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Red Satellite Drive Yards
The Red Satellite Drive Yards (RSDY) is an aerospace shipbuilding company from Earth which its history can be dated back to the great space race in the Old Earth Era. It is well known for its pragmatic design principles, reflected by a series of products with time-tested reliability and durability. It's products are widely utilized for civilian purposes as well as military duties, even some of their old products are still seen under service nowadays. The Galactic Freight Hauler series is the pinnacle of their ship designs, which they have been mass produced in tens and even hundred every year, serving as backbones of many logistics fleets in United Earth.

It was an aerospace engineering institute established by Red Satellite Treaty Union, specially for specialists from member countries design and construct the spacecrafts for space colonization projects, providing the Union with large scale colonization fleets for the rivalry in the late Old Earth era space race. Its operations started form Tula, where it was first headquartered in 2032, later its aerospace facilities are also established in other member countries.

Old Earth Space Race
As soon as it was established, various research had been carried out, developing the next generation aerospace vehicles for RSTU to catch up the newest technological development of the time. Several researches involved the rumored reverse-engineering of Jameson Hyperdrive Engine that provided RSTU the Tokarev Engine.
After several failed tests and redesigning, the first successful long range spacecraft of Red Satellite Drive Yards, Object-089 (Also known as "Siberian" Shuttle) was born in 2033.
Later when China officially joined the Red Satellite Treaty Union, the Yards received a large addition of Chinese specialists. In less than an year, the first mass production models of spacecraft for the space race, the Xingzhou Class and Kiev Class long range colony/freighter spacecrafts, entered production stage in 2034. These spacecrafts (and its variants & improved models) formed the colonization fleet of the RSTU.
In the same year (2034), RSTU bought down and took over the Lunar-44 Dockyards with their financial might, and this was another important shipyard of the Red Satellite Drive Yards, which was their only major shipyard outside Earth during the Old Earth era.
As the space race progress further, that the geopolitical situations in Solar System became very intense, RSTU ordered the Yards to design a ship to protect the orbits and airspace of their colonies (and take down rival trespassers). Despite some controversies, the Nakovalnya Class Orbital Interceptor Corvette was designed and put into service in 2038. The corvette was vastly deployed in the RSTU colony airspace, which the rivals became suspicious about RSTU was planning to build a war fleet take over their colonies by force, and the Corvette gained the nickname of "Russia's space T-34".
As sabotages from rivals becomes more frequent, it also increase the need for establishing effective communication and intel network for enforcing tighter security control on RSTU colonies. In the earlier year of 2035 the KR Long Range Communications Relay Satellites were also developed by the Yards to meet the demands.
At the end of the Old Earth era, due to the Great Crisis, RSTU was dissolved in 2049, and the Yards was also temporarily disbanded at the same time, which this lasted until 2054.

United Earth Era
During the Earth Reunification War, the remnant engineers of the Yards once worked in harsh labor camps of Siberian warlords. These engineers were later liberated by United Earth Movement (predecessor of United Earth government) at the end Asia campaign in 2054, and the Red Satellite Drive Yards were back into business after the assets in Tula headquarters had been retrieved by the engineers.
The Drive Yards did not receive any major aerospace engineering projects, until United Earth began preparations for reinitializing the space colonization projects, looking for newer model of vessels for colonization fleets. In a public competition for utility transport vessels Red Satellite Drive Yard's design was adopted, which the vessel is the Maximburg Class Medium Freighter/Lander Carrier that formed the early United Earth logistic and colony supply fleets. Its later highly modifiable variants were also widely utilized by civilians for various economic purposes.
In 2059, Red Satellite Yards received a direct order from United Earth government, required to design a long range, versatile heavy duty freighter ship with massive capacity, for running future supply lines between outer space colonies. It was a big challenge for the Yards at the time, due to there was no ship of similar size had been built by anyone in the past, a number of technological barriers and engineering challenges were met. With several years of research achieving engineering breakthrough and many lab incidents during tests, the first model of the Galactic Freight Hauler was successfully developed in the late 2063, became the largest ship flying under of United Earth of the time. It entered mass production stage in 2064 from their new shipyard in New Petergard, entering service in the same year.
In 2060, the Yards acquired land use patent for new major shipyards in colony of Zijing and New Petergard, both shipyards began construction in the same time.
In 2063, Zijing Shipyard finished construction and begin operate in the same year.
In the later months same year, under the strong business pressure from predatory Corporate Industries, Red Satellite Drive Yards sold their Lunar-44 Dockyards to Corporate Industries under unfavorable terms, losing their major production facility that was planned for mass production of the Galactic Freight Hauler.
In 2064, The main complex of the New Petergard Orbital Shipyards finished construction. The Red Satellite Drive Yards transferred their headquarters to New Petergard afterwards, sold their old facility on Earth at the same time. The New Petergard Orbital Shipyard is the major production facility for the Galactic Freight Hauler series (and its associated spare components), and it was one of the largest shipyards of United Earth.
In 2066, the expansion for New Petergard Orbital Shipyards was completed. This headquarter shipyard began operating at full capacity for building aerospace vessels developed by Red Satellite Drive Yards.

Major Products
Galactic Freight Hauler (long range freighter ship) series (2064-)
The pinnacle of their down-to-earth designs, the Galactic Freight Hauler series can definitely represent the quality engineering Red Satellite Drive Yards. For many years it flies in many supply lines and trade routes of United Earth, and are barely replaced by anything else form other aerospace shipbuilding corporations. Each of these ships has very long life expectancy of 50 years, even without frequent maintenance.
Earliest model has 780-ton capacity.
The current standard model is the 900-ton capacity freighter.
A heavier variant with 875-ton capacity, armed with military grade weapons, are built for military purpose and escorting dangerous cargo.
Nakovalnya Class Orbital Interceptor Corvette (2038-2045)
An old model of corvette built in the Old Earth era, when Red Satellite Drive Yards is still part of Red Satellite Treaty Union, also known as the notorious "Russia's Space T-34". Its purpose is to intercept unauthorized vessels "trespassing" RSTU colony airspace, and are often armed with military grade autocannons. They were deployed in large numbers in RSTU colonies and locations with geopolitical conflicts.
Its production was terminated in 2045 as RSTU was dissolved under the Great Crisis, however, many of these corvettes are still used by some ex-RSTU colonies for self defense nowadays.
Kiev Class Long Range Passenger/Freighter Ship series (2034-2057)
The Kiev Class was the backbone multirole transport vessel in RSTU fleets, and was one of the oldest ships from Red Satellite Drive Yards.
Later in early days of United Earth it have seen limited service, mainly repurposed as repair vessels for fixing the satellites and space elevator platforms in Earth orbit. They are later decommissioned as the newer model is available.
Xingzhou Class Long Range Passenger/Freighter Ship series (2034-2057)
Pretty much similar to Kiev Class in terms of general layout, but cannot be said as a direct variant of the Kiev Class. It was a variant by Chinese specialists of the time, compared to Kiev Class, it is more dedicated to transport passengers and life supplies. Was decommissioned at the same time as Kiev Class.
Maximburg Class Medium Freighter/Lander Carrier series (2058-2067)
The ship that replaced the Kiev Class and the Xingzhou Class in terms of bulk logistics purpose, and was one of the major vessels (Along with Shuttlepod MK1) participated in early United Earth space programs. Compared to its predecessors it was designed in more versatile manner, which, especially its later models, can be modified and repurposed easily for other needs, ranging from transporting landers and making supply runs, to satellite repairs and asteroid mining operations.
Its production was terminated in 2067 as the more advanced Phobos Class Modular Transport from Martian Industries rendered it obsolete, and the Yards decided to focus on improving their best sale GF Hauler series.
Welcome to
Astro Corporation

Astro Corporation is a proud member of the First Future Federation and is dedicated to the growth and prosperity of our Colonies.

7y ago
This topic isn't meant to be a complaint, it's just my ideas of what could be done to improve on the existing planets' designs. I realize that bast isn't working very much on new content and I support that, since what he is doing now is better for the game than making new content. I just figured that I would cover all of the planets for my planet-hub topic. That way people can get my opinion of all the planets.

earthlike Planet specific ideas:

earthlike planet summary: I think that this planet is fine as it is. It's supposed to be a training planet that gives the user the perfect conditions to build a colony, so I think it should be left alone. There are some ideas that I have regarding all planets that also apply to this planet, but I don't have any ideas regarding this specific planet. I do believe that every race should have this planet type so the player can learn to play this race under the best conditions, with the exception of zolarg because they already have a world with the best conditions to grow, their just a harder species to manage overall. reptilians and LIS get the abandoned world, which is earthlike but doesn't have any ore.

Waterworld specific ideas:

Waterworld summary: This planet is really fun to play because you have to be carful how you design your colony layout. I wouldn't chancge anything about this planet and I'm not going to suggest anything because all of the ideas that I have bast is already going to implement soon. There are other ideas that pertain to all planets that apply here, but no specific ideas come to mind when thinking about this planet.

red planet specific ideas:

Red Planet Summary: I really like the simplicity of the map, and I like the laid-back feel that you get when playing it. I also like how quickly it allows you to grow your colony. There is not much more that I would like to see added to this planet aside from the general ideas that I have below that don't apply to any planet. This planet is very well-designed.

red badlands decorations: I think that the red planet map should generate decorations that resemble badlands structures, or weird rock structures that form because wind wears it down into awkward shapes. This should make the map aesthetically pleasing.

generated lake-bed rivers: per the dry lakebed tile idea below, i think that rivers of those tiles should be generated on red planet maps. This allows the red planet to become just like an earthlike planet once terraformed, with rivers that produce infinite amounts of water. It gives the map a more dynamic feel.

Dust storms: These planetwide storms can last for months and would make it more difficult to see your colony. Solar panels would stop working, but you could implement a windmil to take advantage of the storms and it would produce more during these storms than normally. You already have added the ability to block out light by subtracting alpha from an overlaying object to simulate night time. You could create another overlay object for storms and give it a reddish-tan hue. Then just add moving particle affects and wind sounds and your done. These should disappear once the planet is terraformed. There shouldn't be a damage factor to these storms as the dust is too fine to really wear anything down.

Dynamic Terraformation: I think that this planet type specifically could benefit from dynamic terraforming and should be the first to receive such a feature if added since it's one of the most played maps.

Lunar specific ideas:

Lunar Summary: Lunar world is my favorite map because you can jumpstart your colony before you even get your first immigrant. I like the fact that it's terraformable and the regolith challenge is fun as well. There are a few features that could be added to make this world more immersive though.

Jagged rock decos: Since a lunar planet has no atmosphere, it has no wind on it's surface to smooth and erode rocks, so you should see some really jagged rock formations. I think this would add some aesthetics.

craters: I think that large circular patches of darker terrain tiles should exist on the map. These terrain tiles would act the same as lakebed tiles in that they will become water tiles as atmosphere increases. Craters should be random sizes and distances between. I would even have them generate partially off of the map and across region maps to give a very appealing region view. This may might that craters could envelop most or all of some maps, and some maps might get no crater tiles at all, but that's the beauty of it. the player should also have the option to fill in a crater tile or water tile using regolith where they would otherwise use ore on other planets. The player should be able to turn regular tiles into crater tiles as well with the cost of money.

meteor showers: these showers would pummel structures below periodically. Any that land on empty tiles could generate regolith nodes and could have the chance to generate mini-craters that would fill with water upon terraforming, this is why I think we should have the ability to turn crater tiles to regular tiles, and vise versa. The damage from these meteors shouldn't be catastrophic, but it should cause some damage depending on the structure. These meteors should stop once atmosphere is above 1 mil.

Atmosphere leach: Since most planets like the moon aren't big enough to keep an atmosphere forever(there are exceptions), there should be a significant drain on atmosphere that must be compensated for. It could also be a benefit if a colony's atmosphere is too high though. A drain of 5k per minute would be a challenge at first, and you would have to beat that mark in order for condensors to operate.

Forest Planet ideas:

Forest Summary: I don't have much to say about this world, it's pretty straightforward albiet annoying at the start. Not really a big benefit to this world aside from the fact that you don't have to mess with the atmosphere at first until you get bigger. I'd honestly play abandoned before forest any day. Here are some ideas I have in mind though:

Rivers: this should be an addition. Any forest world requires lots of water in order for trees to grow.

mega trees: i think that mega-trees should generate on the map at first and begin to spread. Players could try to preserve these so that they'll have a huge supply later on. Once they they're gone, they're gone.

Asteroid planet ideas:

Asteroid summary:
I like the asteroid world. It's just like lunar, but harder since you don't have alu nodes. I used to play this world back before we had ways to get infinite diamonds. Might take a crack at it again to see how far I get. I have a few ideas regarding this world.

craters: the same concept as the lunar planet.

meteor showers: the same concept as lunar planet

Extreme atmosphere leech: asteroids are definately not large enough to keep an atmosphere for long. Because of this, they are drained by 50k per minute. 100 minutes is all it takes for an earthlike atmosphere level to drop to 0. Major benefit later in the game though when atmosphere is increased rapidly by pollution.

Awkward rotation: An asteroid has a very randomized shape in real life. it can be elongated, flat, and even spherical. Because of this, days and nights on this planet last for random times. Short nights lower colonist energy. Short days reduce happiness. long nights can increase colonist energy and long days can raise happiness. This amount increased or decreased would only apply if the length of a night or day goes past the minimum or maximum limits. if a limit is exceeded, the same amount of energy or hapiness is taken away or given, no matter how far past the limit a day or night is.

Abandoned World Ideas:

Abandoned Summary: I really like the abandoned world map, but my idea for a twilight themed abandoned world would add a mystic and ancient feel to the map. I'd like to see a much darker themed map than the light and cheery theme that it has now.

Rivers: aside form the twilight idea I would love to see rivers on this map.

Ice planet ideas:

Ice summary: I like the ice planet because it's a challenge to get through the crystalline bottleneck. I do have some ideas though:

glacial/ crystal decos: a slew of icy/crystalline decorations would look good for this planet.

unstable melting: When you heat up an ice planet, there's no telling where the oceans and rivers will form and where the actual land will be. Ice melts very unpredictably, so there should be no indication as to whether each tile is a lakebed or regular tile, but they should both still be there and have the same texture. It should be set up to where rivers will form as if randomly and instantly. This would be part of the real-life challenges of terraforming an ice planet, so would make sense here. Sometimes your colony gets destroyed just like in lava world, sometimes you get lucky.

Underwater crystal farm: This new building would need to straddle water and land and would be four-way rotatable so it can be placed in any orientation as long as the front 4 tiles are on water and the back 2 squares are on land. It is a 3x2 structure, and it consumes moderate amounts of water, crystalline, and alcohol to constantly produce large amounts of crystalline. The concept behind it is that some crystals grow faster in a water solution with the nutrients it needs to grow. Water also allows the crystals to grow much larger because gravity is much weaker in water as we all know. The fact that the structure would have to straddle land and water means that the planet will need to terraformed before a player can place on of these and get rid of their green crystals.

desert world:

desert summary: I don't have much to say about this map, haven't played reptilians that much. I do think that it could use some aesthetics though, just one flat plane of land is nothing to get all excited about. But here are some of the ideas that I have:

Yellow badlands decos: weird yellow rock forms, crackly ground, rough patches, and some shrubbery and cacti. These should randomly dot the landscape and would really up the aesthetics on this map.

Tar(oil) pits: instead of water flowing through the map, tar pits would give it a more desert feel, as you find these pits naturally in deserts. just like rivers on the earthlike planet yield infinite water, these pits should yield infinite oil. The major downfall with this benefit is that you need workers to collect the oil, and that can be pretty tedious and may slow down performance.

raise the atmosphere: Since deserts are supposed to be hot, we should raise the atmosphere to above earthlike. This also corrosponds to my thermal idea below. In addition to this, I would recommend adding a fully terraformed stage where atmosphere is reduce to between 5 mil and 15 mil. I'm not saying that deserts don't exist when atmosphere is at perfect levels because the saharrah wouldn't exist if that were true. It's just that since bast still hasn't added any thermal or moisture level factors to terraforming, I thought that lowering the atmosphere was good enough to simulate raising the moisture level and lowering thermal levels to make the planet cooler and wetter.

dry-lakebed tiles: I think that the dry lakebed tile idea would particularly help this planet as once it is terraformed from dessert to earthlike, you'll have rivers flowing through the landscape.
Sandstorms: Not to be confused with dust storms, the storms are much shorter, yet can be devastating to colonists and buildings. These storms should cause colonist sickness, slow down movement, and accelerate the decay of structures by a certain amount for the duration of the storm. Depending on the direction of the storm, walls placed on the map will block the storm from getting into your cities. It's best to surround your cities with walls so that you get as little exposure to the storms as possible, just an extra challenge. These storms should cease once atmosphere is reduced to earthlike and life is brought back to the planet.

Lava planet ideas:

lava summary: I liked this planet at one point, but I think it's rather pointless to play being that it doesn't have an end-goal and you're colony is never safe no matter how far down the atmosphere goes. My list of lava ideas on my planet hub topic should cover all of the ideas that I have for this planet, and they all still stand.

Fissure vents: These gigantic cracks in the planet spew forth ash and toxic gas into the atmosphere. Because of this, atmosphere is increased by 2 thousand atmosphere a minute, even if the atmosphere is reduced to between 5 and 15 mil, atmosphere will still pile up, requiring you to build more buildings that use up atmosphere to balance it out. The only thing that would need to be added is a passive loop that continuously counts down 60 seconds and then adds 2k to the atmosphere number value. Good luck terraforming this planet.

ideas for all existing planets:

Dry Lakebed Tiles: I've suggested this a few times, but basically dry lakebed tiles should replace water tiles in low and high atmosphere planets. These tiles can be built on, but watch out, because when atmosphere goes over 250k or falls under 30 million, these tiles will turn to water and any buildings on them will be destroyed. There should be an apparent difference in color shade or texture between regular tiles and the dry lakebed tiles. remaning Ice deposits should also turn into water deposits at the same atmosphere level.

Dynamic terraforming: I've mentioned this a couple of times too. It's simple, if atmosphere goes too low, the terraformed planet becomes barren, just as if it were a red or lunar planet; if atmosphere goes too high, then the planet becomes hotter, becoming first a dessert and then eventually a lava planet, with all the eruptions and lava spreading we know and love. . I also think that atmosphere requirements for all atmosphere stages for region games should be multiplied by the number of tiles on a region. This gives the player a longer playthrough and also encourages them to develop cities on every tile. I think that downside is worth it and it would be a fun challenge to work towards. I think that aside from the tiles changing texture, trees should generate across the map on empty space once atmosphere either rises past 5 mil or falls past 15 mil. I also think they should disappear while outside of those ranges.

Thermal factor: I feel like there should be some sort of challenge regarding keeping your colonists at a good temperature. Perhaps you could add a meter in statistics that indicates thermal level of the entire colony. Too hot or cold and your colonists will become sick and loose energy and hapiness. An earthlike planet, or any planet that's been terraformed to between 5 mil and 15 mil, will not affect the meter at least, but too much atmosphere and the meter will start to go up and too little atmosphere will start to subtract heat from the meter. You should be able to build coolers or heaters to supplement the loss or gain of temperature. Currently most planets start out at no atmosphere, which means that they will start out cold. Lava is the only planet that would add the the thermal meter at this time but I think that the desert type planet should have high atmosphere so it can add to the meter.

Regions acting as mc campaigns: Now, some people would disagree with me on this, but I think it's totally fair to call region mode and sort of "campaign mode." This is because with regions, you get a longer playthrough and it takes longer for you to develop the space given to you. I also think it's fair that region mode requires premium, as most well-developed apps offer a free trial(single map mode) and full version with campaign mode(region mode). Some of yall might disagree. but here are the main ideas that I have in mind:
- design random mandatory goals to have a chance to pop up for each tile a map occupies that grant the player money, research. civics, happiness, or other resources, kind of like quests. But these would be more like story-line quests. a medium map would contain four of these quests. These should take a decent amount of time to complete and should make the game progress slower.
- design smaller optional side-quests that pop up randomly occasionally and grant smaller bonuses.
- each tech should require a certain number of complete story-line quests before being unlocked, even if you have enough research. There would be only one quest per tile so this would encourage players to develop all the tiles to complete all of the available story quests.
-Make individual map progression depend on the completion of story quests. For instance, you can add a population cap that unlocks after the quest is complete, and for medium maps with four quests, you could increase the cap in increments to allow the player to develop further after each quest, but not indefinitely until all quests are complete.

Overall I think that these ideas for campaign mode should add a very interesting element to regions mode and would make it more worthwhile and entertaining to play and a player might be entertained for a very long time before becoming bored.

But anyway, those are my ideas. I wanted to go over each planet so that everything was covered in my planethub topic. I'll paste this link so yall can access it easily. Let me know what you think and which ideas you like/dislike.
5y ago
I like the idea, but it needs to be thought out further. Since we don't want every planet to provide every natural resource, some planets would need to be limited on how many Biomes that they have.

To do this, we would need to group the biomes into certain categories based on temperature and atmosphere level. Here is a rough categorization:

mountains(if bast ever adds multilevel terrain)

sandy river
sandy mountains
jungle river
tropical beach
tropical ocean

cold bog
snowy river
snowy mountains
cold beach
cold ocean

no atmosphere:
red desert(default red planet terrrain, can become any flat biome when terraformed. Will explain further below)
red mesa(becomes mesa once terraformed)
red mountains(can become sandy, cold, or regular mountains once terraformed)
red riverbed(becomes either sandy, cold, or regular river once terraformed)
red seafloor(becomes any type of ocean once terraformed)

icy plains(default ice planet terrain)^
icy mountains^
icy riverbed^
icy seafloor^

lunar plains(default lunar terrain)^
lunar mountains^
lunar crack(becomes any kind of river once terraformed)
lunar mega crater(the water in the crater is ocean water and can become any type of ocean when terraformed)

asteroid plains(default asteroid terrain)^
asteroid mountains^
asteroid crack^
asteroid mega crater^

Too Much Atmosphere:

lava plains(default lava terrain)^
lava mountains^
lava riverbed^
lava sea floor^

abandoned world:
ether river
ether ocean
dark dessert(a desert on the abandoned world, but containing dark purple sands)
dark mesa(a mesa with cliffs that contain layers of sediment. The layers are all different shades of purple)

Something like that would work. At the creation of a region, the region generates hot, cold, and temperate zones. These zones won't change even when the planet is terraformed. Lava world will always have only hot zones, and ice world will always have only cold zones.

Planets that start out with no atmosphere start off with their own set of biomes, but once the planet is terraformed, the map regenerates the biome map with earthlike biomes based on the heat zones and former biome types. Certain planets will require exceptions, but most planets would generate all of the earth like biomes once created or terraformed. Forest world, for example, would only generate biomes that contain lots of trees, like forest, tiaga, and jungle(along with rivers and oceans), and abandoned world would use the biomes in the abandoned world section in place of some of the earthlike biomes. Desert planets would of course only have hot zones and only use desert biomes like desert and mesa(pretty boring of you ask me).

I think that covers my idea. Let me know what you think.
5y ago
The red planet map is the easier one to start off as, it has plentiful ore and easy to start up.

Lunar maps are harder (with the regolith and all that jazz), but it pays off in the late game with regolith and helium 3 being needed in great abundance in late game ( for better oil and power )

Forest maps are ideal for the mid-game. You do not need to build generators because there is atmosphere already,but like the red planet map is is not so good in the long run because no helium 3 to run dem alien power towers.

I would recommend starting with red planet, then start a lunar and import the red planet resourses to the lunar world to get a head start. It’s nice. Just make sure you do not die.

Anyways some tips for red planet base
Build 1 greenhouse, 1 water extractor, 2 solar panels and a vehicle factory at the beginning, should last until 4 colonists.
Build from there, and set up jobs near houses near entertainment.
Trash and atmosphere off the side

Hope this helps
6y ago
This may seem foolish, but I wanted to call this to attention:

Video Games Aren't Allowed To Use The "Red Cross" Symbol For Health

For reference:

The red cross and red crescent emblems are protected symbols under international humanitarian law and national laws. Any use that is not expressly authorized by the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols constitutes a misuse of the emblem. Use of these emblems by unauthorized persons is strictly forbidden. Please contact the ICRC for more information.

While I don't think they will be knocking on doors anytime soon, forewarned is forearmed.
6y ago
I will now be presenting Tier IV United Earth units! These units are more powerful than Tier 3 units! They also have special abilities:
  • Extra Health/Armor – Unit gets extra hitpoints, making it harder to kill.
  • Extra Damage – Unit gets extra damage, making a powerful blow.
  • Self-Regeneration – Allows for the unit to heal itself.
  • World Ender – A unit that ends the world.
WARNING: If you (or the enemy) gets a world ender, Your world will be destroyed and will have your planet disappear and you will lose everything! Unless you fled to another moon.

Here are the units:
  • Giant
    The specialized beast for damaging LIS defenses and pounding them to the ground.

    Has self-regen and extra health
  • The Ka-Boom
    AKA The Armageddon, This bad tank can place anything in order and silence. You may be asking, is this thing 2.5x powerful than the Tier 3 "Heavy Tank"? Yes it is!

    Has extra armor and extra damage
  • Carrier
    This giant monster can destroy a patrol boat in 1 hit! It is so critical that it can be effective at destroying naval pillboxes and yards! It produces a nuclear explosion once destroyed! It has the power of 4 Ka-Booms.

    Has self-regen and extra damage; Produces a world ender explosion when killed
  • The Crab
    The Crab is a specialized world ender device of the UE that deals insane amounts of damage, by firing 4 rockets that disrupt the planet and cause natural disasters! These rockets have 3x the damage of the Carrier (12 Ka-Booms), and can really mess everything up.

    Has all special abilities, and a world killer, even if destroyed.
  • Shuttlepod (Shared with LIS)
    The expensive ship for going into space.

    Has extra health and self-regen

    That's it covered all for now! Let me know if you have anything in mind and I will respond to it! Next will be LIS Tier 4 units! Bye for now!
Want to know how to add custom items/textures in the my colony game?

Well here's how with easy to follow instructions.

The way the game uses mods is similar to minecraft, basically you are just redressing a building/item in the game with your own artwork, but the building/item will perform just as the building/item you swapped it for.
(so a tree will still only have 15 units even if you make it fatter graphically and so forth)

1. Create a graphic you want to add in the game using an art app or program such as one of these free tools.

I use Adobe illustrator but also know how to use the other apps so if you have questions please ask.

2. Make sure the graphic is suitable for the item you want to swap with
(such as a lander with the same footprint as a stadium will not shrink down well once drawn).

3. It's best to set your clean art file/art board to the dimensions of the item you want to swap with, the dimension info for each game item can be found in the modding section in the game.

4. If you already have a graphic made my advice would be to create a new file with the dimensions set to 64x64 pixels. Copy and paste your artwork into the new 64x64 file you just created and resize it to fit.

(i leave a gap so there's some space between my art and the edge).[/size]

5. Save or export your graphic as a transparent background .png file name it well so it’s individual and easy to locate later.

6y ago
I seem to recall (many, many moons ago), that you originally were wanting a Command & Conquer-esq (Red Alert to be mote precise), type of game. The game engine for My Colony was only the starting point. As you've added and changed things in My Colony, I've measured them against that idea (C&C). Sooooo, looks like it's coming along quite nicely. BTW, C&C: Red Alert was my favorite game of all time. Back before EA got ahold of Westwood Studios and killed it, IMHO, with just stupid stuff and gameplay changes. I loved the Ant update to Red Alert, and as soon as bug came to My Colony, wellll hello there. XD Keep it up. Love the Simcity Meets C&C: Red Alert idea ( like idk, Godzilla Meets Bambi--lol).
BigMoTheDragon said:I seem to recall (many, many moons ago), that you originally were wanting a Command & Conquer-esq (Red Alert to be mote precise), type of game. The game engine for My Colony was only the starting point. As you've added and changed things in My Colony, I've measured them against that idea (C&C). Sooooo, looks like it's coming along quite nicely. BTW, C&C: Red Alert was my favorite game of all time. Back before EA got ahold of Westwood Studios and killed it, IMHO, with just stupid stuff and gameplay changes. I loved the Ant update to Red Alert, and as soon as bug came to My Colony, wellll hello there. XD Keep it up. Love the Simcity Meets C&C: Red Alert idea ( like idk, Godzilla Meets Bambi--lol).

Yes, I am slowly preparing the engine to be able to support RA2 style RTS gameplay.
5y ago
Once again it is My Colony update time, and v0.83.0 will be heading out to all platforms within the coming days. This release continues the bug bashing series I have been working on, but also implements a few new features that I hope you find useful. Let's take a look!

The first change I want to go over deals with the behavior of the Bulldozer tool, which I outlined in more detail in this thread, but I think it is important enough to mention again because it could potentially cause somebody to nuke a large part of their colony by accident. In prior versions, when you would click on a blank space of the map, it would automatically deactivate the bulldozer so that you wouldn't accidentally click on something and delete it. I have removed this safety feature. I have also made it so that you can do a double click/drag gesture to do mass bulldozing. Since this can potentially be dangerous, activating the bulldozer now makes your resource readout bar red in color, so that you are more aware that the tool is active. Here is a quick video of how the tool now works.

Back in the first update of the game that included the bulldozer (v0.42.0 in August 2017), you could actually somewhat use it like this, but I nerfed it a bit due to players accidentally bulldozing large parts of their colonies. I am hoping that with the red tinted game, the red border around the screen, and the red resource bar, it will be plainly obvious to all that the bulldozer tool is active.

Next up, I have worked with @Sobeirannovaocc to bake the Coloniae ADU service right into the core code of My Colony, allowing it to be used on all versions of the game. Coloniae is a free online service maintained by Sobeirannovaocc that tracks detailed stats and trend histories for online My Colony players. The ADU service is available to all online colonies, and can be turned on by a new setting added to the Statistics screen of your colony.

Keep in mind that Coloniae is a third party service, not supported by Ape Apps. But I am sure that @Sobeirannovaocc will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have about it 🙂

The next few changes involve trade. There have been longstanding issues with the GBT, especially for new players/colonies who cannot buy anything because the lot sizes are so big that they either do not show up in their trades, or they are priced totally out of the market. To try to help make the GBT more useful for newer and more established colonies alike, several new changes have been implemented, the first of which is the auto-trader.

Auto Trade is in it's infancy and will be expanded and refined in future updates, as I am able to monitor it's usage and the impact it has on the market, but here is how it works right now. Auto Trading is off by default, and can be enabled or disabled on a per resource basis.

When the Auto Trader is turned on, every few minutes (it's somewhere between 7 and 10 minutes depending on your device speed) your colonial trade representative will take stock of your auto-trade enabled resources. If your warehouses are full, sell orders will automatically be posted on your behalf. Several trades may be made, representing up to 10% of your supply level. But trades will also be made in lot sizes ranging from small to large, so that all levels of players are able to see and access them in the GBT. The sale prices are based on the current GBT market value of the resource. Before posting a new contract, the Auto Trader will also look at the current Offer contracts, and purchase those if they are a good price and fall within 10% of your total resource level. The auto trader will never just train your supply inventories.

Likewise, the Auto Trader will also make trades for you when your supplies are low. If an auto-trader enabled resource falls below 25% storage level, the Auto Trader will check the market for reasonably priced offers, and purchase them. The Auto Trader will not spend more than 2.5% of your total money on a transaction. If no contracts are available within those parameters, a new offer contract will be posted instead.

Obviously the usage of the Auto Trader will largely depend on the number of people who enable it, since there ultimately needs to be two parties for each transaction. I am hoping that once more players begin activating the auto trade feature, the GBT will fill up with actual useful contracts instead of just the insane offers that almost nobody can afford or even has storage for.

I got the auto trading idea after reading this post by @Conco2 related to the in-game GDP calculation. It occurred to me that there are so many late game colonies that are just fully stocked on all resources, and so their factories really aren't producing anything since all storage is full. Because of this, GDP is stagnant since nothing new is being created. I figured it would be helpful to set up a way to automatically export those goods without even having to think about it, since a real life economy also has to have exports in order to grow. Since the GBT was being underutilized anyway, I figured I would give this idea a shot.

To emphasize the importing and exporting aspect of the economy, the game now keeps track internally of the dollar value of your annual trade income and losses. Graphs for these stats will be making their way to the Economy statistics tab soon.

The Auto Trader will need tweaking and will probably have some user customization input options in the future. I just wanted to get the concept out there and see how it actually works, and then go from there.

After implementing the Auto Trader, it occurred to me that the GBT would be loaded with Food, Water, Ore, and other low end resource contracts that nobody needs by the time they build the GBT. To help with this, I added a new feature to the regular, non-GBT trade buildings. Now, any building that allows resource importing will also allow you to purchase GBT contracts that fall within the building's trade capacity level.

For example, the Galactic Freight can now purchase any contracts from the GBT that have a unit size of 1,000 or less. This should actually be really helpful for newer players, as it will allow them to buy needed goods without paying the standard 50% import fee, offering an extreme discount from the normal import prices, while at the same time helping later-game players who are auto-selling contracts using the GBT. The way I see it, it's a win-win for all.

I am hopeful that these new trade related features will help address some of the problems with the GBT and online trading in general. Of course, it could also make things worse. You never know!

The final change I want to highlight was a requested feature for blank region maps. They will no longer create a river on map types that include a river by default.

There were other little changes that you might notice here and there, but this about covers the big things. Let me know what you think and what issues you find. The update should be hitting all platforms with the next few days, so be on the lookout, thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more My Colony!
5y ago
Hello guys, today I will be sharing with you how to start my new map, The Two Valleys! This was my new map for 20 players room, however, it may cause some bugs in the game.

WARNING: This map may struggle sometimes and lag, but the error is when all AIs or players are assigned on "No Team". Only set teams to Teams 1 and 2 for better experience!

1. Set up 19 of Easy AI.

2. Change teams to Team 1 and Team 2. 10 AIs on each team.

3. (Optional) Then, change their colors to Red or Blue. Red for rebels, blue for United Earth forces.

4. Start the game. You should see an stage 3 surface, meaning you are on the custom map with 19 other AIs.

That is it for right now! If you want to suggest something, do it and I will reply to your comments! Thank you, and see you later!
(limit and ind parameters optional)


sx: Sector X coord
sy: Sector Y coord
limit: Return top X colonies (by population) (optional)
ind: When ind=1, return only independent (Commonwealth Capitol) colonies (optional)

Without optional parameters (return whole sector):

Note: Each sector is an x,y grid 2000x2000 in size, ranging from -1000:-1000 to

Returns JSON formatted sector data array:
[{"name":"United Earth","charter":"earth","capitol":"1","population":"124689321","maptype":"n\/a","theme":"#4B92DB","x":"0","y":"0"},
{"name":"dusty","charter":"8Dgg0e6H","capitol":"1","population":"149162","maptype":"Red Planet","theme":"#b35900","x":"544","y":"-232"},
{"name":"Prosperity","charter":"hMXn8PVe","capitol":"1","population":"148616","maptype":"Red Planet","theme":"#1976D2","x":"453","y":"-24"}]
  • data array, ordered by population:
  • name: colony name
  • charter: charter code
  • capitol: 1 or 0, is this colony a commonwealth capitol
  • population: the population of the colony
  • maptype: what kind of planet it is (Red Planet, Lunar, etc)
  • theme: theme color for the colony, hex code
  • x: x location within the sector
  • y: y location within the sector
7y ago
Dark Empire was an early MOD that used batch transformations to edit a ton of buildings at once. They really don't get the credit they deserve. I mean, red shift? Pure genius. If you are living on a red planet everything you own will eventually get covered in red. Its just the way of things. I bought gray furniture because 1) I have a white cat and a black cat and 2) I do what my wife tells me to do. As for blue shift, well those people just have a lot of blue paint.

On that note, here is Dark Empire. It is My Colony as seen from the evil side of the looking glass.



6y ago
Hey guys, I've changed my scheme around a little bit and took out a few unnecessary things. I recently learned that bast has to limit the amount of resources that he has in the game because the more resources there are, the harder it is to maintain balance in the game for each and every resource. So, where I used to suggest two new resources, tallorium and the gas canister, I have now replaced the use of the gas canister with he3 on LIS maps. Also, I have made my scheme so that, if bast doesn't like tallorium, he can use red crystalline instead, and I will include a red crystalline deposite image in addition to the tallorium deposite so that he can choose. After I draw that, I'm going to make a new resource logo for the crystalline that would include multiple colors of crystaline, including red, green, and blue. This could be used to replace the all blue crystals resource image that he has in place now.

If you have time, re-read my post with the images and descriptions on page one of this thread and let me know what you think of the changes. Again, I'm always open for suggestions.
6y ago
Another suggestion, especially if you are independent, is to start your own lunar map under your red planet's charter. Then, once you build up your lunar colony enough to have a government building, you can send resources up to your red planet colony.
6y ago
You should darken the red to the colour of the ground, and make it so some of it is the original colour, and has a fading effect, as if the soil from the planet had been brushed onto the buildings over time. Otherwise, it just looks like they needed to use up their red paint.
6y ago
It would be nice, if I could display all possible structures whether researched or not. That way I can plan my base accordingly and know what I need to do to get that structure unlocked. A checkbox of some kind, to fill the lists of structures my race is capable of building, with a red highlight on anything I haven't researched (like the current red used for showing a structure lacks materials), and a yellow version for structures that don't have enough materials to build. Hovering on a red one, would show what I lack to build it, either research or some other requirement like a missing building or bot.
6y ago
Thats a minor bug.

When a screen is open (stats screen for example), hovering buildings with the mouse adds the red overlay as intended but does not hide it when the mouse leaves the building.

Maybe just delete red overlaying when a popup screen is open will fix it, we don't need it when watching the stats.

So sometimes when I'm working I end up getting sidetracked and start developing something that's just completely random. Well, today was one of those days. When you are browsing inside of a forum thread, instead of clicking on the New Reply button, you can click on the little "three dots" drop-down menu to find a brand new option, New Comic Strip.

So what is this madness? Well, if you have used the app My Tokens and have saved some token characters to your account, you can now use them as characters for your very own comic strip, using the new Comic Strip post type on the forum! The end result gets you something like this:

So where did this weirdness come from? Well, back in 2001 (my first year of college), some friends and I worked at a call center where we took technical support calls for the soon to be released original Xbox console. Since the console was not released yet, we barely got any calls, other than random pranks from PS2 and Gamecube fans.

So to pass the time, we spend a lot of hours on the internet. One of the sites we went to, which still exists today, was the Red Meat Construction Set, a website which let you make your own custom comic strip in the style of Max Cannon's Red Meat comics.

Anyway, we were recently reminiscing about the "old days," as old friends often do, and the topic of those old custom Red Meat comics came up, which we generally used to troll each other with. So this morning before starting work, I just searched the net to see if the old Construction Set website still existed, and it did! Of course, it seems barely functional now, and feels a lot more basic than it did back in 2001.

Then I got to thinking, maybe I could just whip out something similar real quick, using My Tokens characters? Then I thought even further, what if I just baked it right into my forums software? So that's exactly what I did, and now here we are a few hours later, and you can use the Ape Apps website to make My Tokens comic strips!

So anyway, there you have it. It's just a fun little toy to play around with on the site. If it gets any usage, I can add more features to it. I also thought I might create My Tokens for all of the Deimos characters from Deimos 1, 2, and 3 (which all take place in the My Colony universe), and put together a little downloadable PDF "comic book" of the full Deimos story using this new feature, although I would have to add a few things to it first to make it properly.

But yeah, enjoy the new feature, let me know if you like it, and let me know if you want me to add anything to it! Or if you want me to just stop putzing around and get back to My Colony updates, let me know that too! 😄
4y ago
Hello lads and gents. Today, I am sharing information that impressed me from @GeneralWadaling's post on Tier III tech and superweapons. I will now present the Tier 4 technology and Hyperweapons. Hope you enjoy this!

These are the color indicators for each faction:
United Earth
Zolarg Empire*
Alpha Draconians*

*Note: Only if Bast intends to add insectoids and reptilians.

I will present hyperweapons for each faction:
  • Orbital Laser
    The regular orbital hyperweapon for United Earth. It can punch anything in just 1 hit, whether you like it or not.
  • Nuclear Rocket
    A nuke pieced together with steel and uranium, a tough bad b***h, it can immediately have severe destruction and health effects.
  • Antaura Beam Shrine
    With the Zolarg Civilization pounding this bad boy together with raw materials and antaura, the antaura beam damage can be near-fatal and can eat up enemy buildings one by one. Trust me.
  • Antigrain Rocket
    The Alpha Reptillians however, believe it or not, manages to make antimatter from antiwheat, an synthetic grain plant mixed with regular grain in a quantum compression device. They used this antigrain to load it into the warhead, with only 1 gram of it. The rest is uranium, with antanium and ore forming the shell. Used for fatalities and destruction, this is the best innovation by the reptilian peoples.

Now guys, allow me to present you the required labs, The Tier 4 Labs! The labs are required to unlock this technology level. Tier 3 tech labs are required first for the Tier 4 labs. These labs are:

  • Advanced Command Center
  • Proxy Server Center
  • Unholy Mound of Worship
  • Center of Antimatter Production

There will also be Tier IV units coming up, but that is it for today! Let me know if you like it or not, and I will respond to it, and see you guys later! Bye!

UPDATE 0.2.0b

This update ports the mod over to 0.38, and has a few balance changes to the changes of 0.37, plus a new building.

-Removed Spice Den world restrictions
-This was done due to the fact that modded worlds do not have access to trade, so this change was necessary.
-Reverted most of the balance changes of 0.37 (Primarily because I did not feel like going back and changing everything)
-The exceptions are the GBT change and the Museum fix.
-Added the Tech Office Building
-You may have seen my suggestion of this building, and I still do want it in the base game.
-Tech Office Building cannot be built on Red Planet, as the basic Martian atmosphere is not good for business.
-Also, why in the world would you play Red Planet in a mod that adds loads of new worlds? I don't add anything for it on purpose, nor do I plan on adding anything special for Red Planet.
-Added the Classical Ancient Alien Ore Refinery
-This refinery functions just the same as the regular alien ore refinery, it just uses the old model.
-Added Diamond deposits to Lava Worlds
-Fixed Lander not storing Obsidian.
Also, please use this hotfix companion mod, because I forgot to add Rover to Lava World (I did some under the hood changes)
This mod edits many of the United Earth buildings. Color corrections were made to make everything more red.



The mod can be downloaded here:
7y ago
(replace 0hZgBkjn with desired charter code)

Returns JSON formatted data on specified colony, as well as mother colony and list of child colonies.

"name":"EMERALD CITY",
"civilization":"United Earth",
"maptype":"Red Planet",
"founded":"December 16, 2016",
"independence":"December 18, 2016",
"lastactive":"2017-04-28 09:42:03",
"mothercolony": {
"name":"United Earth",
"childcolonies": [
  • charter: charter code
  • name: colony name
  • civilization: what civ they are playing as, like United Earth or Zolarg Empire (so far)
  • race: what species they are.  so far there are human and zolarg.  eventually there may be more than one civilization per race
  • maptype: what map they are playing, like Red Planet, Lunar, etc
  • founded: when the colony was founded
  • independence: when they gained independence, or "0" if they are not independent
  • population: their population
  • gdp: their total gdp
  • unemployment: unemployment rate, times 100, ie  5% would be 5 and not .05
  • mapstage: what their atmosphere level based stage is
  • playson: what platform they last used, like web, android, ios, windows, desktop 
  • lastactive: timestamp of when they last played
  • theme: the theme color they chose in their colony website options
  • screenshot: if they uploaded a screenshot, the url will be here
  • website: the url to their colony website
  • sector: the x,y coordinate of what sector their colony is located in
  • location: the x,y coordinate of where they are located within the above sector
  • rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • name of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.charter: charter for their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.population: the population of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony website
  • mothercolony.relations: the relation percentage the colony has with their motherland, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • mothercolony.sector: the x,y coordinate of the sector their mother colony is in
  • mothercolony.location: the x,y coordinate the mother colony is in within their sector
  • mothercolony.rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • childcolonies (array, from largest to smallest):
  • childcolonies[x].name: name of child colony
  • childcolonies[x].charter: child colony charter code
  • childcolonies[x].population: child colony population
  • childcolonies[x].website: website for the child colony
  • childcolonies[x].relations: percent relation that the child colony has with parent, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • childcolonies[x].sector: x,y coordinate of the sector child colony is in
  • childcolonies[x].location: x,y coordinate of the child colony location within their sector
7y ago
High atmosphere effects on colony:

Bast has already developed penalties for high atmospheric levels but hasn’t turned them on yet. Hopefully my ideas are mendable with the penalty system that he has already put in place. Here are my ideas for high atmosphere penalties:

-Buildings damaged twice as fast once atmosphere is over 15 million. There is also the chance that once the structure is under 25% health, it has the chance to implode instantly for each 1% health lost after that point, regardless of whether the structure had remaining health. This is to simulate the fact that a structure under immense atmospheric pressure could just suddenly implode if part of it’s structure was weakened, even if that was the only part that was weakened.

-rovers have health and are damaged by the intense atmosphere and must be parked in shelter in order to be safe from the atmosphere and to repair damages. Rovers lose their health 5 times faster than structures. I would suggest that small, medium, and large rover/worker shelters be implemented for all races to replace the parking command on the rovers/workers. On other worlds, rovers/works could also have health that can be damaged, but only half as much as on a high atmosphere planet.

When a planet’s atmosphere is too high, a new resource, tallorium, will be the first step in massive atmosphere reduction. Tallorium is a (fictional) specific blend of superheated and super compressed metals that fuse over long periods of time and become stronger and harder than diamond. Tallorium will be naturally occurring on superheated, super atmosphere planets such as my planet idea below. In planets that don’t have naturally occurring Tallorium, the resource would appear as a higher tech resource that can be fabricated by blending other resources together, such as antanium and gold, or triantanium and uranium. Tallorium could also be used to make next gen buildings that are more advanced than alien buildings.

The second step would be to consume atmosphere to produce a new resource, Gas Canisters. One canister = 1 atmospheric unit. A high tech gas canister factory on a world where Tallorium needs to be fabricated would consume large amounts of atmosphere and small amounts of Tallorium to produce the canisters. These canisters could be used to produce h3 and water and can be used as a power source. These canisters could also be tradable and could be released in low atmosphere planets to raise the atmosphere at a fast rate. The canisters should be a very pricy product on GBT and should not be readily accessible to beginner colonies unless they are given gas canisters by their commonwealth. This aspect would allow those who have super advanced independent colonies to develop sub-colonies without the long hassle of terraforming each sub-colony. The gas canisters could also provide a way for a red planet colony to produce h3 without having to buy it. If you don’t like the idea of a red planet producing h3 on it’s own, or the idea of using gas canisters to raise a beginner planet’s atmo level rapidly, the Tallorium and gas canister system will still work without these two aspects.

- Since colonists could not survive walking around outside in a very high pressure atmosphere(since they would be crushed), even with their space suits on, I would create new avatars for them for going outside in a high pressure atmosphere. Perhaps they walk around in metal environmental suits and require a very small but constant supply of tallorium in addition to the water and food that they already require.

The Tallorium and gas canister system may be implementable before the penalties are turned on and before any high atmo planet types are created, and this would allow for players to get ready for the penalty activation since this system would lower atmosphere at a very high rate.

The heat terraforming aspect:

Adding a heat aspect to terraforming will make terraforming a more in-depth part of the game and the user will now have to handle controlling planetary heat as well as atmosphere. This will also open the door for new planet types and structures that take advantage of the planetary heat levels. However, it would prove to be a big change to the way each planet looks as it is terraformed, since now you would have to worry about what the soil looks like when heat is high and atmosphere is low, or vice versa. However, it would be well worth it in my opinion. Here are my ideas of the effects that high and low heat would have on a given colony.

-The optimal heat range would be between 5 mil and 15 mil, just like atmosphere. 0 heat means that the planet is at absolute zero, so I wouldn’t start any planets off at zero, maybe 500k or something.

-High heat would cause colonists to consume twice as much water. Any structures that require near-earth conditions will be destroyed and colonists will be less tolerant of long commute distances when the heat level is outside of the optimal heat range(too low or too high). Structures would also consume 1 water unit per 30 seconds in high heat. Structures and rovers/workers are damaged twice as fast and will need to be repaired more often.

-Low to earth-like heat is required for the growing of crystalline, while high to earth-like heat is required for the fabricating of Tallorium. So an earthlike planet could potentially produce crystalline and Tallorium simultaneously given the right resources.

-Low heat would cause colonists to consume twice as much food. Rover/worker and colonist speed is reduced by 1 and rover and structure build speed times are doubled. Resource production times could also be reduced by a reasonable amount.

A thermal energy plant could be used as a mid-level power supply and would consume a moderate amount of heat from the planet, whereas an absolute zero generator would absorb massive amounts of heat and power and would provide mid level research. A charcoal combuster would use charcoal to release heat into the atmosphere, while a nuclear agitation center would use the power of nuclear fission to produce massive amounts of heat.

The addition of the heat terraforming aspect is not required to implement the Tallorium and gas canister system.

Planet type suggestion: Hell
Atmosphere: 25 million
Temperature: 25 million
This planet will be for LIS and UE for now, but as bast adds races the planet might apply to them as well.
Difficulty: Medium for both human factions. Might be easier or harder for other factions to come.
-Structures and rovers/workers are damaged four times as fast as normal due to the stacked effects from high heat and high atmosphere.

-Instead of regolith, crystalline, or ore, Tallorium can be mined. Tallorium will be used to dig into the super compressed ground in search of ore, build basic structures at the start of the game, and is instrumental in gas canister production.

The player will need to use Tallorium to build a gas collector, which employs 1 person and produces gas canisters by sucking in atmosphere and consuming 1 tallorium for every canister made. The gas canisters can be turned into drinkable water via a structure called a water condensator. Then, a talloric greenhouse can be built with 150 Tallorium and an ore drill must be set up to mine ore through the thick and hard crust. The drill will cost 5,000 Tallorium and will indefinitely produce a small amount of ore at each interval, so many more drills will need to be built in order to jumpstart the colony. Once the planet’s atmosphere is reduced enough, ore fracking facilities can be built to supply a more efficient source of ore. Of course, in order to do all of that you need power, so a pressure turbine made with 500 tallorium would generate power, but would put air back into the atmosphere for each canister it opens.

After all of that is in place, the player can continue to follow the human path since they now have an ore supply as gold, aluminium, and uranium will still be present on the map.

So these are my ideas. Let me know if they are interesting are whether or not you want me to keep developing these ideas. I can't draw worth a crap but feel free to draw the structures, ground tiles, planet type symbols, and resource symbols that I mentioned on here if you think that at least some of these ideas should be added.

6y ago
So, my idea is about a planet that start off at a high atmosphere and forces the player to survive in harsh environments until they lower the atmosphere to below 15 million. The pictures below are for the UE game style, I will include LIS later, but my pictures and description below should be good enough for bast to just plop everything into place in case he happens to like my idea enough to include it in the game.

Red crystalline deposit
Crystal resource indicator option in place of regular blue.
"Hell" rover, mines crystaline and builds basic structures.
The state of the ground when the game is started. The planet will have an atmosphere of 40,000,000. When my idea is done, LIS will have greater atmosphere reduction potential due to having access to diamonds. UE won't have it so easy here though.
at 30,000,000 atmosphere
at 20,000,000 atmosphere
at 15,ooo,ooo atmosphere.
Normal colonist wearing high atmo gear instead of low atmo gear.
Dark Micromine. white areas are transparent so don't pay attention to those. Only UE will use these.
Dark Regolith furnace. The white areas are transparent and the image will show up black against the dark ground.

This map will be brutal for UE but medium for LIS. The main reason being that UE doesn't have a brutal world and LIS needs some easier worlds. LIS will be able to use crystalline to gain direct access to ore, while UE will have to use crystalline to mine regolith, with they can convert to ore. Lis will also be able to access diamond mines because diamonds will be instrumental in making more effective terraforming structures than those of UE. As a result of LIS having better terraforming equipment due to diamonds, they will be able to reduce atmosphere faster but UE will be in it for the long haul.

Here are the playing styles for LIS and UE:

Start with one hell rover, which collects crystalline, and one dark lunar rover(image will be added) for regolith mining. Once you have 200 crystalline, build a dark micromine. Use the lunar rovers to collect regolith from that and continue to collect crystalline and build more dark micromines. Then, build a he3 extractor, regolith compactor, and a water extractor, which uses he3 and regolith, just like the normal one. Use crystalline to build a dark regolith furnace(image will be added) for more power and crystalline storage. Simply put, it's the same brutal playing style as the ice world except flipped on it's head and with UE instead of LIS.

The player will continue to build up their he3 and ore production as normal and build their colony normally, but they will have to hurry because they will have to build up their rum production to make more crytalline via the same green crystalline patches as ice planet. Once the player has enough rum production to produce enough crystalline, they will continue on the regular UE path. I will also be throwing in a crystalline generator later in the game, since a big colony would need to stop micromanaging eventually. There is not a big demand on crystalline yet but I'm sure that bast will come up with something to balance the scales, so a crystalline generator for UE/LIS should be added to the game.

Once the atmosphere is at 30 million, regolith extractors will become available, and that's when everything starts to get a lot easier for UE players, but from 40 to 30 million, UE will have a hard time. I will be making images for a more advanced UE atmosphere reducer soon. We already have small and medium reducers.

As for LIS, I will keep developing their strategy. I wanted to do the ultimate simplification for bast so that if he wanted to, he could plop this into the game and it would be just the same as the ice planet for LIS. All dark version structures on this planet would cost the same as original structures. For instance, a dark regolith furnace would produce as much power and consume as much regolith and cost as much crystalline as the regular regolith furnace. The same goes for the dark micromine and any future dark structures added for this planet. If I'm right, aside from the additional atmosphere reduction building that I am making, everything should be able to be plopped right into the game with no added work, and no numbers are needed on my part since the only new structures are dark structures that have the same stats as their lighter counterparts. That only reason for the dark versions is because the light versions would've looked out of place as they were white and blue while this planet is dark and red.
6y ago
Wowz, that was a good idea to draw those. I built a beach on one of my red planets and I wanted something like this. The one problem that I see is what you mentioned, people will want to put these on every type of planet, not just red planet, so like you said, they would need to be transparent.

If bast adds these, I would suggest adding things like piers, bridges, umbrella chairs, beach volleyball courts, marinas, and several buildings that could only be built on top of water pools. Then maybe bast could add a boat vehicle that could only move over water and builds things out in the middle of the water. If you could make drawings of the ideas that I mentioned and present them(if you think those things should be added), I would be very appreciative.
6y ago
LOL. your red regoltih compressor was just changing all white pixel to red. Where's the difficulty?
6y ago
Ottoich said:LOL. your red regoltih compressor was just changing all white pixel to red. Where's the difficulty?

It's more complicated than that though because if you just try to colorize the whole image, the ore and the conveyor belts will change to that same color. I had to make lasso selections around the white portions and colorize them separately from rest of the image. Then I had to go back and recolor the pixles on the edges so that the new color would blend in and not more white-ish pixels were left. That took a long while, and don't even get me started on the water extractor, I had to go in and recolor everything pixel by pixel.

6y ago
Once you got 5 in queue, the vehicle sy,bol turns red. And it turns "not red" after all vehicles are constructed
6y ago
Next gen power unlocks the diamond crystal reactor, which takes up 1 tile and produces 275,000 power while consuming diamonds, crystalline, and uranium. You cannot get crystalline or diamonds on red planet so will have to trade for them.
6y ago
depends on the world/planet type you have. red planet has ore fracking. But if you aren't red planet, yes. Just request a few million on GBt, it should be filled fast.
6y ago
Greetings My Land players! Decided to publish a nice little update today, adding a couple of new things and some new engine features carried over from the latest My Colony update.

First, new stuff. I have added a new cheap Dirt Path if you want/need an absolute bottom dollar walking path for tourists early in the game. I have also added a new animal, the long requested Sheep!

Sheep are managed similar to cows, but they grow a bit faster and are worth a bit less when you sell them. The main difference is that their baby lambs increase the attraction level of your land, as visitors love to show up and pet the baby lambs.

Secondly, animals that are getting close to starvation now show a little red square under them to let you know at a glance that they need food ASAP.

Finally, similar to the little red square above, animals now also show a little green square when they have reached max value and are ready to sell. This should come in handy more than anything else.

So that's all for this update. I will be pushing it out to all platforms over the next couple of days here. Feel free to leave more suggestions on things you want to see added to the game. Since My Land has become more popular over the last few months, I will try to update it at least once per month with new content. I have also been removing a lot of the hard-coding in the game, making it easier to publish content updates. And since My Land uses the same rendering engine as My Colony (which is under heavy ongoing development), it automatically gets to benefit from My Colony updates "free of charge." Anyway, enjoy the update!
6y ago
Still, the multiple moon idea would be nice. They would share research and resources with the main world and could be terraformed and would provide extra space. I mean, you would have structures on multiple maps running at the same time but at least your video card would only have to draw one map. Plus, it's not like it would be unfair since everyone would have the opportunity to spread out to them. I wouldn't generate a random number for each time though because that would be unfair. Instead, I would provide a specific number of moons depending on planet type. However, the moon type could vary randomly between forest, lunar, ice, red, greenhouse, etc, which would give each player a small but unique advantage. Imagine a lunar moon on a red planet, it would provide plenty of he3.
6y ago
Three quarters of the suns in our galaxy are red dwarfs. These stars burn cold and they burn short. What you get is what you see.

6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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