries regarding this dangerous guest had spread across the public - would this Insectoid empire be another threat to the great Union?
    Anyways, you are now known as a war hero across United Earth, who had saved the Union from being disintegrated by LIS uprising. A bright future awaits... Maybe.

Later I'll update the post for LIS campaigns.

I'm pretty interested on how the plot of the game will be going. The first episode looks fine :)
Besides describing the current plot, I'll also make presumption on chapter 3 of the game.

As far as I know, base on information provided by @bastecklein 's messages and posts, as well from the game itself, that is the current plot.

Chapter 1: Lunar-3 Prison Facility
Frank Munson (player) is mercenary hired by LIS for conducting covert operations against United Earth military. However, 4 years ago, due to an unsuccessful mission and betrayal of his squadmate (bribed by United Earth intelligence authority), Frank ended up imprisoned in the top security block of Lunar-3 prison facility, under command of a legendary member of Space Marines, the most ruthless chief warden of this prison in history, the "Dogface Boy".
Yet Frank had not yet gave up his life and free will while his stay in the prison. Eventually he had his extremely rare chance of escape at the time when Human Civil War was at the peak. While a lonely security guard was on a regular routine checking Frank's prison cell, the guard was killed by Frank, at the blind spot.
With the pistol looted from the killed guard, Frank began his breakout from his prison cell. The top security block was surprisingly underdefended, he managed to breach the containment in no time, escaping to the other blocks of the prison. His next stop? The maintenance block where he could obtain a detailed structural map of the facility.
He got what he wanted in the maintenance block, quickly he planned his escape route, which he could maximize his chance of survival by bypassing major security checkpoints, obtain supplies he needed for breaching the security, and paralyze the critical functions of the prison facility. Just like the way he used to be in the old days when he infiltrate military facilities.
Frank's escape plan progressed successfully and did stir up large chaos in this heavily guarded facility. While most security officers were confused by the strange traces of Frank, Frank's escape had caught special attention of the chief warden of the prison facility. Dogface Boy knew the exact place Frank was heading to - The supply dock of the facility.
Eventually Frank was intercepted by the ruthless chief warden. However, after a lengthy battle, which left the corridor in front of the transporter room in complete disarray, Dogface Boy was mortally wounded when he caught a class 3 rocket square in the face.
At last, Frank escaped using the teleporter of the transporter room, sneaked into the Galactic Freight cargo ship The Pegasus - which was heading to Earth.

Chapter 2: Cargo Ship Pegasus
(detailed info not known, hence much less info is here)
Frank infiltrated into the ship and made his way to the bridge of the vessel. The captain of the ship, Wurm (ex-member of United Earth Space Marines) was shot and the ship was destroyed by Frank upon emergency landing on Washington D.C., the political capital of United Earth.

How would Chapter 3 go like? (presumption)
Here is my presumption on the plot of chapter 3. Since this is presumption, please don't take that serious.

Chapter 3: Washington D.C.
As the emergency report from Lunar-3 and the distress message from Pegasus before its destruction were received by Earth capital security agency, the military police on Earth were already prepared for recapturing the dangerous convict Frack Munson at the landing spot. However the self-destruction of Pegasus was not expected, which had distracted the military police. Frank managed to break through the first layer of containment and headed deep into the center of the city, preparing for his bold plan came up with while he was on Pegasus - assassinate the President.
Shortly the officials of the city announced a emergency situation in Washington D.C., kicking up the alert level of the city. At the same time, the capital security agency deployed a Space Marines team led by Arms McGee to guard the White House.
Every streets and alleys of the city was soon stationed with military police and heavy vehicles, nevertheless, Frank destroyed the defense lines one by one. Eventually he reached the White House, which was guarded by the Space Marines.
A tough battle was fought between the veteran mercenary and the well-equipped Space Marines. After an hour of battles that had almost torn the white house apart, Frank pushed forward to front of the bunker under the White House, however the last line of defense was guarded by Arms McGee, one of the most experienced officer of Space Marines.
A battle between two real man, as described by McGee before his last heartbeat. McGee eventually lost in the duel, he had both of his mechanical arms crumpled and his chest pierced by countless bullets.
At last, Frank broke into the bunker where the President was hiding (and livestreaming his presidential campaign), shot the President to death right at the scene.

After the assassination, using the roughly intact communication device in the bunker, Frank sent his last message to LIS and his ex-squadmates. Afterwards, he once again picked up his weapon, attempted to fight his way out of the city. At last, he was surrounded by helicopter gunships in the suburbans, reduced to ashes under intensive rocket fire and bullet showers.
United Earth, despite able to stop the rampage of Frank Munson, however what they had lost was far more than that. The tragedy of President's death demoralized the United Earth military at the battlefronts for a while. The massive casualties caused by Frank was not easily compensatable, especially the loss of 3 legendary members of Space Marines, disruption of the Lunar Run supply line due to destruction of Pegasus, and an almost nonfunctional prison facility.
Certain resources can probably be turned into utilities like water and oil, but most resources can't be turned into utilities without changing the way my colony is played. If the old resource system is putting strain on the server, the solution is to give admins the ability to add another server. For example, if my dedicated server can't handle 100 large colonies trading, MC2 should give me the ability to add another server dedicated to processing resource transfers and transactions.
3y ago
H3110 guys! (^ω^)

Insectnoids are now leaving without any source of water in Water World. Some sea water extract & purification buildings are required.

Firstly I am presenting a big thanks 😉 to @bastecklein for featuring the ideas about offshore buildings (and some fish stuff) in the recent update.

I have the second branch of my ideas about the offshore buildings.
And I am pushing the limits of construction - I’ll also feature buildings that can be built on LAVA for insectnoids (later when I have time to update the post)

Here it comes!
Buildings on WATER
  • Salt Water Filter
    Serve as startup-stage way for obtaining pure water. But it’s a bit slow.
  • Algae Farm
    Cultivating algae for food.
  • Offshore Oil Drill
    Start extracting precious oil out from deep seas.
  • Offshore Resort
    The idea is simple here. You build an tropical resort and it will be able to attract tourism.
  • Submarine Docks
    What’s sinking under the seas? Take a ride on the submarine and find out! Produces less alien artifects than a dig site.
  • Driller Submarine Depot
    Driller submarines are capable to extract minerals from sea beds.
  • Water Sports Centre
    Why not having some fun playing water sports that will also make a great entertainment and tourist attraction!
  • Seastead
    Offshore homes would be interesting and great for your colonists to live. You can see wonderful fishes evryday you wake up.
  • Sea Safari Depot
    Wanna have a tour in the beautiful ocean?
  • Insectnoid Fishery
    So instead of fetching wild fish, why not make fish come to you?
  • Aquamound
    Insectnoid offshore homes.
  • Seabeet Farm
    Seabeet is a sugar-rich aquatic vegetable from Zolarg Prime. Although produces less sugar than a sugarcane farm does, it can be built offshore.
  • Aqua Ring
    A water extraction structure, but it is built offshore to extract sea water.
  • Aqua Scrubber
    Purifies sea water into drinkable water.
  • Aqua Purifier
    It’s just literally a distiller...
  • Floating Bazaar
    An offshore Bugzaar (Insectnoid bazaar).
  • Mangrove Farm
    Insectnoid style tree farm... for Water World, which you’ll need lotta of wood to build offshore stuff.
  • Geothermo Stablizer Node
    Stablizes lava tiles of a small range of 5×5.
  • Obsidian Solidifier
    Make obsidian by pumping water into the lava sea which quickly cools the lava into lumps of obsidian.
  • Lava Centrifuge
    So when you are short in minerals, why not try seperate them from the natural slags around you.
  • Lava Furnance
    Smelt antanium using geothermal energy directly without the need of using your own power!
  • Inferno Spire
    Generate a epic amount of energy without consuming anything with this geothermal Inferno Spire!
I spent the day making some changes to the forum, and you might have to reload your style sheets for the changes to take effect (empty cache/hard reload), but tomorrow (9/27) work begins on the v0.97.0 patch. I plan on focusing heavily from this thread: (More offshore buildings! (Need EMERGENCY ATTENTION)), which includes more Water World content and the "emergency!" fix for Water World insectoids, who are currently gimped.

In addition to the above mentioned content, there will be bug fixes and a new feature that allows you to "group" or stack similar rovers together. The stacked rovers will act as one single rover, but will say something like "Megabot Stacked x50". Stacked bots will be represented by a single bot object in the game, which will greatly improve performance when moving and building. The only downside is that they cannot move separately from each other, but you will be able to un-stack them too as needed.

Anyway, work begins tomorrow, so stay tuned!
4y ago
Hello guys!

I kind of having ideas of limiting the types of ships you can buy from a spacedock, by each spacedock are run by a single shipbuilding corporation. And each shipbuilding corporation provides different variety of ships.
Of course not all ships must come from a single shipyard. We can still have most types of the ships available to all while have some special ships exclusively products of the shipbuilding corporations.
Maybe exclusive upgrades too?
Shipyards of neutral cities would be free from influence of shipbuilding corporations.
Also, I'm coming up with mission idea related to these shipyards in my mind. Like, "borrowing" samples of a special ship just to be reverse engineered by another, and then you have another shipyard able to produce the ship you want, probably at cheaper cost. Of course, there can be consequences if you fail......

Alright, here are my ideas about some ship suppliers!

Red Satellite Drive Yards
Exclusive ships
  • Galactic Freight Heavy Hauler
    A long range cargo ship with better self defense capability.
Exclusive upgrades
  • Heavy Duty Hyperdrive Engine
    Requires more starship parts to assemble one for your ship, but it does make your ship much faster than common hyperdrive engines.
    Can only be upgraded once.
  • Fuel Storage Module
    Expands fuel tank capacity. Now you can save more space for cargo instead of fuel!
Martian Industries
Exclusive ships
  • Phobos Class Modular Transport
    It can be greatly modified by attaching lots of modules, making it a starship with versatile potentials.
    Can be upgraded up to 8 times!
Exclusive upgrades
  • Advanced Cargo Pod Module
    A more streamlined, lightweight but sturdy cargo pod module allows a ship to carry a heavier load of cargo without affecting ship performance too much.
  • Automatic Self Repair System
    "In case of emergency, break glass to initiate repair"
    Ship slowly repairs itself over time. Can only be upgraded once.

Beaconburg Arsenals
Exclusive upgrades
  • Sensor Scrambler
    Makes you invisible on sensor readers! Notes: It does not actually makes your ship not visible.
    Allows your ship to bypass blockade easier (higher success rate). Can only be upgraded once.
  • Rapid Escape System
    Additional navigation computer for rapid calculaion for an emergency short range hyperjump.
    Increased in-battle escape success rate. Can only be upgraded once.
  • Ion Beam Capacitor
    Normal attacks have a chance to disable enemy for a short duration.
Liberty Star Engineering
Exclusive ships
  • Hauler Carrier
    Is essentially a modified Galactic Freight Hauler, which it is repurposed into a carrier for asteroid mining operations and military.
  • Orca Corvette
    A small military vessel developed by LIS themselves to bypass treaties signed with United Earth.

Solaris Imperial Shipwharf
(pending icon)
Ruimtevaarder Guild
Exclusive upgrades
  • Sugarcane Microfarm Module
    Produce food right on your ship!

Draconi Royal Shipyards
Sigma Systems
Addendum 1: Maybe scaling based on how large/demanding your settlement is?
3mo ago
Addendum 2: I would need 131K alien solar towers to power my base 😭
3mo ago
Entertainment. For adults.


Tile Size 4 (2x2)

workers 20
(Max) Tourists 30
guests 75
Admissions Fee 20

power -100
Rum -2
Food -2

Technologies required
Tourist Traps
Advanced Small Scale Construction

Microchip -250
Plastic -150
Rum -1000
Money -5000
Food -3000
Gold -1500
Steel -800
Ore -1000

Disco Disco Good Good? Double Disco? Disco+? Sally?

Tile Size 4 (2x2)

workers 50
(Max) Tourists 100
guests 200
Admissions Fee 25

power -200
Rum -4
Food -4

Technologies required
Tourist Traps
Tall Construction

Microchip -400
Plastic -300
Rum -5000
Money -50000
Food -30000
Gold -40000
Steel -2000
Ore -2000

7y ago
Very nice idea you have here! Life support (& protection) utilities against harsh enviornments is very important, and it is definitely real challenges to colonize a planet.

And you did have a nice concept of ‘homesick/Earth-sick’ that are usually commonly found on colonists. 😝

(I think I’ll also present my building+resource ideas regarding this)
This would be a good time to produce a building that specifically brings in one type of race, like maybe an upgrade to the slave gate that allows immigration from the Zolarg Empire. Then there could be jobs that could be specific to one race...arbiters and brewmasters could be draconian only, or jobs could be set to only allow certain races as workers, that way it makes more sense for insectoid housing to exist, and for insectoid specific jobs to exist. It's just an idea, something I've thought should be in place for a while.
Regardless of if bast does that or not, what about:
Insect Fattener- It turns out if you overfeed your insects, they will start to vomit up sugar and ant paste as they get sick from overeating. Collect both these resources from the poor bugs! Consumes Food to keep those insects fed, and water to clean up the gross insectoid germs!
Slave Labor Camp- Using state-of-the-art insectoid technology, create your own Labor Camps for those insects to work! Creates many valuable resources for your colony! (This is the draconian version of the labor camp like they have their own version of the mining pit too). Requires a couple of Reptillian supervisors to make sure those insects don't slack off!
Drunken Market- It's a well-known fact that tourists and citizens alike act much dumber when they're drunk. Here you can get people drunk and sell them terrible knockoffs for high prices while their inhibitions aren't in the way! Transforms 2 rum, 1 pottery, 1 painting into $3000, and creates unhappy people! Can entertain 30 tourists (I'm not sure how many it should entertain, 30 seemed reasonable).
Plastic Polymerizer- I'm sorry, I couldn't come up with something clever for this one. Uses bandwidth, power, 1 oil and 1 water to make 80 plastic.
Hacker's Den- Tired of how all that coding work nets you so little software? How about having that code be used to steal other people's programs instead! That coder will bring in much more software now! Uses much more bandwidth and a bit more power to net you much more software.
Triantanium Impactor- Using antanium, uranium, and helium, you can create a decent amount of triantanium to use to usher in the newest age of technology. Uses 1 u, 1 an, 1 he to make 40 triantanium. Requires bandwidth, power, and software as utilities.
Robomaker's Den- Provides housing and job(s). Uses aluminum, software, microchips, and crystalline to make robots.
Cell Phone Factory- Tired of hearing your younger citizens complain about the slow postal system? Want to make the elderly colonists feel stuck in the past? Well, start making and selling cheap cell phones that will stop working as soon as the warranty ends! (Warning: small chance phones may explode!) Produces civics as a byproduct of people feeling the illusion of being able to contact customer service (even if they are always on hold). Transforms 1 microchip, 1 plastic, 1 software into $200. Uses power, robots, and bandwidth as well.

New Tech- Next-Gen Technology: Costs 30 million research, 3 million civics, $8 million, 5k plastic, robots, and triantanium. (Can modify costs, just what I thought of based on other draconian techs) Needed for everything after this point:
Next-Gen Chip Transporter- Tired of how slow the normal transporter is? Using plastic and other state-of-the-art materials you can upgrade those last-gen transporters into the future! Now requires bandwidth, but produces 30 microchips per round in return. (or alternatively, produces chips at the same conversion ratio, but at a drastically increases speed).
Ultra-High Frequency Node- Are your people complaining about not having enough internet access? Does it feel too slow for you? Well never fear! Using next-gen fiber optic technology, you can make superior nodes to provide all your people with bandwidth!
Deep Space Hacker- Using next-gen data-stealing technologies, upgrade your deep space interceptors to hack even the most secure transactions and communications! (not sure how much of an upgrade it should be, but should definitely give you more money and research, but should now also get you civics from hacking into secure government databases halfway across the universe).
Next-Gen Triantanium Impactor- Using next-gen technology you can create massive amounts of triantanium! Creates 140 triantanium from 1 an, 1 u, 1 he. Utilities: robots, bandwidth, and power
Next-Gen Polymerizer- you know the words by now, using next-gen technology, blah blah blah :P. Produces 160 plastic per round using same components as original polymerizer.
Next-Gen Microreactor (upgrade from hybrid microreactor, because I thought of this idea but don't want to step on wadaling's toes)- Using the power of next-gen technology, create absurd amounts of electricity! Uses bandwidth, triantanium, and helium to make power. Also requires water to stop from overheating.
Next-Gen Materials Extractor- Uses crystalline and helium to make 50 of each of the raw materials instead of 15.
Actual Reality Gaming Station- Using next-gen "virtual reality", make video games so realistic they are actually happening! You can drop blocks on insectoids in Antetris, crush them with candy in Sugar Crush, stomp Sectoombas like your favorite video game characters Drario and Druigi, and best of all, play first-person shooters like Crush of Insects: Drac Ops as yourself! Requires sugar to keep those "virtual" insects fed, as well as software and robots to add that extra realism to the game! Produces money that draconians have mooched from their parents, as well as civics for helping the draconian military crush any insectoid rebels. Provides entertainment for citizens and tourists.

I'll add more ideas if I think of them, just had a couple of immediate ones and I wanted to post them.

Hello guys!

Keeping your people happy is always the basics for a thriving civilization.

In this post, I’ll introduce the buildings related to quality of life and happiness - The service utilities.
(notes: service utilities includes health, education, entertainment and security.)

Royal Jelly Club
What’s better than a club that serves royal jelly cocktail?

An upgrade of the Gentlebugs Club. Of course, serves more guests, and consumes more rum, and sugar for flavouring.

Hall of Rum Fountains
A gorgeous place where the gentries of insectnoids in the society meet, and spend their wonderful night dancing, enjoying top-quality, unlimited supply of Royal Rum.

An upgrade of the House of Running Rum. It’s definitely a large hall for greater feasts and entertinment. Don’t forget the amazing rum fountain :D.

The Megatree of United Souls
Each insectnoid colony might have one, symbolizes unity and linkage of the Insectnoids as a whole. Not just a tourism hotspot, but also where insectnoids having troubles seek for answers here via meditation.

Surely fits the style of insectnoids, worshipping mythical theories and seek for truths trough meditation.
Notes: nothing to do with bandwidth.

Park of The Shining Stars
A park, a good spot for astronomic observations and relaxing. Some important rituals of the entire colony are held there.

It roughly includes a tall rock where you can stand and observe the skies, and some trees hanged with lanterns.
Fee-free entertainment for all.

Public Forum
Whenever there’s important issues needs everybody to discuss, the insectnoids goes to this Public Forum for a day-long debate. It’s also a good place for young insectnoids to develop thinking skills through dabates. And almost every insectnoid enjoys listening to the debators.

An multi-purpose building, produces civics, gives education, and provides entertainment.

Grand Brood Academy
This Grand Brood Academy will teaches broodlings from all hives with kinds of skills that an insectnoid needs, and learn insectnoid history.

An upgrade for Mound of Scholars, for meeting enormous needs of education.

Sauna Mound
Steaming your body with herbs not just relieves soar muscles, it is also an effective therapy for some sickness. Come and enjoy this beneficial insectnoid sauna!

A mix of medical and enterment service, multipurpose building for larger insectnoid population.

Herbal Yard
Where the herbs are grown for making medicine for the sick. Sometimes the herbs are used to brew some refreshing herbal tea.

A larger medical facility for healing more sick insectnoids.

Infirmary Hive
Essentially a large specialised facility for healing thousands of sick bugs.

That’s an upgraded Herbal Yard.

Unholy Shrine of Health
Using unholy the power of Antaura, even cancers can be cured in a few minutes. It’s the mythical magic that nobody actually understands at all.

If you are asking for more ways utilizing Antaura, then that’s one of the way.

Unholy Temple of Endless Darkness
Where the evil cultists worshipps the power of Antaura... and seeking for the truth of the galaxy.

In case you need more entertainment and Antaura.

The Shame Deeps
Where important criminals are locked at the deepest spot of this prison, while those minor criminals are either punished and insulted at the surface plaza, or locked underground but not in the worst deeps.

An upgrade for Mound of Justice.

Guild of Royal Guard
Where a group of well-deciplined gentlebugs, the Royal Guards, meet and assign roles and tasks to maintain order in the colony. Of course, the Guild has prison for the most unforgivable criminals at maxinum secturity.

An simple idea for security buildings... Maybe serves as an upgrade of The Shame Deeps?
I mentioned in my other thread about how a game planet was going to be divided into settlements, but since I am at the point of development right now where I actually need to start fleshing this out, I thought I would open a thread to discuss how exactly the mechanics of settlements would/should work, and how they should be governed.

In the thread regarding Resources as Utilities, I think we sort of decided that resources would work in a similar manner to MC1. One thing I think needs to be finalized is resource pools. Should they be player based, or settlement based? I am of mixed opinions on this, so would like to hear feedback and pros/cons of each, since I need to start adding resources to the engine fairly soon before I can move on.

I have been going back and forth on this. I have considered resources being tied to the settlement, tied to the player, work like utilities, and even just not having resource pools at all. The more I think of it in my head though, I am starting to envision a new system that is possibly a bit more complicated at first, but I think is more realistic and would add a whole new element to the game - logistics.

My proposal for MC2 is to have the resources literally be tied to no large single pool, but instead just sit there in the building/area they were produced until they are moved. If you build a mine somewhere, you also need a transportation system to bring the ore from the mine to the refinery, or to a warehouse, etc. Each player is responsible for this own supply lines. Suppose you build a department store in Settlement A that sells toys. You also have a factory in Settlement B that produces toys, but it is X miles away and there is a transport cost. Player2 also has a toy factory in Settlement A right across the street from your shop. You can either pay build up your own transportation infrastructure, or you can just source the toys from across the street, in which case money would change hands from Player 1 to 2.

There should be logistics related buildings such as trucking stations or perhaps rail lines. So there wasn't so much micromanaging, a Factory could know what resources it needs, and trucks in the area could automatically move the materials. If a truck is owned by Player 1 and the mine is owned by Player 1 and the factory is owned by Player 1, then it can be a "free shipping" scenario, otherwise you could make money by transporting resources for other players. A player could build his entire financial empire on being a "transport tycoon" and shipping resources for other players.

Warehouses can be tweaked so that the player can decide what resources are stored there. You could say that Warehouse A on this part of town should only store Gold because there is a Mint nearby. And then trucks behind the scenes could figure out the logistics. The player could also manually set their trucking routes if they wanted more control.

If each building had a "Needs" and "Provides" ledger, a lot of the logistics could happen behind the scenes automatically.

Another benefit of each building keeping it's own inventory would help facilitate transactions between players. Suppose Player 1 needs a new Rover, but does not have a vehicle factory, or the materials to build his own. But Player 2 has a Rover Dealership with 6 rovers in stock. You can just buy one of their rovers for Money without even needing the materials or your own factory, and Player 2 gets some nice funds added to their treasury. And perhaps the settlement gets a nice sales tax. Player 2 could tell the dealership building to always keep X numbers of Rovers in stock, and the shipping and logistics engine could take care of the rest. Or he could own the rover factory next door and set up the shipping himself. I don't know!!!

In MC1, again like a dictatorship, the player controls everything related to the economy. You pay the workers, and you also tax them. I am thinking of separating this out. For MC2, I propose that the only resource an actual settlement as an entity can have is Money. Each settlement will have it's own public treasury, and the leader of that settlement decides what funds are used for the public, enacts tax policy, etc. Perhaps a settlement can be democratic where different players are able to run against each other, or perhaps a settlement is a dictatorship and leadership cannot be altered. The settlement will be able to tax both colonists, which are controlled by the engine, or businesses, which are controlled by the player. If there is a business tax in the settlement, it is taken out of profits produced by players. If the settlement wants to build a public structure like a Park, it can contract the work out to a player who has the logistics to build it. The settlement would pay a player to build the police station, but then you would use public settlement money to fund and operate it.

I don't know exactly how this would work out, so discussion is needed. It could also be that all buildings are private, including parks and police, like a total Ayn Rand utopia. I really just don't know yet.

This system also would let a settlement leader implement zoning, as mentioned in this thread. The settlement leader could say "only houses in this area" or "only shops in this area" etc. Roads within a settlement could be the responsibility of the settlement owner, or he could just say "anybody can build necessary roads here."

In terms of jobs, I think when a player builds and owns a factory, he should be able to set the pay rate on each factory (he can also just set a default rate or bulk update). When you build an apartment complex, the player should be able to set the rent level. Perhaps a settlement can implement minimum wages or price controls, but in general the player gets to set these levels. That would add an element of competition to a city. It would also have an impact on which parts of a settlement become high end, which become ghetto, etc.

Anyway, maybe this is all too micro-managy and I should just stick to MC1 mechanics, so I'd like to hear what others think about such a logistics system. I like it better because the game can have even more resources than MC1, but without having a huge resource bar at the top of the screen. And it's more realistic than just having storage buildings everywhere will millions of resources.
3y ago
Hello everyone!
Do you miss Sandbox from My Colony 1? Well then miss no further! This mod is just for you.
DOWNLOAD (1.1.1/newest):

- All buildings cost 0 resources (free)
- Storage buildings now store 9,999,999 of their resource
- Really cool logo
- Rovers move insanely fast
Known Issues:
- No resources are being given to the player at game start (Engine bug/not necessary/will fix later)
Usage terms:
Use how you want. It's up to you. Credit me if you'd like, it's appreciated.


V1.0 (Release) - 23 Mar 2021

V1.0.1 (Hotfix) - 23 Mar 2021
+ Added the Ore Fracking Operation (Removed by accident)
* All production buildings now produce 9,999,999 resources per 1 tick
* All conversion buildings now convert 1 input resource into 9,999,999 output resources per 1 tick
* 9,999,999 of every resource is given to the player when game starts

V1.0.2 (Hotfix) - 23 Mar 2021
- All conversion and production buildings now produce or convert resources at the vanilla rate
+ Fixed bug where rovers would be stuck extracting 9,999,999 resources from a deposit

V1.0.3 (Hotfix) - 23 Mar 2021
+ Raw Materials Depot now costs 0 ore as opposed to 25 (Thanks @Vanguard )

V1.1.0 (My Colony 2 0.5.0) - 26 Mar 2021
* With the addition of new Utilities, buildings now require 0 Utilities. This means that you could need at least 1 Utility generated to make sure that the buildings work.
* All new buildings now cost 0 materials

V1.1.1 (My Colony 2 0.7.0) - 20 May 2021
* Updated all buildings to 0 cost and 9,999,999 storage.
3y ago
My ideas about how player vs player war could be implemented into MyC2.

How War Is Declared:
After reaching a certain settlement level (2 or 3) the Department of War Building is unlocked,
This allows the settlement to declare war on other settlements, ally with other settlements, and issue demands. Now to declare war a settlement must first send a demands list, this can include materials, money, and unclaiming territory, the next time the opposing territory comes online they are shown the notice, they must comply or reject (this is non binding), if the opposing territory rejects or complies and does not actually follow through then the issuing settlement can declare war (This can only happen after the issued settlement has replied to the demands) This allows the issuing settlement to enter troops into enemy territory. *
*This needs to be worked out, primarily if the opposing settlement is offline.*

How war is fought:
War is primarily a game of economic strength, it is won by the opposing party ceding. The main goal of war is to occupy buildings, this is done by troops doing damage to these buildings (all except a few buildings cannot actually be destroyed**, after war the occupied buildings are unaffected). Each building would have its own value for how much damage it can take before occupation, this is similar to the decay aspect in MyC1. Buildings can be repaired mid battle by using primarily money. When a building is occupied it is functionally nearly identical*** to a building that has been turned off (red on/off button), factories do not produce items, utilities do not produce those utilities, research stations do not produce research, places that produce rovers/troops cannot. This is an attempt to starve out the city and cause the owner to agree to terms. Troops would target other troops first, then it up to attacking settlement to direct them to what buildings. Troops would also be similar to buildings, having a set amount of damage that they can take, however they disappear when defeated.

**Examples of buildings that can actually be destroyed are walls, and bridges, this is to future break down cities ability to continue to function**

***Major examples include Storage which would slowly decay materials that they cannot hold. and Housing which would stop that amount of people from working (if an occupied house holds 4 people, those 4 people would not hold a job, {depending on how the MyC2 engine assigns jobs to workers, this could be cut})***

From an offensive perspective:
Your goal is the quickly occupy key areas of interest and get the enemy to cede. Being constantly at war/being in a war for a long reduces your approval rating and can cause workers to stop going to work. For every troop/unit lost your rating drops slightly, for every troop/unit gained your rating increases slightly.

From a defensive perspective:
Once war is declared on you, you can enter the attacker's territory, you also have the advantage of being able to reoccupy buildings. From a defensive players' perspective, you want to drain the enemy of enough resources that they themselves leave. Buying time is important to reduce public morale.

Once a side has conceded they can vote to end the war, assuming both sides agree to end the war, the winning side can issue demands, failure to comply can start this all over again. Materials, unclaimed land, money, and units can be given.

Various Other Ideas:
-Make units cost people (these units could be sold for those people back)
-Add buildings to improve approval ratings (propaganda)
-Make units do less damage depending on approval ratings.

Ending Notes:
Obviously, this would need a lot more work but this is (in my mind) an appropriate baseline. GeneralWad has some very cool models that could be perfect for this kind of thing. This would add another layer of player and player interaction. I really do want feedback on this, suggestions, or anything that yall think about this. Thank You!

I have a few ideas for Water World that will make it somewhat viable as a trading colony.

One of them is the Cargo Port

Cargo Port


Tech Req: Water World Base, Large Scale Construction, Galactic Commerce

Built on water

"This Cargo Port provides access to the galactic equities market, and provides greater trade with other water worlds."

Built by: Megabot, Megabot Deluxe

Cost: 2.000 ore, 350 steel, 150 microchip, 200 aluminum, 500 gold, 250 wheel, 100 wood, 2.500 money.

Utilities: 25 Power

Can build: Sea Rover, Sea Rover Deluxe, Sea Rover Premium.

Allows access to GBT trades
Allows importing and exporting

Can import (offline): Fish, Salt Water, Ore, Regolith, Steel, Food, Water, Gold, Aluminum, Microchip, Diamond, Oil, Plastic, Antanium, Toy, Robot.

Provides Gifting Capacity: 50.000 (for other water worlds), 5.000 (for everybody else)

Special: Allows for you to gift 5x the gifting capacity of the recipient, ignoring your own gifting capacity. This becomes 10x the gifting capacity for other colonies on a multiplayer region. This only applies to water worlds.

Employs: 36

Occupation: Blue Collar

Tax Value: $30

And its Large counterpart:

Large Cargo Port


Built on water, next to shore

Tech Req: Water World Base, Tall Construction, Galactic Finance Theory

Built by: Sea Rover, Sea Rover Deluxe, Sea Rover Premium

Can Build: Cargo Ship

Cost: 200.000 ore, 150.000 steel, 100.000 gold, 50.000 microchips, 10.000 aluminum, 5.000 software, 2.500 wheel, 50.000 wood, 3.000.000 money, 5.000 civics.

Utilities: 2.000 power, 600 bandwidth

"A massive undertaking to build, this large cargo port is the ultimate in sea-based trade."

Allows access to GBT Trades

Allows importing and exporting

Provides Gifting Capacity: 50.000 (Base), 5.000.000 (water worlds)

Special: (Improved): 5x recipient's gifting capacity, regardless of world type. 50x Recipient's gifting capacity (mp regions). (New): 50% less commission fees (Becomes extremely useful end-game) (New): 25x recipient's gifting capacity, water world only. (New): Present Cargo Ship units add 5% to gifting capacity.

Workers: 360

Occupation: Blue Collar

Tax Value: $15.000

Greetings and salutations prospective colonists.


Join NOZ.



I always accept Annex requests regardless of the debts you owe to your tyrannical Overlords.
Now onto the introductions.

I am the Nomad commander of the Desert Nomads
We thrive while others merely survive.

Desert Nomads are the descendants of the early pioneers who first began to explore the far reaches of space, in search of freedom from persecution and the preservation of free will.

Due to the United Earth Commonwealth's corruption and the high leaders trying to subdue and rape their own colony's the Desert Nomads were forced into action thus forming what is now known as the shadow legion by forcibly taking over a (nearly) forgotten pre-war military testing facility located near Groom Lake in what was once the fabled silver state of Nevada.

Today the Desert Nomads have spread their influence all over the galaxy and standing as Peacekeepers and enforcers.

United we stand or separate we shall fall.

Eternal Glory to The Nomads of the Federation
Once a Nomad always a Nomad.

We are dedicated to helping the last few survivors get a self-sustainable colony up and running with minimal early on struggles due to the UEC's domineering tyranny.

To receive your fabulously generous starter join us on discord and sound off on #signup
Additional gifts are given periodically so long as you are active.

The longer you have been in the colony and grown the more likely to be granted more expensive resources eg cloth, uranium, aluminum, and artifacts.

Discord makes everything better including my gifts and your My Colony Experience.

Emergency food/water supply's always available upon request via in-game or forum msg...honestly, if you get to the point in which your colony is starving the first possible reason is that your name is "My Colony" and thus did not receive your fabulous starter pack.
The second possible reason is you never asked for help and let the poor buggers starve.....

Incidentally, the price of rocket fuel is directly proportional to the price of tea in China... Who knew?

Apparently, radiation makes it hard to grow. :D

If you join send me a PM with your colony name or just join Discord and I'll send an extra gift.

Having trouble with Taxes? Just ask for money Or Rum to keep em pacified

Hope you enjoy, NOZ has an awesome Discord server.
Join here and have fun!

A Brief bit of wisdom from The Nomads of the Federation.

Check for announcements and updates on the My Colony Forum often.

Never fear to ask your fellow members for help and support that's why the forums are here.
If the worst should happen remember to hang together or else we will most assuredly all hang separately.

The most important bit of wisdom in both life and gaming is to always remember to keep your mouth from writing checks that your posterior can't cash and telling the boss that the reason you did was cause you accidentally slipped and broke your word won't make the hammer hurt any less.

When the soldier in front of you is killed pick up his rifle/ammo and then shoot until you either kill the enemy or are killed by the enemy in which case know that the man behind you thank's you for the bullets you saved him from and that the rifle you dropped upon death will be used to kill more after you have fallen.

DONT PANIC or as the Brits say KEEP CALM CARRY ON.
And remember to bring your towel.

The Legion awaits your arrival.

Desert Nomads WebPage.

6y ago
oh, and sticking with the star trek stuff, you could have a late game thing like an emergency transporter, that would automaticly beam them to a hospital. in case theres just to many colonist sick to pick them all up, plus making it less micro-managing in late game
6y ago
Fire drill is emergency use as that is a pain even if or when it works correctly .
Fire drill also Unnecessary as Just reload the game from main screen works .
But once every 3 or 4th time ill do a hard reload just to clear any thing that may be a problem .
6y ago
Betelgeuse Financial Services Ltd. is the commonwealth, that manages the financial assets of the colony of Betelgeuse. With a GDP of over $9,000,000,000,000,000,000 the commonwealth has the highest displayable GDP in the game. Every Colony joining gets a 100 million dollar welcome bonus upon request and any ressources they might need.

Cooperation with any other factions, federations and commonwealthes is always welcome! Just send me your Embassies and I send mine back!

If any colony is in financial trouble or needs emergency assistance, feel free to contact me (It is also planned to found a third commonwealth for quick response aid in case of starvation, riots or drought - but for now just contact this commonwealth).

Colony Website:
Charter Code: Ru093inr
6y ago
What I am saying is the 50k limit is set by the server, it is not hard-coded into the game. The game is hard-coded to set max trade at the gifting capacity price, but in times of emergency like right now, the server can override that and set it's own max trade. When v0.50.0 is released and enough players have upgraded so that I can cut off server access to older versions, the 50k cap will be increased, but not before. This is the way it will have to be for right now. I can't have a situation where somebody can post 2 billion aluminum for some outrageous price and then have a script just auto-purchase it.

And to @PureEvil 's suggestion, I can't go back and add a captcha problem to older versions that are already released and on players' phones.
6y ago
I agree that tweaks need to be made to the new systems and they will be, but there was no real way to give a proper warning. This update needed to go out in an emergency way. There was a hack to the GBT that threw the game's entire market into hyperinflation, making things very bad for new players. Even today the guy is still trying to hack the API, I see he's had at least 5 failed attempts already this morning.

I can lower decay rate in the future but the high rate is needed to restore balance to the game. I might remove decay altogether for offline games. But the top priority for online is keeping resource prices balanced, since resource trading is basically the main purpose of online. If people need to lose 200 billion uranium to make that happen, then that is what it is. If that causes you to ragequit then I am sorry to see you go but there is nothing I can do about it. If it causes My Colony to die as a game, then that is what happens. I will move on, learn my lesson, and steer far from trying to put online mode in a game like this again, which frankly has been nothing but a headache from day one, as well as an extra expense, particularly weighed against the relatively few players who even use online mode to begin with.
6y ago
bastecklein said:I agree that tweaks need to be made to the new systems and they will be, but there was no real way to give a proper warning. This update needed to go out in an emergency way. There was a hack to the GBT that threw the game's entire market into hyperinflation, making things very bad for new players. Even today the guy is still trying to hack the API, I see he's had at least 5 failed attempts already this morning.

I can lower decay rate in the future but the high rate is needed to restore balance to the game. I might remove decay altogether for offline games. But the top priority for online is keeping resource prices balanced, since resource trading is basically the main purpose of online. If people need to lose 200 billion uranium to make that happen, then that is what it is. If that causes you to ragequit then I am sorry to see you go but there is nothing I can do about it. If it causes My Colony to die as a game, then that is what happens. I will move on, learn my lesson, and steer far from trying to put online mode in a game like this again, which frankly has been nothing but a headache from day one, as well as an extra expense, particularly weighed against the relatively few players who even use online mode to begin with.

I agree that some changes had to be done but i would prefer regain my money and lose my aluminium.
Btw you talked about adding storage limit to other ressources type, please dont add that to at least money, civics and research.
I don't know if you've seen my post in game help but the decay forces some builings to produce ressources that are not even needed. Some of those buildings use other ressources which ends up in a waste of ressources if it could be changed it would be nice.
6y ago
Oh wait. Go into the main menu.
Swipe left, tap game data.
Hit "load game for emergency situations" and try that
6y ago
Forcedminer said:
bbqme said:hmm after this update the game chrashes on autosave and corrupts the data....
thanks dev.

You are following a game in development these things are expected.

No really??
why do you think i posted it here in the last patch notes
a bugg like that is rather a game breaker dont you think?

when both the normal and emergency saves get corrupted........
6y ago
I don't know if there are emergency rovers or fire stations in the game yet but that could also be used to prevent fire
Update 2...restoring old backups of that colony crashes the game... Attempted to Port that colony to desktop...stuck on attempting to restore backup.. I was able to use the emergency recovery and get on but now unfortunately I'm stuck on desktop I made a new save copy on my desktop transported it back to my phone to try and restore with a new file and it still crashes so now I'm stuck on the desktop and cannot play my Colony on my phone
I have started putting together an early concept for a new game I have been thinking about for a few years now called My Starship, which is loosely modeled on an old Android game I used to play called Star Traders RPG. In My Starship, you captain a ship and must make money by conducting favorable trades between colonies and by going on missions for the various planetary governments. The game map, planets, missions, and interplanetary relations are all procedurally generated, and no two playthroughs will ever be the same. You can find up to date download links at the following address, or try the game on the Ape Apps Launcher.

The game is currently in a very early beta state, and as of yet, there is still not much to do. The purpose of this thread is to take comments and suggestions of things to add to the game. I will also keep this post updated with my current plans/to-do/progress list. I want to say up front though, that there are no plans to tie My Starship in to the My Colony server. I have decided that this would be better off as a stand-alone game.

The purpose of this early beta is to get feedback and suggestions on where to take the game, and also to guage interest so I can know how much time to put into development. The beta will be available for testing on Web, Android, Desktop, and Windows 10 at first, with an iOS release coming once the game is further along.

Current Build: v0.15.0

Current To-Do List (in no particular order):
  • Save game progress.
  • Choose your own starting civilization and ship, captain name, ship color, etc.
  • Interaction with other ships, including trade, missions, battle, piracy, capture, etc.
  • Captain skills progression, stats, leveling up, etc.
  • Planet stardocks with ship upgrades, buy/sell new ships, ship repairs, etc.
  • Resource harvesting on empty planets.
  • Distress call when ship out of fuel, or:
  • Escape pod when ship out of fuel or loses a battle.
  • Attack, bombard, or blockade a planet.
  • Capture, take control of a planet and it's industrial output.
  • Hire starship crew, manage crew relations, keep them happy, prevent mutiny.
  • Factories on planets which produce additional resources. Planets AI automatically upgrade themselves, conduct their own trades with passing ships.
  • Military ships controlled by the main factions which patrol their own space, protect their colonies, respond to distress calls.
  • Gamepad + Android TV/Amazon Fire TV/Xbox One support
  • Local (LAN/Wifi) Multiplayer
So here you can see my basic idea, what I am/will be working on, and the general direction I see for this concept as of right now. Everything is subject to change based on player feedback. I am basically working on this game because it is something that I personally want to play. The purpose of releasing the concept is to see whether or not others want to play something like this as well, which will determine how much time and effort I want to put into the idea. This is similar to the approach I used when creating My Colony, and as a whole, I think that it turned out alright.

So anyway, this thread is the place for all things My Starship related, as of right now. I will be embedding a link to the thread from within the game, and will be keeping the top post updated as I make progress and updates to the game. If the idea gains any users or traction, I will upgrade it to it's own forum section, but it is really not necessary at the moment. I plan on working on the game every week or so, or whenever I have time. That will increase or decrease based on the reception (or lack thereof) of the concept. Enjoy!


20210418 - v0.15.0
Added some Chinese translations
Updated menu icons to conform to ADL
Addressed "Cargo is Full" bug
Added Harvest Resources to the planet popup window on uninhabited planets

20200922 - v0.14.0
AI fuel tankers now have a chance to just get more fuel
Player is now warned if cargo is full while harvesting
Added Aluminum requirement to the Uranium Enrichment Facility
Started migrating ship stats screen format into a My Colony-like general stats window
New Resources Added:
- Spice
- Oil
- Plastic
Added Factory:
- Plastic Factory

20200508 - v0.13.0
You can no longer buy/steal goods above your cargo hold space
New Upgrades Added:
- Shield Module Mk2
- Torpedo Tubes
New Ships Added:
- Strut MkVI
- Torpedojager
- Draconian Destroyer
New Resource Added:
- Aluminum

20191118 - v0.12.0
Planets in comm range will show a fuel icon now if they have available fuel for sale
Added a 'Quick Refuel' option to planet options box
Expanded information on the Ship Stats screen
Ships can now travel at diagonal angles

20191010 - v0.11.0
Added Combat!
- You can attack anyship you come across
- Each attack turn you can Fight, try to Run, or attempt to Board
- Boarding let's you take their resources
Added Captain game object, each ship now represented by a Captain
Captains are pulled from roaming tokens from My Tokens
Player automatically assigned to their account default Token
Ships for sale at dock are now sorted by price
Docks now offer starship repair services
Planets now show civilization, contracts, and dock indicators
Civilization capitol now shows an indicator
When zoomed out, Map shows current ship marker and lines between civs
The Planet Stats popup now finally works
Added a pending contract display to the main hud

20190826 - v0.10.0
Planets with a Dock and enough money/parts will now construct new starships
Planets will commission new starships under their flag
You can now buy new starships from the Docks of a planet that has starship inventory
You can now only see other ships that are in your radar range
You can now harvest natural resources from uninhabited planets
- the AI ships will also do this
Ships out of fuel (including yours) will now send out a distress signal within their communications range
AI fuel tankers and government ships will now respond to distress calls
AI ships will now trade with each other
Added back button handling (for devices with a back button)
New ship classes:
- Galactic Freight Hauler
- Galactic Freight Heavy
- Space Jumper
New upgrade modules:
- Shield Module
- Laser Cannons
- Small Hangar Bay
- Guest Pod
- Improved Radar
- Transceiver Upgrade
Added Factories:
- Uranium Enrichment Facility
- Gold Synthesis Lab
- Ore Fraking Operation

20190301 - v0.9.0
Minor bug fix release

20180925 - v0.8.0
Planets will now build Ports when they have the resources
AI ships now conduct expanded business with planets
Fuel Tankers now purchase significantly more fuel from planets
Ships can now purchase upgrades from star ports
First upgrades are:
- Hyperdrive Upgrade
- Cargo Pods
- Hull Plating

20180825 - v0.7.0
Last saved game now appears on title screen
Added Factories, which planets will automatically construct when they meet certain conditions
First factories are:
- Ore Refinery
- Microchip Factory
- Rum Distillery
- Starship Parts Factory
Added Resource:
- Starship Parts

20180611 - v0.6.0
Games can now be saved/loaded
User now prompted to name ship at new game
Civilization governments now start with their own ship fleets
Changes to AI ship movement, destination selection
Government ships will not do quests, but will conduct trades between other government planets
Independent traders will now trade in other goods besides fuel, if the price is good
Added Ship Classes:
- Light Fighter
- Patrouilleschip
- Draconian Patrol
New Missions:
- Compromising Position
- No Laughing Matter
- Emergency Treatment

20180512 - v0.5.0
Implemented Gamepad control support
You can now interact with planets that are within 1 tile by clicking/tapping on them
Added new Ship Stats screen
You can now rename your ship
You can now change ship color
AI ships are now assigned a random ship color
Different ship classes can now start with specific resource overrides
Added Ship Classes:
- Klein Vrachtschip
- Draconian Cutter
- Uranium Tanker
New Missions:
- Conspiracy
- Proof of Loyalty
- Death Celebration
- Body Part Delivery
- Trojan Horse Attack
- Making Amends

20180507 - v0.4.0
Bug fixes
Engine now supports "Linked" missions
Contract timeout fails now work
Added 'Pending Contracts' option to main menu
Added Missions:
- Starvation
- Poisonous Revenge
- Wedding Delivery
Added Ship Classes:
- Delta Runner

20180503 - v0.3.0
Added Ship Contact screen when coming in contact with another ship
Can now conduct ship to ship trades
Global resource prices now slowly and randomly fluctuate over time
Raised the number of independent traders in the galaxy
Game ticks now keep happening when ship runs out of fuel
New planet type: Water World

20180430 - v0.2.0
Resource icon now shows up on trade menus
Changed the Fuel/Cargo readout bars on larger screens
Starting AI merchant ships are now picked from a random ship class
Added Settings button to the top UI bar
Added Resources:
- Ore
- Gold
- Steel
- Microchip
Added Ship Class:
- Draconian Sloop
- Ruimteschip
Added Mission:
- Rum Party
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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